Get Django Item ID In Ajax URL - javascript

I have a select box in an item edit page, which i would like to be populated via an Ajax call with the saved values.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#editPrefabLineclassBox').on('change', function() {
var selected = this.value;
url: '/edit-prefab/,
type: 'POST',
data: {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}',
lineclassSelected: selected
success: function(data) {
var name, select, option;
select = document.getElementById('editPrefabNameBox');
select.options.length = 0;
for (name in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
select.options.add(new Option(data[name], name));
The url i am using in the call is /edit-prefab/. The problem i am having is, the url of the page in Django is actually /edit-prefab/{{ }}, only i am not sure how to pass this id to javascript to use in the Ajax call. With just the /edit-prefab/, the page is not found.
After populating the select with the list of items, i would like to have preselected the saved values of the item being edited. I am sure i could populate everything as needed. Its just the setting up of the url that has me a little confused
I have tried passing the id of the item through the view to the template with JSON.dumps, and then parse the variable in JS to use in the url, but i keep getting an unexpected column error when parsing, as from what i know only a dict can be parsed correctly with JSON.
Is there anyone who could please help with this?
def editprefabitem(request, materialitem_id):
context = dict()
mat_item = MaterialItem.objects.get(id=materialitem_id)
context['itemid'] = json.dumps(
context['lineclass'] = json.dumps(mat_item.lineclass)
context['itemname'] = json.dumps(
context['diameter'] = json.dumps(mat_item.diameter)
context['quantity'] = json.dumps(mat_item.quantity)
if request.method == 'POST':
if 'lineclassSelected' in request.POST:
lclass = Lineclass.objects.filter(lineclassname=request.POST['lineclassSelected'])\
.values_list('itemname', flat=True).distinct()
request.session['lineclassselected'] = request.POST['lineclassSelected']
lineclass = valuesquerysettodict(lclass)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lineclass), content_type='application/json')
if 'itemSelected' in request.POST:
item = Lineclass.objects.filter(itemname=request.POST['itemSelected'])[0]
diams = Lineclass.objects.filter(itemname=item.itemname).values_list('dn1', flat=True).distinct()
request.session['itemselected'] = request.POST['itemSelected']
diameters = valuesquerysettodict(diams)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(diameters), content_type='application/json')
if 'diamSelected' in request.POST:
request.session['diameterselected'] = request.POST['diamSelected']
if 'editPrefabQuantityBox' in request.POST:
code = Lineclass.objects.filter(lineclassname=request.session['lineclassselected'])\
.code = request.session['itemselected'],
mat_item.type = 'Prefabrication',
mat_item.lineclass = request.session['lineclassselected'],
mat_item.diameter = request.session['diameterselected'],
mat_item.quantity = request.POST['editPrefabQuantityBox'],
mat_item.workpack = Workpack.objects.get(id=request.session['workpackselected']),
mat_item.code = code,
mat_item.datecreated =,
mat_item.createdby = request.user.username
return HttpResponseRedirect('/prefabs/')
return render_to_response('editprefab.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
The context['itemid'], context['lineclass'] etc, is where i am grabbing the current values of the item and trying to send them through to the template to be parsed by javascript to set the default values for editing in the select boxes, and provide the items id in the url.
The valuesquerysettodict() function, is a small snippet i found, to convert a Models, values_list into a JSON serializable dict to populate the select based on the parameter that was sent through from Ajax. The reason i am using it, is if i return Lineclass.objects.all(), there are a lot of items in the queryset, with the same name, but different itemcode, so i am using a values_list to try and get unique item names to use with the select.
I am sure i am going wrong somewhere i am just not sure where.
thank you for any help you could give.

So I assume you're making your AJAX call at the click of a submit button. Either way, you can supply the Django variable in the value attribute of any tag and retrieve it like this.
In the value attribute of your submit button, pass the Django ID as such:
<button type="submit" value="{{ }}" id="submit-button"></button>
Now, in your AJAX request, you can retrieve the ID and send it with your AJAX request like this:
$(document).on('click', '#submit-button' , function(event){
var pk = $(this).attr('value');
'id': pk,


