Calling location.reload() and location.assign() sequentially - javascript

I'm trying to reload a page and then access a file download url in javascript like so:
function reloadAndDownload() {
I find that in the above example, only the "location.assign()" seems to execute.
If I have this:
function reloadAndDownload() {
then only the "location.reload()" seems to execute. Is it possible to call both these functions sequentially as described and have them both execute?

It's not possible. Javascript runs in window, and each of location functions triggers its reload. You may open a new window.


Why runs the alert before the redirect?

Can somebody explain here, why I get the alert before the redirect?
and is there a way to switch them?
function test() {
window.onload = alert("It's loaded!")
here is an example:
There are three different issues here:
Loading a new location is async
Assigning a new value to location won't stop everything until the new page has loaded. It will assign the value and then, at some point in the future, the browser will load the new page. In the meantime, everything will keep going as normal.
onload expects to be passed a function
alert("It's loaded!") calls the alert function (immediately) and is evaluated as the return value of that call (which is not a function). That return value is then assigned to onload.
To assign a function, you need to have an actual function, such as:
onload = alert.bind(window, "It's loaded!");
onload = function () { alert("It's loaded!"); };
Each page is a separate JS environment
When you leave the page, you create a new execution environment. All variables and data is lost. (Although you can store stuff via localstorage and cookies, and pass stuff to other origins through URLs).
It isn't possible for a page you are leaving to do anything to the page you are going to. You can't set an onload handler for the next page.
The redirection won't start until your current Javascript thread has finished executing. So nothing will happen re the location until the function ends i.e. until the Alert has been dismissed.
JavaScript is asynchronous language. So code for your alert will not wait for complete execution of your first statement i.e. redirection.

Unload JS loaded via load() to avoid duplicates?

I'm building a dynamic website that loads all pages inside a "body" div via jquery's load(). The problem is I have a script looped with setInterval inside the loaded PHP page, the reason being I want the script loaded only when that page is displayed. Now I discovered that the scripts keep running even after "leaving" the page (loading something else inside the div without refresh) and if I keep leaving / returning the loops stack up flooding my server with GET requests (from the javascript).
What's a good way to unload all JS once you leave the page? I could do a simple dummy var to not load scripts twice, but I would like to stop the loop after leaving the page because it's causing useless traffic and spouting console errors as elements it's supposed to fill are no longer there.
Sorry if this has already been asked, but it's pretty hard to come up with keywords for this.
1) why don't you try with clearInterval?
2) if you have a general (main) function a( ) { ... } doing something you can just override it with function a() { }; doing nothing
3) if you null the references to something it will be garbage collected
no code provided, so no more I can do to help you
This really sounds like you need to reevaluate your design. Either you need to drop ajax, or you need to not have collisions in you method names.
You can review this link:
Which gives information on how to remove the javascript from the DOM. However, modern browsers will leave the code in memory on the browser.
Since you are not dealing with real page loads/unloads I would build a system that simulates an unload event.
var myUnload = (function () {
var queue = [],
myUnload = function () {
queue.forEach(function (unloadFunc) {
queue = [];
myUnload.add = function (unloadFunc) {
return myUnload;
The code that loads the new pages should just run myUnload() before it loads the new page in.
function loadPage(url) {
Any code that is loaded by a page can call myUnload.add() to register a cleanup function that should be run when a new page is loaded.
// some .js file that is loaded by a page
(function () {
var doSomething = function () {
// do something here
timer = setInterval(doSomething, 1000);
// register our cleanup callback with unload event system
myUnload.add(function () {
// since all of this code is isolated in an IIFE,
// clearing the timer will remove the last reference to
// doSomething and it will automatically be GCed
// This callback, the timer var and the enclosing IIFE
// will be GCed too when myUnload sets queue back to an empty array.

doing an ajax call on window.unload

In my application, there's an object that needs to be ajaxed back to the server before the user switches to another page or closes his browser.
For the moment, I'm using something like this:
$(window).on('unload', function () {
Will the ajax call fire in all browsers or are there situations where this will not work and where this situation needs to be handled differently? I don't need to deal with anything in terms of a success function, I'm only concerned about the information making it to the server.
If you're using jQuery, you can set async to false in the ajax call. And it might work, but your results may vary by browser. Here's a jsFiddle example.
// Note: I came across a couple articles saying we may should to use window.onbeforeunload instead of or in addition to jQuery's unload. Keep an eye on this.
var doAjaxBeforeUnloadEnabled = true; // We hook into window.onbeforeunload and bind some jQuery events to confirmBeforeUnload. This variable is used to prevent us from showing both messages during a single event.
var doAjaxBeforeUnload = function (evt) {
if (!doAjaxBeforeUnloadEnabled) {
doAjaxBeforeUnloadEnabled = false;
url: "/",
success: function (a) {
console.debug("Ajax call finished");
async: false /* Not recommended. This is the dangerous part. Your mileage may vary. */
$(document).ready(function () {
window.onbeforeunload = doAjaxBeforeUnload;
In Google Chrome, the ajax call always completes before I navigate away from the page.
However, I would VERY MUCH NOT RECOMMEND going that route. The "a" in ajax is for "asynchronous", and if you try to force to act like a synchronous call, you're asking for trouble. That trouble usually manifests as freezing the browser -- which might happen if the ajax call took a long time.
If viable, consider prompting the user before navigating away from the page if the page has data that needs to be posted via ajax. For an example, see this question: jquery prompt to save data onbeforeunload
No, unfortunatelly your Ajax call will not get completed as the document will unload during the async call.
You cannot do many things when the user closes the window.
Instead of doing an ajax sync call (deprecated on latest browsers and can get exception), you can open a popup:
$(window).on('unload', function () {"myscript.php");
You can add obviously parameters to the link and you can automatically close the popup if you like.
Popup blocker must be disactivated for your domain in the browser options.
You have to use the onbeforeunload event and make a synchronous AJAX call.
"url": "",
"async": false,

