I am developing my app, and one of the features will be messaging within the application. What I did, is I've developed 'send message' window, where user can send message to other user. The logic behind it is as following:
1. User A sends message to User B.
2. Firebase creates following nodes in 'Messaging':
"Messaging"->"User A"->"User B"->"Date & Time"->"UserA: Message"
"Messaging"->"User B"->"User A"->"Date & Time"->"UserA: Message"
Here is the code that I am using for sending messages:
sendMsg: function(receiver, content) {
var user = Auth.getUser();
var sender = user.facebook.id;
var receiverId = receiver;
var receiverRef = $firebase(XXX.firebase.child("Messaging").child(receiverId).child(sender).child(Date()));
var senderRef = $firebase(XXX.firebase.child("Messaging").child(sender).child(receiverId).child(Date()));
(picture 1 in imgur album)
At the moment, I am trying to read the messages from the database, and sort them in according to date. What I've accomplished so far, is that I have stored the content of "Messaging/UserA/" in form of an Object. The object could be seen in the picture I've attached (picture 2).
Code for data receiving:
getMsgs: function () {
var user = Auth.getUser();
var userId = user.facebook.id;
var messagesPath = new Firebase("https://xxx.firebaseio.com/Messaging/");
var Messages = messagesPath.child(userId);
Messages.on("value", function (snapshot) {
var messagesObj = snapshot.val();
return messagesObj;
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("Error code: " + errorObject.code);
My question is: how can I read the object's messages? I would like to sort the according to the date, get the message and get the Id of user who has sent the message.
Thank you so much!
You seem to be falling for the asynchronous loading trap when you're reading the messages:
getMsgs: function () {
var user = Auth.getUser();
var userId = user.facebook.id;
var messagesPath = new Firebase("https://xxx.firebaseio.com/Messaging/");
var Messages = messagesPath.child(userId);
Messages.on("value", function (snapshot) {
var messagesObj = snapshot.val();
return messagesObj;
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("Error code: " + errorObject.code);
That return statement that you have in the Messages.on("value" callback doesn't return that value to anyone.
It's often a bit easier to see what is going on, if we split the callback off into a separate function:
onMessagesChanged(snapshot) {
// when we get here, either the messages have initially loaded
// OR there has been a change in the messages
console.log('Inside on-value listener');
var messagesObj = snapshot.val();
return messagesObj;
getMsgs: function () {
var user = Auth.getUser();
var userId = user.facebook.id;
var messagesPath = new Firebase("https://xxx.firebaseio.com/Messaging/");
var Messages = messagesPath.child(userId);
console.log('Before adding on-value listener');
Messages.on("value", onMessagesChanged);
console.log('After adding on-value listener');
If you run the snippet like this, you will see that the console logs:
Before adding on-value listener
After adding on-value listener
Inside on-value listener
This is probably not what you expected and is caused by the fact that Firebase has to retrieve the messages from its servers, which could potentially take a long time. Instead of making the user wait, the browser continues executing the code and calls your so-called callback function whenever the data is available.
In the case of Firebase your function may actually be called many times, whenever a users changes or adds a message. So the output more likely will be:
Before adding on-value listener
After adding on-value listener
Inside on-value listener
Inside on-value listener
Inside on-value listener
Because the callback function is triggered asynchronously, you cannot return a value to the original function from it. The simplest way to work around this problem is to perform the update of your screens inside the callback. So say you want to log the messages, you'd do:
onMessagesChanged(snapshot) {
// when we get here, either the messages have initially loaded
// OR there has been a change in the messages
console.log('Inside on-value listener');
var i = 0;
snapshot.forEach(function(messageSnapshot) {
console.log((i++)+': '+messageSnapshot.val());
Note that this problem is the same no matter what API you use to access Firebase. But the different libraries handle it in different ways. For example: AngularFire shields you from a lot of these complexities, by notifying AngularJS of the data changes for you when it gets back.
Also see: Asynchronous access to an array in Firebase
I am trying to update an entry in my simple to do app with indexedDB, however I am getting Failed to execute 'put' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction has finished.
I can't seem to figure out why it won't finish the transaction, I tried the debugger and it stops at this line: var updateNameRequest = tasksStore.put( requestForItem.result.name, Number(requestForItem.result.id)) Please see the snippet I included below. For additional context creating, reading, and deleting work just fine it's just updating data that I'm having trouble with
I also tried to implement the openCursor technique which I got from Mozilla which I commented out since it also doesn't work (I get the same behavior) Check out my repo I know it's still very messy :(
const request = window.indexedDB.open("toDoList", 2);
var db;
request.onsuccess = function (event) {
console.log("check out some data about our opened db: ", request.result);
db = event.target.result; // result of opening the indexedDB instance "toDoList"
getTasks(); //just a function to retrieve data
$(document).on("click", ".editBtn", function () {
var transaction = db.transaction("tasks", "readwrite");
var tasksStore = transaction.objectStore("tasks");
let taskId = $(this).attr("idNo");
var requestForItem = tasksStore.get(Number(taskId));
requestForItem.onsuccess = function () {
// console.log(requestForItem.result)
var oldData = requestForItem.result;
// prepopulate the input
$(".saveBtn").click(function () {
requestForItem.result.name = $(".editInput").val().trim()
console.log( requestForItem.result)
var updateNameRequest = tasksStore.put( requestForItem.result.name, Number(requestForItem.result.id))
console.log("-------------", updateNameRequest.transaction) // doesn't get to this line
updateNameRequest.onerror = function() {
console.log("something went wrong")
updateNameRequest.onsuccess = function() {
Indexed DB transactions auto-commit when all requests have been completed and no further requests were made before control returns to the event loop. Put another way - you can make new requests in the success or error callback from a previous request, but not in other asynchronous callbacks such as event handlers.
