Get ID of Firebase Pushed Object Is Undefined - javascript

Something very strange is happening whenever I try to get the ID of an item I pushed to my Firebase database... I used the code directly from one of their examples:
var fireBaseRef = new Firebase(FIREBASE_ROOT);
var id = fireBaseRef.child("flintstones").push();
first: 'Fred',
last: 'Flintstone'
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
//var name = id.key();
console.log("Set with ID: " + id);
When this code is run everything works as expected, the Forge portal shows the data was written properly to the database and I get the appropriate javascript console message:
"Set with ID:"
The problem arises when I uncomment the line
var name = id.key();
As soon as I do that I get a javascript error indicating that no such method exists ("Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function."), I don't know what this is happening and I need to use the key value (in this case "-JfjdUW4BT32DMgeuAdt") elsewhere.
Can anyone tell me where I went wrong?

The behavior you see will depend on which version of the client library you are using. Firebase Web / Node.js client libraries < 2.0.0 use, but that field was renamed in favor of FirebaseRef.key() for v2.0.0 and above. For more information, check out the changelog here.


Stored procedure azure Cosmos DB returns empty collection

I tried to create a stored procedure using the sample sp creation code from Azure docs, but i couldn't fetch the collection details. It always returns null.
Stored Procedure
function sample(prefix) {
var collection = getContext().getCollection();
// Query documents and take 1st item.
var isAccepted = collection.queryDocuments(
'SELECT * FROM root r',
function (err, feed, options) {
if (err) throw err;
// Check the feed and if empty, set the body to 'no docs found',
// else take 1st element from feed
if (!feed || !feed.length) {
var response = getContext().getResponse();
response.setBody('no docs found');
else {
var response = getContext().getResponse();
var body = { prefix: prefix, feed: feed[0] };
if (!isAccepted) throw new Error('The query was not accepted by the server.');
The console shows only this.
the results shows no doc found because of not getting collection.I have passed the partition key at time of execution via explorer.
I had a similar issue. I think the Azure portal doesn't execute stored procedures properly when the partition key is not a string.
In my case I had a partitionKey that is a number. When I executed the stored procedure via the portal I always got an empty resultSet, even though I had documents in my database. When I changed the structure a little, and made my partitionKey a string, the stored procedure worked fine.
Did you create the ToDoList Database with the Items Collection? Yo can do this from the Quick start blade in the Azure portal.
And then create an SP to run against that collection. There is no partition key required, so no additional params are required (leave blank).
The Collection is created without any documents. You may choose to add documents via the Query Explorer blade or via the sample ToDoList App that is available via the Quick start blade.
You are debugging in a wrong way.
It is perfectly fine to see "{\"spatial\":{}}" in your console log, even if the collection has items. Why? well because that is a property of that object.
So regarding what you said:
the results shows no doc found because of not getting collection
is false. I have the same console log text, but I have items in my collection.
I have 2 scenarios for why your stored procedure return no items:
I had the same issue trying on azure portal UI(in browser) and for my surprise I had to insert an item without the KEY in order that my stored procedure to see it.
On code you specify the partition as a string ie. new PartitionKey("/UserId") instead of your object ie. new PartitionKey(stock.UserId)

Error: Network error: Error writing result to store for query (Apollo Client)

