I'm generating a random icon in several places on a webpage. To style these icons, I'm using Font Awesome as the list. Looking at that link, you can see each icon is represented by a class styled <i class="icon-[some-string]"></i>
The goal is to be able to place code on a page that will then use jQuery to fill [some-string] with an option from that list. So some psuedo example like:
<ul class="random-list">
[for i]
<li class="list-item"><i class="icon-string"></i></li>
// Other content
Then I would use jQuery to change string from a list of options. I just don't know how to do this, how to create the array of objects, or how to manipulate the dynamically added items. Since they're adding dynamically like the example above, I suppose I should do the string replace while they are generating instead of doing so after the page is loaded? What would be the process for doing that? I'm using a template that is loading some blocks and I want to include the random icon before each block. Alternatively, if it is easier, I can prepend a random icon before each block, however, since they are dynamically generated by the template, this presents it's own problems.
1) How can I achieve the random icon like I have in the example (template based)
2) Alterternatively, if doing so after the fact is easier, how do I prepend a random icon to each block?
Either answer is fine for this question.
$(document).ready(function() {
var iconArray = new Array(
var randIcon = Math.floor(Math.random()*(iconArray.length));
$('.icon-front').append("<i class='" + iconArray[randIcon] + "'></i>");
Seems to do the trick, however, getting it to work on dynamic elements will require a delay or something unless I can figure this snippet to run inside the element create template...
update to recent Font Awesome selector labels:
$(document).ready(function() {
var iconArray = new Array("glass", "music", "search", "envelope-o", "heart", "star", "star-o", "user", "film", "th-large", "th", "th-list", "check", "remove", "close", "times", "search-plus", "search-minus", "power-off", "signal", "gear", "cog", "trash-o", "home", "file-o", "clock-o", "road", "download", "arrow-circle-o-down", "arrow-circle-o-up", "inbox", "play-circle-o", "rotate-right", "repeat", "refresh", "list-alt", "lock", "flag", "headphones", "volume-off", "volume-down", "volume-up", "qrcode", "barcode", "tag", "tags", "book", "bookmark", "print", "camera", "font", "bold", "italic", "text-height", "text-width", "align-left", "align-center", "align-right", "align-justify", "list", "dedent", "outdent", "indent", "video-camera", "photo", "image", "picture-o", "pencil", "map-marker", "adjust", "tint", "edit", "pencil-square-o", "share-square-o", "check-square-o", "arrows", "step-backward", "fast-backward", "backward", "play", "pause", "stop", "forward", "fast-forward", "step-forward", "eject", "chevron-left", "chevron-right", "plus-circle", "minus-circle", "times-circle", "check-circle", "question-circle", "info-circle", "crosshairs", "times-circle-o", "check-circle-o", "ban", "arrow-left", "arrow-right", "arrow-up", "arrow-down", "mail-forward", "share", "expand", "compress", "plus", "minus", "asterisk", "exclamation-circle", "gift", "leaf", "fire", "eye", "eye-slash", "warning", "exclamation-triangle", "plane", "calendar", "random", "comment", "magnet", "chevron-up", "chevron-down", "retweet", "shopping-cart", "folder", "folder-open", "arrows-v", "arrows-h", "bar-chart-o", "bar-chart", "twitter-square", "facebook-square", "camera-retro", "key", "gears", "cogs", "comments", "thumbs-o-up", "thumbs-o-down", "star-half", "heart-o", "sign-out", "linkedin-square", "thumb-tack", "external-link", "sign-in", "trophy", "github-square", "upload", "lemon-o", "phone", "square-o", "bookmark-o", "phone-square", "twitter", "facebook-f", "facebook", "github", "unlock", "credit-card", "rss", "hdd-o", "bullhorn", "bell", "certificate", "hand-o-right", "hand-o-left", "hand-o-up", "hand-o-down", "arrow-circle-left", "arrow-circle-right", "arrow-circle-up", "arrow-circle-down", "globe", "wrench", "tasks", "filter", "briefcase", "arrows-alt", "group", "users", "chain", "link", "cloud", "flask", "cut", "scissors", "copy", "files-o", "paperclip", "save", "floppy-o", "square", "navicon", "reorder", "bars", "list-ul", "list-ol", "strikethrough", "underline", "table", "magic", "truck", "pinterest", "pinterest-square", "google-plus-square", "google-plus", "money", "caret-down", "caret-up", "caret-left", "caret-right", "columns", "unsorted", "sort", "sort-down", "sort-desc", "sort-up", "sort-asc", "envelope", "linkedin", "rotate-left", "undo", "legal", "gavel", "dashboard", "tachometer", "comment-o", "comments-o", "flash", "bolt", "sitemap", "umbrella", "paste", "clipboard", "lightbulb-o", "exchange", "cloud-download", "cloud-upload", "user-md", "stethoscope", "suitcase", "bell-o", "coffee", "cutlery", "file-text-o", "building-o", "hospital-o", "ambulance", "medkit", "fighter-jet", "beer", "h-square", "plus-square", "angle-double-left", "angle-double-right", "angle-double-up", "angle-double-down", "angle-left", "angle-right", "angle-up", "angle-down", "desktop", "laptop", "tablet", "mobile-phone", "mobile", "circle-o", "quote-left", "quote-right", "spinner", "circle", "mail-reply", "reply", "github-alt", "folder-o", "folder-open-o", "smile-o", "frown-o", "meh-o", "gamepad", "keyboard-o", "flag-o", "flag-checkered", "terminal", "code", "mail-reply-all", "reply-all", "star-half-empty", "star-half-full", "star-half-o", "location-arrow", "crop", "code-fork", "unlink", "chain-broken", "question", "info", "exclamation", "superscript", "subscript", "eraser", "puzzle-piece", "microphone", "microphone-slash", "shield", "calendar-o", "fire-extinguisher", "rocket", "maxcdn", "chevron-circle-left", "chevron-circle-right", "chevron-circle-up", "chevron-circle-down", "html5", "css3", "anchor", "unlock-alt", "bullseye", "ellipsis-h", "ellipsis-v", "rss-square", "play-circle", "ticket", "minus-square", "minus-square-o", "level-up", "level-down", "check-square", "pencil-square", "external-link-square", "share-square", "compass", "toggle-down", "caret-square-o-down", "toggle-up", "caret-square-o-up", "toggle-right", "caret-square-o-right", "euro", "eur", "gbp", "dollar", "usd", "rupee", "inr", "cny", "rmb", "yen", "jpy", "ruble", "rouble", "rub", "won", "krw", "bitcoin", "btc", "file", "file-text", "sort-alpha-asc", "sort-alpha-desc", "sort-amount-asc", "sort-amount-desc", "sort-numeric-asc", "sort-numeric-desc", "thumbs-up", "thumbs-down", "youtube-square", "youtube", "xing", "xing-square", "youtube-play", "dropbox", "stack-overflow", "instagram", "flickr", "adn", "bitbucket", "bitbucket-square", "tumblr", "tumblr-square", "long-arrow-down", "long-arrow-up", "long-arrow-left", "long-arrow-right", "apple", "windows", "android", "linux", "dribbble", "skype", "foursquare", "trello", "female", "male", "gittip", "gratipay", "sun-o", "moon-o", "archive", "bug", "vk", "weibo", "renren", "pagelines", "stack-exchange", "arrow-circle-o-right", "arrow-circle-o-left", "toggle-left", "caret-square-o-left", "dot-circle-o", "wheelchair", "vimeo-square", "turkish-lira", "try", "plus-square-o", "space-shuttle", "slack", "envelope-square", "wordpress", "openid", "institution", "bank", "university", "mortar-board", "graduation-cap", "yahoo", "google", "reddit", "reddit-square", "stumbleupon-circle", "stumbleupon", "delicious", "digg", "pied-piper", "pied-piper-alt", "drupal", "joomla", "language", "fax", "building", "child", "paw", "spoon", "cube", "cubes", "behance", "behance-square", "steam", "steam-square", "recycle", "automobile", "car", "cab", "taxi", "tree", "spotify", "deviantart", "soundcloud", "database", "file-pdf-o", "file-word-o", "file-excel-o", "file-powerpoint-o", "file-photo-o", "file-picture-o", "file-image-o", "file-zip-o", "file-archive-o", "file-sound-o", "file-audio-o", "file-movie-o", "file-video-o", "file-code-o", "vine", "codepen", "jsfiddle", "life-bouy", "life-buoy", "life-saver", "support", "life-ring", "circle-o-notch", "ra", "rebel", "ge", "empire", "git-square", "git", "hacker-news", "tencent-weibo", "qq", "wechat", "weixin", "send", "paper-plane", "send-o", "paper-plane-o", "history", "genderless", "circle-thin", "header", "paragraph", "sliders", "share-alt", "share-alt-square", "bomb", "soccer-ball-o", "futbol-o", "tty", "binoculars", "plug", "slideshare", "twitch", "yelp", "newspaper-o", "wifi", "calculator", "paypal", "google-wallet", "cc-visa", "cc-mastercard", "cc-discover", "cc-amex", "cc-paypal", "cc-stripe", "bell-slash", "bell-slash-o", "trash", "copyright", "at", "eyedropper", "paint-brush", "birthday-cake", "area-chart", "pie-chart", "line-chart", "lastfm", "lastfm-square", "toggle-off", "toggle-on", "bicycle", "bus", "ioxhost", "angellist", "cc", "shekel", "sheqel", "ils", "meanpath", "buysellads", "connectdevelop", "dashcube", "forumbee", "leanpub", "sellsy", "shirtsinbulk", "simplybuilt", "skyatlas", "cart-plus", "cart-arrow-down", "diamond", "ship", "user-secret", "motorcycle", "street-view", "heartbeat", "venus", "mars", "mercury", "transgender", "transgender-alt", "venus-double", "mars-double", "venus-mars", "mars-stroke", "mars-stroke-v", "mars-stroke-h", "neuter", "facebook-official", "pinterest-p", "whatsapp", "server", "user-plus", "user-times", "hotel", "bed", "viacoin", "train", "subway", "medium");
var randIcon = Math.floor(Math.random()*(iconArray.length));
I'm really getting a hard time in running the parse button to show the result from the input box ...
these are my codes:
<title> sentence detector</title> </head>
<body background="english.jpg">
<font color="black">
<h1 align = center> TABLE OF WORDS </h1>
var noun = new Array ("time", "year", "people", "way", "man", "day", "thing", "child", "Mr", "government", "work", "life", "woman", "system", "case", "part", "group", "number", "world", "house", "area", "company", "problem", "service", "place", "hand", "party", "school", "country", "point", "week", "member", "end", "state", "word", "family", "fact", "head", "month", "side", "business", "night", "eye", "home", "question", "information" , "power", "change", "interest", "development ");
document.write("NOUN: ");
for (i=0; i<noun.length; i++)
document.write(" " + noun[i] + "," + " ");
var verb = new Array ("allow","answer","arrive","ask" , "be", "become" , "begin" , "believe", "bring", "burn", "buy" , "call" , "can" , "decide", "describe", "destroy" , "die" , "do", "drink" , "drive", "eat", "end", "explain", "fall" , "feel" , "hope" , "hurt", "improve", "jump", "know", "laugh", "learn", "leave", "lie", "listen", "live", "look" , "press" , "promise" , "pull" , "push" , "put" , "read" , "receive", "recognize", "remember", "repeat" , "rest", "return");
document.write("VERB: ");
for (i=0;i<verb.length;i++)
document.write(" " + verb[i] + "," + " ");
var adj = new Array ("abandoned", "able", "absolute", "adorable", "adventurous", "academic", "acceptable", "adored", "advanced" , "afraid", "belated", "beloved", "beneficial", "better", "best", "careful", "careles" , "caring", "circular", "classic", "clean", "clear" , "damaged" , "damp", "dangerous", "dapper", "daring");
document.write("ADJECTIVE: ");
for (i=0;i<adj.length;i++)
document.write(" " + adj[i] + "," + " ");
var adv = new Array ("financially","willfully", "abruptly", "endlessly", "firmly", "delightfully", "quickly", "lightly", "eternally", "delicately","wearily", "sorrowfully","beautifully","truthfully" ,"now", "first", "last", "early", "yesterday", "tomorrow", "today", "later", "regularly", "often", "never", "monthly", "always", "usually", "very", "too", "almost", "also", "only", "enough", "so", "quite", "almost", "rather", "back", "gamely", "helplessly" , "entirely", "absently", "bodily", "bloodily", "boldly" , "crazily" , "heartbrokenly", "healthily", "hurtfully");
document.write("ADVERB: ");
for (i=0;i<adv.length;i++)
document.write(" " + adv[i] + "," + " ");
