I have an html and javascript page rendered through python django, where I have a form data of 30 entries maximum in each page, that can be edited. I included a hidden field with the same form data to extract the old, and modified values in the form. I am looking for extracting just the delta (old and new values for the field that was changed). My code is
{%extends 'base.html'%}
{%block content%}
<h4> Search results</h4>
<p id="data"></p>
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
padding: 5px;
function onEdit(btn)
var id=btn.id;
var before = '';
var after = '';
var input = document.getElementsByName("new"+id);
if(btn.value=="Edit") {
//var input = document.getElementsByName("name"+id);
for(i = 0;i < input.length; i++) {
} //End of for loop
return false;
if(btn.value=="Save") {
for(i = 0;i < input.length; i++) {
document.getElementById(input[i].id).setAttribute("Readonly", "readonly");
return false;
} // End of Function onEdit()
{% autoescape off %}
var data = {{ search|safe }}; //search is the key defined in django view and will be substituted with the json value
{% endautoescape %}
text = ''
var out = '<form name="display" id="update" method="post" action="update/">';
out += "<table style=\"width:50%\">";
out += "<tr>";
out += "<th>Domain</th>";
out += "<th>Points to</th>";
out += "<th>Type</th>";
out += "<th>TTL</th>";
out += "<th>MX priority</th>";
out += "<th>Recorded generated on</th>";
out += "<th></th>";
out += "</tr>";
var i
var id = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < data.records.length; i++) {
id = id + 1;
out += "<tr><td>" +
"<input readonly='readonly' name='new" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].domain + "' value='" + data.records[i].domain + "'type='text'/>" +
"<input type='hidden' name='old" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].domain + "' value='" + data.records[i].domain + "'type='text'/>" +
"</td><td>" +
"<input readonly='readonly' name='new" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].record_points_to + "' value='" + data.records[i].record_points_to +"'type='text'/>" +
"<input type='hidden' name='old" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].record_points_to + "' value='" + data.records[i].record_points_to + "'type='text'/>" +
"</td><td>" +
data.records[i].record +
"</td><td>" +
"<input readonly='readonly' name='new" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].ttl + "' value='" + data.records[i].ttl + "'type='text'/>" +
"<input type='hidden' name='old" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].ttl + "' value='" + data.records[i].ttl + "'type='text'/>" +
"</td><td>" +
data.records[i].priority_mx +
"</td><td>" +
data.records[i].generated_on +
"</td><td>" +
"<input id='" + id + "' value='Edit' onclick='return onEdit(this)' type='button'/>" +
out += "</table>"
total = data.meta.total_records
page = data.meta.page
records_returned = data.records.length
records_shown = ((data.meta.page - 1) * 30) + data.records.length
out += records_shown + " returned of " + total
page = data.meta.page + 1
link = window.location.href
out += "<input type='hidden' name='currenturl' value='" + link + "'>"
if (records_shown == total){
out += " End "
url ="<a href='" + updateQueryStringParameter(link, "page", page) + "'> Next"
out += url
function updateQueryStringParameter(uri, key, value) {
var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i");
var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
if (uri.match(re)) {
return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');
else {
return uri + separator + key + "=" + value;
//out += '<input style="position: relative; left: 550px;" type="submit" value="Submit">';
out += '<br>'
out += '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>'
out += '</form>';
document.getElementById("data").innerHTML = out
What is the best way to do this?
I am creating a dynamic tr/td based on json data using below code.
for (i = 0; i < dataPoolJSON.length; i++) {
html += "<tr id ='row" + i + "' value ='" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "'><td><div class='group'><label id='label" + i + "' for='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' class='ch-control'>";
html += "<input id='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' type='radio' class='iradio_minimal' value='" + i + "' name='msisdnSelected'/>" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn;
html += "</label></div></td><td class='hidden-xs'><a id='viewUsage" + i + "' class='viewUsage' onclick='viewDataPoolUsage(this," + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + ");return false;' href=''>View Usage</a>";
html += "<div class='pool-usage hidden'></div></td>";
html += "<td><span id='dataAllowed" + i + "'><select>";
if (dataPoolJSON[i].userSetting != null) {
html += "<option selected='selected' value='" + dataPoolJSON[i].userSetting.alertPercentageData1 + "'>" + dataPoolJSON[i].userSetting.alertPercentageData1 + "</option>";
html += "</select></span></td></tr>";
$('#data-pool tbody').html(html);
Now on click on radio button i need to fetch the msisdn value and current option selected value as but it is not giving me required answer. I am getting the current option selected value but not the msisdn.
