Why a function work faster with full array than with empty - javascript

I have two implements of function, that gets the last element of array.
function first(array) {
var length = array ? array.length : 0;
return length ? array[length - 1] : undefined;
function second(array) {
return array ? array[array.length - 1] : undefined;
And second function work with full array faster than first, but slowly with empty. Why and how I can fix it?
Benchmark with full array: http://jsperf.com/lodash-f-last/
Benchmark with empty array:

If you want your code to be fast you should never ever read out of bounds: V8 deoptimizes the code that does that.
In you second function you do precisely that - you read out of bounds. Instead do the bounds check before reading:
function xlast(array) {
return (array && array.length > 0) ? array[array.length - 1]
: undefined;

To me it seems that second function is quicker with full array because you don't have to do the var length = array ? array.length : 0; like in the first function, which saves you an extra trinary condition.
With an empty array however, the second function is slower since you are forced to do an arr[-1] (because empty array still provides true inside if) which is a getter function and in the first function the condition is if (0) which is false and you simply return undefined.
As for your second question - how to fix it - I assume this will do the trick since it will save you the getter function:
function second(array) {
return array && array.length ? array[array.length - 1] : undefined;

In case of an empty array, it might be the cost of the array lookup, because your algorithms behave differently at zero length, note the control variable of the ? operator:
function first(array) {
var length = array ? array.length : 0;
return length ? array[length - 1] : undefined;
returns undefined for [] from evaluating the right side of the ?: construct, because 0 evaluates to false.
On the other hand,
function second(array) {
return array ? array[array.length - 1] : undefined;
returns undefined for [] from evaluating array[-1], because [] evaluates to true.
In case of the full array, the second algo is trivially simpler.


Arguments Object

i'm currently learning js and need to pass a test, every requirement checks out besides "should work on an arguments object".
So I need to use arguments[0]or[1], its also necessary for me to check if the array is an array. Issue here is that for some reason the Array.isArray() part of the code turns my "should work on an arguments object" requirement false, even though I used arguments[0].
please try to ignore the rest of the code, there are also other requirements set. I know they seem kind of unnecessary to include.
this is my code:
function (array, n) {
var resultArray = [];if (typeof arguments[1] !== "number" || arguments[1] == 0 || arguments[1] < 0){
resultArray.push.call(resultArray, arguments[0][0])
return resultArray
else if (arguments[1] > arguments[0].length){
return arguments[0] && array
} else {
return resultArray;
That's because the requirements expects you use somewhere the variable argument array. Instead you use arguments[0].
So use the first over the latter.
Likewise, use n instead of arguments[1]
You can use Array.prototype.slice function simply
const first = (array = [], n = 1) =>
Array.isArray(array) ? array.slice(0, array.length >= n ? n : 1) : [];
If n > array.length this will return the whole array.
Try this:
if (!window[atob('QXJyYXk=')][atob('aXNBcnJheQ==')](arguments[0])) return [];

value in array that occurs odd number of times- what is happening here?

I came across this code when I checked how to find the number that occurs odd number of times.
I tried to understand everything but I ca figure this out.
Please tell what is happening step by step and what each variable means.
Thank you!
function findOdd(A) {
let counts = A.reduce((p, n) => (p[n] = ++p[n] || 1, p), {});
return +Object.keys(counts).find(k => counts[k] % 2) || undefined;
reduce is an Array method which should reduce an array to a single value, which could be an array itself, an object or any flat variable type
reduce will take a function and an initial accumulating object as parameters
The function is called for each element in the array and be passed the accumulating object as first parameter (p) and the single array item as second parameter (n)
The function is in this case an arrow function expression
The function body consists of two expressions connected by the comma operator. The comma operator will return the rightmost expression as a result, in this case p.
The first expression of the comma operator (p[n] = ++p[n] || 1) will return 1 if p[n] is not set, otherwise will increment p[n] and return the result. Thanks to the short-circuit evaluation of the logical OR (||)
This could be written a little bit more detailed as
A.reduce(function (p, n) {
if (p[n]) {
p[n] = p[n] + 1
} else {
p[n] = 1
return p
}, {});
As a result you receive an object which counts the appearance of every value in the array
Then you have the return statement which will return the first key of counts which has an odd value
It does this by first creating an Array of the keys of counts with Object.keys.
It then iterates over those keys and checks, whether the modulo division by 2 (% 2) of the value corresponding to every key is a truthy value (in this case not zero) and then return that key.
It will always return the first key with that property
At the end this found value is converted to a number with the unary plus operator
If no value was found, undefined is returned
2 methods are used are used here that you need to understand.
reduce : read about it here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduce
find read about it here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/find
the below statement makes a map of a number vs its occurence
let counts = A.reduce((p, n) => (p[n] = ++p[n] || 1, p), {})
and then the second statement searches the map for an element which occurs odd number of times and if no such element it found it returns undefined
return +Object.keys(counts).find(k => counts[k] % 2) || undefined

