There are serious bugs when trying to create a RESTful JavaScript Client with NetBeans and Glassfish within the OpenESB 2.3.1 package.
I'm trying to create a RESTful JS Client for the RESTful Customer DB Example that comes with NetBeans.
In CustomerDB.js, the init function is blank.
init: function()
this.initialized = true;
It is supposed to have resources in it, like this:
init: function()
this.resources[0] = new Rest_customerdb_discountcode(this.uri+'/rest.customerdb.discountcode/');
this.resources[1] = new Rest_customerdb_customer(this.uri+'/rest.customerdb.customer');
this.initialized = true;
Even after adding the resources manually, there is a problem.
The line:
var items = resource.getEntities();
inside TestStubs.html fails and returns undefined. How can I fix this?
I noticed that a certain line in Rest_customerdb_customer.js is not working properly.
Below, ref.length is undefined. How can this be fixed?
/* Method findAll with HTTP request metod GET, its return type is array of Customer */
findAll: function(uri_)
var url = "";
if (uri_ != null && uri_ != undefined) {
url = uri_;
var remote = new Rest_customerdb_customerRemote(this.uri);
var c = remote.getJson_(url);
if (c == -1)
return -1;
var myObj = eval('(' + c + ')');
var result = new Array();
for (var prop in myObj)
var ref = myObj[prop];
var j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < ref.length; j++)
if (ref[j]['#uri'] != null && ref[j]['#uri'] != undefined)
result[j] = new Customer(ref[j], ref[j]['#uri']);
result[j] = new Customer(ref[j]);
return result;
My question is about full power solution for parsing ANY complex URI parameters using just normal browser's Javascript. Like it do PHP, for simple code compatibility between JS and PHP sources.
But the first, let us see some particular known decisions:
There is popular question and answers on StackOverflow, see How can I get query string values in JavaScript?
You can find there quite simple solutions for common SIMPLE cases. For example, like handling this scalar parameters like this one:
It has no answers for handling complex query params. (As far as I could see for answers with source codes and author comments)
Also you may use an URL object in modern browsers, see, or exactly
It is enought powerful and you don't need to write or load any code for parsing URI parameters - just use
var params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams;
var name = params.get("name"); // is the string "Jonathan"
var age = parseInt(params.get("age")); // is the number 18
This approach has such disadvantage that URL is available only in most of modern browsers, - other browsers or outdated versions of browsers will fail.
So, what I need. I need parsing any complex URI params, like[name]=Jonathan&u[age]=18&area[]=1&area[]=20&u[own][]=car&u[own][]=bike&u[funname]=O%27Neel%20mc%20Fly&empty=&nulparam&the%20message=Hello%20World
'a': 'edit',
'u': {
'name': 'Jonathan',
'age': '18',
'own': ['car', 'bike'],
'funname': 'O\'Neel mc Fly'
'area': [1, 20],
'empty': '',
'nulparam': null,
'the message': 'Hello World'
Preferrable answer is just plain readable javascript source. Simple and small wide-used library can be accepted too, but this question is not about them.
To start I just publish my own current solution for parsing URI params and vice versa for making URI from params. Any comments for it are welcome.
Hope this helps to save time for lot of coders later.
My solution
var params = getQueryParams(;
var params = getQueryParams();
var params = {...};
var path = '...';
var url = path;
var urlSearch = getQueryString(params);
if (urlSearch) {
url += '?' + urlSearch;
history.replaceState({"autoUrl": url}, "autoreplace", url);
function getQueryParams(qs) {
if (typeof qs === 'undefined') {
qs =;
qs = qs.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
var params = {},
re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g;
while (tokens = re.exec(qs)) {
var name = decodeURIComponent(tokens[1]);
var value = decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]);
if (value.length == 0) {
if (name.substr(-2) == '[]') {
name = name.substr(0, name.length - 2);
if (typeof params[name] === 'undefined') {
params[name] = [];
if (value === '') {
if (name.substr(-1) == ']') {
var nameParts = name.split('[');
name = nameParts[0];
for (var i = 1; i < nameParts.length; i++) {
nameParts[i] = nameParts[i].substr(0, nameParts[i].length - 1);
var ptr = params;
for (var i = 0; i < nameParts.length - 1; i++) {
name = nameParts[i];
if (typeof ptr[name] === 'undefined') {
ptr[name] = {};
ptr = ptr[name];
name = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1];
ptr[name] = value;
params[name] = value;
return params;
function getQueryString(params) {
var paramsStringParts = [];
for (var name in params) {
if (params[name] instanceof Array) {
paramsStringParts.push( name + '[]=' + params[name].join('&' + name + '[]=') );
} else if (typeof params[name] === 'object') {
var makeFlattern = function(obj){
var result = [];
if (obj instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
result.push('[]=' + obj[i]);
return result;
for (var i in obj) {
if (typeof obj[i] === 'object') {
var subResult = makeFlattern(obj[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < subResult.length; j++) {
result.push('[' + i + ']' + subResult[j]);
result.push('[' + i + ']=' + obj[i]);
return result;
paramsStringParts.push( name + makeFlattern(params[name]).join('&' + name) );
} else {
paramsStringParts.push( name + '=' + params[name] );
return paramsStringParts.join('&');
A bit late, but just struggled over the same problem, solution was very simple:
use encodeURIComponent(...) for the stringified complex objects, the result can then be used as normal queryString-Part.
