Load textext.js plugin with require.js - javascript

I'm trying to load textext.js jquery plugin, with one of it's plugins, textext tags. On my project, I'm using require.js in order to load all scripts with it's dependencies.
As used for other scripts, I'm using a shim config on my main.js file:
shin: {
jquery: {
exports: '$'
'textext': {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: '$.fn.textext'
'textext_tags': {
deps: ['jquery', 'textext'],
paths: {
jquery: 'lib/jquery-min',
textext: 'lib/textext/textext.core',
textext_tags: 'lib/textext/textext.plugin.tags',
On the page that I use it, I call it as above:
], function($, Textext, TextextTags) {
// do stuff
The code is loading and working correctly on firefox, but on Chromium, sometimes (about 2/3 of the times), at the first time that I load the page, I've receive the following error, that broke the functioning of the page:
TypeError: Cannot set property 'TextExtTags' of undefined
#3 localhost/js/lib/textext/textext.plugin.tags.js:23:27
Inside the file textext.plugins.tags.js, we have at line 23 (the failure line):
$.fn.textext.TextExtTags = TextExtTags;
So, inspecting it with Firebug, I realize that Jquery is not loaded, so $ and $.fn is undefined.
My question is: why this schema of require.js is working with other jQuery plugins on the same project (like jquery cookie and others), but not with this, a jquery plugin with it's subplugins?

As Vishwanath said, only changing from "shin" to "shim" worked, like above:
shim: {
jquery: {
exports: '$'


