Google Maps Fusion Table API SQL "LIKE" command not working - javascript

I'm using Google Maps API to pull data from a Fusion Table based on user input. I trying to use the "LIKE" command to create a more robust search feature, however anything other than simple where queries (like where x=y or x>y) seems to return every entry or no entry at all from the fusion table.
function updateMap(layer, tableID) {
var input = document.getElementById('input').value;
var newLayer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
query: {
select: 'FULL_ADDRESS',
from: tableID,
where: "FULL_ADDRESS LIKE \'%" + input + "%\' "
layer.setMap(null);//deletes old layer
newLayer.setMap(map);//sets map to new layer
LAYER = newLayer;// sets global layer to new layer
according to the documentation here and here this should work fine.
<input id="input" class="controls floating-label" type="text" placeholder="Search by Address or Zip Code">
fusion table entry
000000000000000000| Taylor Road , Birmingham, AL, 36117| 0 |$0.00 $6,800.00 |$0.00 |$0.00 |$1,360.00
2nd field is FULL_ADDRESS
live site
My goal is to use the user input to try to partially match a addresses however, it is not working correctly. Is there something I'm missing?

LIKE doesn't appear to work so use MATCHES instead


Adding autocomplete email address list in google script

I am try to add autocomplete list email in my function. Right now, i key in the email address manually, so i have to write or copy all. it should be more efficient if the there autocomplete feature. Here is my code sample:
function getemail(){
var ui_user = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var result = ui_user.prompt("Enter Receiver Email:");
return result.getResponseText();
is GAS can search our contacts email address then query it all?
Yes, Google Apps Script could be used to search for contacts by using the Contacts Service but it's not possible to add autocomplete feature the Spreadsheet.Ui.prompt. In order to have that feature you will have to create a dialog by using HTML Service, client side code (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) and communicate this code with server code.

How to get information on hidden rows from Google Sheet API without Google Apps Script

I am using the Google Sheets API V4 to retrieve its data in JSON like below. That includes all rows, even the ones currently not shown in the Spreadsheet UI because of a filtering in one of the columns.
Is there a way to get only the shown rows or information whether a row is hidden or not?
The Google Apps Script allows such data retrieval using i.e. the .hiddenByFilter Method (see ). However, I am not able to include that in my API Query whatsoever.
$.getJSON("" + SpreadsheetID + "/values/Color1!A2:Q?key=<MY_API_KEY>", function(data) {
// data.values contains the array of rows from the spreadsheet. Each row is also an array of cell values.
$(data.values).each(function() {
var location = {};
location.title = this[2];
location.latitude = parseFloat(this[10]);
location.longitude = parseFloat(this[9]);
location.institution = this[3];
//location.hidden = <?>;
Is there any workaround?
You can use Spreadsheets.get endpoint. Then filter sheets/data/rowData/values using sheets/data/rowMetadata/hiddenByUser field client side.

Mapbox data with google sheets

I am working to develop a crowdsourcing website that takes input from google forms and displays this information on a map. I am working with mapbox and am looking for a way to get the data points in my google spreadsheet (with lat/long info) to automatically show up on the map. Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!
I'm working on a similar project.
I 'published' my google spreadsheet: file > Publish To Web.
You should get a popup window with a URL for your sheet:[your ID here]/pubhtml
Once you have the ID you can use it on your website:
// ID of the Google Spreadsheet
var spreadsheetID = 'fakeExample';
// Make sure it is public or set to `Anyone with link can view`
var url = "" + spreadsheetID + "/od6/public/values?alt=json";
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
var entry = data.feed.entry;
//do stuff with each entry in your spreadsheet
// for example, build a GeoJSON object with your lat/lons or add an individual marker
// ex: add the 'country' column to the `results` box
I suppose you could use any mapbox js map with omnivore, for example.
The form results go in a google sheet - geocode it automatically with some script - publish the sheet to the web with results in csv - the coordinates are pulled automatically to the map which updates upon loading.

Google maps api client side json in javascript

So I am sure that there is a simple solution to my problem but I just can't seem to find an answer. I have an application that has two users place map markers onto a google maps map (and they can see eachothers markers). I want to find the average latitude and longitude and then use the Places API to get JSON that contains nearby locations from that average so the users can decide on a middle ground.
My problem is occurring with getting getting the JSON. Because it is cross domain I can't just use an AJAX call (and the API does not support jsonp). So I was hoping to do this client side in javascript. There are numerous tutorials out there for how to use the Places API when an actual map is on the screen, so how could I do this without the map and just the JSON data?
My application is using JavaScript, JQuery, and Java (a Jersey REST service). I read that there are ways to set up cross domain calls but those all seemed to apply to PHP.
If your application displays Places API data on a map, that map must be provided by Google.
If your application displays Places API data on a page or view that does not also display a Google Map, you must show a "Powered by Google" logo with that data. For example, if your application displays a list of places on one tab, and a Google Map with those places on another tab, the first tab must show the "Powered by Google" logo.
The following ZIP file contains the "Powered by Google" logo in the correct sizes for desktop, Android and iOS applications. You may not resize or modify these logos in any way.
Read here:
To use the Places library, just include the library in the API call and give the Places Service an HTML element instead of a map object:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var request = {
location: new google.maps.LatLng(52.48,-1.89),
radius: '500',
types: ['store']
var container = document.getElementById('results');
var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(container);
service.nearbySearch(request, callback);
function callback(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
container.innerHTML += results[i].name + '<br />';
JSFiddle demo

how to import data from gmail to a spreadsheet using script

i was wondering if i can get the new emails data and put it in a spreadsheet .. the reason i'm making this is i need to track response time with custom search criteria like "FROM:( OR OR ("done" OR "file") has:attachment".
and if the search have a new email i need to return it to a new row in the sheet within functions for the required ranges.
Here is a link that describe what i need to do
You can use'Your_serach_criteria'). This will return an array of Gmail Threads which then you can iterate for messages and extract the required information and put in spreadsheet.
