How to store user actions in MeteorJs using MongoDB? - javascript

I'm using Meteor JS for a project so inherently I'm using MongoDB. I'm storing a user's check in and out actions. I'm currently storing them as individual docs in the collection. Each action contains 3 fields; in or out, time of action and userid. Is the best way to go though? Should I just have one doc per members and then store each action in an array? Is there another way? I anticipate several hundred members, but hopefully several thousands of members in the future. Thanks.

From experience, I can say that storing records instead of arrays is a better choice in the long run.
As far as Meteor is concerned, its reactivity handles collection records, but not individual fields in arrays. In other words, if one element gets added to the checkins array of a user object, the entire user object needs to be synchronized with the clients. If you store records instead, only the newly added record will be sent by the publication.
As far as MongoDB is concerned, there is a document size limit of 16MB. Not sure how frequent your checkins and checkouts are, but if you store them in an array, you might run into that limitation at some point.
Records are also easier to access than arrays.
For more details, see MongoDB data modeling and Database modeling in Bulletproof Meteor.


firestore: arrays vs sub collection of documents performance

i would like to ask if there is a best practice for firestore, when one develops a chat app, and what is the best practice to store messages for chat-rooms.
The assumption here is that every chatroom has its own document.
I started using an array to store the messages from the users. The problem with that approach is that there is no way to add, a insert(append) a new entry everytime a new message is submitted to the chat room. One has to save a new copy of the array with the new message appended. This seems like something that would scale really bad, unless the chat history is split in sub-arrays etc..
In the official documents, they suggest a structure, where one should store the messages of a specific chatroom as separate documents in a sub collection of that chatroom. I wonder if this approach is the best, and what would be some drawbacks, or if there is another preferred way to do this.
I would generally go with the approach of "Every chat room has a subcollection of messages. And every new message is a separate document in this subcollection." This has several advantages: It's easy to add or edit individual messages, and you can perform a number of different queries (like "Grab the 20 most recent messages")
The biggest drawback, I suppose, is that if you find that new users are frequently going to be entering your chat and will want to see the entire chat history of the room up until they joined, that would result in a large number of database reads. Realistically, though, I don't know how often that would happen in real life, and you could mitigate this by using pagination to grab your historical chat in batches.
To add to what Todd said:
In arrays you cannot store Timestamps - a big downside for your case, as you'll want the time the message was sent.

How can I use stored procedures in DocumentDB that use multiple collections

I have been using C# to run operations on a DocumentDB instance and really like it so far. I have a lot of C# code that queries from multiple collections to create new collections from the relationships between the first two collections.
Can I essentially move my logic up to the server in stored procedures? I tried answering this question for myself, but all I could find was documentation on how to acquire the collection associated with the stored procedure. So then I thought, could I call a stored procedure that called another stored procedure, passing in the first collection?
Is there any way I can refer to multiple collections in a stored procedure somehow?
Would it be easier to find an easier way to know what belongs to each "collection" if I store everything in the same collection?
Stored procedures run inside of a single collection (or a single partition in a partitioned collection). A call to a stored procedure can only operate on the data in that collection/partition.
When I see this question asked, I usually wonder if you are thinking of collections as a direct analog to tables from the SQL world or even the use of the word "collection" from the MongoDB world. In DocumentDB it's best to not separate your data up by type but rather to mix data of different types in the same collection and separate along some other scale out boundary like tenant, user, geography, etc. If you do that, as long as your stored procedure doesn't need to cross that tenant, user, or geography boundary, it'll be able to provide you with fully ACID cross-document transactions.