In the result-side the query-string-parameters have to be un-stringified.
var complex_param_obj = {
value1: 'Wert1',
var complex_param_str = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(complex_param_obj));
var complex_param_url = 'http://test_page.html?complex_param=' + complex_param_str;
//on the result-side you would use something to extract the complex_param-attribute from the URL
//in this test-case:
var restored_param_obj = decodeURIComponent(complex_param_str);
I'm making a game with and nodejs, and I'm making a module called rooms.js, this module require users.js module and fiveSocket.js module
but when I call Rooms.New from the main server file, it says that fiveSocket is undefined, same problem when Rooms.New calls a users.js function, I got TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSocketIDbyId' of undefined
var mysql = require('../mysql/mysql.js');
var headers = require('./headers.js');
var users = require('./users.js');
var fiveSocket = require('./sockets.js');
var Rooms = {
Obj: {},
Room: function(data) {
var room = this; =;
this.users = [];
this.floorCode = data.floor;
this.description = data.desc;
this.maxUsers = data.maxUsers;
this.owner = data.owner;
this.setTime = new Date().getTime();
this.dbID = data.dbID;
this.doorx = data.doorx;
this.doory = data.doory;
this.doordir = data.doordir;
New: function(socketID, roomID) {
var keys = Object.keys(Rooms.Obj).length;
var id = keys + 1;
var callback = function(row) {
fiveSocket.emitClient(socketID, headers.roomData, {
title: row.title,
desc: row.description,
mapStr: row.floorCode,
doorx: row.doorx,
doory: row.doory,
doordir: row.doordir
var uid = users.getIdBySocketID(socketID);
users.Obj[uid].curRoom = roomID;
var rid = Rooms.getIdByDbID(roomID);
if(Rooms.getIdByDbID(roomID) != false) {
var room = Rooms.getIdByDbID(roomID);
var row = { title:, description: room.description, floorCode: room.foorCode, doorx: room.doorx, doory: room.doory, doordir: room.doordir };
} else {
mysql.Query('SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1', roomID, function(rows) {
if(rows.length > 0) {
var row = rows[0];
Rooms.Obj[id] = new Rooms.Room({name: row.title, floorCode: row.floorCode, desc: row.description, maxUsers: row.maxUsers, owner: row.owner, dbID:, doorx: row.doorx, doory: row.doory, doordir: row.doordir});
removeUser: function(DBroomID, userID) {
var rid = Rooms.getIdByDbID(DBroomID);
var room = Rooms.Obj[rid];
var index = room.indexOf(userID);
if (index > -1) array.splice(index, 1);
Listener: function(users) {
for(var roomID in Rooms.Obj) {
var room = Rooms.Obj[roomID];
// send users coordinates
room.users.forEach(function(uid) {
var socketID = users.getSocketIDbyId(uid);
var data = Rooms.getUsersInRoomData(roomID);
fiveSocket.emitClient(socketID, headers.roomUsers, data);
// unload inactive rooms (no users after 10 seconds)
var activeUsers = room.users.length;
var timestamp = room.setTime;
var t = new Date(); t.setSeconds(t.getSeconds() + 10);
var time2 = t.getTime();
if(activeUsers <= 0 && timestamp < time2) {
}, 1);
getUsersInRoomData: function(roomID) {
var room = Rooms.Obj[roomID];
var obj = {};
room.users.forEach(function(uid) {
var user = users.Obj[uid];
obj[uid] = {
username: user.username,
position: user.position,
figure: user.figure
return obj;
Remove: function(id) {
delete Rooms.Obj[id];
getIdByDbID: function(dbID) {
var result = null;
for(var room in Rooms.Obj) {
var u = Rooms.Obj[room];
if(u.dbID == dbID) var result = room;
if(result == null) return false;
else return result;
getDbIDbyId: function(id) {
return Rooms.Obj[id].dbID;
module.exports = Rooms;
EDIT: (if it can be helpful)
When I console.log fiveSocket on the main file
When I console.log fiveSocket on the rooms.js file
EDIT2: When I've removed var users = require('./users.js'); from fiveSocket, when I console.log it in rooms.js it works, why ?
