No output in quicksort - javascript

I'm trying to implement a quicksort function in JavaScript:
function partition(l, low, high) {
l[0] = l[low];
var pivotkey = l[low];
while (low < high) {
while (low < high && pivotkey <= l[high]) {
l[low] = l[high];
while (low < high && l[low] <= pivotkey) {
l[high] = l[low];
l[low] = l[0];
return low;
function qsort(l, low, high) {
var pivotloc;
if (low < high) {
pivotloc = partition(l, low, high);
qsort(l, low, pivotloc - 1);
qsort(l, pivotloc + 1, high);
function quickSort(l) {
qsort(l, 1, l.length - 1);
return l;
console.log(quickSort([0, 1, 4, 3]));
But this program output nothing in the terminal (with node qsort.js). Perhaps I'm missing something. Can anyone point me in the right direction? How to debug this kind of problems?

So as you stated the first element of the array will be used as a temporary variable which will be only useful for the execution of the algorithm and which wasn't clear at first !
Your algorithm works fine but you have problem in printing the result !
To get what you want you need to get rid of the first element by adding the shift() function in the quickSort() block so it becomes :
function quickSort(l) {
qsort(l, 1, l.length - 1);
l.shift(); // add this function
return l;
There is another solution if you want by using the splice() function which removes the first element also and which has this form :
array.splice(indexToRemove, numberToRemove);
so to get the required resutl add the instruction above to your quickSort() function like this:
function quickSort(l) {
qsort(l, 1, l.length - 1);
l.splice(0, 1); //add this line
return l;
These are the two solutions I guess for your problem. Hope it helps !!

I believe there are several issues with your algorithm. But the one I can notice immediately is related to you using l.low and l.high in your partition function. I'm assuming that l is an array in which case, both of these are intended to access the indices at low and high. If that's the case, then these should be l[low] and l[high].
Since it seems like you're trying to do an in-place version of quick sort, take a look at what's available here: In Place Quick Sort


Leetcode 377. Combination Sum IV (Backtrack approach)

The combination sum 4 problem is a well known coding interview problem. It states the following:
Given an array of distinct integers nums and a target integer target, return the number of possible combinations that add up to target. You may assume that you have an infinite number of each kind of coin.
This problem can be solved optimally through dynamic programming and that is very well explained on the problem solution that leetcode provides.
However, this problem can also be solved recursively (and through backtracking). I am trying to solve this problem with backtracking to further cement my understanding of backtracking. I have solved the problem recursively with a loop, however, I don't understand why my conversion of it to using indexes instead of looping is broken. Is it not possible to solve this problem through indexing manually?
// This one works
function combinationSum4 (nums, target, currTotal=[0], nbWays=[0]) {
if (currTotal[0] === target) {
return nbWays[0];
if (currTotal[0] > target) {
return nbWays[0];
for (const num of nums) {
currTotal[0] += num;
combinationSum4(nums, target, currTotal, nbWays);
currTotal[0] -= num;
return nbWays[0];
Below, I want to use two indices, a "fast" index and a "slow" index. For example, if we had nums=[1,2,3] and a target=4. Then, we'd have something like:
i=0 /
i=0 / \
2[1,1] \ i=1
i=0/ **3[1,2]**
3[1,1,1] /
/ / i=0
... 4[1,2,1]
Notice how when we get to i=1, we loop back from the beginning from 0. I'm not really sure how to do this in code though without a loop (that's why I use i in this diagram). Is this not possible?
// This one is broken
function combinationSum4 (nums, target, currTotal=[0], nbWays=[0], fastIndex=0, slowIndex=0) {
if (currTotal[0] === target) {
return nbWays[0];
if (currTotal[0] > target || slowIndex >= nums.length || fastIndex >= nums.length) {
return nbWays[0];
const num = nums[fastIndex];
currTotal[0] += num;
combinationSum4(nums, target, currTotal, nbWays, fastIndex, slowIndex);
currTotal[0] -= num;
combinationSum4(nums, target, currTotal, nbWays, fastIndex+1, slowIndex);
combinationSum4(nums, target, currTotal, nbWays, 0, slowIndex+1);
return nbWays[0];

How to partition array of integers to even and odd?

