Spawning an image and making it move with javascript - javascript

I am trying to get a bullet spawned and moving. I get it spawned with no problem, but it is not moving.
var index = 0;
var timer_id; // reference of the timer, needed to stop it
var speed = 350; // pixels/second
var period = 10; // milliseconds
var sprite; // the element that will move
var sprite_speed = 0; // move per period
var sprite_position = 315; // pixels
document.getElementById('jack').addEventListener('click', function() {
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = "images/bullet.png"; = "bullet" + index; = "bullet" + index;
img.setAttribute("style", "position:relative;");
var foo = document.getElementById("fooBar");
move("bullet" + index);
if (document.images) {
var image1 = new Image();
image1.src = "/images/jack01.png";
var image2 = new Image();
image2.src = "/images/jack02.png";
<a onmousedown="document.jack.src=image2.src;" onmouseup="document.jack.src=image1.src;">Spawn a bullet</a>
#bullet {
position: fixed;
position: absolute;
top: 750px;
left: 500px;
#foobar {
position: relative;
So that code above does make a bullet spawn, but it does not make it move!

For the animation you would need a loop. You could check out my game loop code - maybe it would be of some use.
Each loop object has an update() and render() function which are called as the loop runs.
You can place your update code inside the update function. ie. increment the bullet position
Then you can use the render function to apply the position value to the bullet image


JS for -loop always use last element - scope issues

var url_array = ["ulr1", "ulr2", "ulr3", "ulr4", "ulr5"];
var img = document.createElement('img');
for (i = 0; i < url_array.length; i++){
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute("id", "div"+i);
document.getElementById('div'+i).style.width = ImageWidth+5+"px";
document.getElementById('div'+i).style.height = ImageHeight+5+"px";
console.log("\ncreate all the DIVs. \nFor loop count: "+i);
img.src = loadImage(url_array[i], ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
try{throw img}
catch(c_img) {
console.log("after load, and append, in Catch: "+img.src);
console.log("div NR = "+document.getElementById('div'+i).id);
} //catch
} // FOR
function loadImage(URL, h, w)
console.log("loadImage callaed with URL = "+URL);
return url =;
For-Loop is supposed to retrieve urls address of an images (from camera) and append them to DIV. DIV and IMGs are created on the fly. Problem is that only last DIV become image holder.
I am using catch-try to force execute code immediately so each separate Div+i will have distinctive image. Also construction like this one (immediately invoked function expression):
something here;
for creating "private" scope gives no hope. Either "Let" - which supposed to define variable locally is not helping. *My knowledge here is limited and I'm relying on data found on web site (can give link later if it is not against rules).
Output of console.log() is not helping much.
Everything goes as it should, except for the childNodes.length which is 1 for each for-loop iteration - that means each DIV have its IMG child I guess... If so - why I can't see them?
I feel I am close to what I want to achieve - using Intervals() refresh each DIV with new camera snapshot, but I need to solve this current issue.
Example of code ready to use:
var url_array = [
var ImageWidth = 640;
var ImageHeight = 480;
var img = document.createElement('img');
for (i = 0; i < url_array.length; i++){
var div = document.createElement('div');//.setAttribute("id", "div0");
div.setAttribute("id", "div"+i);
document.getElementById('div'+i).style.width = ImageWidth+5+"px";
document.getElementById('div'+i).style.height = ImageHeight+5+"px";
var color = ((Math.floor(Math.random() * (16777215)) + 1).toString(16)); // from 1 to (256^3) -> converted to HEX
document.getElementById('div'+i).style.background = "#"+color;
document.getElementById('div'+i).style.width = ImageWidth+5+"px";
document.getElementById('div'+i).style.height = ImageHeight+5+"px";
console.log("\ncreate all the DIVs. \nFor loop count: "+i);
img.src = loadImage(url_array[i], ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
try{throw img}
catch(c_img) {
console.log("after load, and append, in Catch: "+img.src);
console.log("div NR = "+document.getElementById('div'+i).id);
} // catch
} // FOR
function loadImage(URL, h, w)
console.log("loadImage callaed with URL = "+URL);
return url = URL+"?auto=compress&h="+h+"&w="+w;
<meta charset="utf-8">
div#main {
padding: 5px;
background: black;
<script type="text/javascript">
function downloadJSAtOnload() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "js.js";
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload;
<div id="main"></div>
The problem is that your
var img = document.createElement('img');
is outside the loop - you're only ever creating one img. When appendChild is called on an element that already exists in the DOM (such as on the second, third, fourth, etc iteration), the element gets removed from its previous location and inserted into the new location.
Create the image inside the loop instead, and try not to implicitly create global variables - when declaring new variables, always use let or const.
Also, when you do
var div = document.createElement('div');
you have a reference to the div you just created - there's no need to assign an id to it in order to select it with
in below lines in the same scope. Instead, just keep referencing the div:
const ImageWidth = 200;
const ImageHeight = 200;
const main = document.getElementById('main');
var url_array = ["ulr1", "ulr2", "ulr3", "ulr4", "ulr5"];
for (let i = 0; i < url_array.length; i++){
const img = document.createElement('img');
const div = document.createElement('div');
main.appendChild(div); = ImageWidth+5+"px"; = ImageHeight+5+"px";
img.src = loadImage(url_array[i], ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
function loadImage(URL, h, w) {
div#main {
padding: 5px;
background: black;
<div id="main">

