Unit testing a function and simulating an event emitter response - javascript

I am currently writing some tests against the code shown below in node.js using mocha. I want to simulate the response from the event emitter 'check_user'. I have sinon.js but I can't get my mind in the right place to work out the best way to simulate the response.
Anyone able to offer some advice on how to go about this?
TgCustomCommand.contact = new Command("contact", "Will send you a users contact card to add to your contact list. Usage is .contact nick", function (input, callback) {
var payload = input;
//Switch our contact to payload.to as this is what our checkuser function looks at
//Check the command over
if (payload.command_args === false) {
payload.response = 'msg ' + payload.to + ' ' + this.description;
return callback(null, payload);
} else {
payload.return = payload.to;
payload.to = payload.command_args; //Set up ready for nick check
//Check the nick exists
emitter.emit('check_user', payload, function (err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err, null);
payload = input; //Reset our payload so we have correct payload.to
//Check how many users we returned
if (result.length === 0) { //Not in our contact list
payload.response = 'msg ' + payload.return + ' I do not have that person in my contact list!';
return callback(null, payload);
} else if (result.length === 1) {
payload.to = result[0].Nick;
payload.response = "send_contact " + payload.return + ' ' + result[0].Phone + ' ' + result[0].Nick + " _";
return callback(null, payload);
else {
//loop through our object and create a list of those returned
payload.response = "msg " + payload.return + " I know multiple people with a similar nick: ";
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
payload.response = payload.response + result[i].Nick + " ";
return callback(null, payload);


Callback skipped a part

I have some trouble with my js callback, I can't understand why my callback of my function don't want execute all the code, just to give you an idea :
class LogsPortail {
static SetLogs(pool, req, res, callback) {
console.log('start log ');
var bCallBack = false;
var now = new Date();
var endpoint = req.originalUrl
endpoint = endpoint.split("?")[0]
endpoint = endpoint.replace("/", "")
var query = "INSERT INTO LOGS_PORTAIL (ENDPOINT, TYPE, DATE_HEURE_LOGS, LOGIN) VALUE ('" + endpoint + "','" + req.method + "','" + now.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ') + "','" + 'API' + "')";
console.log('query 1 log ');
pool.query(query, function(err, results) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error : " + query);
bCallBack = true;
} else {
console.log('query log 2');
//On a bien inséré le logs portail, maintenant on ajout tous les paramètres
for (var key in req.query) {
queryParam += ","
queryParam += " (" + results.insertId + ",'" + key.toLowerCase() + "', '" + req.query[key] + "')"
for (var key in req.body) {
queryParam += ","
queryParam += " (" + results.insertId + ",'" + key.toLowerCase() + "', '" + req.body[key] + "')"
pool.query(queryParam, function(err, resultsParam) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error : " + queryParam);
bCallBack = true;
} else {
bCallBack = true;
while (bCallBack === false) {}
console.log('call back end ');
To explain you, my first query will be executed perfectly, and after that, the callback will not go through the condition but will go at the end where (for the test) I put an infinity while where my code will never exit.
This is what my log shows - we never see the logs "query log 2"
Thanks for your help

javascript If/Else Loop; async issue

Right now this section of code is passing along undefined to if(customerWaiting >0). It's an issue with async that I can't seem to figure out.
Based off the other threads I looked at, it's very basic and a newbie question, I just can't make it work.
I was seeing if you could find it for me
Edit 1:
the goal of the code is to see if there are customers in the firebase "customerWaiting" database, if there is then display the modal, if there is not then say there are no customers waiting
structure for database is
-Automatically generated ID
-customer information
Here is the code
var customerWaiting;
var employeeWaiting;
var ref = firebase.database().ref();
$("#connectNextUser").click(function() {
ref.child("customerWaiting").on("value", function(snapshot) {
var customerWaiting = snapshot.numChildren();
console.log("There are " + snapshot.numChildren() + " customers waiting");
ref.child("employeeWaiting").on("value", function(snapshot) {
var employeeWaiting = snapshot.numChildren();
console.log("There are " + snapshot.numChildren() + " employees waiting");
if (customerWaiting > 0) {
} else {
console.log("There are " + customerWaiting + " employees waiting");
console.log("no connect");
If I understand you correctly you want to do this:
var ref = firebase.database().ref();
$("#connectNextUser").click(function() {
// query how many customers are waiting
ref.child("customerWaiting").on("value", function(snapshot) {
// as soon as you have the result then get the numChildren
var customerWaiting = snapshot.numChildren();
console.log("There are " + snapshot.numChildren() + " customers waiting");
if (customerWaiting > 0) {
// show the modal if customerWaiting > 0
} else {
console.log("There are " + customerWaiting + " employees waiting");
console.log("no connect");
If you want to use await/async then ref.child("customerWaiting").on("value", resolve) has to support Promises, or you need to convert it to one:
var ref = firebase.database().ref();
$("#connectNextUser").click(async function() {
var snapshot = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ref.child("customerWaiting").on("value", resolve)
// you should also handle the error/reject case here.
var customerWaiting = snapshot.numChildren();
console.log("There are " + snapshot.numChildren() + " customers waiting");
if (customerWaiting > 0) {
} else {
console.log("There are " + customerWaiting + " employees waiting");
console.log("no connect");