You need to start a new transaction within the click handler, because any previous transaction will have autocommitted.
I'm using Firebase Functions with the "Spark Plan" (free). This is part of my function:
return query.once("value").then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var childData = childSnapshot.val();
if (childData.displayName === ally) {
existAlly = true;
console.log('uid: '+uid)
var ref = admin.database().ref('users/'+uid).transaction(function (current_value) {
console.log('current_value: '+uid)
current_value.mainAlly = ally;
current_value.coins = (current_value.coins || 0) + 10
return current_value;
}).then(() => {
console.log('New Ally added');
return true;
Here the logs, you can see "'current_value: null'
But, ss you can see in the next picture, the "ref" is correct:
So, is it a billing issue? The "admin.database()" stops working after a while? Or is it something else?
EDIT: I just did another test, and now the error is in "coins", with the same code:
Everything is working as expected. When working with transactions, you can expect that your handler function will get called the first time with null (which you will have to check for), then again with the actual contents of the database. You should review the documentation, and pay special attention to the note that says:
Transaction Function is Called Multiple Times
Your transaction handler is called multiple times and must be able to
handle null data. Even if there is existing data in your database it
may not be locally cached when the transaction function is run.
So this is making me crazy...I am creating a blog app (Vanilla Js + Firebase).
onDeleteButton deletes a single blog post. It deletes both front end
and backend. no error.
onEditButton edits a single blog post. It works fine as well.
When I first edit a post and after that delete the same post, it deletes from both back and and front end, seemingly works fine BUT in console log throws me and error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of null.
The error message points at the storeTitle.value = editPost.title; line in onEditButton function.
Why does onEditButton function gets called after deleting a post, but only once it has been edited once?
function onDeleteButton(event) {
let id = event.target.parentElement.getAttribute('id');
let deletePost = document.getElementById(id);
firebase.database().ref('posts/' + id).remove();
function onEditButton(event) {
let editButton = document.getElementById('edit');
let id = event.target.parentElement.getAttribute('id');
let posts = firebase.database().ref('posts/' + id);
let storeTitle = document.getElementById('blog-title');
let storeContent = document.getElementById('blog-content');
localStorage.setItem("postID", id);
document.getElementById("blog-id-storage").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("postID");
posts.on('value', function(snapshot) {
let editPost = snapshot.val();
storeTitle.value = editPost.title;
storeContent.value = editPost.content;
function enterEditingMode() {
if (document.getElementById('editing-mode-button').innerHTML === "Exit editing mode") {
else {
addDeleteButton.addEventListener("click", this.onDeleteButton);
addEditButton.addEventListener("click", this.onEditButton);
<button id="editing-mode-button" onclick="enterEditingMode()" class="btn btn-outline-primary">Editing mode</button>
Just in case someone has the same issue in the future, here is the solution.
On the editbutton function I used posts.on('value', function(snapshot) {...} so everytime I run this function once it was listening for changes, the code block in {} was running every time...So instead of posts.on, I had to use posts.once('value', function(snapshot) {...}. .once() without listening for changes
From firebase doc:
Listen for value events
To read data at a path and listen for changes, use the on() or once() methods of firebase.database. Reference to observe events.
Working on the IndexedDB API, I'm creating many objectStores that belong to the same database, in one transaction, when the user loads a webpage.
I order to do so, I created an object which contains many objectStores to be created, each one has it's name, data and index.
Then a function runs the object and effectively creates Database, objectStores and indexes for each one.
However of all OS's created, just the last member of the object gets populated. Say of 5 objects to be created and populated, 5 are created but only the last one is populated.
Clearly is a problem of overwriting or some issue related to the JS stack or asynchronicity.
I appreciate any help to make the code populate all OS not the last one.
My browser is Chrome 56, I fetch data from an API whose response is OK, and I'm coding on vanillajs. I appreciate your help in vanillajs, there is no way to use any library or framework different from what the modern Web Platform offers.
Here is the code:
On the HTML side, this is an example of the object:
var datastores = [{osName:'items', osEndpoint: '/api/data/os/1/1', osIndex:'value'}, {osName:'categories', osEndpoint: '/api/data/os/2/1', osIndex: 'idc'}];
On javascript:
var request = indexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION); // open database.
request.onerror = function (e) { // error callback
console.error("error: " + e.target.errorCode);
request.onupgradeneeded = function (e) { // the onupgradeneeded event which creates all schema, dataabase, objectstores and populates OS.
var db = this.result;
for (var i in datastores) { // loop the objectStore object.
var objectStore = db.createObjectStore(datastores[i].osName, {keyPath: "id"});
TB_NAME = datastores[i].osName; // instantiate each objectStore name.
objectStore.createIndex(datastores[i].osIndex, datastores[i].osIndex, { unique: false }); // create each index.
objectStore.transaction.oncomplete = function(e) { // oncomplete event, after creating OS...
fetchGet(datastores[i].osEndpoint, popTable); // runs a function to fetch from a designated endpoint and calls a function.
