Highcharts not referenced error when using setOptions - javascript

We are currently using the DotNet.Highcharts API to incorporate Highcharts into our website. However, we are having some JavaScript reference issues when using the .SetOptions(GlobalOptions) call.
We are using a wrapper class to build our chart in the controller, then using a simple view to render it.
In our controller:
Chart chart = new HighCharts("chart-id");
chart.SetOptions(new GlobalOptions { Global = new Global { UseUTC = false; } });
In our view:
#model HighchartWrapper
The chart is rendered in the view as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
Highcharts.setOptions({ global: { useUTC: false } });
var chart05;
$(document).ready(function() {
Chrome is raising an
"Uncaught ReferenceError: Highcharts is not defined"
error on the .setOptions() statement. Without this (and the corresponding .SetOptions() statement in .NET) the chart renders correctly. If I navigate off this page and then back again, the charts start to render correctly.
I've found that manipulating the ToHtmlString() return value to put the .setOptions call to inside the .ready() portion makes the charts display properly. Is this the approach that others have had to resort to?

Your suspicions are right, you need to run your relevant code within doc ready as follows.
$(document).ready(function() {
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
According to the docs, the examples are all executed once the dom is loaded, so it's likely safe to assume this is best practice and expect that within the javascipt libraries, code that is executing will depend on the .ready function. Surely digging through the source will answer any further questions you have, but this is totally fine.
Highcharts - How to set options


Asynchronous Mathjax SVG

I am using mpld3 to convert Matplotlib plots into D3 web embedable graphics. I am then using a JS library written on top of MathJax called svg_mathjax2.js (https://github.com/ichuang/svg_mathjax2) to apply Tex conversions.
The error I get is at this line of svg_mathjax2.js:
var svgmath = mathjaxdiv.getElementsByClassName('MathJax_SVG')
It gives the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElementsByTagName' of undefined
Everything works fine the first time I load Mathjax, it converts the text appropriately. However, any additional calls (via AJAX) don't work.
I've posted an issue on the github page, but have not heard back. I'm not sure if this is an issue with svg_mathjax2 or mpld3. Perhaps someone familiar with MathJax can help out?
Never mind, I figured this out. It was specific to the svg_mathjax2.js.
I solved it by activating this block of code:
if (1) {
MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End Typeset", function () {
forEach(items, function (x) {
// remove the temporary items
var mathbucket = document.getElementById('mathjax_svg_bucket');

SAPUI5 'Mismatched anonymous define()' Error rendering sap.viz Chart

i am trying to create a sap.viz.ui5.Donut Chart, the first time i want to fill it with Data i get the Error 'Mismatched anonymous define() module: function ()'.
My XML-View looks like:
<viz:ui5.Donut width="100%">
<viz:ui5.types.Title text="t"/>
<viz:ui5.data.FlattenedDataset data="{chartData>/data}">
<viz:ui5.data.DimensionDefinition axis="1" name="Creator" value="{Creator}"/>
<viz:ui5.data.MeasureDefinition name="Count" value="{Count}"/>
And my Controller has the following code:
var oModel = new JSONModel();
oModel.loadData("../resources/DiagramData.json", "", false);
this.getView().setModel(oModel, "chartData");
The second time i run the code it works, does anyone know how to fix that Problem?
Where do you initialize your model?
Have hou tried loading the model earlier? Perhaps in your component.js? It would not make much sense, but it would be worth trying anyways.
You could also try setting the model to the core instead of the view. sap.ui.getCore().setModel(oModel, "chartData") or directly to the control. The last would probably not solve it seen your issue.

