I'm using the calendar plugin fullcalendar . Now I want to show my date from my activities in format H(:mm)" but my code isn't working for some reason.
My code is in c#.
I've used this javascript code to get it working.
header: {
left: 'prev,title,next',
right: 'today,basicDay,basicWeek,month'
lang: 'nl',
defaultDate: new Date(),
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
fixedWeekCount :false,
eventSources: [
url: '/Groups/GetActivities',
type: 'GET',
data: {
startdate: "2014-12-01",
enddate: "2014-12-31",
groupid: #Model.Group.Id,
color: '#EAE9E0'
I've read the documentation about timeformat here.
My request returns data in this format:
[{"title":"Bergmonicursus - Val d\u0027anniviers","start":"2015-01-03T12:00:00","end":"2015-02-03T08:00:00","url":"/activities/95/detail?groupid=156","allDay":false}]
Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong. My end result of the activity has 12 as hour format and not 12:00 or 12:30 if I hardcode it.
timeFormat is a top level property in the fullcalendar options object. It can't be an event property.
So put it here
header: {
left: 'prev,title,next',
right: 'today,basicDay,basicWeek,month'
lang: 'nl',
defaultDate: new Date(),
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
fixedWeekCount :false,
eventSources: [
url: '/Groups/GetActivities',
type: 'GET',
data: {
startdate: "2014-12-01",
enddate: "2014-12-31",
groupid: #Model.Group.Id,
//timeFormat:"h:mm", // X--- Not here
color: '#EAE9E0'
timeFormat:"h:mm", // <---- Here
And if you need to change on a event to event basis, you have to use eventRender. (and do it manually).
When user selects event type and no. of hours from dropdown then it should be added to the calendar. I have updated the event listener still no data is showing. Sorry if it seems a trivial question. i am new to web applications and a bit time strained.
$(document).ready(function() {
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,basicWeek'
navLinks: true, // can click day/week names to navigate views
editable: true,
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
ok1.addEventListener('click',function() {
let date = moment($('#calendar').fullCalendar('getDate'));
let val = document.getElementById('inputGroupSelect02').value;
let desc=document.getElementById('nobh').toString();
$('#calendar').fullCalendar({events: [{
start: date,
title: val,
description: desc
Thanks #ADyson following worked:-
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('renderEvent', { start: date, title: val, description: desc }, true);
I'm implementing a full calendar IO custom view.
I load the events via an API call, the number of events I get back is correct.
But when calling the "callback(events)", fullcalendar implements a "range" filter on the data.
My problem I need to display all the “current day events” and below all future events of the “current day + 10”. But range filter is applied before rendering the "view", so I can only display a limited set of events and not customize it.
Is it possible to overwrite the default range filter and to implement my own?
If so how and where is the class/function located?
Extra details:
Fullcalendar IO version: 3.4.0
Code implementation:
defaultView: 'cvDay2',
header: {
left: '',
center: 'prev title next',
right: 'cvDay2 customAgendaWeek'
views: {
customAgendaWeek: {
eventLimit: 100,
duration: {}
cvDay2: {
eventLimit: 100
displayEventTime: false,
titleFormat: 'D MMMM YYYY',
defaultDate: moment().startOf('isoWeek'),
slotEventOverlap: false,
firstDay: 1,
disableDragging: true,
navLinks: true, // can click day/week names to navigate views
editable: false,
eventLimit: 100, // allow "more" link when too many events
weekNumberCalculation: 'ISO',
events: function (start, end, timezone, callback) {
.done(function (events) {
console.log(events); //array of 13 events is returned
}).fail(function () {
window.location.href = errorPageUrl;
}).always(function () {
I am using https://fullcalendar.io/ API to create a custom view for Weekly events and monthly events. The issue I am facing is that for weekly view, I want the start of the week to be Monday (1) and monthly to remain Sunday (0).
If I were to add firstDay: 1 as seen below, it will apply to both customWeek and customMonth views. I only need it for customWeek.
header: {
left: '',
center: '',
right: 'customWeek, customMonth'
firstDay: 1,
droppable: true,....
Complete code.
header: {
left: '',
center: '',
right: 'customWeek, customMonth'
droppable: true,
eventStartEditable: true,
eventLimit: true,
eventLimitText: "MORE",
views: {
customWeek: {
type: 'basicWeek',
buttonText: ' ',
eventLimit: 1,
columnFormat: 'D dddd'
customMonth: {
type: 'month',
buttonText: ' ',
eventLimit: 1,
columnFormat: 'dddd',
defaults: {
fixedWeekCount: false
defaultView: 'customWeek',
events: data});
Any ideas or suggestion is appreciated.
As far as I can tell, you can't. It's not one of the options you can pass to a view. The only solution would be to implement a completely custom view which overrides the view class, as detailed here: https://fullcalendar.io/docs/views/Custom_Views .
But that's a lot of work, and I'd argue it's not worth it. I suspect this feature is actually by design - starting on a different day on each view sounds like a great way to confuse your users, who will expect and/or assume that the display is consistent.
To better understand my question, take a look at the JSFiddle Example.
Basically there are tree kinds of unique items on the calendar that are all day events: Today, Completed, and Incomplete days. I need to figure a way to populate days that don't have anything on them (Today, or Incomplete), in this case they would be populated with "Completed". How can I figure out what these days are?
Also any way to limit the calendar to a set months range? For instance Quarter 1 would be Dec 1st to Mar 31st.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Figure out todays date and provide link to enter data
var date = new Date();
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth();
var y = date.getFullYear();
// Staff Data Calendar
header: {
left: '',
center: 'title',
businessHours: true, // display business hours
handleWindowResize: true, // responsive layout
editable: false,
events: [
// red areas where no events can be dropped
title: 'No Data',
start: '2015-02-03',
url: '#',
color: '#E64C65'
title: 'No Data',
start: '2015-02-17',
url: '#',
color: '#E64C65'
// Display Today
title: 'Enter Data for Today',
url: 'staffing_data_edit.html',
color: '#5E9EF3',
start: new Date(y, m, d)
You can use and apply a custom check on a event dayRender Click here for reference
Or you can use event eventAfterAllRender which call after the calendar is ready to draw. you can use a loop and check the empty days.
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
defaultDate: '2018-10-25',
navLinks: true, // can click day/week names to navigate views
selectable: false,
selectHelper: true,
select: function(start, end) {
dayRender: function(date, cell )
eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
eventAfterAllRender: function(view)
if (view.name == "month") {
var allEvents = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents');
for (var index in allEvents) {
var event = allEvents[index];
eventClick: function(event) {
return false;
loading: function(bool) {
timezone: true,
editable: false,
eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
eventLimitTex: 'More shifts',
events: eventsJson
I am new to jquery.
I am using full calendar for showing events for a month.
However I am unable to display current date above the calendar as shown in various example.
Below is my code:
$(document).ready(function () {
defaultView: 'month',
editable: false,
eventSources: [
url: '/Admin/AjaxRequest/CalendarDate/',
type: 'POST',
data: {
start: '0',
end: '0',
Titleformat and Header documentations have all the answers you need.
Set a header where you specify where you want your title and then specify in titleformat how you want this title to be displayed.
Answering this even though #Xaerxess point in the comment is valid..