RequireJS is loading scripts that are not needed on all pages

Require.js loads every module on every page, so I get JavaScript errors on pages that don't need the loaded scripts. Specifically, the news-filter.js is loading on my search page, and causing the error:
jquery-1.12.3.min.js:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: "li." from this line in the news-filter.js
$("ul.mediaListing").children("li."+chosenYear).filter("."+chosenCategory).each(function(c) {
Am I missing somthing about how reqire.js determines what scripts are needed on each page?
My main.js file is:
baseUrl: [system-view:internal]"/render/file.act?path=/assets/scripts/"[/system-view:internal] [system-view:external]"/assets/scripts/"[/system-view:external],
paths: {
"jquery": "libs/jquery/jquery-1.12.3.min",
"velocity": "libs/velocity/velocity",
"bgstretch": "plugins/background-stretch/background-stretch",
"campus-map": "modules/campus-map",
"velocity-ui": "libs/velocity/velocity.ui",
"slick": "plugins/slick/slick",
"iscroll": "plugins/iscroll/iscroll",
"dotdotdot": "plugins/dotdotdot/jquery.dotdotdot.min.umd",
"select": "plugins/select/select",
"accordion": "modules/accordion",
"news-filter": "modules/news-filter",
"codebird": "modules/codebird",
"social-feed": "modules/social-feed"
shim: {
"slick": ["jquery"],
"select": ["jquery"],
"bgstretch": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"accordion": ["jquery"],
"codebird": ["jquery"],
"social-feed": {
dep: ["jquery", "codebird"],
exports: "displayFeed"
"campus-map": {
deps: [ "jquery" ]
"velocity": {
deps: [ "jquery" ]
"velocity-ui": {
deps: [ "velocity" ]
map: {
'*': {
'jQuery': 'jquery'
['jquery', 'modules/utils', 'modules/custom.ui', 'libs/jquery/paginga.jquery', "modules/social-feed", "modules/news-filter"],
function ($, utils, ui, paga, social, news) {
// use default options
I like a very modular approach and RequireJS has a lot of different ways to use it. I'll share how I typically have it set up which accomplishes what you are looking for, is streamlined and makes it easy to implement and understand.
I avoid having anything require in my main js completely. First I will create a bundle that includes both the base require.js and a JS file I create called config.js. I will have this bundle loaded in my layout page so it's always available. If you aren't using MVC, the idea is just to make sure Require and my custom config file are always loaded together and always available so do what you need to for that.
Config.js is very simple, in your case just taking your code it will look like this:
var require = {
baseUrl: [system-view:internal]"/render/file.act?path=/assets/scripts/"
[/system-view:internal] [system-view:external]"/assets/scripts/"[/system-
paths: {
"jquery": "libs/jquery/jquery-1.12.3.min",
"velocity": "libs/velocity/velocity",
"bgstretch": "plugins/background-stretch/background-stretch",
"campus-map": "modules/campus-map",
"velocity-ui": "libs/velocity/velocity.ui",
"slick": "plugins/slick/slick",
"iscroll": "plugins/iscroll/iscroll",
"dotdotdot": "plugins/dotdotdot/jquery.dotdotdot.min.umd",
"select": "plugins/select/select",
"accordion": "modules/accordion",
"news-filter": "modules/news-filter",
"codebird": "modules/codebird",
"social-feed": "modules/social-feed"
shim: {
"slick": ["jquery"],
"select": ["jquery"],
"bgstretch": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"accordion": ["jquery"],
"codebird": ["jquery"],
"social-feed": {
dep: ["jquery", "codebird"],
exports: "displayFeed"
"campus-map": {
deps: [ "jquery" ]
"velocity": {
deps: [ "jquery" ]
"velocity-ui": {
deps: [ "velocity" ]
map: {
'*': {
'jQuery': 'jquery'
That's it. I tend to have all of my javascript files associated to each HTML page separated, so in the paths section of the set up I'll have the view name and then the location in my source of the corresponding javascript file. Then in my HTML page when I'm adding in scripts, I'll simply state
<script> require(['sign-in']); </script>
This will grab the script file I have defined in the require variable for my view. Then in each script file, sign-in.js for example for this one, I will wrap all of the scrip in a define statement, so at the top of each JS file you can clearly see what dependencies you will load and use in that page. It's clean, it's a framework, it works wonderfully, and it keeps you from loading things you don't need.
In the self contained JS file you would do:
define(['jquery', 'lodash', 'bootstrap'], function ($, _) {
//All JS code here
I will have all my libraries that need a selector defined first and then everything else after. That's it, hopefully a real example will help you.
Am I missing somthing about how reqire.js determines what scripts are needed on each page?
Sure looks like you are. You show a main.js file that has this (reformatted to help readability):
requirejs(['jquery', 'modules/utils', 'modules/custom.ui',
'libs/jquery/paginga.jquery', "modules/social-feed",
If you use this main.js on all your pages, then all the modules you list there are going to be loaded, which means that modules/news-filter is going to be loaded on all pages. This, irrespective of whether any code actually uses it.
The way RequireJS works, any dependency listed in a require call is loaded. And for each module loaded, any dependency they list in their define call or in a shim set for them in your configuration is also loaded. It does not matter one bit if something is listed but not actually used by your code.
Tangential remark about your configuration. In your paths you have:
"news-filter": "modules/news-filter"
But then you refer to it as modules/news-filter in your require call instead of news-filters. You should use news-filter or remove the mapping you've set in paths. RequireJS does now allow referring to the same JavaScript file through two different module names in the same context. If you load your module as modules/news-filter in one place and as news-filter somewhere else, you're going to run into problems.
If you need to use two different names to access the same JavaScript file, you use map. What map does is tell RequireJS "when you get a request for module X, load module Y instead". So RequireJS replaces the module name requested with a different one.

How are you supposed to use RequireJS to do CDN failover if you need it to work with IE7+?