I want to partition an array (eg [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]), first partition should keep even values, second odd values (example result: [2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7]).
I managed to resolve this problem twice with built-in Array.prototype methods. First solution uses map and sort, second only sort.
I would like to make a third solution which uses a sorting algorithm, but I don't know what algorithms are used to partition lists. I'm thinking about bubble sort, but I think it is used in my second solution (array.sort((el1, el2)=>(el1 % 2 - el2 % 2)))... I looked at quicksort, but I don't know where to apply a check if an integer is even or odd...
What is the best (linear scaling with array grow) algorithm to perform such task in-place with keeping order of elements?
You can do this in-place in O(n) time pretty easily. Start the even index at the front, and the odd index at the back. Then, go through the array, skipping over the first block of even numbers.
When you hit an odd number, move backwards from the end to find the first even number. Then swap the even and odd numbers.
The code looks something like this:
var i;
var odd = n-1;
for(i = 0; i < odd; i++)
if(arr[i] % 2 == 1)
// move the odd index backwards until you find the first even number.
while (odd > i && arr[odd] % 2 == 1)
if (odd > i)
var temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[odd];
arr[odd] = temp;
Pardon any syntax errors. Javascript isn't my strong suit.
Note that this won't keep the same relative order. That is, if you gave it the array [1,2,7,3,6,8], then the result would be [8,2,6,3,7,1]. The array is partitioned, but the odd numbers aren't in the same relative order as in the original array.
If you are insisting on an in-place approach instead of the trivial standard return [arr.filter(predicate), arr.filter(notPredicate)] approach, that can be easily and efficiently achieved using two indices, running from both sides of the array and swapping where necessary:
function partitionInplace(arr, predicate) {
var i=0, j=arr.length;
while (i<j) {
while (predicate(arr[i]) && ++i<j);
if (i==j) break;
while (i<--j && !predicate(arr[j]));
if (i==j) break;
[arr[i], arr[j]] = [arr[j], arr[i]];
return i; // the index of the first element not to fulfil the predicate
let evens = arr.filter(i=> i%2==0);
let odds = arr.filter(i=> i%2==1);
let result = evens.concat(odds);
I believe that's O(n). Have fun.
Or if you really care about efficiency:
let evens, odds = []
arr.forEach(i=> {
if(i%2==0) evens.push(i); else odds.push(i);
let result = evens.concat(odds);
Array.prototype.getEvenOdd= function (arr) {
var result = {even:[],odd:[]};
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if(arr[i] % 2 = 0)
return result ;

Turn Coffeescript loop using range into ES6

Disclaimer: I don't know Coffeescript and, although I appreciate it has contributed towards the ES6 spec, I can't wait to see the back it.
This Coffeescript loop (wrote by someone else)
for page in []
active = (page is +#props.current)
is, according to js2coffee, equivalent to this JS
var active, i, page, ref;
if ( > 1) {
for (page = i = 1, ref =; 1 <= ref ? i <= ref : i >= ref; page = 1 <= ref ? ++i : --i) {
active = page === +this.props.current;
Now I would like to use a for..of loop to shorten that JS, but I can't figure out how.
I've tried to implement this idea(the generator function bit at the bottom), but I can't get it right.
My question is: Is there a way of making ranges in ES6?
The generator solution you are looking for would be
function* range(i, end=Infinity) {
while (i <= end) {
yield i++;
// if ( > 1) - implicitly done by `range`
for (let page of range(1, {
active = page === +this.props.current;
For generating any range of sequential integers of length k starting at n in JavaScript the following should work:
Array.apply(null, Array(k)).map((x, i) => i + n);
While not quite the same as the coffeescript range functionality, its probably close enough for most uses. Also despite being significantly more verbose has one decided advantage: you don't have to remember which of .. and ... is exclusive and which is inclusive.

Speed differences in JavaScript functions finding the most common element in an array