function submitNewDataUsagealerts() {
var jsonSubmitData = [];
var selectedData = document.getElementsByName("msisdnSelected");
var i = selectedData.length-1;
for ( j=0; j <= i; j++ ) {
if(selectedData[j].checked) {
var valueCurrent = $('#dataAllowed'+selectedData[j].value).find('option:selected').val();
var row = $('#label'+selectedData[j].value).val();
item = {}
item [0] = valueCurrent;
item [1] = selectedData[j].value;
To get the "value" from a label, use .text() rather than .val().
var row = $('#label'+selectedData[j].value).text();
As your label includes an input and the required text, you can put the text inside a container so that it can be referenced without including the input:
The label code is currently (irrelevant code removed) :
html += "<label id='label" + i + "' for='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' class='ch-control'>";
html += "<input id='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' type='radio' class='iradio_minimal' value='" + i + "' name='msisdnSelected'/>";
html += dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn;
html += "</label>";
change this to:
html += "<label id='label" + i + "' for='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' class='ch-control'>";
html += "<input id='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' type='radio' class='iradio_minimal' value='" + i + "' name='msisdnSelected'/>" ;
html += "<span>" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "</span>";
html += "</label>";
Then your selector can be:
var row = $('#label'+selectedData[j].value + ">span").text();
Alternatively, move the input out of the label as you're already using label for=:
html += "<input id='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' type='radio' class='iradio_minimal' value='" + i + "' name='msisdnSelected'/>" ;
html += "<label id='label" + i + "' for='numView" + dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn + "' class='ch-control'>";
html += dataPoolJSON[i].msisdn
html += "</label>";
Then your selector can be:
var row = $('#label'+selectedData[j].value).text();
var msg = document.getElementById('lbltxt').innerHTML;
<label id="lbltxt" style="display:none">Test</label>
<label id="mylabel" />
JS Code
var lavelValue = $("#mylabel").text();
I just started off with javascript and html, so please correct me if I am doing it the wrong way. I was trying to edit an html form table.
{%extends 'base.html'%}
{%block content%}
<h4> Search results</h4>
<p id="data"></p>
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
padding: 5px;
<form id="update" action="/update/" method="POST">
function onEdit(btn)
var id=btn.id;
if(btn.value=="Edit") {
var input = document.getElementsByName("name"+id);
for(i = 0;i < input.length; i++) {
} //End of for loop
return false;
if(btn.value=="Save") {
for(i = 0;i < input.length; i++) {
document.getElementById(input[i].id).setAttribute("Readonly", "readonly");
return false;
} // End of Function onEdit()
{% autoescape off %}
var data = {{ search|safe }}; //This will be the json value returned by django view
{% endautoescape %}
text = ''
var out = "<table style=\"width:50%\">";
out += "<tr>";
out += "<th>Domain</th>";
out += "<th>Points to</th>";
out += "<th>Type</th>";
out += "<th>TTL</th>";
out += "</tr>";
var i
var id = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < data.records.length; i++) {
id = id + 1;
out += "<tr><td>" +
"<input readonly='readonly' name='name" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].domain + "' value='" + data.records[i].domain + "'type='text'/>" +
"</td><td>" +
"<input readonly='readonly' name='name" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].record_points_to + "' value='" + data.records[i].record_points_to +"'type='text'/>" +
"</td><td>" +
data.records[i].record +
"</td><td>" +
"<input readonly='readonly' name='name" + id + "' id='" + data.records[i].ttl + "' value='" + data.records[i].ttl + "'type='text'/>" +
"</td><td>" +
"<input id='" + id + "' value='Edit' onclick='return onEdit(this)' type='button'/>" +
out += "</table>"
total = data.meta.total_records
page = data.meta.page
records_returned = data.records.length
records_shown = ((data.meta.page - 1) * 30) + data.records.length
out += records_shown + " returned of " + total
page = data.meta.page + 1
link = window.location.href
if (records_shown == total){
out += " End "
url ="<a href='" + updateQueryStringParameter(link, "page", page) + "'> Next"
out += url
function updateQueryStringParameter(uri, key, value) {
var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i");
var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
if (uri.match(re)) {
return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');
else {
return uri + separator + key + "=" + value;
document.getElementById("data").innerHTML = out
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
I have the page displayed as expected.