Django 3. Having trouble passing dropdown menu selection from .html to forms

I'm still new to Django (2 weeks or so). I've been struggling the past few days with passing a string from an html file to forms. My project lets the user choose a state from a dropdown menu (Michigan and Ohio for now, I'll add the rest later). When the state is selected, it will take that string and pull a list of counties of that state from a spreadsheet. This is where the problem lies. I've searched far and wide and I just can't seem to find a solution. The major holdback to many of these solutions is I don't want to "submit" with a button. I want the user to "select" a state, then select a county without a page refresh. I've also included a screenshot of the webpage. So far the dependent dropdowns work perfectly thanks to a youtube tutorial. The "submit" button in the picture is cosmetic for now.
Thanks in advance for helping out. Let me know if you have any questions regarding models or anything else regarding the code.
def StateForm_Page(request):
context = {}
stateChoice = 'Michigan' //hardcode a state so if the post fails, the function can still find an excel sheet
if request.method == 'POST':
State_Form = StateForm(request.POST)
stateChoice = State_Form.cleaned_data['stateChoice'] //I think this is where my code is failing
State_Form = StateForm()
context['State_Form'] = State_Form
dataArray = pd.read_excel(r'C:\filename.xls', sheet_name= stateChoice)
county_strings = dataArray['County '].values.tolist()
json_county_strings = json.dumps(county_strings)
context['json_county_strings'] = json_county_strings
return render(request, 'StateForm_page.html', context)
<form action="" method="POST" name="stateChoice">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ State_Form.as_p }}
var state;
var county;
$('#id_county').empty(); //empties county before state is chosen
$("#id_state").on('change', function(){ //when #id_state is changed...
state = $("#id_state").val(); //assign state with the selection
var countyStrings = JSON.parse('{{ json_county_strings | escapejs }}'); //grabs counties from respective state
var length = countyStrings.length;
var i;
for(i=0; i < length; i++){
county = countyStrings[i]; //update county options with spreadsheet values
<option value ="${county}">
What the webpage looks like so far:
Next day changes
Hey, after putting a few more hours into it, I'm still not having every luck. Per your suggestions, below is what I've added
def retrieveState(request):
statePick = request.GET.get('state')
return JsonResponse(statePick, safe = False)
def StateForm_Page(request):
context = {}
stateChoice = []
if request.method == 'POST':
#stateChoice = State_Form.cleaned_data['stateChoice']
State_Form = StateForm(request.POST)
stateChoice = retrieveState(request)
stateChoice = 'Michigan'
State_Form = StateForm()
type: 'POST',
url: 'ajax/retrieveState/',
data: state,
dataType: 'json',
Good news is something is being triggered on the ajax url I added, but I don't think the function in views is retrieving the ajax data. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!

Data update without page reload jinja2

The data has to be refreshed without page reload. Originally data is appeared on html with jinja2.
#app.route('/personal_account', methods=['POST'])
def welcome():
login = request.form['login']
data = get_default_user_data(login)
# ... processing
return render_sidebar_template("personal_account.html", data=data)
According to these data graph is building with chartist.js.
<div id="data">
<ul id="consumed_values">
{% set count = 0 %}
{% for i in data.consumed_values %}
<li>{{ data.consumed_values[count] }}</li>
{% set count = count + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
<canvas width="800" height="600" id="canvas"></canvas>
<button id="button">Update</button>
I need to update data. I am using ajax.
The function "request" make a post request to the server to the function get_selected_values in Python.
This function gives new data. But new data doesn't display in jinja2 on page. The data is still old.
window.onload = draw();
function draw() {
var consumed_values = document.querySelectorAll('ul#consumed_values li');
var values = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < consumed_values.length; i++) {
values[i] = consumed_values[i].innerHTML;
var numbers = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<consumed_values.length; i++)
var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
var grapf = {
labels : numbers,
datasets : [
strokeColor : "#6181B4",
data : values
new Chart(ctx).Line(grapf);
document.getElementById('button').onclick=function () {
function reques() {
var first = selected[0];
var second = selected[1];
first.month = first.month+1;
second.month = second.month+1;
type: 'POST',
url: '/get_selected_values',
success: function(response) {
error: function() {
Function get_selected_values()
#app.route('/get_selected_values', methods=['POST'])
def get_selected_values():
# ...
data = fetch_selected_date(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, login=current_user.get_id())
if data:
# return jsonify({'result': True, 'data': data}) # does not work this way
# return jsonify({'result': False, 'data': []})
return render_sidebar_template("personal_account.html", data=data, result=1)
How to succeed in data's update and graph's rebuild?
I am using the first version of get_selected_values function.
The request function look like this:
success: function(response) {
alert('Успешно получен ответ:!'+;
document.getElementById('consumed_values').innerHTML =;
Data is updating successfully, but graph looks the same. How to fix?
OK here's my outlook on this. You're on the right track and there is a way to update the element without the need to re-draw the page in this instance. What's happening is that you are returning data from your get_selected_values() method but not doing anything with it once it's returned to your AJAX request.
So firstly, I'm going to draw your attention to your AJAX request:
type: 'POST',
url: '/get_selected_values',
success: function(response) {
error: function() {
When you're getting a successful response from this, you're seeing your "OK" alert in the UI, right? However nothing updates in the UI despite you calling on the draw() method?
You won't want to return a render_template from your Flask function in this case. You were already on the right track with returning JSON from your function:
if data:
# return jsonify({'result': True, 'data': data}) # does not work this way
When you return your JSON data, it will be stored in the response variable in your success function. If you're unsure of exactly what's going into that response variable then output its contents with something like alert(JSON.stringify(response)) in the success function of your AJAX request. From here you will see your data returned to your method.
Now you need to decide how you want to use that data to update your <div id="data"> element in your UI. You can do this just using JavaScript with a series of document.getElementById('element_id').innerHTML statements or such-like so that your element is populated with all of the updated data from your response.
This will auto-update the data you wish to have displayed without the need to refresh the page.
Now that you've done that, invoke your draw() function again and it should now use the updated data.
I hope this helps set you down the right path with this one!
When you're originally populating <div id="data"> you are using a loop to populate a series of <li> tags in the element with your data.
When you are updating this element with your new data, you are just using .innerHTML to re-populate the parent <ul> element.
Your draw() method is looking to the data stored in the <li> elements.
Are you absolutely certain that, after you perform your update, your <div id="data"> element is in exactly the same (ie. expected) format to work with your draw() method? In that it's still in the structure:
<div id="data">
<ul id="consumed_values">
<li>Your updated data here...</li>
<li>More updated data...</li>
This is the element structure that your draw() method is expecting to find. It's pulling its data in from each individual <li> element in the list. So these are the elements which need to store your updated values.