EDIT3: I still have the problem
If you need the others modules sources:
"Rooms" requires "Users" and vice versa, so you are trying to perform "circular dependency".
Quick search for node.js require circular dependencies gives a lot of stuff, for example :
"Circular Dependencies in modules can be tricky, and hard to debug in
node.js. If module A requires('B') before it has finished setting up
it's exports, and then module B requires('A'), it will get back an
empty object instead what A may have intended to export. It makes
logical sense that if the export of A wasn't setup, requiring it in B
results in an empty export object. All the same, it can be a pain to
debug, and not inherently obvious to developers used to having those
circular dependencies handled automatically. Fortunately, there are
rather simple approaches to resolving the issue."
How to deal with cyclic dependencies in Node.js
I am trying to send multiple asyncronous xmlhttprequest's using the oData endpoint. Some of them are creating Order details and are updating Order details in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.
If I use the developer tools and manually trace through the code it works fine. However, if I run it from my web resource I constantly get 500 responses from the server. Some of the requests complete correctly, while the others fail.
I am looking for a purely javascript solution. I have tried Googling it and looking at multiple posts on stackoverflow but to no avail. I have used Fiddler2 but the response text is 'Generic SQL Error'. If I run the request again in the composer, it works just fine. Could it be a db locking issue?
Thanks in advance and I can provide more info if need be.
Here is my code with the for-loop:
var updateDetails = function (data) {
var table = document.getElementById("selectedItemTable");
var tbody = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var upsaleQty, qty;
var salesOrderDetailId;
for (var i = 0; i < tbody.childElementCount; i++) {
var prodName = tbody.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML;
var match = false;
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
if (prodName === data[j].product_order_details.tf_ShortName) {
match = true;
upsaleQty = data[j].tf_UpsaleQty ? parseFloat(data[j].tf_UpsaleQty) : 0;
qty = parseFloat(data[j].Quantity) + parseFloat(tbody.rows[i].cells[1].innerHTML);
salesOrderDetailId = data[j].SalesOrderDetailId;
if (!match) {
var productQuery = odataBaseUrl + "/ProductSet?$filter=tf_ShortName eq '" + prodName + "'&$select=Name,tf_ShortName,ProductId,DefaultUoMId";
performRequest(productQuery, createDetail);
} else {
upsaleQty = upsaleQty + parseFloat(tbody.rows[i].cells[1].innerHTML);
// Update Order Detail
var updateObj = {};
updateObj.tf_UpsaleQty = upsaleQty.toFixed(5);
updateObj.Quantity = qty.toFixed(5);
var updateDetail = JSON.stringify(updateObj);
console.dir("Update " + prodName + ":" + updateDetail);
createUpdateDetail(true, salesOrderDetailId, updateDetail);
document.getElementById("save").style.visibility = "hidden";
Here is the code that sends the create/update request:
var createUpdateDetail = function (update, orderDetailGuid, json) {
var odataReq = odataBaseUrl + "/SalesOrderDetailSet";
if (update) {
odataReq += "(guid'" + orderDetailGuid + "')";
var oReq = getXMLHttpRequest();
if (oReq != null) {"POST", encodeURI(odataReq), true);
oReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
oReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
if (update) {
oReq.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method", "MERGE");
} else {
alert('Error in creating request.');
Here is the perform request function:
var performRequest = function (odataUrl, onReadyFunction, concatResults) {
var oReq = getXMLHttpRequest();
if (oReq != null) {"GET", encodeURI(odataUrl), true);
oReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
oReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
oReq.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (oReq.readyState == 4 && oReq.status == 200) {
// Parse the result
if (!concatResults) {
concatResults = new Object();
concatResults.results = new Array();
oReq.onreadystatechange = null; //avoids memory leaks
var result = window.JSON.parse(oReq.responseText).d;
for (var i = 0; i < result.results.length; i++) {
if (result.__next != null)
performRequest(decodeURI(result.__next), onReadyFunction, concatResults);
} else {
alert('Error in creating request.');
Create Detail function:
var createDetail = function (data) {
// Create Order Detail
var table = document.getElementById("selectedItemTable");
var tbody = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var qty = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < tbody.childElementCount; i++) {
if (data[0].tf_ShortName === tbody.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML) {
qty = parseFloat(tbody.rows[i].cells[1].innerHTML).toFixed(5);
var createObj = {};
createObj.SalesOrderId = { Id: orderGuid, LogicalName: "salesorder" };
createObj.ProductId = { Id: data[0].ProductId, LogicalName: "product" };
createObj.Quantity = qty;
createObj.tf_UpsaleQty = qty;
createObj.UoMId = { Id: data[0].DefaultUoMId.Id, LogicalName: data[0].DefaultUoMId.LogicalName };
var createDet = JSON.stringify(createObj);
console.dir("Create:" + createDet);
createUpdateDetail(false, "", createDet);
I think ExecuteMultipleRequest to SOAP endpoint it's your solution. As a result you get only one service call instead making multiple service call which is currently implemented in your solution.