I am using Apollo Client to make an application to query my server using Graphql. I have a python server on which I execute my graphql queries which fetches data from the database and then returns it back to the client.
I have created a custom NetworkInterface for the client that helps me to make make customized server request (by default ApolloClient makes a POST call to the URL we specify). The network interface only has to have a query() method wherein we return the promise for the result of form Promise<ExecutionResult>.
I am able to make the server call and fetch the requested data but still getting the following error.
Error: Network error: Error writing result to store for query
query something{
Cannot read property 'row' of undefined
at new ApolloError (ApolloError.js:32)
at ObservableQuery.currentResult (ObservableQuery.js:76)
at GraphQL.dataForChild (react-apollo.browser.umd.js:410)
at GraphQL.render (react-apollo.browser.umd.js:448)
at ReactCompositeComponent.js:796
at measureLifeCyclePerf (ReactCompositeComponent.js:75)
at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext (ReactCompositeComponent.js:795)
at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper._renderValidatedComponent (ReactCompositeComponent.js:822)
at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper._updateRenderedComponent (ReactCompositeComponent.js:746)
at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper._performComponentUpdate (ReactCompositeComponent.js:724)
at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.updateComponent (ReactCompositeComponent.js:645)
at ReactCompositeComponentWrapper.performUpdateIfNecessary (ReactCompositeComponent.js:561)
at Object.performUpdateIfNecessary (ReactReconciler.js:157)
at runBatchedUpdates (ReactUpdates.js:150)
at ReactReconcileTransaction.perform (Transaction.js:140)
at ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.perform (Transaction.js:140)
at ReactUpdatesFlushTransaction.perform (ReactUpdates.js:89)
at Object.flushBatchedUpdates (ReactUpdates.js:172)
at ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction.closeAll (Transaction.js:206)
at ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction.perform (Transaction.js:153)
at Object.batchedUpdates (ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:62)
at Object.enqueueUpdate (ReactUpdates.js:200)
I want to know the possible cause of the error and solution if possible.
I had a similar error.
I worked it out by adding id to query.
for example, my current query was
query {
service:me {
productServices {
my new query was
query {
service:me {
id // <-------
productServices {
we need to include id,
otherwise it will cause the mentioned error.
query something {
row {
I've finally found out what is causing this issue after battling with it in various parts of our app for months. What helped to shed some light on it was switching from apollo-cache-inmemory to apollo-cache-hermes.
I experimented with Hermes hoping to mitigate this ussue, but unfortunately it fails to update the cache the same as apollo-cache-inmemory. What is curious though is that hermes shows a very nice user friendly message, unlike apollo-cache-inmemory. This lead me to a revelation that cache really hits this problem when it's trying to store an object type that is already in the cache with an ID, but the new object type is lacking it. So apollo-cache-inmemory should work fine if you are meticulously consistent when querying your fields. If you omit id field everywhere for a certain object type it will happily work. If you use id field everywhere it will work correctly. Once you mix queries with and without id that's when cache blows up with this horrible error message.
This is not a bug-it's working as intended, it's even documented here:
2020 update: Apollo has since removed this "feature" from the cache, so this error should not be thrown anymore in apollo-client 3 and newer.
I had a similar looking issue.
Perhaps your app was attempting to write (the network response data) to the store with the wrong store address?
Solution for my problem
I was updating the store after adding a player to a team:
// Apollo option object for `mutation AddPlayer`
update: (store, response) => {
const addr = { query: gql(QUERY_TEAM), variables: { _id } };
const data = store.readQuery(addr);
store.writeQuery({...addr, data});
I started to get a similar error above (I'm on Apollo 2.0.2)
After digging into the store, I realised my QUERY_TEAM request made with one variable meta defaulting to null. The store "address" seems to use the *stringified addr to identify the record. So I changed my above code to mimic include the null:
// Apollo option object for `mutation AddPlayer`
update: (store, response) => {
const addr = { query: gql(QUERY_TEAM), variables: { _id, meta: null } };
const data = store.readQuery(addr);
store.writeQuery({...addr, data});
And this fixed my issue.
* Defaulting to undefined instead of null will probably avoid this nasty bug (unverified)
Further info
My issue may be only tangentially related, so if that doesn't help I have two peices of advice:
First, add these 3 lines to node_modules/apollo-cache-inmemory/lib/writeToStore.js to alert you when the "record" is empty.
And then investigate _a to understand what is going wrong.
exports.writeResultToStore = writeResultToStore;
function writeSelectionSetToStore(_a) {
var result = _a.result, dataId = _a.dataId, selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, context = _a.context;
var variables = context.variables, store =, fragmentMap = context.fragmentMap;
+if (typeof result === 'undefined') {
+ debugger;
Second, ensure all queries, mutations and manual store updates are saving with the variables you expect
For me adding "__typename" into query helped.
Solution for this is 1. it happening when missing id, second one is it is happening when you have same query and hitting them alternately.
Example if you have query like dog and cat.
query dog(){id, name}
query cat(){id, name }
here both query are same just their header are different, during that time, this type of issue is coming. currently i have fetching same query with different status and getting this error and am lost in search of solution.

Deployd App, dpd.collection.first() not working

I've installed latest version of Deployd on Windows 7 64 Bit. Everything works fine except, I cannot query a single object.
ie, if i use the following code,
var query ={"name":"Jack","empid":"10"};
dpd.employees.first(query, function (result) {
I'm getting TypeError: undefined is not a function at the console (Google Chrome) pointing to the function 'first()'. All other functions generated at the API tab of Dashboard are working fine without any issues. I've tried reinstalling Deployd to another directory & the issue is still there. Haven't tried on a different machine yet.
What might be the cause?
Any help is appreciated.
The first() function was removed from Deployd's dpd.js but they didn't remove(forgot?) the API call codes generated by the dashboard. For now, I've chosen to select a single object using the ID property like this:
var q = {"id":"00000000000000"};
dpd.collection_name.get(q,function(result,error) {
if(error) return console.log(error);
console.log(result); //Result will have the object with the given ID
Or, if the ID property is not available for some reason, the field name can be used to query the data like usual:
var q = {"empid":"10AE1",$limit:1}; //Limiting to 1 just to be sure
dpd.collection_name.get(q,function(result,error) {
if(error) return console.log(error);
console.log(result[0]); //result[0] will have the object with the given empid
If there are any better solutions, please let me know!