What I am trying to achieve is to make these html tables editable, which is also working half way. When I click the Edit button, the table link turns editable, and I can change the value, and the Edit button changes to Save.
But when I click on "Save" button, firebug error shows
TypeError: input is undefined
for(i = 0;i < input.length; i++) {
(Yes, arrow points to var i)
I want to capture the changes when I click on Save, and whatever changes in that page should be captured via POST method once clicked on the submit button below. Submit is redirected to action="/update/". Please let me know what should I do.
to avoid such problems please define all variables at the beginning of their scope (the scope is a function in case of Javascript)
I amd dynamically generating my edit table from javaScript. But function mentioned via it are not recognaizeable from AngularJS, for that, I am not able to remove and edit my rows.
Here HvacStandards() and checkemail() and showInvite() are only working. for other's i am getting following exception in chorom console:
Uncaught ReferenceError: editRow is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: deleteRow is not defined
AngularJs code
$scope.HvacStandards = function () {
var rowID = $scope.newRow;
if ($scope.currentRow > 0) {
} else {
var teamName = $("#teamName").val();
var email = $("#email").val();
var sHtml = "<tr id='row"+rowID+"'>"
+ "<td id=\"tno" + rowID + "\">" + rowID
+ "</td>"
+ "<td id=\"tName" + rowID + "\">" + teamName
+ "</td>" + "<td id=\"mail" + rowID + "\">" + email
+ "</td>" + "<td><button onclick='editRow(" + rowID
+ ")'>Edit</button> " + "<button onclick='deleteRow("
+ rowID + ")'>Delete</button>" + "</tr>";
$scope.editRow = function(rowID) {
$('#teamName').val($('#tName' + rowID).html());
$('#email').val($('#mail' + rowID).html());
$scope.currentRow = rowID;
$scope.saveEdits = function (){
$('#teamName' + currentRow).html($('#tName').val());
$('#email' + currentRow).html($('#mail').val());
$scope.currentRow = -1;
$scope.deleteRow = function (rowID) {
$('#row' + rowID).remove();
$scope.showInvite = function(){
$scope.show = true;
$scope.formData = {};
and my html is like following:
<div name="showInviteDiv" id="showInviteDiv">
<a ng-click="showInvite()" ng-show="!show">Invite a Team</a>
<div class="invite-form" name="inviteTeamDiv" id="inviteTeamDiv" ng-show="show">
<form ng-submit="HvacStandards()" novalidate class="css-form"
<input type="text" name="teamName" ng-model="formData.teamName" id="teamName"
placeholder="Team Name" style="width: 38%;" required="required"
ng-minlength="6" ng-maxlength="30">
type="text" name="email" ng-model="formData.email" id="email"
placeholder="Email" style="width: 38%;" required="required"
ng-pattern="/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9._]+#[a-z]+\.[a-z.]{2,5}$/" ng-change="checkEmail(form Data.email)" ng-blur="checkEmail(formData.email)">
<input type="submit" value="Invite Team"
ng-disabled="inviteTeamsForm.$invalid || isEmailExists"> or <a ng-click="hideInvite()">I'm done sending invites</a>
In the Table that you are creating, you used onclick instead of ng-click. You need to use ng-click in order to use scope function.
