can you use call or apply with new? - javascript

related to How can I call a javascript constructor using call or apply?
but not the same, I'm trying to apply the SO answers to John Resig's forcing a constructor when not called properly.
function User(first, last){
if ( !(this instanceof User) )
// the line I want to replace, or remove the redundancy from:
return new User(first, last); = first + " " + last;
var name = "Resig";
var user = User("John", name);
assert( user, "This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake." );
assert( name == "Resig", "The right name was maintained." );
The target line of code means every time the constructor changes, someone has to remember to change the internal self-call arguments. I've already had a project trip over this issue 3 times in the last 3 days.
All the examples in the linked question talk about passing the constructor, but what is the constructor in this case? It's not even finished being defined yet.
but so far all attempts do not pass the test, or throw a stackoverflow.
How do I make sure the constructor being called results in something that responds properly to instanceof User even when called without the new keyword, while eliminating the repetition of argument parameters?

Some options for you, all using Object.create:
Option 1:
function User(first, last){
var rv;
if ( !(this instanceof User) ) {
// They called us without `new`: Create an object backed by `User.prototype`:
rv = Object.create(User.prototype);
// Now, call this function applying the arguments
User.apply(rv, arguments);
// Return the object
return rv;
// Normal constructor stuff = first + " " + last;
Of course, all of that logic doesn't have to be repeated for every constructor function you create, you can use a helper function:
function constructWith(obj, ctor, args) {
if (obj instanceof ctor) {
return null;
obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
ctor.apply(obj, args);
return obj;
function User(first, last){
var rv;
if ((rv = constructWith(this, User, arguments)) != null) {
return rv;
// Normal constructor stuff = first + " " + last;
Option 2: Don't use this much:
function User(first, last){
var rv;
if (this instanceof User) {
// They (probably) used `new`, all is good, use `this`
rv = this;
} else {
// They didn't use `new`, create an object backed by `User.prototype`
rv = Object.create(User.prototype);
// ...use `rv`, not `this`, from here on = first + " " + last;
// This is important for the case where they didn't use `new`, and harmless
// in the case where they did.
return rv;
As you can see, this is a lot simpler, but if you really like your syntax highlighting (seriously, I have a client to whom it really matters that this jumps out), etc...
And of course, you can wrap that up in a helper:
function useOrConstruct(obj, ctor) {
return obj instanceof ctor ? obj : Object.create(ctor.prototype);
function User(first, last){
var rv = useOrConstruct(this, User);
// ...use `rv`, not `this`, from here on = first + " " + last;
// This is important for the case where they didn't use `new`, and harmless
// in the case where they did.
return rv;
Option 3: constructOMatic
Of course, if we're going to define helpers, maybe we should go whole-hog:
function User() {
return constructOMatic(this, User, arguments, function(first, last) { = first + " " + last;
...where constructOMatic is:
function constructOMatic(obj, ctor, args, callback) {
var rv;
if (!(obj instanceof ctor)) {
obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
rv = callback.apply(obj, args);
return rv !== null && typeof rv === "object" ? rv : obj;
Now, you can use this to your heart's content within the callback. That fiddling with rv vs. obj in the return at the end is to emulate the behavior of new (the result of a new expression is the object created by the new operator unless the constructor function returns a non-null object reference, in which case that takes precedence).
Object.create is an ES5 feature found on all modern browsers, but the single-argument version of it used above can be shimmed for out-of-date browsers:
if (!Object.create) {
Object.create = function(proto, props) {
if (typeof props !== "undefined") {
throw "The two-argument version of Object.create cannot be shimmed.";
function ctor() { }
ctor.prototype = proto;
return new ctor; // Yes, you really don't need () (but put them on if you prefer)

Copy and paste are very easy and the code is clean. You need not to change it.
If you accept eval, you can do it like this:
function User(first, last){
if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee) ) {
var name =;
var param = [],function(e,i){return 'arguments['+i+']';});
return eval('new '+name+'('+ param +')');
} = first + " " + last;
var user1 = User("John", "Resig");
var user2 = new User("John", "Resig");
Without eval, you can do it like this:
function instantiate(C,a){
case 0: return new C();
case 1: return new C(a[0]);
case 2: return new C(a[0],a[1]);
case 3: return new C(a[0],a[1],a[2]);
case 4: return new C(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
default : throw("too many arguments");
function User(first, last){
if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee) ) {
return instantiate(arguments.callee, arguments);
} = first + " " + last;
var user1 = User("John", "Resig");
var user2 = new User("John", "Resig");
In ECMAScript 6, you can use the spread operator to apply a constructor with the new keyword to an array of arguments:
"use strict";
function User(first, last){
if ( !(this instanceof User) ) {
return new User(...arguments);
} = first + " " + last;


How to create an object without calling constructor function and new keyword [duplicate]