javascript league api combinedTick callback

async run(message, args) {
LolApi.init('censored', 'na');
LolApi.setRateLimit(10, 500);
var input = '';
args = args.toLowerCase();
LolApi.Summoner.getByName(args, function (err, summoner) {
if (!err) {
Name = summoner[args].name;
Name = Name.toLowerCase();
Id = summoner[Name].id;
Level = summoner[Name].summonerLevel;
input += "Name: " + summoner[Name].name + '\n' +
"Level: " + Level + "\n";
else {
message.reply('Error fam.');
LolApi.getLeagueData(Id,'NA', function (err, summoner) {
if (!err) {
Tier = summoner[Id][0].tier;
Division = summoner[Id][0].entries[0].division;
input += "Tier: " + Tier + '\n' +
"Division: " + Division;
} else {
message.reply('Error Fam' + Id + "test");
When i run this code up get an error 404 running the second part. It gives me an saying combinedTickCallback but im not sure what this means because i am a noob. I use node.js if that helps with anything

Understanding Angular 2 observables synchronization

I have registration form which should be validated before submission. For this purpose I have method, which pushes error to error array. If error length is zero, I send this form to the server, otherwise I show list of errors.
signUpForm() {
console.log(this.TAG + 'submit method fired! ');
console.log('errors array' + JSON.stringify(this.errors));
if (this.errors.length == 0) {
/* Sending process*/
} else {
Address part of form is validated with request to Google api via Observables.
validateOnSubmit() {
let fullAddress = this.regModel.Addresses[0].State + ', ';
fullAddress += this.regModel.Addresses[0].Street + ', ';
fullAddress += this.regModel.Addresses[0].City + ', ';
fullAddress += this.regModel.Addresses[0].Zip + ' ';
.subscribe(response => {
this.geoCodeResp = response;
console.log(this.TAG + 'Before submission: check received geocode response stringify: ' + JSON.stringify(this.geoCodeResp));
if (this.geoCodeResp.status != 'OK' || this.geoCodeResp.results[0].address_components.length == 1) {
console.log('WE HAVE A PROBLEM');
this.errors.push('Please, check if your address correct');
console.log('WE HAVE A PROBLEM error:' + this.errors.toString());
} else {
this.regModel.Addresses[0].Longitude = this.geoCodeResp.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
this.regModel.Addresses[0].Latitude = this.geoCodeResp.results[0].geometry.location.lat;
//other checks
console.log('total errors in method: ' + this.errors.toString());
And here is the problem: actual check of error length happens before validation method completed.
I: [INFO:CONSOLE(9)] "SignUpHelperProvider: resolveAddr: address passed NY, Hfjdir6rhc, Durfjfu, 35682 ", source:
I: [INFO:CONSOLE(14)] "total errors in method: ",
I: [INFO:CONSOLE(13)] "SignUpPage: submit method fired! ",
I: [INFO:CONSOLE(13)] "errors array[]",
I: [INFO:CONSOLE(14)] "SignUpPage: Before submission: check received geocode response stringify: {"results":[{"address_components":[{"long_name":"United States","short_name":"US","types":["country","political"]}],"formatted_address":"United States","geometry":{"bounds":{"northeast":{"lat":71.5388001,"lng":-66.885417},"southwest":{"lat":18.7763,"lng":170.5957}},"location":{"lat":37.09024,"lng":-95.712891},"location_type":"APPROXIMATE","viewport":{"northeast":{"lat":49.38,"lng":-66.94},"southwest":{"lat":25.82,"lng":-124.39}}},"partial_match":true,"place_id":"ChIJCzYy5IS16lQRQrfeQ5K5Oxw","types":["country","political"]}],"status":"OK"}",
I: [INFO:CONSOLE(14)] "WE HAVE A PROBLEM error:Please, check if your address correct",
Is there any way to synchronize this process? I'm new to Angular 2 and Ionic 2 and will appreciate any hint or help.
Your signUpHelperProvider.resolveAddr is asynchronous. All you have to do is to do the sending process on subscription. One way to do it is to use map in place of subscribing within the validateOnSubmit and return the observable.
Like so -
validateOnSubmit() {
let fullAddress = this.regModel.Addresses[0].State + ', ';
fullAddress += this.regModel.Addresses[0].Street + ', ';
fullAddress += this.regModel.Addresses[0].City + ', ';
fullAddress += this.regModel.Addresses[0].Zip + ' ';
//return async op to subscribe
return this.signUpHelperProvider.resolveAddr(fullAddress)
.map(response => {
this.geoCodeResp = response;
console.log(this.TAG + 'Before submission: check received geocode response stringify: ' + JSON.stringify(this.geoCodeResp));
if (this.geoCodeResp.status != 'OK' || this.geoCodeResp.results[0].address_components.length == 1) {
console.log('WE HAVE A PROBLEM');
this.errors.push('Please, check if your address correct');
console.log('WE HAVE A PROBLEM error:' + this.errors.toString());
} else {
this.regModel.Addresses[0].Longitude = this.geoCodeResp.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
this.regModel.Addresses[0].Latitude = this.geoCodeResp.results[0].geometry.location.lat;
//other checks
console.log('total errors in method: ' + this.errors.toString());
return response;//return the response in case required at subscription
Your signUpForm will be:
signUpForm() {
console.log(this.TAG + 'submit method fired! ');
console.log('errors array' + JSON.stringify(this.errors));
if (this.errors.length == 0) {
/* Sending process*/
} else {
IMO you need to perform such async calls in a provider