I'm studying for an interview and have been working through some practice questions. The question is:
Find the most repeated integer in an array.
Here is the function I created and the one they created. They are appropriately named.
var arr = [3, 6, 6, 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 6]
function mine(arr) {
var count = 0;
var integer = 0;
var tempCount = 1;
var tempInteger = 0;
var prevInt = null
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
tempInteger = arr[i]
if (i > 0) {
prevInt = arr[i - 1]
if (prevInt == arr[i]) {
tempCount += 1
if (tempCount > count) {
count = tempCount
integer = tempInteger
} else {
tempCount = 1
console.log("most repeated is: " + integer)
function theirs(a) {
var count = 1,
var popular = a[0];
var temp = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < (a.length - 1); i++) {
temp = a[i];
tempCount = 0;
for (var j = 1; j < a.length; j++) {
if (temp == a[j])
if (tempCount > count) {
popular = temp;
count = tempCount;
console.log("most repeated is: " + popular)
These are the results:
most repeated is: 6
mine: 16.929ms
most repeated is: 6
theirs: 0.760ms
What makes my function slower than their?
My test results
I get the following results when I test (JSFiddle) it for a random array with 50 000 elements:
mine: 28.18 ms
theirs: 5374.69 ms
In other words, your algorithm seems to be much faster. That is expected.
Why is your algorithm faster?
You sort the array first, and then loop through it once. Firefox uses merge sort and Chrome uses a variant of quick sort (according to this question). Both take O(n*log(n)) time on average. Then you loop through the array, taking O(n) time. In total you get O(n*log(n)) + O(n), that can be simplified to just O(n*log(n)).
Their solution, on the other hand, have a nested loop where both the outer and inner loops itterate over all the elements. That should take O(n^2). In other words, it is slower.
Why does your test results differ?
So why does your test results differ from mine? I see a number of possibilities:
You used a to small sample. If you just used the nine numbers in your code, that is definately the case. When you use short arrays in the test, overheads (like running the console.log as suggested by Gundy in comments) dominate the time it takes. This can make the result appear completely random.
neuronaut suggests that it is related to the fact that their code operates on the array that is already sorted by your code. While that is a bad way of testing, I fail to see how it would affect the result.
Browser differences of some kind.
A note on .sort()
A further note: You should not use .sort() for sorting numbers, since it sorts things alphabetically. Instead, use .sort(function(a, b){return a-b}). Read more here.
A further note on the further note: In this particular case, just using .sort() might actually be smarter. Since you do not care about the sorting, only the grouping, it doesnt matter that it sort the numbers wrong. It will still group elements with the same value together. If it is faster without the comparison function (i suspect it is), then it makes sense to sort without one.
An even faster algorithm
You solved the problem in O(n*log(n)), but you can do it in just O(n). The algorithm to do that is quite intuitive. Loop through the array, and keep track of how many times each number appears. Then pick the number that appears the most times.
Lets say there are m different numbers in the array. Looping through the array takes O(n) and finding the max takes O(m). That gives you O(n) + O(m) that simplifies to O(n) since m < n.
This is the code:
function anders(arr) {
//Instead of an array we use an object and properties.
//It works like a dictionary in other languages.
var counts = new Object();
//Count how many of each number there is.
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
//Make sure the property is defined.
if(typeof counts[arr[i]] === 'undefined')
counts[arr[i]] = 0;
//Increase the counter.
var max; //The number with the largest count.
var max_count = -1; //The largest count.
//Iterate through all of the properties of the counts object
//to find the number with the largerst count.
for (var num in counts) {
if (counts.hasOwnProperty(num)) {
if(counts[num] > max_count) {
max_count = counts[num];
max = num;
//Return the result.
return max;
Running this on a random array with 50 000 elements between 0 and 49 takes just 3.99 ms on my computer. In other words, it is the fastest. The backside is that you need O(m) memory to store how many time each number appears.
It looks like this isn't a fair test. When you run your function first, it sorts the array. This means their function ends up using already sorted data but doesn't suffer the time cost of performing the sort. I tried swapping the order in which the tests were run and got nearly identical timings:
most repeated is: 6
theirs: 0.307ms
most repeated is: 6
mine: 0.366ms
Also, if you use two separate arrays you'll see that your function and theirs run in the same amount of time, approximately.
Lastly, see Anders' answer -- it demonstrates that larger data sets reveal your function's O(n*log(n)) + O(n) performance vs their function's O(n^2) performance.
Other answers here already do a great job of explaining why theirs is faster - and also how to optimize yours. Yours is actually better with large datasets (#Anders). I managed to optimize the theirs solution; maybe there's something useful here.
I can get consistently faster results by employing some basic JS micro-optimizations. These optimizations can also be applied to your original function, but I applied them to theirs.
Preincrementing is slightly faster than postincrementing, because the value does not need to be read into memory first
Reverse-while loops are massively faster (on my machine) than anything else I've tried, because JS is translated into opcodes, and guaranteeing >= 0 is very fast. For this test, my computer scored 514,271,438 ops/sec, while the next-fastest scored 198,959,074.
Cache the result of length - for larger arrays, this would make better more noticeably faster than theirs
function better(a) {
var top = a[0],
count = 0,
i = len = a.length - 1;
while (i--) {
var j = len,
temp = 0;
while (j--) {
if (a[j] == a[i]) ++temp;
if (temp > count) {
count = temp;
top = a[i];
console.log("most repeated is " + top);
It's very similar, if not the same, to theirs, but with the above micro-optimizations.
Here are the results for running each function 500 times. The array is pre-sorted before any function is run, and the sort is removed from mine().
mine: 44.076ms
theirs: 35.473ms
better: 32.016ms