Understanding how javascript evaluates the OR operator

I'm currently studying Javascript Algorithms. Below is the algorithm im currently trying to learn/understand.
function same(arr1, arr2){
if(arr1.length !== arr2.length){
return false;
let frequencyCounter1 = {}
let frequencyCounter2 = {}
for(let val of arr1){
frequencyCounter1[val] = (frequencyCounter1[val] || 0) +1
for(let val of arr2){
frequencyCounter2[val] = (frequencyCounter2[val] || 0) +1
for(let key in frequencyCounter1){
if(!(key ** 2 in frequencyCounter2)){
return false
if(frequencyCounter2[key ** 2] !== frequencyCounter1[key]){
return false
return true
same([1,2,3,2,5], [9,1,4,4,11])
I understand the code, except for 1 line.
frequencyCounter1[val] = (frequencyCounter1[val] || 0) +1
So what this algo does, is it tries compares 2 arrays. If array b is equal to the square of each number is array a, then it should return true, else it will return false.
So in this example, it will return false
If i do [1,2,3,4,5] [1,4,9,16,25], it will return true
I know what this line does:
frequencyCounter1[val] = (frequencyCounter1[val] || 0) +1
It makes a key value pair, so say for the first iteration, it makes take in 1 as the key and then (frequencyCounter1[val] || 0) +1 as the value, now this value represents the number of a times a number appears in array so if 1 appears 10 times it'll have a key value pair 1:10
I understand this very clearly, just wanted to know how this statement is evaluated and whats happening behind the scenes?
(frequencyCounter1[val] || 0) +1
The idea is that if frequencyCounter1[val] is undefined it defaults to 0. undefined + 1 returns NaN and it wouldn't work as the programmer intended, so he uses || to workaround that problem without having to write additional lines of code.
In JavaScript the operator || doesn't return true or false as you would expect, it returns either the first element that would evaluates as true if it was converted to boolean, or default to the last element if none is found.
For example, (null || "" || undefined || false || NaN || "test" || 2) will return "test"
This code is very unique in the sense that it starts with the first value of the array and checks if it already exists. If it does not exist, it is undefined. undefined is compared with 0 using the || operator. If undefined the val becomes registered and becomes 1.
Here we are basically setting the key:value pairs as seen in the below example
obj = {
obj[3] = 7
If val already exist the the OR operator is ignored and 1 is added to val. This one-liner is very useful as a counter operation in javaScript and the big O for the code is O(N) which is better than writing a nested loop O(N^2) which is a common solution for such problem.

Javascript exercise that looks fine to me but its not working

The exercise is about identifying if all elements in an array are the same and return true if they are or false if they aren't. Below is the code & my logic behind writing the code.
function isUniform(array){
for(var i = array.length - 1; i>=0; i--){
if(array[i] !== array[i-1]){
return false;
return true;
Basically I want to start from the end of the array with the last element and check if its equal with the second-to-last element.If they're equal, the loop will subtract 1 from the "i" variable and the "if statement" will run again. The loop will stop when i reaches -1 and thats the point where every array element was checked and the loop should end, returning true. What am I doing / thinking wrong?
When i becomes 0, you are comparing arr[0] with arr[-1] which is wrong. Your checking condition should be i > 0.
The very last time it run, i is 0, so you're comparing array[0] with array[-1] which is incorrect. Your Boolean condition should be i > 0 so you avoid this issue:
function isUniform(array){
for(var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--){
if(array[i] !== array[i-1]){
return false;
return true;
You can use every method for a simplified solution.
const allEqual = arr => arr.every(x => arr[0] == x));
You could create a method that checks the array for your input using ArrayUtils.
public boolean contains(final int[] array, final int key) {
return ArrayUtils.contains(array, key);
Traveling so can't debug, but the last iteration of i will be 0 in your code and stop.

What is the meaning of check for this.length into a function?

I'm following an online course about Javascript Functional Programming
at the Exercise 16 it show you how reduce is actually implemented, in order to help you understand how to use it, but into this implementation there is something i don't actually get, i'll show the code:
Array.prototype.reduce = function(combiner, initialValue) {
var counter, accumulatedValue;
// If the array is empty, do nothing
if (this.length === 0) {
return this;
else {
// If the user didn't pass an initial value, use the first item.
if (arguments.length === 1) {
counter = 1;
accumulatedValue = this[0];
else if (arguments.length >= 2) {
counter = 0;
accumulatedValue = initialValue;
else {
throw "Invalid arguments.";
// Loop through the array, feeding the current value and the result of
// the previous computation back into the combiner function until
// we've exhausted the entire array and are left with only one value.
while(counter < this.length) {
accumulatedValue = combiner(accumulatedValue, this[counter])
return [accumulatedValue];
I don't understand the first if statement, when it check for this.length what this actually mean?
Take note this is different from the reduce in ES5, which returns an value instead of an Array, this is used just as a sample for the learning purpose.
Array.prototype.reduce = function(...
is saying, "create a function on the prototype of Array" - this means that the new reduce function will be callable on all arrays, eg:
[1, 2, 3].reduce(...
This means you can also call it on empty arrays, eg:
Building on the comment:
If the array is empty, do nothing
You're working on an array, and when the function is called, this is set to the array that reduce was called on. This implementation of reduce assumes that if that array is empty (ie this.length === 0), you can't logically reduce it any further - there's nothing to reduce, so you can return the same empty array.
As pointed out by #Alnitak in the comments, this implementation of reduce is flawed as compared to the specification. A different implementation is available on the MDN for polyfilling older browsers.
