Error while processing route: todos undefined is not a function - javascript

I'm getting this error after the Displaying Model Data step while trying to follow the TodoMVC demo app on the Ember site ( My javascript code up to this point is:
window.Todos = Ember.Application.create();
Todos.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend(); () {
this.resource('todos', { path: '/' });
Todos.TodosRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
Todos.Todo = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
isCompleted: DS.attr('boolean')
Todos.Todo.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
title: 'Learn Ember.js',
isCompleted: true
id: 2,
title: '...',
isCompleted: false
id: 3,
title: 'Profit!',
isCompleted: false

I think your is wrong. Try using it in this way -
function () {
this.resource('todos', { path: '/' }, function () {


Convert an array to a component in React

In the project there is an array of objects used for populating the breadcrumb:
export const BREADCRUMBS_LIST = [
{ label: 'Home', path: '/', active: false },
{ label: 'Account', path: '/accounts', active: false },
{ label: 'This Account', path: '/accounts', active: true }
it is used to populate the list in the Breadcrumbs component:
import { BREADCRUMBS_LIST } from './...'
<Breadcrumbs list={BREADCRUMBS_LIST} />
Everything works fine.
The problem appears when we need to translate those labels based on the user's language. For this, we are using react-intl.
So, I transformed the original array into a component of this form:
import { useIntl } from 'react-intl';
export const BreadcrumbsList = () => {
const intl = useIntl();
return [
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'Home' }), path: '/', active: false },
label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'Account' }),
path: '/accounts',
active: false
label: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'This Account' }),
path: '/accounts',
active: true
and use it like this:
<Breadcrumbs list={BreadcrumbsList} />
it seems to be wrong because it returns an error saying:
Cannot read property 'map' of undefined.
In that component, the list was used with map: {{path, label, active}, index) => {...})
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
Your BreadcrumbsList is actually a custom hook, in order to stick with the Rules of Hooks you need to call it on component's level:
// Add "use" prefix as its a custom hook
const useBreadcrumbsList = () => {
const intl = useIntl();
return [
{ label: intl.formatMessage({ id: "Home" }), path: "/", active: false },
label: intl.formatMessage({ id: "Account" }),
path: "/accounts",
active: false,
label: intl.formatMessage({ id: "This Account" }),
path: "/accounts",
active: true,
// Usage
const Component = () => {
const breadcrumbsList = useBreadcrumbsList();
return <Breadcrumbs list={breadcrumbsList} />;