Debugging loop and function - javascript

My browser is crashing from this loop that doesn't appear to be unterminated.
function checkLetters(word){
if(word.charAt(i) == word.charAt(j)){
return false;
return true;
var compLibrary = [];
for (var k=0;k<library.length;k++) {
if(checkLetters(library[k]) == true) {
I am trying to search the library for words with no repeating letters and pushing it into a new array
The whole library is five letter words.
It's not an infinite loop, but it does look like a pretty expensive operation. There's not any really elegant way to detect an infinite loop (or recursion) so most engines just resort to either
Not trying to detect it, and running forever until some lower-level controller (like, the kernel) kills it.
Automatically killing itself when it gets to a certain recursion depth, loop count, or run time.
Your algorithm loops 5 * 4 * library.length times, so depending on how long your library actually is, your code could certainly trigger #2. But there are faster ways to find duplicate letters:
function checkLetters(word) {
var i=word.length;
var seenChars={};
var c;
while (i-->0) {
c = word.CharAt(i); # The current character
if (c in seenChars) return false;
seenChars[c] = 1;
return true;
var compLibrary = [];
for (var k=0; k < library.length; k++) {
if (checkLetters(library[k]) == true) {
Shouldn't this loop
be something in these lines
for(var i=0; i< word.length ;i++){
for(j=i+1; j<word.length/2; j++){
Can't see what your issue is but here's the solution I suggest for your problem:
var words = ['hello', 'bye', 'foo', 'baz'];
function hasUniqLetters(word){
var uniq = word.split('').filter(function(letter, idx){
return word.indexOf(letter) == idx;
return uniq.length == word.length;
var result = words.filter(hasUniqLetters);
console.log(result); //=> ["bye","baz"]
function checkLetters(word){
for(i=0;i<5;i++){ //both i and j were not instantiated
if(word.charAt(i) == word.charAt(j)){ //It could be crashing if
return false; //word <= 5
break;//a break after a return
} //statement is redundant.
return true;
You must put var before declaring a variable.
word.charAt(i) can be written like word[i]
Try this:
function checkLetters(word){
for(var i=0,j=1,l=word.length-1; i<l; i++,j++){
if(word.charAt(i) == word.charAt(j)){
return false;
return true;
var compLibrary = [];
for(var i=0,l=library; i<l; i++){
if(checkLetters(library[i]) == true){
tldr; The code originally posted should not crash the browser.
The following explains why nested loops are not always bad for efficiency and shows a counter-example where the original code works successfully without crashing the browser when running over 100,000 simulated words.
The complexity of the posted code is low and it should run really fast. It executes here in a fraction of a second (under 20ms!), even at all "20 * 8000" - i.e. C * O(n). Note that the time complexity is linear because the nested loops in checkLetters have a constant time: due to this small fixed limit ("20 loops" max each call) it does not represent a performance problem here.
As such, I maintain that it is not an issue wrt it being an efficiency problem. I assert that the original code will not "crash" a modern browser environment. For longer or unbound words then using a (presumably) lower complexity probe attempt may pay off - but the inner loop runs in small constant time here. (Actually, due to distribution of letters within words and word lengths I would imagine that the constant rarely exceeds "90 loops" for a natural language like English.)
library = []
for (w = 0; w < 100000; w++) {
library.push((w + "12345").slice(0,5))
function checkLetters(word){
if(word.charAt(i) == word.charAt(j)){
return false;
return true;
start = +(new Date)
var compLibrary = [];
for (var k=0;k<library.length;k++) {
if(checkLetters(library[k]) == true) {
time = +(new Date) - start
$('#time').text(time + "ms")
On my machine (in Safari) the code runs in ~30 milliseconds (~40ms if the "return false" is removed) for an input of 100,000 words!
In comparison, the answer with a probe (seenChars lookup) actually runs worse in Safari/Chrome. See, where for 100k words it takes about 270ms - or about 9x slower. However, this is highly browser dependent and the jsperf in the comments shows that in Firefox the probing approach is faster (by about 2x) but is slower again in IE (say 4-5x).
YMMV. I think the original code is acceptable for the given situation and the "crashing" problem lies elsewhere.