CollapsiblePanelExtender: Can not get object in onLoad of page (AJAX Toolkit)

I need to add a Javascript event for CollapsiblePanelExtender on Javascript pageload of the page. Following is the definition of CollapsiblePanelExtender:
<cc1:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="cpe" runat="Server" TargetControlID="pnlInstances"
BehaviorID="cpe" ImageControlID="lnkWebroleAction" ExpandedImage="~/App_Themes/Default/images/MonitorDownArrow16.png"CollapsedImage="~/App_Themes/Default/images/MonitorLeftArrow16.png"
CollapsedSize="0" Collapsed="false" ExpandControlID="lnkWebroleAction" CollapseControlID="lnkWebroleAction"
AutoCollapse="false" AutoExpand="false" ExpandDirection="Vertical" SuppressPostBack="true" />
And following is the Javascript code I am executing:
window.onload = pageLoad1();
function pageLoad1() {$find("cpe").add_expandComplete(coll_ExpandedComplete);
The problem is $find("cpe") returns null on this event. If I execute the same function from button click I can find the object.
Which other load events of Javascript I can use? I have tried $(documnt).ready.
You're not assigning the pageLoad1 function to window.onload, you're calling it immediately and assigning the value it returns (i.e. undefined).
You have to write:
window.onload = pageLoad1; // No parenthesis.
function pageLoad1() {
Or, alternatively, write a pageLoad() function, which will be called automatically by the framework when the page finishes loading:
function pageLoad() {
I agree with OP; there is (as original answerer pointed out) an error in the original post which is sufficient to make it look like there is not a real problem here; but I have a complex JS/Ajax driven page, and some code which tries to get some ASP.NET Ajax CollapsiblePanelExtender objects by their BehaviorID in a JS function which /is/ called on PageLoad.
These objects are usually ready, but sometimes aren't; if if try to run the code with a slight delay (100ms) they are ready. But delaying for a fixed time is not great; what event can I use, to know that these ASP.NET Ajax objects have finished building themselves?

Execution of dynamically loaded JS files

I understand that JS is single threaded and synchronously executed. Therefore when i add a file to my browser head tag that file is executed as soon as its encountered. Then it goes to the next script tag & executes that file. My question is when I add a js file dynamically to an HTML head tag. How does the browser executes that file?
Is it like that the file is executed as soon as the file is loaded wherever the current execution is. Or is it that we can control how that file is executed?
When the script is loaded, it will be executed as soon as possible. That is, if some other javascript function is executing, like a clickhandler or whatever, that will be allowed to finish first - but this is a given because, as you say, in browsers JavaScript normally execute in a single thread.
You can't control that part of the script loading, but you could use this pattern - heavily inspired by JSONP:
inserted script:
(function () {
var module = {
init: function () {
/* ... */
ready(module); // hook into "parent script"
script on main page:
function ready(o) {
// call init in loaded whenever you are ready for it...
setTimeout(function () { o.init(); }, 1000);
The key here is the ready function that is defined on your page, and called from the script you insert dynmaically. Instead of immediately starting to act, the script will only tell the parent page that it is loaded, and the parent page can then call back to the inserted scripts init function whenever it wants execution to start.
What happens when a JavaScript file is dynamically loaded ( very simplified, no checks ):
the file is loaded;
if there is function call e.g. doSomething() or (function(){...})(), the code is executed(of course you must have the definitions);
if there are only function definitions, nothing is happening until the function call.
See this example: 3 files are loaded, 2 are executed immediately, 1 is waiting the timeout.
The script tag can be placed anywhere in the page. Actually it is better to be placed at the end of the page if the onload event is not used (yahoo speed tips).
With HTML5 JavaScript has web workers MDN MSDN wikipedia.
Considering a way to do this is
var js=document.createElement('script')
js.setAttribute("src", filename)
// ^ However this technique has been pointed to be not so trusworthy (Read the link in the comment by Pomeh)
But answering your question
How does the browser executes that file?
As soon as the script is added to the DOM
Is it like that the file is executed as soon as the file is loaded wherever the current execution is?
Or is it that we can control how that file is executed?
Its better if you attach an onload event handler, rather than a nasty tricks.
Here is some code you can try to get an answer to your question.
var s = document.createElement('script'), f = 1;
s.onload = function(){
f = 0
This code should ideally print a 2 when the script loads, but if you notice, that never happens
Note: This WILL kill you browser!