Image slider transition not cycling back properly

I attempted to make a image slider that transition to a new image in a few second. However, for some reason it does not go back to the picture in the beginning and seems to try to awkwardly transition. Here the link to the rest of the code
var i = 0; //title
var size = 0 //image
var fade = 4000;
function imgTransition() {
var transit = document.getElementsByTagName("img")
for(var i= 0; i < transit.length - 1; i++) {
transit[size].style.opacity = 0;
if (size < transit.length - 1) {
transit[size].style.opacity = 1;
else {
size = 0;
transit[size].style.opacity = 1;
setInterval('imgTransition()', fade);
window.onload = function() {
Here are the few changes I made to your code:
First I made changes to your global variables as I added imgind for image index, transit for the image collection then I assign the transit and size variable in the load event so you don't have to assign them again and again in the code then I Commented the function titleTransition() call in the load event as it is not declared (which you might use later on) and also made the 1st image's opacity to 1 as it is to be displayed first and then called the setInterval(imgTransition, fade); instead of imgTransition() so that the set interval is sepearte of code and is not calling it self.
Here take a look at this modified snippet:
var i = 0; //title
var imgind = 0;
var size = 0 //image
var time = 3000;
var fade = 4000;
var transit = null;
function imgTransition() {
transit[imgind].style.opacity = 0; //hiding the indexed image
imgind++; //incrementing the image index
if (imgind >= size) //checking if the index is greater then or equals to size
imgind = 0; //setting index to 1st image i.e 0.
transit[imgind].style.opacity = 1; //displaying the next image
window.onload = function() {
transit = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); // get the collection of images
size = transit.length; //get the size of images
transit[imgind].style.opacity = 1; //to set the opacity of 1st image
setInterval(imgTransition, fade);
//titleTransition(); //undefined funciton
img {
transition: all .5s ease-in;
left: 160px;
position: absolute;
width: 30%;
height: 50%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
opacity: 0;
<img src="" alt="Mountain View" width="500" height="377">
<img src="" alt="Mountain View" width="500" height="377">