How do I populate a list field in a model from javascript?

I have a Kendo.MVC project. The view has a model with a field of type List<>. I want to populate the List from a Javascript function. I've tried several ways, but can't get it working. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
So here is my model:
public class Dashboard
public List<Note> ListNotes { get; set; }
I use the ListNotes on the view like this:
foreach (Note note in Model.ListNotes)
This works if I populate Model.ListNotes in the controller when the view starts...
public ActionResult DashBoard(string xsr, string vst)
var notes = rep.GetNotesByCompanyID(user.ResID, 7, 7);
List<Koorsen.Models.Note> listNotes = new List<Koorsen.Models.Note>();
Dashboard employee = new Dashboard
ResID = intUser,
Type = intType,
FirstName = user.FirstName,
LastName = user.LastName,
ListNotes = listNotes
return View(employee);
... but I need to populate ListNotes in a Javascript after a user action.
Here is my javascript to make an ajax call to populate ListNotes:
function getReminders(e)
var userID = '#ViewBag.CurrUser';
url: "/api/WoApi/GetReminders/" + userID,
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
success: function (notes)
// Need to assign notes to Model.ListNotes here
Here's the method it calls with the ajax call. I've confirmed ListNotes does have the values I want; it is not empty.
public List<Koorsen.Models.Note> GetReminders(int id)
var notes = rep.GetNotesByCompanyID(id, 7, 7);
List<Koorsen.Models.Note> listNotes = new List<Koorsen.Models.Note>();
foreach (Koorsen.OpenAccess.Note note in notes)
Koorsen.Models.Note newNote = new Koorsen.Models.Note()
NoteID = note.NoteID,
CompanyID = note.CompanyID,
LocationID = note.LocationID,
NoteText = note.NoteText,
NoteType = note.NoteType,
InternalNote = note.InternalNote,
NoteDate = note.NoteDate,
Active = note.Active,
AddBy = note.AddBy,
AddDate = note.AddDate,
ModBy = note.ModBy,
ModDate = note.ModDate
return listNotes;
If ListNotes was a string, I would have added a hidden field and populated it in Javascript. But that didn't work for ListNotes. I didn't get an error, but the text on the screen didn't change.
#Html.HiddenFor(x => x.ListNotes)
I also tried
#Model.ListNotes = notes; // This threw an unterminated template literal error
document.getElementById('ListNotes').value = notes;
I've even tried refreshing the page after assigning the value:
and refreshing the panel bar the code is in
var panelBar = $("#IntroPanelBar").data("kendoPanelBar");
Can someone explain how to get this to work?
I don't know if this will cloud the issue, but the reason I need to populate the model in javascript with an ajax call is because Model.ListNotes is being used in a Kendo Panel Bar control and I don't want Model.ListNotes to have a value until the user expands the panel bar.
Here's the code for the panel bar:
.Items(items =>
.Text("View Important Notes and Messages")
.Events(e => e
Here's the helper than renders the contents:
#helper RenderReminders()
if (Model.ListNotes.Count <= 0)
#Html.Raw("No Current Messages");
foreach (Note note in Model.ListNotes)
<br />
The panel bar and the helpers work fine if I populate Model.ListNotes in the controller and pass Model to the view. I just can't get it to populate in the javascript after the user expands the panel bar.
Perhaps this will do it for you. I will provide a small working example I believe you can easily extend to meet your needs. I would recommend writing the html by hand instead of using the helper methods such as #html.raw since #html.raw is just a tool to generate html in the end anyways. You can write html manually accomplish what the helper methods do anyway and I think it will be easier for you in this situation. If you write the html correctly it should bind to the model correctly (which means it won't be empty on your post request model) So if you modify that html using javascript correctly, it will bind to your model correctly as well.
Take a look at some of these examples to get a better idea of what I am talking about:
So to answer your question...
You could build a hidden container to hold your list values like this (make sure this container is inside the form):
<div id="ListValues" style="display:none">
Then put the results your ajax post into a javascript variable (not shown).
Then in javascript do something like this:
$('form').off('submit'); //i do this to prevent duplicate bindings depending on how this page may be rendered futuristically as a safety precaution.
$('form').on('submit', function (e) { //on submit, modify the form data to include the information you want inside of your ListNotes
var data = getAjaxResults(); //data represents your ajax results. You can acquire and format that how you'd like I will use the following as an example format for how you could save the results as JSON data: [{NoteID ="1",CompanyID ="2"}]
let listLength = data.length;
for (let i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
$('#ListValues').append('<input type="text" name="ListNotes['+i+'].NoteID " value="' + data.NoteID +'" />')
$('#ListValues').append('<input type="text" name="ListNotes['+i+'].CompanyID " value="' + data.CompanyID +'" />')
//for your ajax results, do this for each field on the note object
That should do it! After you submit your form, it should automatically model bind to you ListNotes! You will be able to inpsect this in your debugger on your post controller action.