So your HvacStandards function will look like this:
$scope.HvacStandards = function () {
var rowID = $scope.newRow;
if ($scope.currentRow > 0) {
} else {
var teamName = $("#teamName").val();
var email = $("#email").val();
var sHtml = "<tr id='row"+rowID+"'>"
+ "<td id=\"tno" + rowID + "\">" + rowID
+ "</td>"
+ "<td id=\"tName" + rowID + "\">" + teamName
+ "</td>" + "<td id=\"mail" + rowID + "\">" + email
+ "</td>" + "<td><button ng-click='editRow(" + rowID
+ ")'>Edit</button> " + "<button ng-click='deleteRow("
+ rowID + ")'>Delete</button>" + "</tr>";
$scope.HvacStandards = function () {
var rowID = $scope.newRow;
if ($scope.currentRow > 0) {
} else {
var teamName = $("#teamName").val();
var email = $("#email").val();
var sHtml = "<tr id='row"+rowID+"'>"
+ "<td id=\"tno" + rowID + "\">" + rowID
+ "</td>"
+ "<td id=\"tName" + rowID + "\">" + teamName
+ "</td>" + "<td id=\"mail" + rowID + "\">" + email
+ "</td>" + "<td><button ng-click='editRow(" + rowID
+ ")'>Edit</button> " + "<button ng-click='deleteRow("
+ rowID + ")'>Delete</button>" + "</tr>";
//$("#inviteTable").append(sHtml); // don't do this
// use compile in following manner
try this
$scope.HvacStandards = function () {
var rowID = $scope.newRow;
if ($scope.currentRow > 0) {
} else {
var teamName = $("#teamName").val();
var email = $("#email").val();
var sHtml = "<tr id='row"+rowID+"'>"
+ "<td id=\"tno" + rowID + "\">" + rowID
+ "</td>"
+ "<td id=\"tName" + rowID + "\">" + teamName
+ "</td>" + "<td id=\"mail" + rowID + "\">" + email
+ "</td>" + "<td><button ng-click='editRow(" + rowID
+ ")'>Edit</button> " + "<button ng-click='deleteRow("
+ rowID + ")'>Delete</button>" + "</tr>";
// $compile(sHtml)($scope) aissign to variable:
let shown = $compile(sHtml)($scope);
My code is below but I'm unable to verify if it's correct, or if it is, why I can't access the created text inputs by id
for (i=0;i<t;i++)
div.innerHTML=div.innerHTML+"<input id="+i+"\" type='text' value="+(i+1)+">"+"<br>";
div1.innerHTML=div1.innerHTML+"<input id=a"+i+"\" type='text' value=a"+(i+1)+">"+"<br>";
var t = 2;
var div = document.getElementById('idDiv');
for (i = 0; i < t; i++) {
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + "<input id=" + i + "\" type='text' value=" + (i + 1) + ">" + "<br>";
div1.innerHTML = div1.innerHTML + "<input id=a" + i + "\" type='text' value=a" + (i + 1) + ">" + "<br>";
gont.innerHTML = gont.innerHTML + i;
This function is a problem:
function addInvoiceItemValue(name,pkwiu,netto,unit,qty,vat) {
if(vat == '23') v23 = " selected='selected'";
if(vat == '22') v22 = " selected='selected'";
if(vat == '8') v8 = " selected='selected'";
if(vat == '7') v7 = " selected='selected'";
if(vat == '5') v5 = " selected='selected'";
if(vat == '3') v3 = " selected='selected'";
if(vat == '0') v0 = " selected='selected'";
if(vat == 'zw') vzw = " selected='selected'";
var vatSelect = "<option value='23'"+v23+">23%</option><option value='22'"+v22+">22%</option><option value='8'"+v8+">8%</option><option value='7'"+v7+">7%</option><option value='5'"+v5+">5%</option><option value='3'"+v3+">3%</option><option value='0'"+v0+">0%</option><option value='zw'"+vzw+">zw.</option>";
var row = "<tr id='item" + itemID + "'><td><input size='30' maxlength='300' id='ii-name-" + itemID + "' name='ii-name-" + itemID + "' value='" + name + "'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='6' maxlength='50' id='ii-pkwiu-" + itemID + "' name='ii-pkwiu-" + itemID + "' value='"+pkwiu+"'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='6' maxlength='16' id='ii-netto-" + itemID + "' name='ii-netto-" + itemID + "' value='"+netto+"'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='5' maxlength='128' id='ii-unit-" + itemID + "' name='ii-unit-" + itemID + "' value='"+unit+"'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='5' maxlength='6' id='ii-qty-" + itemID + "' name='ii-qty-" + itemID + "' value='"+qty+"'></td>";
