Dillinger stuck at "prepping all the things" when running locally - javascript

Update: I have checked the console for error, it catches
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
According to some online posts, it is probably due to the use of require on the browser side. require is meant to be a syntax for Node, which is used on the server side. But the use of [Browserify][browserify.org/] made this possible.
Im not sure how this works but hope someone may give me some advice.
I was trying to run Dillinger on my own Macbook Pro (13-inch)
I followed the instructions on the README.md but when running locally it shows this.
PS. As suggested by post here, I modified the package.json that the dependency installation can proceed.
Dropbox config not found at /Users/[name]/dev/dillinger/plugins/dropbox/dropbox-config.json. Plugin disabled.
Github config not found at /Users/[name]/dev/dillinger/plugins/github/github-config.json. Plugin disabled.
Google Drive config not found at /Users/[name]/dev/dillinger/plugins/googledrive/googledrive-config.json. Plugin disabled.
OneDrive config not found at /Users/[name]/dev/dillinger/plugins/onedrive/onedrive-config.json. Plugin disabled.
express deprecated app.configure: Check app.get('env') in an if
statement app.js:19:5
connect deprecated multipart: use parser (multiparty, busboy,
formidable) npm module instead
connect deprecated limit: Restrict request size at location of read
connect deprecated methodOverride: use method-override npm module
instead app.js:27:19
express deprecated app.configure: Check app.get('env') in an if
statement app.js:56:5
Express server listening on port 8080
When I send a request, it shows this :
Evernote not implemented yet.
GET / 200 34.139 ms - -
GET /css/app.css 304 4.351 ms - -
Then when I tried to open Dillinger at localhost, it is stuck at "Prepping all the things..."
Anyone has any idea why this is so? I am new to Javascript and Node.JS so forgive me if the question looks dumb.
Many thanks in advance!


Serving files from Vite server.fs does not work in node 18+

We've been using node.js 16.16.0 with Vite(our monorepo is managed using rush with pnpm under the hood), and we were serving some files using server.fs configuration(https://vitejs.dev/config/server-options.html#server-fs-allow).
In node 16.16 everything works as expected, more or less, allow option as well as deny option serve their purpose. However, after upgrading node to 18.13, the functionality of serving files from filesystem does not work at all, and there is very little to work with.
Every request for specific file, that works in node 16.16 returns with Error: connect ECONNREFUSED where 5001 is our dev port. Host and port are set correctly.No suspicious error messages in the console etc.
It looks like the files are not beeing served under this urls at all. Using deny changes nothing, still the response is ECONNREFUSED(in 16.16 it's 403 Restricted).
I upgraded Vite to the newest version, error still the same.
I'm slowly running out of ideas, I will appreciate any help.
Ok, I found the issue... It's so dummy and has nothing to do with Vite... In node 17+ they are no longer treating IPv4 as default, but they are taking the OS system configuration into account.
Node.js no longer re-sorts results of IP address lookups and returns them as-is (i.e. it no longer ignores how your OS has been configured). You can change the behaviour via the verbatim option to dns.lookup() or set the --dns-result-order command line option to change the default.
It means that application on this node version will no longer serve anything on, but on ::1(IPv6). Switching from '' to 'localhost' did the trick in my case.

Weird CORS errors on fresh vue cli project

I just started building my second Vue project, and for the first time I wanted to use the Vue CLI and NPM rather than just loading Vue via CDN.
Installing the CLI and setting up the project worked without problems, but when I ran "npm run serve" and navigated to localhost:8080 in my browser (latest Firefox) to see if it worked, I got the following error message in my browser console multiple times:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
I also get this error message once right after loading the page:
[WDS] Disconnected!
Does anyone know what these errors mean, why I get them and how I can get rid of them?
The first one seems to be related to some kind of cross-origin call that the app is making using the host's actual IP rather than localhost, but I can't think of any reason why it would, given that I literally just installed and served the example project and did not change anything after running "vue create"
Edit: I am on Ubuntu 19.10 Desktop
First of all, what kind of OS you are working on? If you are working on unix based systems, a service (like nginx) could produce this error. If so, try stopping it.
Afterwards I would try to run your application from vue ui.
Type in your terminal:
vue ui
This starts the web based graphical user interface of vue cli. You can handle your app development from there by starting your service and run your build command.
ATTENTION: you must add (import, NOT create) your project (root folder) to the UI.
If you get the same error inside your browser console, set up a vagrant box. First steps are explained here:
Follow instructions for project setup.
Simplest way would be running
vagrant init
inside your project folder. Therefore you don't have to setup a new project.
After running the init command, try running
npm run serve
or use vue UI instead (as explained above), if you prefer it.
If the problem still exists, more infos about your OS would be helpful.