Add tasks for todo list

I am trying to add tasks for each todo list that has a specific title.
Can I get a specific todo list by its id and add some tasks to it?
I am new to javascript, so I searched google about adding lists for a specific list with no results :(
class Model {
constructor() {}
this.todos = [
id: 1,
title: 'Outside',
text: 'Running',
complete: false,
tasks: [
{ id: 1, text: 'Run a marathon', complete: false},
{ id: 2, text: 'Run with freinds', complete: false}
id: 2,
title: 'Garden',
text: 'Plant',
complete: false,
tasks: [
{ id: 1, text: 'Plant a garden', complete: false},
{ id: 2, text: 'Water the garden', complete: false}
addTodo(todoText) {
const todo = {
id: this.todos.length > 0 ? this.todos[this.todos.length - 1].id + 1 : 1,
text: todoText,
complete: false,
tasks: []
Is it true to do like addTodo function for adding a tasks for a specific todo list like this?
addTodoTask(todoTaskText) {
const todoTask = {
id: this.todos.tasks.length > 0 ? this.todos[this.todos.tasks.length - 1].id + 1 : 1,
text: todoText,
complete: false,
and how to add a list of a list in javascript like:
<li>Run a marathon</li>
<li>Run with freind</li>
You could make each class handle rendering its own content and just map the list items consecutively while rendering from the top-down.
Edit: The render() methods make use of ES6 template literals. These are special strings that allow you embed variabes and expressions without the use of string concatenation.
const main = () => {
let todoList = new TodoList({ todos : getData() })
document.body.innerHTML = todoList.render()
class TodoTask {
constructor(options) { =
this.text = options.text
this.complete = options.complete
render() {
return `<li>[${}] ${this.text} (${this.complete})</li>`
class TodoEntry {
constructor(options) { =
this.title = options.title
this.text = options.text
this.complete = options.complete
this.tasks = []
if (options.tasks) {
options.tasks.forEach(task => this.addTask(task))
addTask(task) {
this.tasks.push(new TodoTask(Object.assign({
id : (this.tasks.length || 0) + 1
}, task)))
render() {
return `<li>
[${}] ${this.title} (${this.complete})
<ul>${ => task.render()).join('')}</ul>
class TodoList {
constructor(options) {
this.todos = []
if (options.todos) {
options.todos.forEach(todo => this.addTodo(todo))
addTodo(todo) {
this.todos.push(new TodoEntry(Object.assign({
id : (this.todos.length || 0) + 1
}, todo)))
render() {
return `<ul>${ => todo.render()).join('')}</ul>`
function getData() {
return [{
id: 1,
title: 'Outside',
text: 'Running',
complete: false,
tasks: [{
id: 1,
text: 'Run a marathon',
complete: false
}, {
id: 2,
text: 'Run with freinds',
complete: false
}, {
id: 2,
title: 'Garden',
text: 'Plant',
complete: false,
tasks: [{
id: 1,
text: 'Plant a garden',
complete: false
}, {
id: 2,
text: 'Water the garden',
complete: false
main() // entry
To add a task your todo, you should have a way of knowing which todo list you're updating. Like using the todo's id.
For example your addTaskToTodo will looks like so.
addTask(todoId, taskObject) {
// find that todos index
const todoIndex = this.todos.findIndex(todo => ===todoId);
// using that index update the tasks
This assumes your taskObject already has all the properties. If you need to manually update its id, you can also do that before pushing by checking the length of the tasks and incrementing by 1.
I made an example of how to use dictionaries instead of arrays, and also a random ID. I think you will find it much cleaner and simpler:
class Model {
constructor() { }
todos = {
1: {
id: 1,
title: 'Outside',
text: 'Running',
complete: false,
tasks: {
1: { id: 1, text: 'Run a marathon', complete: false },
2: { id: 2, text: 'Run with freinds', complete: false }
2: {
id: 2,
title: 'Garden',
text: 'Plant',
complete: false,
tasks: {
1: { id: 1, text: 'Plant a garden', complete: false },
2: { id: 2, text: 'Water the garden', complete: false }
getRandomId = () => {
return '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
addTodo(todoText) {
const id = this.getRandomId();
const todo = {
text: todoText,
complete: false,
this.todos[id] = todo;
addTodoTask(todoTaskText,todoId) {//Pass also the id of the todo, to know where this task belongs to.
const id = this.getRandomId();
const todoTask = {
text: todoTaskText,
complete: false,
this.todos[todoId].tasks[id] = todoTask
This way you could easily edit/remove both todos and tasks, just by their id, without using any messy Array.filter and such

Is there any function in KeystoneJS to load only related items for one category?

I'm creating a website with tours, that must be specified by categories, but I don't know how to load only tours related to categories. I tried to load them with find().where() but I get all tours loaded in all 3 categories.
KeystoneJS doesn't have documentation about any sort methods, I found only two examples, that don't work for me.
My trips.js:
let keystone = require('keystone');
let async = require('async');
exports = module.exports = function (req, res) {
let view = new keystone.View(req, res);
let locals = res.locals;
// Set locals
locals.section = 'tours';
locals.filters = {
trip: req.params.trip,
}; = {
trips: [],
category: [],
view.on('init', function (next) {
keystone.list('TripCategory').model.find().sort('name').exec(function (err, results) { = results;
async.each(, function (category, next) {
keystone.list('Trip').model.find().where('category', (err, results) { = results;
My Trip.js:
let keystone = require('keystone');
let Types = keystone.Field.Types;
let Trip = new keystone.List('Trip', {
map: { name: 'title' },
singular: 'Trip',
plural: 'Trips',
autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true },
title: { type: String, required: true },
content: {
brief: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150 },
extended: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 400 },
category: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'TripCategory' },
duration: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true },
distance: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true },
price: { type: Number },
images: { type: Types.CloudinaryImages },
coverImage: { type: Types.CloudinaryImage },
My TripCategory.js:
let keystone = require('keystone');
let Types = keystone.Field.Types;
let TripCategory = new keystone.List('TripCategory', {
autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'slug', unique: true },
name: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
description: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: false, height: 500 },
TripCategory.relationship({ ref: 'Trip', path: 'trips', refPath: 'category' });
You should just be able to use a regular find query, along with populate.
.populate({path: 'category', options: {sort: {'name'}}})
.exec(function(err, results) { = results;
This will get all trips, along with their corresponding category info, and sort them by the category name. If this syntax gives you issues (due to keystonejs using an older version of mongoose) try some of the different syntax versions that have continued to evolve. Here's a post that details them

