Before starting this question, i have to say I really searched everywhere to find the answer but nothing found. Also tried manythings like dispatchevent, postmessage, ... but nothing worked.
Here is the case.
I have a main windows, where I have 4 simple buttons, like downarrow, uparrow, left and right arrow. I want to create a simulation of events pass to the iframe which is in this main window.
In that iframe is a page loaded where is an Eventhandler and react on the arrows.
I tried following but did not worked
var event = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent'); // create a key event define the event
event.initKeyboardEvent("keypress", // typeArg,
true, // canBubbleArg,
true, // cancelableArg,
null, // viewArg, Specifies UIEvent.view. This value may be null.
false, // ctrlKeyArg,
false, // altKeyArg,
false, // shiftKeyArg,
false, // metaKeyArg,
39, // keyCodeArg (39 is the right arrow key ),
0); // charCodeArg);
Is there anybody who has an idea how I can solve this issue?
Use postMessage. It works perfectly.
Finally I have sorted out the issue. I have used parent.document on my iframe to catch the events from the parnet side and create them again on iframe and it works great!
you want something like this:
var iframe = document.getElementById('something');
var iframeEvent = new Event('iframe-keypress');
document.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {
iframe.addEventListener('iframe-keypress', function (e) {
listen for the event on the document then pass down a custom event to the iframe.
jsfiddle -
This works, but with jQuery.
window.addEventListener("keydown", (evt) => {
const {type, key} = evt;
parent.$("body").trigger(parent.$.Event(type, {key}));
Interestingly, parent.$.Event(evt) directly doesn't work.
I think this jquery forum thread should help
I'm not sure how to word it, this is what I'm trying to accomplish:
$(document).on('click', '.my-element', function(e) {
var data = [{
'event': e,
'self': this
// Trigger the override function first in case they need to stop prop
// Would like to only trigger this default method if the event above is not set
Then on another page I have something to catch this event, like so:
$(document).on('override:something', function(e,data) {
data.e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // neither work
If I could stop all subsequent events like this that would be optimal, but I could also make it work if there were a way to check if custom events are set.
I could check whether override:something exists and if it does, do not execute the default something event afterwards.
I've tried setting removing specific callbacks like this, but it did not perform as expected and could get hard to manage.
var mycb = function() {
$(document).on('something', mycb);
// now to remove it
$(document).off('something', mycb); // does not remove the event
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the help guys, but this solution seems to the only thing I've found to work for now. Still accepting alternate answers, though.
var override = jQuery._data($(document)[0], 'events')['override:something'];
$(document).trigger('override:something', data);
if ( typeof override == typeof undefined )
$(document).trigger('dashboard:friend', data);
I am trying to create a custom "event" and I place this inside quotes because it won't be like a regular event per se from the events constructors.
So what I'd like to do is this
if(e.readyState == "complete")
var animation = animate(document.getElementById('element'),{
easing: {
effect: "easeInOutBounce",
My problem is how to fire off the "event"? I have the readyState changing throughout my code my problem is firing off this "event".
As of right now with using the events contructors I only get one readyState change fired off which is the complete. But I have others
No others are firing off.
Example of my Events Constructors:
var animateStateChange = new CustomEvent('animateStateChange',{ 'state' : null });
function initAnimate(){
animateStateChange.state = "initialising";
The problem with this is I'd have to do document.addEventListener or the element.addEventListener though putting the event listener on the element that is animating seems logical I'm not sure how to make it only fire from the element and not say on document... Maybe a little crash course on Custom Events or maybe a "hack" event firing system, even examples I can see logically.
This may give a better example of what I am looking for if you to this fiddle
I am not sure if my solution will answer your query, but i tried to use custom events considering situation given above. Also, I see that there is some glitch in dispatchEvent returned value if any handler is provided. Separately i try to return false from handler, but that too din't worked. Below might help you to understand javascript custom event a bit :
Check this link for working code:
var animation = animate(document.getElementById('element'),{
easing: {
effect: "easeInOutBounce",
function handler(e){
if(e.detail.state === "complete"){
alert('Complete State');
return false;
function animate(element, anim){
var i=0;
var j=true;
var state=['initialize','invoked','animating','complete'];
var animateStateChange = new CustomEvent('animateStateChange',{ 'detail' : {"state": state[i++]} });
// j=false;
In docs of dispatchEvent,doclink It is clearly mentioned that the return value is false if at least one of the event handlers which handled this event called Event.preventDefault(). Otherwise it returns true. That din't worked for me.
Hope that helps!
Does anybody know of a method to trigger an event in Prototype, as you can with jQuery's trigger function?
I have bound an event listener using the observe method, but I would also like to be able to fire the event programatically.
event.simulate.js fits your needs.
I've used this several times and it works like a charm. It allows you to manually trigger native events, such as click or hover like so:
The great thing about this is that all attached event handlers will still be executed, just as if you would have clicked the element yourself.