We have a website that uses several 3rd party javascript libraries, and where possible we'd like to serve them from CDNs to reduce the number of requests on our server. Recently, one of our clients reported a problem using our site, and as it turns out it was because they were blocking one of the CDNs we use (ajax.aspnetcdn.com!). We had been thinking out implementing a failover for the CDNs for sometime but have never gotten around to doing it, and now my manager is pushing us to solve it ASAP.
As is often the case, Scott Hanselman's blog seemed to offer some potential answers, suggesting tools like yepnope and RequireJS. Yepnope has been deprecated, so we chose RequireJS.
We have implemented RequireJS on our site (not a huge job), only to find out it doesn't quite work correctly in IE (absolutely perfect in all other major browsers).
Following the documentation (and some advice from other posts on here), we have set it up as follows. We have this script tag in our html head tag:
<script data-main="/Scripts/main.js" src="/Scripts/require.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then in main.js we have configured RequireJS
enforceDefine: true,
paths: {
jquery: [
jqueryui: [
jqueryunobtrusiveajax: [
jqueryvalidate: [
jqueryvalidateunobtrusive: [
site: [
localisation: [
shim: {
jqueryui: {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: "$"
jqueryvalidate: {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: '$'
jqueryvalidateunobtrusive: {
deps: ['jquery', 'jqueryvalidate'],
exports: '$'
jqueryunobtrusiveajax: {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: '$'
localisation: {
deps: ['jquery', 'jqueryui', 'jqueryvalidate'],
exports: '$'
site: {
deps: ['jquery', 'jqueryui', 'jqueryvalidate', 'jqueryvalidateunobtrusive'],
exports: '$'
Note that as per the advice on how to "Catch load failures in IE" on RequireJS's GitHub Wiki we have set enforceDefine to true, and used define() to define a module (we want the same scripts on every page) before using require(), like this:
define('main', ["jqueryui", 'jqueryvalidate', 'jqueryvalidateunobtrusive', 'jqueryunobtrusiveajax', 'localisation', 'site'], function () {
// we have some code here that confirms each script is loaded, looks a bit like this (one for each script):
if (jQuery) {
} else {
Then on each page we simply add the following script tag:
<script type="text/javascript">
require(["main"], function() {
// any page specific script goes here
This works just fine in all browsers (including IE), BUT it does not work in IE if you block any of the CDNs. Oddly it works just fine if you change the url for CDN files to something that doesn't exist, or remove the CDN url entirely (so just serve the local file). If I block the CDN by adding the domain to internet options -> security -> restricted sites in IE, it takes ages (5-10 secs) attempting to load the scripts, then times out on the two local only files (site.js and localisation.js):
SCRIPT5022: Load timeout for modules: localisation,site http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout
All the other browsers cope just fine if I block the CDNs (using AdBlock Plus), does anyone know why I am experiencing this behaviour with IE?

RequireJS way of creating a copy of object

Our project is really huge, singe-page enterprise app, based on RequireJS and Backbone.js, and for some complex UI we use jqWidgets.
In particular, these jqWidgets are what is causing us problems.
There are many app features implemented using older jqWidgets 3.3, and for all new ones we would like to use 3.6, but porting old features to 3.6 is very tricky and will cost us time that we don't have at the moment.
What we would like to do to save this time, is having both 3.3 and 3.6 working alongside without creating any problems, and do the porting part later when we can.
What I have tried so far:
paths: {
"jquery": "vendor/jquery",
"jqx": "vendor/jqwidgets/3.3",
"jqx3.6": "vendor/jqwidgets/3.6",
... other libs...
shim: {
... other shims ...
// jqWidgets3.3
"jqx/jqxcore": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"jqx/<<some_plugin>>": {
deps: ["jqx/jqxcore"],
exports: "$.fn.<<some_plugin>>"
// jqWidgets3.6
"jqx3.6/jqxcore": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"jqx3.6/<<some_plugin>>": {
deps: ["jqx3.6/jqxcore"],
exports: "$.fn.<<some_plugin>>"
Usage in old feature:
require(["jquery", "jqx/<<some_plugin>>"], function($) {
Usage in new feature:
require(["jquery", "jqx3.6/<<some_plugin>>"], function($) {
Since both plugins are applied to same jQuery object referencing them with different names/paths works but creates lots of bugs. Example: if first feature you used in app was loaded using jqWidgets 3.3, then next used feature using 3.6 would probably broke, and vice-versa. It only works if you refresh the page after every feature use -- which is kind of pointless since it is single-page app.
So my question is: is it possible to make both jqWidgets 3.3 and 3.6 work alongside by each one of then depend on their own jQuery object so this conflict does not happen?
// Appendix 1:
I think potential solution lies in comment of this question: RequireJS - jQuery plugins with multiple jQuery versions
I'll take a closer look and post here a solution if I find one.
You can use 'map' feature of requirejs,
Map allows you to map the same dependency to different files based on the module which uses dependency.
so you config your build file like this:
paths: {
"jquery": "vendor/jquery",
"jqueryForjqx3.6": "toNoConflictJQueryModule",
"jqx": "vendor/jqwidgets/3.3",
"jqx3.6": "vendor/jqwidgets/3.6",
... other libs...
'jquery' : 'jquery'
// map jquery to no conlict jquery
'jquery' : 'jqueryForjqx3.6'
'jquery' : 'jquery'
shim: {
... other shims ...
// jqWidgets3.3
"jqx/jqxcore": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"jqx/<<some_plugin>>": {
deps: ["jqx/jqxcore"],
exports: "$.fn.<<some_plugin>>"
// jqWidgets3.6
"jqx3.6/jqxcore": {
deps: ["jquery"]
"jqx3.6/<<some_plugin>>": {
deps: ["jqx3.6/jqxcore"],
exports: "$.fn.<<some_plugin>>"
This configuration maps jquery dependency to different files based on module which uses it.
The content of no conflict version can be like this:
define(['jquery'], function($){
return $.noConflict();
You can use http://requirejs.org/docs/jquery.html#noconflictmap about how to use jquery no-conflict and requirejs
if jqWidgets doesn't support it out of the box, I'd try this:
load jQuery
load jqxWidget 3.3
load jQuery again, but in its noConflict mode, and assign it to $2 for instance (I'm not sure RequireJS can do that, but you could copy the jQuery.js file and rename it to something different to load it a second time)
set the 1st jQuery to $1 (window.$1 = $)
set the 2nd jQuery to $ (window.$ = $2)
load jqxWidget 3.6
Now each jqxWidget should have its own, separate jQuery.
Obviously it's not ideal to have jQuery loaded twice, but that shouldn't be a problem apart from using a bit more memory on your app.