var prep = new Array ("about", "above", "according to", "along with", "among", "apart from", "around as", "behind ","below", "beneath", "beside", "between", "beyond", "but", "by", "by means of", "concerning", "despite", "down", "except", "for", "excepting", "for", "in case of", "instead of", "into", "like", "near", "next of", "off", "on", "onto", "on top of", "out", "out of", "outside", "round since", "through", "throughout", "till", "under", "until", "up upon", "up", "to", "with", "within", "without");
document.write("PREPOSITION: ");
for (i=0;i<prep.length;i++)
document.write(" " + prep[i] + "," + " ");
var pronoun = new Array ("all", "another", "any", "anybody", "anyone", "anything", "both","each", "each", "other", "either", "everybody", "everyone", "everything", "few", "he", "her", "hers", "herself", "him", "himself", "his", "I", "it", "its", "itself", "little", "many", "me", "mine");
document.write("PRONOUN: ");
for (i=0;i<pronoun.length;i++)
document.write(" " + pronoun[i] + "," + " ");
var conj = new Array("for", "and", "nor", "but", "or", "yet", "so", "either", "or", "neither", "nor", "both", "and", "not only", "but", "also", "after all", "in addition", "next", "also", "incidentally", "nonetheless", "as a result", "indeed", "on the contrary", "besides", "in fact", "on the other hand", "consequently", "in other words", "otherwise", "finally", "instead", "still", "for example", "likewise", "then","furthermore", "meanwhile", "hence", "moreover", "thus", "however", "nevertheless");
document.write("CONJUNCTION: " );
for (i=0;i<conj.length;i++)
document.write(" " + conj[i] + "," + " ");
var interjection = new Array ( "Absolutely", "Achoo", "Ack", "Adios", "Aha", "Ahoy", "Agreed", "Alack", "Alright", "Alrighty", "Alrighty-roo", "Alack", "Alleluia", "All hail", "Aloha", "Amen", "Anytime", "Argh", "Anyhoo", "Anyhow", "As if", "Attaboy", "Attagirl", "Awww", "Awful", "Ay", "bam", "Bah", "hambug", "Begorra", "Behold", "Bingo", "Blah", "Bravo", "Brrr", "Bye", "Cheers", "Ciao", "Cripes", "Crud", "Darn", "Dear", "Doh", "Drat", "Eek", "Encore", "Eureka", "FiddlesticksFie", "Gadzooks", "Gee");
document.write("INTERJECTION: ");
for (i=0;i<interjection.length;i++)
document.write(" " + interjection[i] + "! " + "," + " ");
var deter = new Array ("the", "a", "an", "another", "no","some", "any", "my", "our", "their", "her", "his", "its", "each", "every" , "certain" , "its", "this", "that", "your", "whose", "little", "|ess", "least", "few", "fewer", "fewest");
document.write("DETERMINER: ");
for (i=0;i<deter.length;i++)
document.write(" " + deter[i] + "," + " ");
<font size="+1">
Input Words: <input type = "text" name = "enter" size = "70">
<input name="parse" type="button" value="parse?">
the output must be like this
choose from the words above
type it in the input box
click the button parse?
show results:
ex: she is mine
she-- pronoun
is-- preposition
mine-- pronoun
So there are a couple of points to this:
You have your code directly in a couple of script tags, this means it gets executed immediately when the page gets loaded - and obviously this is before anyone can enter the text.
You need to wrap your code into some sort of a function that then gets called on input:
function parseWords() {
//All of your code goes here
Then from your button you probably want to call this function I would assume when the
button is pressed.
<input name="parse" type="button" value="parse?" onclick="parseWords()">
Your text input needs an ID so we can get the data from it easily:
<input id="textInput" type = "text" name = "enter" size = "70">
Next you will have to get the data from the input and then split it up.
function parseWords() {
var myText = document.getElementById("textInput").value;
var myWords = myText.split(" ");
Now you have to loop over each of the words and find what type they are:
function parseWords() {
var myText = document.getElementById("textInput").value;
var myWords = myText.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < myWords.length; i++) {
// Check for your words here and generate the output
This is not the full solution, but these are the major points I see wrong with your code. I hope you can figure out the rest from here.