cakephp3: how to implement facebook style or stack style user notifications using view cells? - javascript

In Facebook, or StackOverflow, we notice that even when we DO NOT refresh the webpage, occasionally we get notified on the top navigation bar that certain events have happened.
Usually we term these as push notifications.
I have a working CakePHP 3 web app and the client requests for this kind of feature.
How do I implement this within CakePHP 3 framework?
There is this new thing called View Cells. Does that help?
I am opened to javascript solutions as well.
I can implement a json API if need be. I am proficient enough to do that. I am just not familiar with what to do in the front end.

You will have to use JavaScript in one way or another, view cells are unrelated in the sense that they are purely server side technology that assists in view rendering.
The StackExchange sites are using WebSockets for these notifications, Facebook used to use long polling AJAX requests if I remember correctly (not sure if they still do)...
There are various ways to implment something like that, the term you should be looking for is Comet


How to achieve security and hiding code from unauthorized user on web page?

I'm creating a statistics web page which can see sensitive information.
The webpage has a sort of table which has massive data in it, editable and stored in Server's database. But It needs to be hidden before the user got proper authentications(Like log-in). (Table itself and it's code too). But I found that most of the questions in stack overflow say it is basically impossible. But when I see lots of well-known websites, it seems they are hiding them well. So I guess there are some solutions to the problem.
At first, I build a full-stack of React - Express - Node - MariaDB toolchain.
The react client is responsible for rendering contents of a webpage and editable tables and request for submitting edited content.
The node with express are responsible for retrieving data from DB, updating DB (Provides data to manipulate from client-side -- that's all)
It comes to a problem when I'm considering security on client-side code. I want to hide all content of the page (not just data from the server, but also its logic and features)
To achieving my goals, I consider several things, but I doubt if it is right and working well if I create.
Using Serverside rendering -- Cannot use due to performance reason and lack of resources available
Serverside rendering can hide logic from the user cause it omits the only HTML from the server and all actions are submitted to the server and the server handle the actions and provide its result.
So I can provide only the login page at first, and if login is successful, I can send the rest of HTML and it's logics from the server.
The problem is that my content in the webpage is massive and will be interacted with the user very often, and applying virtualization on my table (by performance reason), it's data and rendering logic should be handled by the web browser.
Combining SSR and Client-Side Rendering
My inspection for this is not sure, I doubt if it is possible.
Use SSR for hiding content of the site from unauthorized users, and if authorized, the web browser renders its full content on demand. (Code and logics should be hidden before authorization, the unauthorized user only can see the login page)
Is it possible to do it?
Get code on demand.
Also my inspection, this is what I am looking for. But I strongly doubt if it is possible.
Workflow is like below
If a user is not logged in:: User only can see the login page and its code
If the user is logged in:: User can see features of the page like management, statistics, etc.
If the user approaches specific features:: Rendering logic and HTTP request interface is downloaded from the server (OR less-performance hindering logic or else...) and it renders what users want to see and do.
It is okay not to find ways from the above idea. Can you provide some outlines for implement such kind of web page? I'm quite new to Web Programming, so I cannot find proper ways. I want to know how can I achieve this with what kinds of solutions, library, structure.
What lib or package should I use for this?
How can I implement this?
OR can you describe to me how modern websites achieve this? (I think the SAP system quite resembles with what I wanna achieve)
Security is a complex topic, in which it is not possible to reach 0 threat. I'll try to craft an answer that could fullfil what you are looking for.
Back end: Token, credentials, authentication
So, you are currently using Express for your back end, hence the need to sort of protect the access from this part, many solution exist, I favor the token authentication, but you can do something with username/password (or this) to let the users access the back end.
From what you are describing you would use some sort of API (REST, GraphQL etc.) to connect to the back-end and make your queries (fetch, cross-fetch, apollo-link etc.) and add the token to the call to the back end in the headers usually.
If a user doesn't have the proper token, they have no data. Many sites use that method to block the consumption of data from the users (e.g. Twitter, Instagram). This should cover the security of the data for your back end, and no code is exposed.
Front-end: WebPack and application code splitting
Now the tricky part, so you want the client side not to have access to all the front-end at once but in several parts. This has 2 caveats:
It will be a bit slower than in normal use
Once the client logged in once, he will have access to the application
The only workaround I see in this situation is to use only server side rendering, if you want to limit to the bare minimum the amount of data the client has on your front end. Granted it is slow, but if you want maximum protection that is the only solution.
Yet, if you want to still keep some interactions and have a faster front end, while keeping a bit of security, you could use some code splitting with WebPack. I am not familiar with C so I can't say, but the Multiple page application of WebPack, as I was mentionning in the comment, should give you a good start to build something more secure.
First, you would have for example 2 html files for entering the front end: one with the login and one with the application. The login contains only the Javascript modules that are for entering the application and shouldn't load the other Javascript modules.
All in all, entrypoints are the way you can enter the application, this is a very broad topic that I can't cover in this answer, but I would recommend you to follow WebPack's tutorial and find out how you can work this out.
I recommend the part on code splitting, but all the tutorial is worth having a look.
Second, you will have to tweak the optimisation module. It is usually a module that tries to reduce the size of the application by merging methods that are used by different parts or that are redundant: you don't want this.
In your case, you don't want un-authenticated users to have access. So you would have to probably change things there (as well another broad topic to be covered in a single answer, since you would have to decide what you keep for optimisation and what you remove for security), but here is the link to the optimisation module and a heads up, you will have to modify the SplitChunksPlugin not to do this optimisation.
I hope this helps, there are many solutions are hand and this is not a comprehensive guide but that should give you enough materials to get to what you need.