row += "<td><select id='ii-vat-" + itemID + "' name='ii-vat-" + itemID + "'>" + vatSelect + "</select></td>";
row += "<td><a onclick='delInvoiceItem(\"item" + itemID + "\")'><b>-</b> Usuń</a></td></tr>";
$('#invoiceItems tr:last').after(row);
Example execution:
And here is function that work's fine:
function addInvoiceItem() {
var vatSelect = "<option value='23'>23%</option><option value='22'>22%</option><option value='8'>8%</option><option value='7'>7%</option><option value='5'>5%</option><option value='3'>3%</option><option value='0'>0%</option><option value='zw'>zw.</option>";
var row = "<tr id='item" + itemID + "'><td><input size='30' maxlength='300' id='ii-name-" + itemID + "' name='ii-name-" + itemID + "' value=''></td>";
row += "<td><input size='6' maxlength='50' id='ii-pkwiu-" + itemID + "' name='ii-pkwiu-" + itemID + "' value=''></td>";
row += "<td><input size='6' maxlength='16' id='ii-netto-" + itemID + "' name='ii-netto-" + itemID + "' value='0'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='5' maxlength='128' id='ii-unit-" + itemID + "' name='ii-unit-" + itemID + "' value=''></td>";
row += "<td><input size='5' maxlength='6' id='ii-qty-" + itemID + "' name='ii-qty-" + itemID + "' value='1'></td>";
row += "<td><select id='ii-vat-" + itemID + "' name='ii-vat-" + itemID + "'>" + vatSelect + "</select></td>";
row += "<td><a onclick='delInvoiceItem(\"item" + itemID + "\")'><b>-</b> Usuń</a></td></tr>";
$('#invoiceItems tr:last').after(row);
The v23, v22, v8, v7, v5, v3, v0, vzw and itemdID are not always defined in all code paths.
This causes the script to fail.
You should change your function to
function addInvoiceItemValue(name,pkwiu,netto,unit,qty,vat) {
var vats = ['23','22','8','7','5','3','0','zw'];
var vatSelect = '';
for (var i = 0; i < vats.length; i++)
vatSelect += '<option value="'+vats[i]+'"';
if (vat == vats[i])
vatSelect += ' selected="selected"';
vatSelect += '>'+vats[i] + '%</option>';
var row = "<tr id='item" + itemID + "'><td><input size='30' maxlength='300' id='ii-name-" + itemID + "' name='ii-name-" + itemID + "' value='" + name + "'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='6' maxlength='50' id='ii-pkwiu-" + itemID + "' name='ii-pkwiu-" + itemID + "' value='"+pkwiu+"'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='6' maxlength='16' id='ii-netto-" + itemID + "' name='ii-netto-" + itemID + "' value='"+netto+"'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='5' maxlength='128' id='ii-unit-" + itemID + "' name='ii-unit-" + itemID + "' value='"+unit+"'></td>";
row += "<td><input size='5' maxlength='6' id='ii-qty-" + itemID + "' name='ii-qty-" + itemID + "' value='"+qty+"'></td>";
row += "<td><select id='ii-vat-" + itemID + "' name='ii-vat-" + itemID + "'>" + vatSelect + "</select></td>";
row += "<td><a onclick='delInvoiceItem(\"item" + itemID + "\")'><b>-</b> Usuń</a></td></tr>";
$('#invoiceItems tr:last').after(row);
but the itemID also has to be defined.
When is it SUPPOSED to be executing?
While this technically bad coding practice, test with this:
<a href='#' onClick="javascript: function('value');" > Click Me </a>
If you click, and it still doesn't work, it is an issue with your function. If you click and it works, the function is never being called in the first place.
You should also check your selector.
$('#invoiceItems tr:last').after(row);
Try adding it in a simpler place. Make another div,...
Then use the selector $('#result');
In any case, if your selector is bad, it will never execute and it won't throw an error b/c it never had cause to do what you told it. Now that I think about it, I think this is the issue.
Do me a favor and try
$('#invoiceItems tr:last').each(alert('exist???'));
If it doesn't alert, your selector is most likely not working. (For each thing that meets the criteria , do an alert)