Detecting browser supports SVG stacking - javascript

SVG stacking is a technique for stuffing multiple SVG images (like icons) into a single file, to enable downloading sets of icons in a single HTTP request. It's similar to a PNG sprite, except much easier to change/maintain.
The SVG to display is selected using the # fragment identifier in the SVG url. The technique is explained here.
While this technique is arguably on shaky grounds in terms of browser support, (and Chrome doesn't support it all in CSS background-image) it works surprisingly well in most browsers if done using an <img> tag. It works in IE9+, Chrome, and Firefox as an <img> tag, so a fallback to PNG is only required if you need to support much older browsers like IE8.
Except... Safari is a bit of a problem. Even though Safari supports SVGs back to version 5 and below, SVG stacking just doesn't work in versions < 7.1. A blank space is displayed where the icon should be.
So, as of now a fallback is probably necessary. But how can we use feature detection to determine whether we need to fallback to PNG sprites (or at least hide the SVG icon so that a blank space doesn't appear.) ?
The various articles discussing SVG stacks talk about providing fallback for browsers which don't support SVGs. Essentially, the most common technique is to simply use Modernizer to detect if SVGs are supported, and if not, use PNGs, as demonstrated here.
But as far as I can see, nobody is discussing the case where a browser DOES support SVGs, but doesn't support SVG stacking. And as far as I know, at least Safari 5 thru 7.0 fall into that category: these browsers support SVGs, but apparently don't support the :target pseudo selector that enables SVG stacking to work.
So how can this condition be detected? Do we have to rely on user agent sniffing here?

Interesting question!
In general, browser cannot answer regarding a feature it doesn't know about. However, some trick came to my mind.
When the image is OK it means that the pixels in it are different, right? And if we see a blank space it means, that all the pixels in it are the same, doesn't matter if they are white, transparent or something else.
So, we can load an image into canvas, take the first pixel and compare the rest with it. If somehing different is found, so the feature is supported, otherwise not. Something like the following code:
function isSVGLayersSupported(img)
// create canvas and draw image to it
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// get cancas context and image data
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
// Processing image data
var data =;
var firstR = data[0];
var firstG = data[1];
var firstB = data[2];
var firstAlpha = data[3];
for (var i = 4; i < data.length; i += 4) {
if ((data[i] != firstR) ||
(data[i+1] != firstG) ||
(data[i+2] != firstB) ||
(data[i+3] != firstAlpha))
return true;
return false;


Canvas.measureText differences on browsers are huge

EDIT: originally I checked only desktop browsers - but with mobile browsers, the picture is even more complicated.
I came across a strange issue with some browsers and its text rendering capabilities and I am not sure if I can do anything to avoid this.
It seems WebKit and (less consistent) Firefox on Android are creating slightly larger text using the 2D Canvas library. I would like to ignore the visual appearance for now, but instead focus on the text measurements, as those can be easily compared.
I have used the two common methods to calculate the text width:
Canvas 2D API and measure text
DOM method
as outlined in this question: Calculate text width with JavaScript
however, both yield to more or less the same result (across all browsers).
function getTextWidth(text, font) {
// if given, use cached canvas for better performance
// else, create new canvas
var canvas = getTextWidth.canvas || (getTextWidth.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"));
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.font = font;
var metrics = context.measureText(text);
return metrics.width;
function getTextWidthDOM(text, font) {
var f = font || '12px arial',
o = $('<span>' + text + '</span>')
.css({'font': f, 'float': 'left', 'white-space': 'nowrap'})
.css({'visibility': 'hidden'})
w = o.width();
return w;
I modified the fiddle a little using Google fonts which allows to perform text measurements for a set of sample fonts (please wait for the webfonts to be loaded first before clicking the measure button):
(updated to force font-weight and style)
Running this on various browsers shows the problem I am having (using the string 'S'):
The differences across all desktop browsers are minor - only Safari stands out like that - it is in the range of around 1% and 4% what I've seen, depending on the font. So it is not big - but throws off my calculations.
UPDATE: Tested a few mobile browsers too - and on iOS all are on the same level as Safari (using WebKit under the hood, so no suprise) - and Firefox on Android is very on and off.
I've read that subpixel accuracy isn't really supported across all browsers (older IE's for example) - but even rounding doesn't help - as I then can end up having different width.
Using no webfont but just the standard font the context comes with returns the exact same measurements between Chrome and Safari - so I think it is related to webfonts only.
I am a bit puzzled of what I might be able to do now - as I think I just do something wrong as I haven't found anything on the net around this - but the fiddle is as simple as it can get. I have spent the entire day on this really - so you guys are my only hope now.
I have a few ugly workarounds in my head (e.g. rendering the text on affected browsers 4% smaller) - which I would really like to avoid.
It seems that Safari (and a few others) does support getting at sub-pixel level, but not drawing...
When you set your font-size to 9.5pt, this value gets converted to 12.6666...px.
Even though Safari does return an high precision value for this:
// on Safari returns 12.666666984558105px oO
it is unable to correctly draw at non-integer font-sizes, and not only on a canvas:
console.log(getRangeWidth("S", '12.3px serif'));
// safari: 6.673828125 | FF 6.8333282470703125
console.log(getRangeWidth("S", '12.4px serif'));
// safari: 6.673828125 | FF 6.883331298828125
console.log(getRangeWidth("S", '12.5px serif'));
// safari 7.22998046875 | FF 6.95001220703125
console.log(getRangeWidth("S", '12.6px serif'));
// safari 7.22998046875 | FF 7
// High precision DOM based measurement
function getRangeWidth(text, font) {
var f = font || '12px arial',
o = $('<span>' + text + '</span>')
.css({'font': f, 'white-space': 'nowrap'})
r = document.createRange();
var w = r.getBoundingClientRect().width;
return w;
<script src=""></script>
So in order to avoid these quirks,
Try to always use px unit with integer values.
I found below solution from MDN more helpful for scenarios where fonts are slanted/italic which was for me the case with some google fonts
copying the snippet from here -
const computetextWidth = (text, font) => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.font = font;
const { actualBoundingBoxLeft, actualBoundingBoxRight } = context.measureText(text);
return Math.ceil(Math.abs(actualBoundingBoxLeft) + Math.abs(actualBoundingBoxRight));

Canvas linear downscaling

im trying to do a downscale of an image using canvas to later use the data for a hash compare. however i noticed that the canvas (or at least the simple code i use) uses no mipmap filter resulting in very sharp result and makes the test against another existing hash fail (downscaling the image in gimp using linear works as expected). the code i use to downscale is
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);
return context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
this results in this image (left) to the expected (right)
how can i get the canvas to downscale linear?
The new canvas draft specify a way to set re-sampling/interpolation for the canvas. The current method is always bi-linear, or nearest-neighbor if imageSmoothingEnabled = false (both methods are for both up-scaling and down-sampling). The new property is called imageSmoothingQuality:
context . imageSmoothingQuality [ = value ]
The value can be "low", "medium" and "high" (for example something like bi-cubic/Lanczos). However, no browsers has yet implemented this at the moment of writing this and the actual algorithms used for each value is not mandated.
The alternative approaches is to manually re-sample when you need changes above 50% using multiple steps, or to implement a re-sampling algorithm.
Here is an example of multiple steps to achieve bi-cubic quality level (and avoids initial CORS problems), as well as one showing the Lanczos algorithm (need CORS requirements to be met).
In addition to that you can apply sharpening convolution to compensate for some of the lost sharpness.