How to change html content with URL?

I'm a beginner at coding, I know javascript but not super advanced objectd,
I'd like to know how to change html content with its URL. For example,I am on a website like GMAIL, it has different page of registring and logging in. These two pages have different URLs.
What I'd like to know is how do they change the URL along with HTML when I click on the button "Log in". Is this possible through server-side like node.js and express, or just with front-end javascript?
One last thing, do websites have multiple web pages or it's just in one single HTML file?
Well, I have set up a practice project, but I don't know what I am doing.
I changed HTML content with jQuery library but I don't know how to change URL.
First I made a homepage with some text and two links to two forms.
I showed registration form when click on "Sign in", and log in form on "Log in", and hid the homepage with the show() and hide(). The URL doesn't change in order to work with it with express. I tried it with history.pushState() but it messed up things: I can't return to homepage, and it didn't change the URL i wanted based on the form. So i deleted it, and I am stuck and don't know I could find some tutorials online.
My code doesn't contain anything other than what I described.
So, please can you explain to me how websites do that.
And one other thing, my express server now is very slow, it takes nearly 5min to start. I don't know if it's because my pc which is old and not super good unfortunately.
Can you please advice me with some tutorials and tips?
I agree that your question is too broad. Even there is many years invested in unversity to know these stuff well, I believe in self learning, so I will give you some light for your next steps in this world.
Here are some questions you may ask Google or research where ever you want:
There's both applications that hosts entire html documents in a server and reacts to http requirements responding with different ones. These are the first ones in existence.
Today the trend is to host information on distributed servers (Even cloud) as services to interact with just as information repositories, and entire client side applications that handles that information to show to the user in a more interaction friendly way.
So here are 4 first questions you can ask:
How does HTTP protocol works (with html documents e.g.)?
What's the difference between thin client and fat client applications?
What are web services?
How can I do a simple client side application with different routes using a public web service?
There is a lot of information to read about, and that's not the way I learned in university, so I can not tell you that's the right way or even a good one. Anyway, you should consider taking a web programmer beginner course, if you already know about basic algorithmic composition.
Wish you the best in this extensive path...

How can I activate a button on a website in real time only when I specifically choose to?

this one is a bit tricky to explain, but for simplicity's sake, lets say I have a website (it doesn't have to be html or php or anything, I'm comfortable with most languages) where there are two buttons, yes or no. in order to see the buttons, you would need to have an account and login to load the page that loads the buttons (I've done this part). the buttons, for the grand majority of time, would be hidden and deactivated. However, when I somehow send a command from my computer, the buttons would become visible and the user would be able to make a choice. In this case, the transition would have to be in real time, so the user would not have to reload the page to see if the buttons are usable again. I would then be able to deactivate them again and start again.
I've been looking around the net for solutions for this for the past two days but I can't wrap my head around it. the closest I've come is to using but I think I might be overlooking another solution that I don't even know about. These commands would have to fire from unity3d, and the socket scripts made for it are outdated and difficult to get working. Am I missing something?
Web sockets support the type of functionality you are describing, but before web sockets came along, other techniques, like polling provided the appearance of getting an uninitiated message from the server. This works by essentially repeatedly asking for any changes by the server. Modern day applications that implement sockets will still fall back on polling when necessary. This would be another option to consider.
This site describes it well and this stack overflow answer give a good high level description of outdated techniques and why web sockets are the the way to go if possible...
"To overcome this deficiency, Web app developers can implement a technique called HTTP long polling, where the client polls the server requesting new information. The server holds the request open until new data is available. Once available, the server responds and sends the new information. When the client receives the new information, it immediately sends another request, and the operation is repeated. This effectively emulates a server push feature."

Possible Web Framework to Use in Existing Application

I work for a medium sized company that has an application used by a few thousand people and is built primarily with HTML,Javascript, aspx, xml, xsl, and runs on IE 11. This application is proprietary and not designed in house but we have access to the code for possible modifications and its just sitting out there on the server(s). A new project has come down the pipline for an enhancement\adjustment to be made to a particular area of the application and I'm wondering what kind of web framework I could use to do this work. I am really just needing to call an enterprise service and get data back, display it, and that's about it, so its not incredibly hard. I am worried though about how to integrate it with the existing application.
I am not sure how this scenario would go:
User navigates to page A inputs data, I want that data to go to a controller or something I built, fetch info and send it back to page A. I was thinking of using Spring MVC but not sure. Any feed back or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I know this question doesn't include code, so please don't hate me.
Thank you.
From a very high point of view and with no knowledge about any specific requirement.
If you have already an application developed in ASP.NET, it's better that you continue the development of the new module of the application on the same platform.
If you want to develop a new module (actually a new web app) that looks like the old application but with a totally different platform like Spring MVC (could use any other), you can reuse the existing css styles and databases.
For integration purpose you could modify the original application in the menu(or links) that redirects you to the new module and implement a single sign on server (this will required work on both applications) to made the transitions smoothly between both applications (something like a portal style). Note that they will have a different context application path.