Now the functions: to fetch data and to populate data:
function fetchGet(url, function) { // fetch from API.
fetch(url, {
method: 'GET'
}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(json) {
popTable (json);
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log('error!', err);
function popTable(json) {
var m = 0;
var tx = db.transaction(TB_NAME, "readwrite");
tx.oncomplete = function(e) {
console.log("Completed Transaction " + TB_NAME);
tx.onerror = function(e) {
console.error("error: " + e.target.errorCode);
var txObjectStore = tx.objectStore(TB_NAME);
for (m in json) {
var request = txObjectStore.add(json[m]);
request.onsuccess = function (e) {
console.log('adding... ' );
The for (var i in datastores) loop runs synchronously, updating the global TB_NAME variable every time. When the loop finishes, TB_NAME will be holding the name of the last object store.
By the time the asynchronous popTable calls run, TB_NAME will forever be holding the name of the last store, so that's the only one that will update. Try adding logging to popTable to see this.
You'll need to pass the current value of the store name along somehow (e.g. as an argument to fetchGet). Also note that although you pass popTable as a parameter when calling fetchGet you're not actually accepting it as an argument.
Specific changes:
Change how you call fetchGet to include the store name:
fetchGet(datastores[i].osEndpoint, popTable, datastores[i].osName);
Change the fetchGet function to accept the args:
function fetchGet(url, func, name) {
And then instead of calling popTable directly, do:
func(json, name);
And then change the definition of popTable to be:
function popTable(json, name) {
... and use name in the transaction.
I can return a value if I send a sync message:
// frame script
var chromeBtnText = sendSyncMessage("getChromeToolbarButtonText");
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
// chrome script
messageManager.addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonText", listener);
function listener(message) {
return document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;
How do I achieve this with a callback with sendAsyncMessage?
I was hoping to do something like:
// frame script
function myCallback(val) {
var chromeBtnText = val;
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
var chromeBtnText = sendAsyncMessage("getChromeToolbarButtonText", null, myCallback);
There is no callback for replies. In fact, there is no reply at all. The return value from the chrome message listener is simply ignored for async messages.
To do fully async communication, you'd have to send another message containing the reply.
Frame script
addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonTextReply", function(message) {
messageManager.addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonText", function(message) {
var btnText = document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;
// Only send message to the frame script/message manager
// that actually asked for it.
{btnText: btnText}
PS: All messages share a namespace. So to avoid conflicts when another piece of code wants to use the same name getChromeToolbarButtonText, you better choose a more unique name in the first place, like prefixing your messages with your add-on name my-unique-addoon:getChromeToolbarButtonText or something like that. ;)
I was also hoping to do something similar:
messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-framescript-message", null, myCallback);
I'm going the other direction so the myCallback would be in chrome but it's exactly the same principle.
I'd used similar approaches to #Noitidart and #nmaier before but in this new case I wanted to bind to some local data so myCallback can behave differently based on the application state at the time the first message was sent rather than at the time the callback is executed, all while allowing for the possibility of multiple message round-trips being in progress concurrently.
let someLocalState = { "hello": "world" };
let callbackName = "my-addon-somethingUnique"; // based on current state or maybe generate a UUID
let myCallback = function(message) {
messageManager.removeMessageListener(callbackName, myCallback);
//message.data.foo == "bar"
//someLocalState.hello == "world"
}.bind(this); // .bind(this) is optional but useful if the local state is attached to the current object
messageManager.addMessageListener(callbackName, myCallback);
messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-framescript-message", { callbackName: callbackName } );
let messageHandler = function(message) {
let responseData = { foo: "bar" };
sendAsyncMessage(message.data.callbackName, responseData);
addMessageListener("my-addon-framescript-message", messageHandler);
There's a real-world example here: https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/commit/c50f99033d2d07068140438816f8cc5e5e290da9
It should be possible for Firefox to be improved to encapsulate this functionality in the built-in messageManager one day but in the mean-time this approach works well and with a surprisingly small amount of boiler-plate code.
in this snippet below. i add the callback before sendAsyncMessage('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarbuttonText'... as i know it will send back. Then I remove it after callback executes. I know I don't have to but just to kind of make it act like real callback, just to kind of show people, maybe it helps someone understand.
/////// frame script
function CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText(val) {
removeMessageListner('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonTextCallbackMessage', CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText); //remove the callback
var chromeBtnText = val;
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
addMessageListener('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonTextCallbackMessage', CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText); //add the callback
var chromeBtnText = sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonText", null);
////// chrome script
messageManager.addMessageListener("my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonText", listener);
function listener() {
var val = document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;