Resizing images using createjs / easeljs

I'd like to dynamically downsize some images on my canvas using createjs, and then store the smaller images to be displayed when zooming out of the canvas for performance reasons. Right now, I'm using the following code:
var bitmap = createjs.Bitmap('somefile.png');
// wait for bitmap to load (using preload.js etc.)
var oc = document.createElement('canvas');
var octx = oc.getContext('2d');
oc.width = bitmap.image.width*0.5;
oc.height = bitmap.image.height*0.5;
octx.drawImage(bitmap.image, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height);
var dataUrl = oc.toDataURL('image/png'); // very expensive
var smallBitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(dataUrl);
This works, but:
The toDataURL operation is very expensive when converting to image/png and too slow to use in practice (and I can't convert to the faster image/jpeg due to the insufficient quality of the output for all settings I tried)
Surely there must be a way to downsize the image without having to resort to separate canvas code, and then do a conversion manually to draw onto the createjs Bitmap object??
I've also tried:
octx.drawImage(bitmap.image, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height);
var smallBitmap = new createjs.Bitmap(oc);
But although very fast, this doesn't seem to actually work (and in any case I'm having to create a separate canvas element every time to facilitate this.)
I'm wondering if there is a way that I can use drawImage to draw a downsampled version of the bitmap into a createjs Bitmap instance directly without having to go via a separate canvas object or do a conversion to string?
If I understand correctly, internally this is how the createjs cache property works (i.e. uses drawImage internally to write into the DisplayObject) but I'm unable to figure out how use it myself.
You have tagged this post with createjs and easeljs, but your examples show plain Canvas context usage for scaling.
You can use the scale parameter on Bitmap.cache() to get the result you want, then reuse the cacheCanvas as necessary.
// This will create a half-size cache (50%)
// But scale it back up for you when it displays on the stage
var bmp = new createjs.Bitmap(img);
bmp.cache(0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0.5);
// Pull out the generated cache and use it in a new Bitmap
// This will display at the new scaled size.
var bmp2 = new createjs.Bitmap(bmp.cacheCanvas);
// Un-cache the first one to reset it if you want
Here is a fiddle to see it in action:
Note that caching just uses another canvas with a drawImage to scale it down. I definitely would stay away from toDataURL, as it not performant at all.

How does 2D drawing frameworks such as Pixi.js make canvas drawing faster?