Why Angular/Ember/Backbone and not a regular web framework?

So I'm afraid I might be missing something pretty fundamental here, but I really can't get my head around this - Why? Why would we want to use those JS MVC frameworks, instead of sticking with Rails, Django, PHP and so on?
What do these JS frameworks give us that can't be achieved by the old web frameworks? I read about SPA, and there's nothing I couldn't do there with ASP.NET MVC, right?
I'm really baffled by hearing all the people at work wanting to leave our current framework for these new ones, and it's much more than just for the sake of learning something new.
I am totally up for that, and I've always tried playing around with other frameworks to see what I'm missing, but perhaps these new technologies have something really big to offer that I simply cannot see?
Single page applications provide a better experience by having all page transitions be seamless. This means you never see the "page flash" between user actions, in addition to a few other user experience improvements.
Front-end frameworks also generally provide a common way to interface with APIs. So instead of writing an AJAX wrapper for every page in your site, you just say 'This page has this route (path), hooks data with this schema from that API endpoint and presents it with these templates and helpers.' There are many proponents of APIs, because there are many good reason to write you applications from a service standpoint. This talk sums up a lot of the points in favor of APIs. To summarize:
Orchestrating your web offerings as services makes them inherently decoupled. This means they are easily changed out. All the reasons behind strong Object Oriented design principles apply equally to the larger parts of an application. Treat each piece as an independent part, like a car, and the whole platform is more robust and healthy. That way, a defect in the headlights doesn't cause the motor to blow up.
This is very similar to how a SOAP WSDL works, except you have the auto creation tools right out of the box.
Having well defined touch points for each part of your application makes it easier for others to interface with. This may not ever factor into your specific business, but a number of very successful web companies (Google/Yahoo, Amazon AWS) have created very lucrative markets on this principle. In this way, you can have multiple products supported by the same touch points, which cuts a lot of the work out of product development.
As other point out, the front end framework is not a replacement for the backend, server technologies. How could it be? While this may seem like a hindrance ("Great, now we have two products to support!"), it is actually a great boon. Now your front and back ends can be changed and version with much less concern over inadvertently breaking one or the other. As long as you stick to the contract, things will "Just WorkTM".
To answer your additional question in the comment, that is exactly correct. You use a front end framework for handling all the customer interaction and a completely separate back-end technology stack to support it.
I'm forgetting a few good ones...
Angular, Ember, and Backbone are client-side JavaScript frameworks. They could be used interchangeably with a Rails, Django, or PHP backend. These JavaScript MVCs are only responsible for organizing JavaScript code in the browser and don't really care how their data is handled or persisted server-side.
Django/Rails etc are server-side MVC frameworks. Angular/Backbone etc are client-side Javascript MVC frameworks. Django/Rails and Angular/Backbone work together - in a single-page app, usually the server-side MVC will serve the initial HTML/JS/static assets once, and then once that is done, the client-side router will take over and handle all subsequent navigations/interactions with your app.
The difference here lies in the concept of what a "single-page application" is. Think about how a "regular" web Django/Rails website works. A user enters your app, the backend fetches data and serves a page. A user clicks on a link, which triggers the server to serve a new page, which causes the entire page to reload. These traditional types of websites are basically stateless, except for things like cookies/sessions etc.
In contrast, a single-page application is a stateful Javascript application that runs in the browser and appears to act like a traditional webapp in that you can click on things and navigate around as usual, but the page never reloads, instead, specific DOM nodes have their contents refreshed according to the logic of your application. To achieve a pure Javascript client-side experience like this in a maintainable fashion really requires that you start organizing your Javascript code for the same reasons you do on the server - you have a router which takes a URL path and interacts with a controller that often contains the logic for showing/hiding views for a particular URL, you have a model which encapsulates your data (think of a model as roughly one "row" of a database result) which your views consume. And because it's Javascript there are events going on, so you can have your view listen for changes in it's associated model and automatically re-render itself when the data is updated.
Also keep in mind that you don't just have one view on the client side, there are usually many separate views that make up a page and these views are often nested, not only for organizational purposes but because we want the ability to only refresh the parts of the UI that need to be refreshed.
The intro to Backbone is probably a good starter on the topic:
Check this article, there is well explained how a modern web application should looks like in the client side, server side and the communication between them.
By the way:
Client side -> Ember, Angular, Backbone, Knockout.
Server side -> Django, Node, Rails
