Angular dragdrop css class on drag - javascript

I am using Angular dragdrop in my app.
I need to change the color of the borders of the drop area when drag an item hover them.
There is a css class i can use for this purpose?
If not, how can i do that?
Thank you very much

Use the onOver and onOut Angular Droppable options and toggle the class for eg. hover
<div class="thumbnail" data-drop="true" ng-model="list2"
jqyoui-droppable="{onOver: 'onOver', onOut: 'onOut', onDrop: 'onDrop'}" ng-bind="list2.title ? 'Dropped successfully..!' : 'Drop here...'"></div>
// JS
$scope.onOver = function(e) {
$scope.onOut = function(e) {
$scope.onDrop = function(e) {
Plunkr demo


Angular drag-drop icons to canvas

I need help with angular drag and drop. It's like I need to drag an icon to a canvas.
I had gone through many examples and this is the example I have reached. when I drag that object the copy of the object should be moved. I had looked at many examples, please anyone help.
our "fields" are object with text,top and left. So, you can create a function
And you call in the .html
<div *ngFor="let field of fields;" cdkDrag (cdkDragEnded)="changePosition($event,field)"
style="position:absolute;z-index:10" []="" [style.left]="field.left">
Updated the problem, as Ananthakrishna let me know is that you can drag out of the "dop-zone" one element in drop zone
We need use the event cdkDragDropped
<div *ngFor="let field of fields;" cdkDrag
And, in our function changePosition "check" if is droppend inside. I use getBoundingClientRect of the elements relateds:
const rectZone=this.dropZone.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect()
const rectElement=event.item.element.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect()
let left=+field.left.replace('px','')+event.distance.x
const out=top<0 || left<0 ||
(top>(rectZone.height-rectElement.height)) ||
if (!out) //If is inside
else{ //we can do nothing
this.fields=this.fields.filter(x=>x!=field) //or eliminate the object
See the forked stackblitz
It's very easy to achieve your goal with ng-dnd. You can check the examples and have a try.
Making a DOM element draggable
<div [dragSource]="source">
drag me
constructor(private dnd: DndService) { }
source = this.dnd.dragSource("DRAGME", {
beginDrag: () => ({ name: 'Jones McFly' }),
// other DragSourceSpec methods
Making a DOM element into a drop target
<div [dropTarget]="target">
drop on me
constructor(private dnd: DndService) { }
target = this.dnd.dropTarget("DRAGME", {
drop: monitor => {
console.log('dropped an item:', monitor.getItem()); // => { name: 'Jones McFly' }

Creating Dynamic Tooltip for GridView in ASP.NET MVC

I have a GridPanel component in my EXT.NET MVC project, and I would like to create a dynamic tooltip that will display the text/data in each cell when hovered over. Since the .ToolTips() component isn't compatible with this, I am using JavaScript to try to render a dynamic tooltip. My current code creates HTML elements, and then adds tooltips to them:
var el = Ext.getBody().createChild({
html: '<div data-num="1" class="item">Foo</div>' +
'<div data-num="2" class="item">Bar</div>' +
'<div data-num="3" class="item">Baz</div>' +
'<div class="notip">No tip here</div>'
new Ext.tip.ToolTip({
target: el,
delegate: '.item',
listeners: {
beforeshow: function (tip) {
var current = tip.currentTarget.dom;
tip.setHtml('Item #' + current.getAttribute('data-num'));
And here is the code for the GridPanel I want to attach it to:
.Title("Request Priorities")
.MarginSpec("0 0 0 0")
.ToolTips(t => t.Add(Html.X().ToolTip().Html("hello").ID("storeTip").Target("App.storeReqPriorities")))
.Fields(f =>
.Url(Url.Action("ManageLists_GetRequestPriorities", "Admin", new { area = "Cadence" }))
.Listeners(l =>
l.Select.Handler = "handleReqPopulate(;" + "toggleEditRequest();" + "resetAddNew();";
Html.X().Column().Flex(1).Text("Request Priority Name").DataIndex("RequestPriorityName"),
Html.X().Column().Flex(3).Text("Request Priority Desciption").DataIndex("RequestPriorityDescription"),
Html.X().Column().Flex(1).Text("Sort Order").DataIndex("SortOrder"),
Html.X().Column().Flex(1).Text("Response Target").DataIndex("ResponseTarget"),
Html.X().Column().Flex(1).Text("Response Format").DataIndex("ResponseFormat"),
Html.X().Column().Flex(1).Text("Response SLA").DataIndex("ResponseSLA")
Is there a method similar to .createChild() used in the JavaScript above that can attach a tooltip to an element that is being dynamically created in MVC?
You can bind the ToolTip component to the grid's view with a custom show handler that would fetch the cell data (or row, or entire grid) and show the way you instruct. Wouldn't that suffice for your scenario?
In this case you won't be creating child tooltips though, but rather using the same tooltip to show specific data depending on where you hover the mouse over.
Add this after the grid -- yes, outside it. Given your code snippets, the ToolTip component declaration should look like this:
.Listeners(l => l.Show.Handler="onShow(this, App.reqPrioritiesGrid)")
Then have a handler fill the tooltip's contents like this:
var onShow = function (toolTip, grid) {
var view = grid.getView(),
store = grid.getStore(),
record = view.getRecord(view.findItemByChild(toolTip.triggerElement)),
column = view.getHeaderByCell(toolTip.triggerElement),
data = record.get(column.dataIndex);
From this point, you could further customize the show function to build the tooltip the way you need it.
A grid with a per-cell tooltip is showcased in Ext.NET examples (WebForms) at Miscellaneous > Tooltips > GridPanel Cell Tooltip.
Hope this helps!