codeschool emberjs 7.4 rating a product not working

I have been battling the level 7.4 review question with no luck:
Rating isn’t a object like Review was, so our createRating function will be a little different. We can addObject the currently selected rating to the array of ratings on our product. You’ll need to save the product to update it in the store.
I can not seem to get the value from the select list. Can anyone point me in the right direction or collaborate on this?
My handlebars code:
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='product'>
<div class='row'>
<div class='col-sm-7'>
<h3 class='text-success'>${{price}}</h3>
<p class='text-muted'>{{description}}</p>
<p class='text-muted'>This Product has a {{rating}} star rating!</p>
<p>Finely crafted by {{#link-to 'contact' crafter}}{{}}{{/link-to}}.</p>
{{render 'reviews' reviews}}
<div class='new-rating'>
<h3>Rate {{title}}</h3>
<div class='new-review'>
<h3>Review {{title}}</h3>
{{#if text}}
<p class='text-muted'>{{text}}</p>
{{textarea valueBinding='text'}}
<button {{action 'createReview'}} class='btn-primary'>Review</button>
<div class='col-sm-5'>
<img {{bind-attr src='image'}} class='img-thumbnail img-rounded'/>
{{contact-details contact=crafter className='row'}}
{{view Ember.Select content=ratings value=selectedRating}}
<button {{action 'createRating'}} class='btn-primary'>Rating</button>
My js code:
var App = Ember.Application.create({
}); {
this.route('credits', { path: '/thanks' });
this.resource('products', function() {
this.resource('product', { path: '/:product_id' });
this.resource('contacts', function() {
this.resource('contact', { path: '/:contact_id' });
App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
productsCount: Ember.computed.alias('length'),
logo: 'images/logo-small.png',
time: function() {
return (new Date()).toDateString();
onSale: function() {
return this.filterBy('isOnSale').slice(0,3);
App.ContactsIndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
contactName: 'Anostagia',
avatar: 'images/avatar.png',
open: function() {
return ((new Date()).getDay() === 0) ? "Closed" : "Open";
App.ProductsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
sortProperties: ['title']
App.ContactsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
sortProperties: ['name'],
contactsCount: Ember.computed.alias('length')
App.ReviewsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
sortProperties: ['reviewedAt'],
sortAscending: false
App.ContactProductsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
sortProperties: ['title']
App.ProductController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
text: '',
ratings: [1,2,3,4,5],
selectedRating: 5,
actions: {
createReview: function(){
var review ='review', {
text: this.get('text'),
product: this.get('model'),
reviewedAt: new Date()
var controller = this; {
controller.set('text', '');
createRating: function(){
var rating ='rating', {
rating: this.get('selectedRating.value'),
product: this.get('model'),
reviewedAt: new Date()
var controller = this; {
App.ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
App.ContactsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
App.ProductsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
App.ProductsOnsaleRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
return this.modelFor('products').filterBy('isOnSale');
App.ProductsDealsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
return this.modelFor('products').filter(function(product){
return product.get('price') < 500;
App.ProductDetailsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
reviewsCount: Ember.computed.alias(''),
hasReviews: function(){
return this.get('reviewsCount') > 0;
App.ContactDetailsComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
productsCount: Ember.computed.alias('contact.products.length'),
isProductive: function() {
return this.get('productsCount') > 3;
App.ProductView = Ember.View.extend({
isOnSale: Ember.computed.alias('controller.isOnSale'),
classNameBindings: ['isOnSale']
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend();
App.Product = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
price: DS.attr('number'),
description: DS.attr('string'),
isOnSale: DS.attr('boolean'),
image: DS.attr('string'),
reviews: DS.hasMany('review', { async: true }),
crafter: DS.belongsTo('contact', { async: true }),
ratings: DS.attr(),
rating: function(){
return this.get('ratings').reduce(function(previousValue, rating) {
return previousValue + rating;
}, 0) / this.get('ratings').length;
App.Product.FIXTURES = [
{ id: 1,
title: 'Flint',
price: 99,
description: 'Flint is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz, categorized as a variety of chert.',
isOnSale: true,
image: 'images/products/flint.png',
reviews: [100,101],
crafter: 200,
ratings: [2,1,3,3]
id: 2,
title: 'Kindling',
price: 249,
description: 'Easily combustible small sticks or twigs used for starting a fire.',
isOnSale: false,
image: 'images/products/kindling.png',
reviews: [],
crafter: 201,
ratings: [2,1,3,3]
id: 3,
title: 'Matches',
price: 499,
description: 'One end is coated with a material that can be ignited by frictional heat generated by striking the match against a suitable surface.',
isOnSale: true,
reviews: [],
image: 'images/products/matches.png',
crafter: 201,
ratings: [2,1,3,3]
id: 4,
title: 'Bow Drill',
price: 999,
description: 'The bow drill is an ancient tool. While it was usually used to make fire, it was also used for primitive woodworking and dentistry.',
isOnSale: false,
reviews: [],
image: 'images/products/bow-drill.png',
crafter: 200,
ratings: [1,3,3]
id: 5,
title: 'Tinder',
price: 499,
description: 'Tinder is easily combustible material used to ignite fires by rudimentary methods.',
isOnSale: true,
reviews: [],
image: 'images/products/tinder.png',
crafter: 201,
ratings: [2,1,3]
id: 6,
title: 'Birch Bark Shaving',
price: 999,
description: 'Fresh and easily combustable',
isOnSale: true,
reviews: [],
image: 'images/products/birch.png',
crafter: 201,
ratings: [2,3,5]
App.Contact = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
about: DS.attr('string'),
avatar: DS.attr('string'),
products: DS.hasMany('product', { async: true })
App.Contact.FIXTURES = [
id: 200,
name: 'Giamia',
about: 'Although Giamia came from a humble spark of lightning, he quickly grew to be a great craftsman, providing all the warming instruments needed by those close to him.',
avatar: 'images/contacts/giamia.png',
products: [1,4]
id: 201,
name: 'Anostagia',
about: 'Knowing there was a need for it, Anostagia drew on her experience and spearheaded the Flint & Flame storefront. In addition to coding the site, she also creates a few products available in the store.',
avatar: 'images/contacts/anostagia.png',
products: [2,3,5,6]
App.Review = DS.Model.extend({
text: DS.attr('string'),
reviewedAt: DS.attr('date'),
product: DS.belongsTo('product')
App.Review.FIXTURES = [
id: 100,
text: "Started a fire in no time!"
id: 101,
text: "Not the brightest flame, but warm!"
After detailed research, the answer turned out being:
createRating: function() {
var prod = this.get('model');
var ratings = this.get('model.ratings');
In the code shown, you should be getting the rating using this.get('selectedRating') not this.get('selectedRating.value')