Need to run code on save and log from Parse Cloud Code when updating PFObject's key in iOS app

I have a PFObject that has an array key. I can successfully call addObject: on this PFObject, and can confirm that the object has been added to the array key properly using an NSLog. However, when I try to save the PFObject to Parse, even though it says everything went successful, the changes are not shown in the Data Browser.
I have tried everything, and can even get this to work in an older version of my app, but for some reason it will not work anymore.
I posted another StackOverflow question about this here
The only response I got were some comments saying that I should trigger a "before save" function and log everything via Cloud Code. The problem is I don't know javascript, and I've been messing around with Cloud Code and nothing's happening.
Here is the code I am executing in my app:
[self.message addObject:currentUsersObjectId forKey:#"myArrayKey"];
And then I am using saveInBackgroundWithBlock:
I need to alter Cloud Code so that it will check the self.message object's "myArrayKey" before saving and log the results.
Edit 2:
Here is how I create currentUsersObjectId:
NSString *currentUsersObjectId = [[NSString alloc]init];
PFUser *user = [PFUser currentUser];
currentUsersObjectId = user.objectId;
Edit 3:
Here is the save block
[self.message saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"An error has occurred.");
Edit 4:
After adding Timothy's cloud code, the saveInBackgroundWithBlock: now does not successfully complete. Instead an error occurs, and the error object NSLogs as `"Error: Uncaught Tried to save an object with a pointer to a new, unsaved object. (Code: 141, Version: 1.2.17)" and also as:
Error Domain=Parse Code=141 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Parse error 141.)" UserInfo=0x15dc4550 {code=141, error=Uncaught Tried to save an object with a pointer to a new, unsaved object.} {
code = 141;
error = "Uncaught Tried to save an object with a pointer to a new, unsaved object.";
Here is my complete Cloud Code file after adding Timothy's code:
Parse.Cloud.define('editUser', function(request, response) {
var userId = request.params.userId;
//newColText = request.params.newColText;
var User = Parse.Object.extend('_User'),
user = new User({ objectId: userId });
var currentUser = request.user;
var relation = user.relation("friendsRelation");
Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey(); {
}, function(error) {
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Messages", function(request, response) {
var message = request.object;
// output just the ID so we can check it in the Data Browser
console.log("Saving message with ID:",;
// output the whole object so we can see all the details including "didRespond"
// log the after-save too, to confirm it was saved
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Messages", function(request, response) {
var message = request.object;
// output just the ID so we can check it in the Data Browser
console.log("Saved message with ID:",;
// output the whole object so we can see all the details including "didRespond"
After much back and forth, I'm stumped as to why this isn't working for you. As for logging in Cloud Code, if you follow the guide on adding code you can add the following to your main.js and deploy it:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Messages", function(request, response) {
var message = request.object;
// output just the ID so we can check it in the Data Browser
console.log("Saving message with ID:",;
// output the whole object so we can see all the details including "didRespond"
// log the after-save too, to confirm it was saved
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Messages", function(request, response) {
var message = request.object;
// output just the ID so we can check it in the Data Browser
console.log("Saved message with ID:",;
// output the whole object so we can see all the details including "didRespond"
With those in place you have plenty of server-side logging that you can check.
I am adding my own answer in addition to Timothy's in case anyone else is having a problem similar to this. My app uses the following library to allow parse objects to be stored using NSUserDefaults:
For whatever reason, after unarchiving the parse objects, they are not able to be saved properly to the Parse database. I had to query the database using the unarchived one's objectId and retrieve a fresh version of the object, and then I was able to successfully make changes to and save the retrieved object.
I have no idea why this is happening now. I have never had any problems until about two weeks ago when I tried to deploy a new version of my cloud code, and if I remember correctly, Parse wanted me to update the Parse SDK or the Cloud Code version before I could deploy it.
These changes must not be compatible with these categories.

'POST 400 bad request' error when updating table

I am getting a 'POST 400 bad request' error when trying to update a table on using JS SDK.
var Gallery = Parse.Object.extend("Gallery");
var gallery = new Gallery();
var activeArtworks = 0;, {
success: function(gallery) {
gallery.set("activeArtworks", activeArtworks);;
Please help!
I can't see how this is any different to the sample code provided by parse here
The sample code you reference creates all of its parameters before setting up the save() method. This is the step you're missing; you need to create the activeArtworks parameter on your gallery instance. Your update is failing because you're trying to update a property that was never created.
I would expect this code to work, though I didn't test it because requires you to set up an account to run any code, which is silly, and I didn't feel like creating one:
var Gallery = Parse.Object.extend("Gallery");
var gallery = new Gallery();
var activeArtworks = 0;
gallery.activeArtworks = []; // or some more appropriate default if you have one., {
success: function(gallery) {
gallery.set("activeArtworks", activeArtworks);;
It might also be worth checking if there's any info in the headers of the 400 error (the debug console in your browser will show these in its Network tab). I would expect Parse to give you some sort of information to help you debug issues, and that's the only place it would fit for an HTTP error.
If you had use user.logIn(callback) function with Parse JS, maybe your session invalid. Please check your callback function error code, if error.code==209 (invalid session token), use Parse.User.logOut() and re-login again.
Like this:
if (error.code == 209) {
I had this same issue and it was resolved after realising that the data type that I was posting was different to that specified in the columns that I had created.
In my case, I was trying to save an object when I had specified an array when creating the column in the class.