Siema Ca indicator

I'm using the Siema carousel on my site with Zepto. I'd like to be able to indicate what slide the user is currently on. How do I do this if there is only an onChange event available?
<section class="images">
<section class="indicators">
<span class="active"></span>
$(document).ready(function() {
new Siema({
selector: '.images',
onChange: () => {
// change active indicator?
I think I can help (I'm the author of Siema).
// extend a Siema class and add addDots() & updateDots() methods
const mySiemaWithDots = new SiemaWithDots({
// on init trigger method created above
onInit: function(){
// on change trigger method created above
onChange: function(){
Have a lovely day 🥑

bootstrap + mixitup filter on load issue

We are trying to show our portfolio in bootstrap via MixItUp v3.1.11 filtering and are trying to load a certain category (not all the projects) when the page is loaded.
Patrick Kunka has provided an example how it could be done here.
Same problem was asked here
Our issue is that the reccomended soultion is not working. My guess is that it is related to the change of selector due to bootstrap + mixitup issues:
control: '[data-mixitup-control]'
Here is the piece of code that is at the end of the page:
var containerEl = document.querySelector('#selector');
var mixer = mixitup(containerEl, {
selectors: {
target: '.mix',
control: '[data-mixitup-control]'
animation: {
effects: 'fade scale stagger(50ms)' // Set a 'stagger' effect for the loading animation
load: {
filter: 'none' // Ensure all targets start from hidden (i.e. display: none;)
// Add a class to the container to remove 'visibility: hidden;' from targets. This
// prevents any flickr of content before the page's JavaScript has loaded.
// Show all targets in the container
.then(function() {
// Remove the stagger effect for any subsequent operations
animation: {
effects: 'fade scale'
load: {
filter: '.residential' // Ensure all targets start from hidden (i.e. display: none;)
When I change the filter to desired .residential it does not work.
I also tried to add this:
load: {
filter: '.residential'
No luck. Any idea anyone where could the problem be?
In combination with MixItUp v3.1.9 and Bootstrap 4 try this example.
Add data-mixitup-control to avoid conflicts with other data-attributes:
<button type="button" class="control" data-mixitup-control data-`enter code here`filter=".product">PRODUCTS</button>
Initialize MixItUp:
var container = document.querySelector('.portfolio');
var mixer = mixitup(container, {
selectors: {
control: '[data-mixitup-control]'
I've tried the example, and it works with version 2.1.6.
Here is my example code:
selectors: {
target: '.item'
layout: {
display: 'inline-block'
load: {
filter: '.residential'
This will load the DOM only with items related to .residential visible.
Hope this helps.
In combination with MixItUp Version 3.1.11 and Bootstrap 3 try this example.
Add data-mixitup-control to avoid conflicts with other data-attributes:
<button type="button" class="control" data-mixitup-control data-filter=".residential">Residential</button>
Initialize MixItUp:
var containerEl = document.querySelector('.container');
var mixer = mixitup(containerEl, {
selectors: {
control: '[data-mixitup-control]'
load: {
filter: '.residential'
You don't need to set the 'fade scale' animation effect separately - it's the default setting.

How can I grab focus of an angular custom directive without hardcoding an ID?

Fairly new to javascript. I was wondering with the following tag, besides having to manually put in Ids, is there a way to set .focus() to the container (custom directive)?
<tile class="ng-scope gridster-item" tilevalue="1" gridster-item="tile" row="0" col = "0" ng-repeat="tile in selectedTiles"> </tile>
Yes you can create a custom directive and add focus event on that element.
Below i had create a custom directive "custom-on-focus" with focus and blur event attached on that directive.
Here goes your template
<div ng-init="selectedTiles=[1,2,3,4,5]">
<input type="text" custom-on-focus ng-repeat="tile in selectedTiles"/>
Here is the custom directive code
return {
restrict : 'A',
link : function (scope,element,attrs) {
var targetElem = element[0];
targetElem.addEventListener("focus", focusHandler);
targetElem.addEventListener("blur", blurHandler);
function focusHandler(event) {
// for example i am changing background color = "pink";
function blurHandler(event) {
// reseting background color = "white";
// Its very important to remove these events listener
// on scope destruction else it will cause memory leaks