How to show immediately a property of an associated model after creation?

If I create a new movie object, the associated username from owner (App.User) isn't shown. It shows only after I reload the page. Any idea how I can achieve to show immediately the associated username after I have created a new movie?
Code so far:
App.Movie = Ember.Model.extend({
objectId: Ember.attr(),
title: Ember.attr(),
year: Ember.attr(),
owner: Ember.belongsTo('App.User', {
key: 'owner',
serializer: UserType
App.User = Ember.Model.extend({
objectId: Ember.attr(),
username: Ember.attr(),
App.Movie.adapter = Ember.Adapter.create({
createRecord: function(record) {
return Ember.$.ajax({
headers: {
'X-Parse-Application-Id': '',
'X-Parse-REST-API-Key': ''
type: 'POST',
url: '',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(record)
}).then(function(data) {
record.load(data.objectId, record.get('_data'));
{{#each movie in this}}
App.MoviesIndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
rawDescription: '',
year: '',
title: '',
errors: null,
actions: {
createMovie: function () {
var rawDescription = this.get('rawDescription');
if (!rawDescription.match(/([^$]+)(\d{4})/)) {
this.set('errors', {
rawDescription: 'Oh snap! Please include the movie\'s title and year.'
} else if (!this.isUnique({
rawDescription: rawDescription
})) {
this.set('errors', {
rawDescription: 'Oh snap! The movie already exists.'
} else {
var rv = this.parseRawDescription(this.get('rawDescription')),
title = rv[1],
year = rv[2],
newMovie = App.Movie.create({
owner: App.Session.authUser,
ratings: [{ objectId: App.Session.objectId, value: 0 }]
title: title,
watched: false,
year: year,
this.setProperties({ rawDescription: '', errors: null });
I'm showing it as working, are you sure App.Session.authUser is populated? if you try console.log(newMovie.get('owner.username')) after you create it does it show anything?