How to submit dynamically created hidden variables using Jquery

I have created a dynamic table. DEMO to my project.
I have placed this dynamic table in the form under a div named 'box'
<div id="box">
I am creating dynamic hidden variables table using Jquery which I need to store in DB. This is how I am creating the hash to submit to server.
criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);
criteria = Object.toJSON(criteria);
// Build the object to store the parameters for the AJAX post request
parameters = {
title : $('report_title').value,
description : $('report_description').value,
criteria : criteria
// Make the AJAX post request
new Ajax.Request( URL, {
method: 'post',
parameters: parameters,
onSuccess: function( response ) {
$('messageSpan').innerHTML = response.responseText;
I am not able to capture the dynamically created values in the criteria.
How to solve this?
In the dynamically created section, I tried adding a submit button and see if the values can be fetched. I am able to fetch and iterate all the hidden variables.
jsonObj = [];
$("input[id=rubric_cell]").each(function () {
var id = "cell_" + row + "_" + col;
item = {}
item["id"] = id;
item["selected_rubric"] = $(this).val();
console.log(jsonObj); //I am getting the required values here
How to get these values in the criteria = $('form_name').serialize(true);. Am I doing some thing wrong? Please help me. thanks in advance.
DEMO to my project
You need to make sure that your hidden input fields have a name attribute set otherwise $.serialize will not process them.

How do I create a web link inside a javascript function and pass cell value as a parameter to servlet?

I am creating a table dynamically with JavaScript as you can see below. I want users to be able to click on the first column value and pass the value of the cell as a parameter to a J#EE servlet. Can you help me? Basically the first column should be links to a new page with a country details. How can I do that? Thank you.
Where do I put the link code?
function oneSecondFunction() {
$.get('DisplayCountries', function(responseJson) {
if (responseJson != null) {
var table1 = $("#countrytable");
$.each(responseJson, function(key, value) {
var rowNew = $("<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>" +
and here is the link code. I have tried several options and it doesn't work.
First, assign a class to the first <td> something like <td class="linkHolder">.
Then, write a click handler to send ajax request to servlet:
$('#countrytable').on('click', '.linkHolder', function() {
var link = $(this).html();
$.post('/myservlet', {url: link}, function(response) {
//handle response here
return false;
You can access the link on the servlet side with the request parameter url