Error: GET http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING, on Ember.js server

I am just getting started with Ember.js at v2.9.0, followed the tutorial on their page https://guides.emberjs.com/v2.9.0/tutorial/ember-cli/, all good, save for one detail: Whenever I tried to refresh or load the development web app on Chrome browser after executing ember server on the cmd, the app would not load in browser and provide the following error most of the time (there were other errors as well but seem to be related to this one):
GET http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING
, and one of the related errors is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined
at application.js:1
I have searched for this specific error but without luck, I tried some fix hints found, such as clearing some persistent data with the netsh command, doing an npm cache clean bower cache clean, deleting the node_modules and the bower_components folders and reinstalling dependencies; also ensuring that there was no weird proxy configuration in my LAN settings, etc.
I have encountered this error while following the tutorial, and it would kind of be bypassed by refreshing the browser a few times until the app displayed. That was before, but now the refresh does not work when working on an existing application.
I am on:
Windows 10
ember-cli v.2.9.1
node.js LTS v.6.9.1
I need to get going with this rather soon, so any hint to resolve this issue is appreaciated. Thanks!
Might be a conflicting process running... Are you working over a VPN? If so, take a look at https://superuser.com/questions/893908/err-invalid-chunked-encoding-from-chrome

Kurento Media Server HelloWorld Javascript example webSocket error

Merry Christmas!
I am trying to configure KMS on my Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit). I could install the KMS server successfully following the guide at https://www.kurento.org/docs/6.0.0/installation_guide.html.
Also, downloaded the Javascript HelloWorld tutorial from https://www.kurento.org/docs/6.0.0/tutorials/js/tutorial-1-helloworld.html. I could run the example successfully on localhost on Google Chrome Version 47.0.2526.106 (64-bit) on the same Ubuntu System.
But, I could not see the local video nor the loop backed video. Only a spinner icon is shown on both the Video placeholders. Consulting the Console log reveals a problem after creating the SDP offer. The error is as described below.
kurento-client.js:21072 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I am no expert on web sockets and stuff. Any help on this would really help me to proceed forward.
Note: I am running the example on HTTP, not on HTTPS. I guess that would not be the cause of the problem, though.
I managed to solve it. I was wrong on my guess though, HTTPS was indeed required in order to make the WebSocket connection ( i was not aware of that part ). Created a certificate file (.pem) (from crt and key file already in the helloworld folder) and configured the KMS server to use the certificate. After this I was able to see myself and the same me in loopback :)
You are following an old version of the documentation. Since Chrome 47, in is mandatory to server pages through HTTPS if you want to use the getUserMedia APi. So we updated all our tutorials, and they now have a self-signed certificate. In case of the JS tutorials, you also need to configure KMS to expose a secure WS signalling connection, as the browser directly connects to the media server to control it.
Please follow the latest version of the documentation here
Be sure that the KMS is running on the port 8433 (not 8888), if you are using docker
docker run -d --name kms -p 8433:8433 kurento/kurento-media-server:trusty-latest

Diagnose Meteor (Node.js) service hangs

I have a Meteor (Node.js) app in production that keeps hanging unexplainably in production. I have put a number of log statements in the code, so I can see that it hangs on a certain method.
My question is if there are any other tools other that the console log that might give me insight into the resource consumption of a Node.js app. Something that might tell me why the app is hanging.
The method on which the server hangs is a method that uses a geocluster and geolib NPM. It usually happens after a method where the Facebook-node-SDK is called.
I am thinking that there might be memory consumption from the calls to the geo npm, or open http connections from the facebook-node-sdk?
Please let me know if there is more information that I can provide. Any help would be appreciated.
You could try node-inspector and pass environment run vars to meteor via NODE_OPTIONS='--debug-brk' meteor run and try your luck there.
(2017 update: there was an answer here referencing Kadira (kadira.io) however this service is no more.. sad).
You may also try the built-in NodeJS devtools available since 6.3. If you read the node-inspector github repo, you can see a blog post referenced there to get started:
You can try Webstorm, version 9 has meteor support, debugging included.