For custom events you can use the standard prototype method
I don't think there is one built in to Prototype, but you can use this (not tested but should at least get you in the right direction):
Element.prototype.triggerEvent = function(eventName)
if (document.createEvent)
var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
evt.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
return this.dispatchEvent(evt);
if (this.fireEvent)
return this.fireEvent('on' + eventName);
I found this post helpful...
It covers a way to fire events in both Firefox and IE.
function fireEvent(element,event){
if (document.createEventObject){
// dispatch for IE
var evt = document.createEventObject();
return element.fireEvent('on'+event,evt)
// dispatch for firefox + others
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(event, true, true ); // event type,bubbling,cancelable
return !element.dispatchEvent(evt);
The answers here are true for "Normal" events, that is events which are defined by the User Agent, but for custom events you should use prototype's "fire" method. e.g.
$('something').observe('my:custom', function() { alert('Custom'); });
$('something').fire('my:custom'); // This will cause the alert to display
I wrote a firefox extension and for interation data between privilege and non-privilege pages I use this snipped code
//Listen for the event
window.addEventListener("MyEvent", function(evt) {
}, false);
//Dispatch an event
var evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
evt.initCustomEvent("MyEvent", true, true, {
name : 'activate',
method : function() {
and everything go well after I update my FireFox to version 32.0.1, at this time my FireFox doesn't work and I try to find the error and discover that the method I passed to MyEvent always null. Why?
Is it possible that in the new version of FireFox I couldn't pass function any more or I should do something newer for solve my problem?
You probably have to use __exposedProps__.
var detail = {
name: "activate",
method: function(){},
__exposedProps__: {method: "r"}
Needless to say that, unless you are absolutely sure that you know what you 're doing, this is a security risk.
Are you sure things used to work before?
You need to set the 4th argument of addEventListener to true. Argument is called wantsUntrusted.
MDN :: addEventListener
Also see this topic here: How to listen to custom events on all windows, bubbling issue?
So try this:
//Listen for the event
window.addEventListener("MyEvent", function(evt) {
}, false, true);
//Dispatch an event
var evt = document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
evt.initCustomEvent("MyEvent", true, true, {
name : 'activate',
method : function() {
I am currently building a browser extension that injects javascript/jquery into certain pages, and i am having a weird issue, where forcing .click() events are not working from my injected code. The strange bit is that it works completely fine if i make the call from my console js console.
I dont really understand what the problem is. It seems that all of my other calls are working fine. I can bind to click events using .click(function(){...}) (so clearly my jquery has been loaded properly), and call methods when things are clicked (so clearly my jquery has been loaded properly), but the second that i try to force a click, the call just does not go through.
Can anybody explain what is happening, or a way that i can get around it?
(i can not recreate this issue, because the problem clearly has to do with injecting the js in an extension)
this is the best i can do for recreation:
//I have tried all of these separately
console.log($("#this_is_an_id")) //This returns the correct element
$("#this_is_an_id").click() //This does not work at all
$("#this_is_an_id").trigger("click") //I have also tried this without success
$("#this_is_an_id").click(function(){ console.log("stuff") }) //This works fine.
Really, at this point, i am assuming it is not my fault, but something that is wrong with the browser's method of injecting script. I am sorta looking for really hackey ways to fix this, i also tried eval('$("#this_is_an_id").trigger("click")'). Does anybody have any other suggestions?
I finally found a very excellent answer/work around to this issue here:
Trigger events from Firefox browser extension?
From user cms:
First of all, for click events, you need to create an event object with type MouseEvents, not HTMLEvents, and use event.initMouseEvent instead of event.initEvent.
To access the document of the current tab of Firefox from a XUL overlay, you can use the content.document property, but since you already have access to the DOM element you want to click, you can use the Node.ownerDocument property, which will refer to the top-level document object for this node.
I have made a simple function to simulate MouseEvents:
function triggerMouseEvent(element, eventName, userOptions) {
var options = { // defaults
clientX: 0, clientY: 0, button: 0,
ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false,
metaKey: false, bubbles: true, cancelable: true
// create event object:
}, event = element.ownerDocument.createEvent("MouseEvents");
if (!/^(?:click|mouse(?:down|up|over|move|out))$/.test(eventName)) {
throw new Error("Only MouseEvents supported");
if (typeof userOptions != 'undefined'){ // set the userOptions
for (var prop in userOptions) {
if (userOptions.hasOwnProperty(prop))
options[prop] = userOptions[prop];
// initialize the event object
event.initMouseEvent(eventName, options.bubbles, options.cancelable,
element.ownerDocument.defaultView, options.button,
options.clientX, options.clientY, options.clientX,
options.clientY, options.ctrlKey, options.altKey,
options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, options.button,
// dispatch!
triggerMouseEvent(element, 'click');
Check a test usage here.
You can pass also an object as the third argument, if you want to change the values of the event object properties.
Thank you so much for this answer. O_O