how to make a variable of two variables

Before your read this, my first account was blocked because i asked bad questions.. So please dont vote negative but say what i am doing wrong
Sooo I have this script:
var img1 = new Image()
var img2 = new Image()
var img3 = new Image()
function Canvas() {
var ctx = document.getElementById('slider').getContext('2d');
var pic=1
function slider() {
this.draw = function() {
var img = "img"+pic
var slider = new slider();
function draw() {
var animateInterval = setInterval(draw,100)
window.addEventListener('load', function(event) {
I am trying to draw the image 1 or 2 or 3 on my canvas. But I also have the var pic wich has the number. So i tried ctx.drawimage(img+pic,0,0) or var img = "img"+pic and draw it then. But it doesnt work for me.
I hope you accept my question and can answer it, THNX
Use an array instead
var img = [];
/* you should use a for loop here */
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
img[i] = new Image();
img[i].src = "image" + (i+1) ".jpg";
and later you refer the right image with img[pic]. Be only sure to use an index between 0 and img.length - 1
Don't use separate variables, use an array.
var images = [ new Image(), new Image(), new Image() ];
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
images[i].src = "image" + (i+1) + ".jpg";
Then refer to the array in the Slider() function:
var pic = 0;
function slider() {
this.draw = function() {
pic = (pic + 1) % images.length;
var img = images[pic];
The error seems to be that you refer to the string "img1" and not the object img1. Try use an array instead.
Set the following:
var pic=0;
var img=[img1,img2,img3];
function slider() {
this.draw = function() {

Stopping setTimeout loop

I have this function to create an animation of dropping box:
function dropBox(y, width, height) {
var img_box = new Image();
img_box.src = 'images/gift_box_small.png';
var box_y_pos = y;
box_y_pos = y-img_box.naturalHeight;
img_box.onload = function(){;
ctx_overlay.drawImage(img_box, (width/2)-(img_box.naturalWidth/2), box_y_pos);
box_y_pos += 3;
var loopTimer = setTimeout(function() {dropBox(box_y_pos, width, height)},24);
I want to stop the animation when the box reaches a certain Y position and call for other function. I can't have a code to check for Y position before the setTimeout declaration, since it hasn't been declared yet, and I can't have it after, since it'll be unreachable. So how can it be done?
Simply pass pass extra variable of the stop_y position to your function. And call setTimeout() only if box did not reach yet this position:
function dropBox(y, width, height, stop_y) {
var img_box = new Image();
img_box.src = '';
var box_y_pos = y;
box_y_pos = y-img_box.naturalHeight;
img_box.onload = function(){;
ctx_overlay.drawImage(img_box, (width/2)-(img_box.naturalWidth/2), box_y_pos);
box_y_pos += 3;
if (box_y_pos < stop_y) {
var loopTimer = setTimeout(function() {dropBox(box_y_pos, width, height, stop_y)},24);
Edited your code here:

How to make vertical auto scrolling image inside div?

I need auto scrolling image placed inside a div. I saw a code for horizontal auto scroll on this page
I modified it a little to turn it into vertical auto scroll, but for some reason it stopped working. Can someone please tell me what I did wrong, and is there easier way to make vertical auto scroll?
<div id="scroller"></div>
width:250px; height:120px;
background-image:url(images/background.png); /* size of that image is 250x600 */
function StartMove()
var BGImage = new Image();
BGImage.src = "images/background.png";
window.cssMaxHeight = 600;
window.cssYPos = 0;
setInterval("MoveBackGround()", 50);
function MoveBackGround()
window.cssYPos ++;
if (window.cssYPos >= window.cssMaxHeight)
toMove=document.getElementById("scroller");"0 "+window.cssYPos+"px";
Code has so many global variables and removing the interval is wrong.
(function() {
var cssMaxHeight, cssYPos, interval, moveTo;
function MoveBackGround() {
if (cssYPos >= cssMaxHeight) {
toMove = document.getElementById("scroller"); = "0 " + cssYPos + "px";
function StartMove() {
var BGImage = new Image();
BGImage.src = "images/background.png";
cssMaxHeight = 600;
cssYPos = 0;
interval = setInterval(MoveBackGround, 50);