Using SnapEngage with Emberjs cause a JS error

As soon as I add:
<script src="/bower_components/ember/ember.min.js"></script>
on the same page where there's our snagengage chat code:
<!-- begin SnapEngage code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var se = document.createElement('script'); se.type = 'text/javascript'; se.async = true;
se.src = '//commondatastorage.googleapis.com/code.snapengage.com/js/4f645e9b-afb9-4226-9ebc-f8fc52d28cef.js';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(se, s);
<!-- end SnapEngage code -->
it provokes an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'push' of undefined 4f645e9b-afb9-4226-9ebc-f8fc52d28cef.js:223
YAHOO.register 4f645e9b-afb9-4226-9ebc-f8fc52d28cef.js:223
(anonymous function) 4f645e9b-afb9-4226-9ebc-f8fc52d28cef.js:242
Anyone ever experienced this? Any suggestion about how to fix this?
PS: I tried removing that JS line and it works, that's definitively a conflict between Ember and some YAHOO library I guess.
I opened a ticket on this with SnapEngage and they recently pushed out a fix. If you had a SnapEngage account prior to Mar 6, 2014, then you need to click "Save" within the "Style" section of your account in order for the JS to be updated to the latest version. After this, the error should go away - worked for me!
NOTE: I am using Ember 1.4.0
I had this same issue and I think it was caused by a _super() on the YAHOO.register function cycling through line 233 twice. The first time it does it the variables k.versions and k.builds are defined, but the second time they are not (perhaps because the super reruns the YAHOO.register function without passing in any arguments. Regardless of exactly what caused it, I was able to remedy the issue (albeit in a VERY hacky way) by making the following edits to the snapengage.js source:
1) On line 233 change:
k.versions ? k.versions.push(p):false;k.builds ? k.builds.push(q):false;
All this does is check to see if the variables are defined and if they are, push to them. If not, do nothing.
I placed the edited snapengage.js source file in app/assets/javascripts/vendor/ and then added the following line to my application.js file:
//= stub ./vendor/snapengage.js
This will stop your ember application from loading the SnapEngage source when the app loads.
Finally, I wrote a chat mixin and loaded the snapengage.js script as follows:
App.Chat = Em.Mixin.create({
agentOnline: false,
didInsertElement: function() {
_getChatApi: function() {
var url = 'assets/home/vendor/snapengage.js',
_this = this;
$.getScript(url).done(function() {
// Your custom SnapEngage Javascript API code here. For example...
SnapEngage.getAgentStatusAsync(function(online) {
_this.set('agentOnline', online);
App.IndexView = Em.View.extend(Home.Chat, {
// The rest of your view code here
The snapengage.js script won't load itself twice but if you're using the mixin on multiple pages you might want to make sure you're not loading the chat assets (images, loading spinner, etc) twice because the plugin seems to make a call to snapengage.com everytime you click on the 'help' button rendered on the webpage.
As I mentioned, it's a very hacky solution and I don't recommend editing the source code for plugins, but this will give you a fix to easily use Snapengage in an Ember.js app.

Getting error #13 in highcharts

I am using Highcharts using backbone framework. I have div in template.html, and loading chart in someview.ts file. My code looks like following, View.ts: loading the below function through ajax call inside initialize function
var mychartoptions: Highchartoptions{ chart: {type:'bar', renderTo:'ColumnChart'} }
But I am getting the TypeError#13, after some time when refreshes page. Please give me correct approach, what would be wrong in my code.

Can i pass a javascript object back to an atk4 page?

From an ATK4 page, i can call jqplot using a javascript helper file like this
on the page
$chart = $p->add('jqplot', null, 'chart1');
define a jqplot.php like this
class jqplot extends View {
function render()
$plot=$this->js(true)->univ()->jqplot($this->series, $this->opts);
return $this;
and in a js helper file, link the php call to the javascript
jqplot: function(series, opts){
console.log('jqplot series',series);
console.log('jqplot options',opts);
$plot=$.jqplot(this.jquery.attr("id"), series, opts);
return $plot;
If i have one chart on a page and reload it with an ajaxec call, it works fine but if i have several charts next to each other, only the first one is ok and the one next to it completely disappears if i call reload.
What i really want to do is call the jqplot replot function on the chart and pass it new data from the page but how can i do this ? The $plot object in the jshelper holds a javascript object and i need this object to call replot on it.
I am thinking maybe i can store the object when first created in a javascript associative array and then when i call replot, lookup the id and if found, call replot on the object but not sure what this code looks like or whether i have the right approach so any help appreciated.
Thanks in advance for you assistance.
It probably would be quite difficult to achieve this. First you need to properly handle destruction of jqPlot. You'll need a proper jQuery UI widget capable of restoring everything through a de-constructor. Then you might get it to work.
As far as Agile Toolkit is concern, it destroys the element containing your jqPlot using JavaScript, re-loads HTML and re-executes JavaScript.