Javascript unable to get control out of method

I have few problems with below code.Can anyone help?
The if (currentStatus!="undefined") block in getStatusUsingAjax methid is not working.
unable to get the control out of getStatusUsingAjax method
function loadStatus(x) {
$('.a-IRR-table tr').each(function(i) {
var val = $(this).find("td").eq(0).text();
link = $(this).find("td").eq(0).find("a").attr("href");
linkTag = $(this).find("td").eq(0).find("a");
`if ((val !== "-") && (val !== "")) {
console.log("val is" + val);
if (verifyrequestArray(val)) {
console.log("inside second if");
} else {
console.log("inside else");
sleep(1.5 * 1000);
var updatedStatus2 = getStatusUsingAjax(val, link);
console.log("UpdatedStatus2 is " + updatedStatus2);
setTooltip(linkTag, updatedStatus2);
function verifyrequestArray(id) {
var newArray = requestArray.toString().split('-');
console.log("NewArray is :" + newArray);
for (i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++) {
// I'm looking for the index i, when the condition is true
if (newArray[i] === id) {
console.log("request id found" + newArray[i]);
} else {
console.log("request id not found" + newArray[i]);
return false;
function getStatusUsingAjax(requestValue, currentlink) {
console.log("patch req: " + requestValue);
console.log("Link is " + currentlink);
var currentStatus;
method: "GET",
url: currentlink,
onload: function(response) {
if ($(response.responseText).find("#P16_STATUS2").size() === 1) {
currentStatus = $(response.responseText).find("#P16_STATUS2").text();
console.log("Current Status from #P16_STATUS2 is :" + currentStatus);
console.log("Final URL is " + response.finalUrl);
// console.log("Final URL is " +response.finalUrl);
if (currentStatus != "undefined") {
var pusharr = [requestValue + "-" + currentStatus];
console.log("Updated Array is " + requestArray);
return currentStatus;
function setTooltip(currentTag, status2) {
console.log("in settooltip" + currentTag);
currentTag.attr("title", status2); //setting status a tooltip
Any clue where the error is?
fn getStatusUsingAjax is async, you can not get return value using:
var updatedStatus2 = getStatusUsingAjax(val, link);
You sholud create callback:
function getStatusUsingAjax(val, link, callback){
// do not use return currentStatus, call calback fn instead
and call it using:
getStatusUsingAjax(val, link, function(updatedStatus2){
console.log("UpdatedStatus2 is " + updatedStatus2);
setTooltip(linkTag, updatedStatus2);