In case you avoid generating request string to soap endpoint in your code I would like to recommend you this JS library.
I ended up creating an array and treated it like a queue. I put all of the odata requests to create and update the Order Details in the array and then processed them sequentially. The onreadystatechange would trigger the next request. Granted, it's not as efficient as running the processed in parallel, but it worked for my needs and resolved the 500 errors. Thanks for your help.
I have a question about the http request.
Here is my old post.
How to get the multiple http request results in my example?
I have modified my codes a bit. Basically I need to make multiple http requests and store them into an productGroup array. However, I am getting undefined for the returned result.
var buildProduct = function(product) {
var productGroup = [];
for(var i = 0; i < product.length; i++) {
var t = buildProductDetail(product, i)
console.log(productGroup) // I am getting undefined here.
return productGroup;
var buildProductDetail = function(product, i) {
var plan = {}
plan = {detail: data.detail, name:product[i].name}
console.log(plan) //has data
return plan;
var getProductDetail = function(id) {
return $http.get('/api/project/getProduct' + id);
You had undefined because your buildProductDetail function didn't return anything.
If you want a clean result use the $q api to resolve several promises at the same time.$q
I think it should work with something looking like this but I can't test without a plunkr.
Inject $q (native in angularjs, no external dep needed) and then :
var buildProduct = function(product) {
var productGroup = [];
for(var i = 0; i < product.length; i++) {
var t = buildProductDetail(product, i)
return $q.all( productGroup );
var buildProductDetail = function(product, i) {
var plan = {}
return getProductDetail(product[i].id) // don't forget the return there
plan = {detail: data.detail, name:product[i].name}
console.log(plan) //has data
return plan;
I'm trying to json serialize an array as follows:
function postToDrupal(contacts, source, owner) {
(function ($) {
var contact, name, email, entry;
var emails = [];
var post_object = {};
for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
contact = contacts[i];
emails[i] = {};
emails[i]['name'] = contact.fullName();
emails[i]['email'] = contact.selectedEmail();
$.post("/cloudsponge-post",JSON.stringify(post_object),function(data) {
window.location.href = "/after-import";
The problem is, the post comes back empty. Without JSON.stringify() I get all the elements (but there are thousands of them, which can hit some servers limits, so they need to be serialized). Any help would be much appreciated.
The problem was this. When the request to the server is of type JSON, it's not strictly a POST, so PHP does not populate the $_POST field. In order to retrieve the data, it must be read directly from the request, in other words, instead of using $_POST, use:
You don't need to call JSON.stringify, $.post accepts an object, check $.post.
Code to post just a few emails at a time :
function postToDrupal(contacts, source, owner) {
var pending = 0, limit = 10;
var post_patch = function(emails) {
var post_object = {};
$.post("/cloudsponge-post", post_object,function(data) {
if(pending-- == 0) {
window.location.href = "/after-import";
(function ($) {
var contact, emails = [];
for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
contact = contacts[i];
emails[i] = {};
emails[i]['name'] = contact.fullName();
emails[i]['email'] = contact.selectedEmail();
if(limit-- == 0) {
limit = 10
contact = null; emails = {};