How to work with RequireJS and its config correctly

I'm having a lot of troubles with RequireJS, I get errors simply by using a define module.
Let's assume I have this configuration:
baseUrl: "js/",
paths: {
jquery: "libs/jquery/jquery-2.0.2.min",
handlebars: "libs/backbone/template/handlebars",
lodash: "libs/backbone/template/lodash.min",
backbone: "libs/backbone/backbone-1.0.0.min",
shim: {
"lodash": {
exports: '_'
"handlebars": {
exports: 'Handlebars'
"backbone": {
deps: ["helper", "lodash", "handlebars", "jquery"],
exports: "Backbone"
urlArgs: "bust=" + (new Date()).getTime()
define(["jquery"], function ($) {
console.log('define "jquery" on config.js');
return $;
console.log("end config.js");
First, I've tried the classic way, I've loaded a config file where I have all the dependances of my JavaScript files, I'm using jQuery, Backbone and other libs.
<script type="text/javascript" data-main="config" src="js/libs/require/require-2.1.6.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
require(["jquery"], function ($) {
console.log("jquery loaded");
With this configuration, i get these errors and logs sequence:
Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function (){return r}
> http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#mismatch
end config.js
define "jquery" on config.js
It seems the error is referred to the function require.config(...);
I thought it was a load problem, so I've tried to use the var require as described in RequireJS site without solving it.
The absurd thing is I'm working on a fullscreen app built in Backbone with the same configuration without getting any problem, here I need to work more with different views and I cannot start, basically the whole difference is here I'm using CakePHP.
Why this won't work, where I'm wrong?
The jQuery version you are using already has AMD support. So you don't have to use shim for it. You can directly give the path and start using it.
Since the module is already defined in the jQuery library, it throws errors when you try to redefine it. The following code tries to define an anonymous module.
define(["jquery"], function ($) {
console.log('define "jquery" on config.js');
return $;
remove the above code and should work fine. The following code uses require method to load the jquery module.
require(["jquery"], function ($) {
Hopefully this works.

require shim setup- jquery.flot/jquery.flot.selection

So I'm working with jquery.flot and jquery.flot.selection and since define({... loads modules asynchronously I am having a problem because the selection plugin is trying to push itself into $.plot.plugins (which is created by jquery.flot) but at that moment $.plot.plugins still isn't defined.
I found that the "shim" argument in require.config should help me with this but I am having no luck...
so here's the rundown...
jquery.flot creates $.plot
and jquery.flot.selection adds itself to $.plot.plugins
what I've tried...
my plugin looks like this..
define(['jquery','lib/jquery.flot','lib/jquery.flot.selection'], function() {
(function($) {
// jQuery plugin definition
I also tried
//jQuery plugin definition
What should I do???
For anyone who happens to run into this in the future, RequireJS can be a little opaque when it comes to diagnosing problems. Here's a working example of RequireJS 2 with jquery.flot and jquery.flot.selection, without the use module.
It's a little hard to tell what's different between this example and the question above, thus the opaqueness!
shim: {
'jquery': {
exports: '$'
'jquery.flot': {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: '$.plot'
'jquery.flot.selection': {
deps: ['jquery.flot']
paths: {
'jquery': '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min',
'jquery.flot': '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flot/0.8.1/jquery.flot.min',
'jquery.flot.selection': 'https://raw.github.com/flot/flot/master/jquery.flot.selection'
require(['jquery', 'jquery.flot', 'jquery.flot.selection'], function ($) {
// jQuery plugin definition