Loading small pieces of data with many subscriptions in Meteor

I have a question about Collections - specifically, I want to have a large collection on a server, and load only small bits of it a piece at a time, in an unpredictable order, where I might stop wanting to have a local copy of any given piece at any time. Should I make a new subscription for each piece of data, and then stop it when I no longer want that piece of data? Or should I use some other method? Or should I just load large chunks of it that I won't use and leave them sitting around in my local copy of the collection?
Edit: Or should I have one subscription with a list of the ID's for each piece of data I want, and have the publication function specifically find each of those? Seems complicated, but it does keep me with only having to deal with one subscription.
Edit: Or maybe I should just skip using publications and subscriptions, and just use Methods to pass my data to the client? Loses a lot of functionality, and requires some extra work, but it does dodge most of the problems and should work just fine for my purposes.
Suppose Mongo collection ="items"
you define collections on the Meteor server with
Items= new Mongo.Collection('items')
1.These collections contain all the data from the MongoDB collections, and you can run Items.find({...}) on them, which will return a cursor (a set of records, with methods to iterate through them and return them).
Meteor.publish('itemOver30', function itemPublication() {
This will return cursor to all the records with item qty over 30 in items collection(subset of total records, not whole collection).
2.Cursor is used to publish (send) a set of records (called a "record set"). You can optionally publish only some fields from those records. It is record sets (not collections) that clients subscribe to.
On the client, you have Minimongo collections that partially mirror some of the records from the server. "Partially" because they may contain only some of the fields, and "some of the records" because you usually want to send to the client only the records it needs, to speed up page load, and only those it needs and has permission to access.

Structure of IndexDB database/objectstore

I'm trying to get my head around the use of IndexDB. I have an SQL database which I access via REST and I'm planning on providing some local caching using IndexDB.
My SQL structure uses a large (and variable) number of tables, each table storing an array of data (time sequence and value) for a specific sensor value. Ideally, I would have assumed I'd create a new object store for each of my tables from MySQL. However, it seems that you can only create an object store when the database is opened which is a bit of a pain.
So, I see a number of options -:
I could use a single object store and add two indexes - one for the time,
and one for the sensor. I'm a little worried that this might have
performance issues, but I'm not sure how data is stored under the
I could probably detect a new sensor somehow, and open the
database with a new version number. This just feels a little wrong to
I could alternatively use different databases for each sensor,
but I've read somewhere that it's not recommended to use multiple
databases (although it's unclear why since this is possibly the
easiest solution).
I'd welcome any thoughts people have regarding the best structure for this sort of data, that will provide good performance.
If your data sets are independent, example you don't need to combine results from multiple sensors, I suggest you to split them in different tables and/or different databases. Different database option is more convenient for deleting data.
IndexedDB database limit for performance in a single database is for more than 50K data, depending on browser and hardware. I have a couple tests which can measure the speed, just tweak the object size that is inserted and you can test your use case.
If you have less than 10K data per sensor (object store/database) you won't hit big performance issues. One common mistake when inserting batch of data is separate transaction for each insert - this is completely unnecessary, since you can store 10K data with one transaction. If you are working with even larger data set, you can separate the inserting into couple transaction, so you won't block the reading of that database.
Also for every transaction that you do in IndexeDB you need to open a connection, some people use the approach for keeping the one connection alive and reusing it, I prefer the closing and opening a separate connection for each transaction.
Also for faster access, you can store all database info into Local Storage, that way you can track how many databases you have and descriptions for each of them.
Additionally you can take a look at this similar question

EnsureIndex for likes in MongoDB

well, i am creating a network that allows users creating posts and like them.
Asking on stackoverflow i've understood how to structure my database:
A collection which includes a document for each post.
A collection which includes a document for each like, in each of these documents there is a reference to post is referenced to.
When i want to get ALL likes about a post i can query the like collection looking for the reference to that post.
And till here i am ok. But assuming i'll have millions documents in like collection, i wondered how could i query and search among them in not too long time.
And i was advised of ensureIndex, in this case, i have to ensureindex of the field which contains reference to a post.
But when do i have to create this index? is enough to create it once (for example when i set up my database) and it will be as default in mongodb or do i have to do it during application life-time? thank you
But assuming i'll have millions documents in like collection, i wondered how could i query and search among them in not too long time.
I assume you would most likely want to do a count on the likes as an example?
You can't, instead you use optimizations to combat this. A count on millions of rows might get a bit slow.
A typical scenario are counters in SQL techs that you use to amend the parent row with a sum figure of its children.
Same applies to MongoDB.
You would aggregate important data to the top.
If you require to actually query the likes to show some who have liked it then you limit those likes. Google+ and other networks tend to limit the amount of likes they show to about 1,000.
And i was advised of ensureIndex,
Adding indexes to a database does help with actually searching for documents.
But when do i have to create this index? is enough to create it once
Yes, MongoDB will manage the index itself. You only need to ensure it once.