I found a bunnymark for Javascript canvas here.
Now of course, I understand their default renderer is using webGL but I am only interested in the native 2D context performance for now. I disabled webGL on firefox and after spawning 16500 bunnies, the counter showed a FPS of 25. I decided to wrote my own little very simple rendering loop to see how much overhead Pixi added. To my surprise, I only got a FPS of 20.
My roughly equivalent JSFiddle.
So I decided to take a look into their source here and it doesn't appear to be that the magic is in their rendering code:
transform = displayObject.worldTransform;
if(displayObject instanceof PIXI.Sprite)
var frame = displayObject.texture.frame;
context.globalAlpha = displayObject.worldAlpha;
context.setTransform(transform[0], transform[3], transform[1], transform[4], transform[2], transform[5]);
(displayObject.anchor.x) * -frame.width,
(displayObject.anchor.y) * -frame.height,
Curiously, it seems they are using a linked list for their rendering loop and a profile on both app shows that while my version allocates the same amount of cpu time per frame, their implementation shows cpu usage in spikes.
My knowledge ends here unfortunately and I am curious if anyone can shed some light on whats going on.
I think, in my opinion, that it boils down to how "compilable" (cache-able) the code is. Chrome and Firefox uses two different JavaScript "compilers"/engines as we know which optimizes and caching code differently.
Canvas operations
Using transform versus direct coordinates should not have an impact as setting a transform merely updates the matrix which is in any case is used with what-ever is in it.
The type of position values can affect performance though, float versus integer values, but as both your fiddle and PIXI seem to use floats only this is not the key here.
So here I don't think canvas is the cause of the difference.
Variable and property caching
(I got unintentionally too focused on the prototypal aspect in the first version of this answer. The essence I was trying to get at was mainly object traversing, so here the following text is re-worded a bit -)
PIXI uses object properties as the fiddle but these custom objects in PIXI are smaller in size so the traversing of the object tree takes less time compared to what it takes to traverse a larger object such as canvas or image (a property such as width would also be at the end of this object).
It's a well known classic optimization trick to cache variables due to this very reason (traverse time). The effect is less today as the engines has become smarter, especially V8 in Chrome which seem to be able to predict/cache this better internally, while in Firefox it seem to still have a some impact not to cache these variables in code.
Does it matter performance-wise? For short operations very little, but drawing 16,500 bunnies onto canvas is demanding and do gain a benefit from doing this (in FF) so any micro-optimization do actually count in situations such as this.
I prototyped the "renderer" to get even closer to PIXI as well as caching the object properties. This gave a performance burst in Firefox:
I used a slow computer (to scale the impact) which ran your fiddle at about 5 FPS. After caching the values it ran at 6-7 fps which is more than 20% increase on this computer showing it do have an effect. On a computer with a larger CPU instruction cache and so forth the effect may be less, but it's there as this is related to the FF engine itself (disclaimer: I am not claiming this to be a scientific test however, only a pointer :-) ).
/// cache object properties
var lastTime = 0,
w = canvas.width,
h = canvas.height,
iw = image.width,
ih = image.height;
This next version caches these variables as properties on an object (itself) to show that also this improves performance compared to using large global objects directly - result about the same as above:
var RENDER = function () {
this.width = canvas.width;
this.height = canvas.height;
this.imageWidth = image.width;
this.imageHeight = image.height;
In conclusion
I am certain based on the results and previous experience that PIXI can run the code faster due to using custom small-sized objects rather than getting the properties directly from large objects (elements) such as canvas and image.
The FF engine seem not yet to be as "smart" as the V8 engine in regard to object traversing of tree and branches so caching variables do have an impact in FF which comes to display when the demand is high (such as when drawing 16,500 bunnies per "frame").
One difference I noticed between your version and Pixi's is this:
You render image at certain coordinates by passing x/y straight to drawImage function:
drawImage(img, x, y, ...);
..whereas Pixi translates entire canvas context, and then draws image at 0/0 (of already shifted context):
setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
drawImage(img, 0, 0, ...);
They also pass more arguments to drawImage; arguments that control "destination rectangle" — dx, dy, dw, dh.
I suspected this is where speed difference hides. However, changing your test to use same "technique" doesn't really make things better.
But there's something else...
I clocked bunnies to 5000, disabled WebGL, and Pixi actually performs worse than the custom fiddle version.
I get ~27 FPS on Pixi:
and ~32-35 FPS on Fiddle:
This is all on Chrome 33.0.1712.4 dev, Mac OS X.
I'd suspect that this is some canvas compositing issue. Canvas is transparent by default, so the page background needs to be combined with the canvas contents...
I found this in their source...
// update the background color
if ( != stage.backgroundColorString &&
!this.transparent) { = stage.backgroundColorString;
Maybe they set the canvas to be opaque for this demo (the fiddle doesn't really work for me, seems like most of the bunnys jump out with an extremely large dt most of the time)?
I don't think it's an object property access timing / compilability thing: The point is valid, but I don't think it can explain that much of a difference.

Multiple image patterns in 2d context of HTML5 canvas?

I am having difficulties rendering several patterns (each with different texture) in the 2d context of HTML5 canvas.
Assuming I have three separate canvases, two off-screen containing different textures and one for rendering. Let these offline canvases be A and B.
var patternA = ctx.createPattern(A, "repeat-x");
ctx.fillStyle = patternA;
var patternB = ctx.createPattern(B, "repeat-y");
ctx.fillStyle = patternB;
There should be two 20x20 rectangles, each with their own pattern, however the second rectangle doesn't render at all. I've tried everything to get them working, but to no avail.
Why is that? How should I render multiple tiling textures onto the same canvas?
What browsers are you trying? With FireFox and Chrome, I couldn't get either pattern to render with repeat-x or repeat-y. Instead, I was able to get both to render with just repeat. (See
It is possible that browsers have an incomplete implementation of the specification. According to the implementation status at, IE beta and FF nightly pass all test cases but other browsers don't. I would recommend just using repeat for the time being. You could emulate repeat-x and repeat-y by simply limiting the width of the fillRect to the width of the pattern:
var patternA = ctx.createPattern(A, "repeat");
ctx.fillStyle = patternA;
ctx.fillRect(100,100,20,Math.min(20, A.height));
var patternB = ctx.createPattern(B, "repeat");
ctx.fillStyle = patternB;
ctx.fillRect(150,100,Math.min(20, B.width), 20);