In JavaScript, I want to create an object instance (via the new operator), but pass an arbitrary number of arguments to the constructor. Is this possible?
What I want to do is something like this (but the code below does not work):
function Something(){
// init stuff
function createSomething(){
return new Something.apply(null, arguments);
var s = createSomething(a,b,c); // 's' is an instance of Something
The Answer
From the responses here, it became clear that there's no built-in way to call .apply() with the new operator. However, people suggested a number of really interesting solutions to the problem.
My preferred solution was this one from Matthew Crumley (I've modified it to pass the arguments property):
var createSomething = (function() {
function F(args) {
return Something.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = Something.prototype;
return function() {
return new F(arguments);
With ECMAScript5's Function.prototype.bind things get pretty clean:
function newCall(Cls) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Cls, arguments));
// or even
// return new (Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments));
// if you know that Cls.bind has not been overwritten
It can be used as follows:
var s = newCall(Something, a, b, c);
or even directly:
var s = new (, null, a, b, c));
var s = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Something, [null, a, b, c]));
This and the eval-based solution are the only ones that always work, even with special constructors like Date:
var date = newCall(Date, 2012, 1);
console.log(date instanceof Date); // true
A bit of explanation:
We need to run new on a function that takes a limited number of arguments. The bind method allows us to do it like so:
var f = Cls.bind(anything, arg1, arg2, ...);
result = new f();
The anything parameter doesn't matter much, since the new keyword resets f's context. However, it is required for syntactical reasons. Now, for the bind call: We need to pass a variable number of arguments, so this does the trick:
var f = Cls.bind.apply(Cls, [anything, arg1, arg2, ...]);
result = new f();
Let's wrap that in a function. Cls is passed as argument 0, so it's gonna be our anything.
function newCall(Cls /*, arg1, arg2, ... */) {
var f = Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments);
return new f();
Actually, the temporary f variable is not needed at all:
function newCall(Cls /*, arg1, arg2, ... */) {
return new (Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments))();
Finally, we should make sure that bind is really what we need. (Cls.bind may have been overwritten). So replace it by Function.prototype.bind, and we get the final result as above.
Here's a generalized solution that can call any constructor (except native constructors that behave differently when called as functions, like String, Number, Date, etc.) with an array of arguments:
function construct(constructor, args) {
function F() {
return constructor.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = constructor.prototype;
return new F();
An object created by calling construct(Class, [1, 2, 3]) would be identical to an object created with new Class(1, 2, 3).
You could also make a more specific version so you don't have to pass the constructor every time. This is also slightly more efficient, since it doesn't need to create a new instance of the inner function every time you call it.
var createSomething = (function() {
function F(args) {
return Something.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = Something.prototype;
return function(args) {
return new F(args);
The reason for creating and calling the outer anonymous function like that is to keep function F from polluting the global namespace. It's sometimes called the module pattern.
For those who want to use this in TypeScript, since TS gives an error if F returns anything:
function construct(constructor, args) {
function F() : void {
constructor.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = constructor.prototype;
return new F();
If your environment supports ECMA Script 2015's spread operator (...), you can simply use it like this
function Something() {
// init stuff
function createSomething() {
return new Something(...arguments);
Note: Now that the ECMA Script 2015's specifications are published and most JavaScript engines are actively implementing it, this would be the preferred way of doing this.
You can check the Spread operator's support in few of the major environments, here.
Suppose you've got an Items constructor which slurps up all the arguments you throw at it:
function Items () {
this.elems = [];
Items.prototype.sum = function () {
return this.elems.reduce(function (sum, x) { return sum + x }, 0);
You can create an instance with Object.create() and then .apply() with that instance:
var items = Object.create(Items.prototype);
Items.apply(items, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]);
Which when run prints 10 since 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 == 10:
$ node t.js
In ES6, Reflect.construct() is quite convenient:
Reflect.construct(F, args)
I think it's better to fix the constructor property also.
// Invoke new operator with arbitrary arguments
// Holy Grail pattern
function invoke(constructor, args) {
var f;
function F() {
// constructor returns **this**
return constructor.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = constructor.prototype;
f = new F();
f.constructor = constructor;
return f;
You could move the init stuff out into a separate method of Something's prototype:
function Something() {
// Do nothing
Something.prototype.init = function() {
// Do init stuff
function createSomething() {
var s = new Something();
s.init.apply(s, arguments);
return s;
var s = createSomething(a,b,c); // 's' is an instance of Something
An improved version of #Matthew's answer. This form has the slight performance benefits obtained by storing the temp class in a closure, as well as the flexibility of having one function able to be used to create any class
var applyCtor = function(){
var tempCtor = function() {};
return function(ctor, args){
tempCtor.prototype = ctor.prototype;
var instance = new tempCtor();
return instance;
This would be used by calling applyCtor(class, [arg1, arg2, argn]);
This answer is a little late, but figured anyone who sees this might be able to use it. There is a way to return a new object using apply. Though it requires one little change to your object declaration.
function testNew() {
if (!( this instanceof arguments.callee ))
return arguments.callee.apply( new arguments.callee(), arguments );
this.arg = arguments );
return this;
testNew.prototype.addThem = function() {
var newVal = 0,
i = 0;
for ( ; i < this.arg.length; i++ ) {
newVal += this.arg[i];
return newVal;
testNew( 4, 8 ) === { arg : [ 4, 8 ] };
testNew( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ).addThem() === 15;
For the first if statement to work in testNew you have to return this; at the bottom of the function. So as an example with your code:
function Something() {
// init stuff
return this;
function createSomething() {
return Something.apply( new Something(), arguments );
var s = createSomething( a, b, c );
Update: I've changed my first example to sum any number of arguments, instead of just two.
I just came across this problem, and I solved it like this:
function instantiate(ctor) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1: return new ctor();
case 2: return new ctor(arguments[1]);
case 3: return new ctor(arguments[1], arguments[2]);
case 4: return new ctor(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
default: throw new Error('instantiate: too many parameters');
function Thing(a, b, c) {
var thing = instantiate(Thing, 'abc', 123, {x:5});
Yeah, it's a bit ugly, but it solves the problem, and it's dead simple.
if you're interested in an eval-based solution
function createSomething() {
var q = [];
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
q.push("arguments[" + i + "]");
return eval("new Something(" + q.join(",") + ")");
This works!
var cls = Array; //eval('Array'); dynamically
var data = [2];
new cls(;
See also how CoffeeScript does it.
s = new Something([a,b,c]...)
var s;
s = (function(func, args, ctor) {
ctor.prototype = func.prototype;
var child = new ctor, result = func.apply(child, args);
return Object(result) === result ? result : child;
})(Something, [a, b, c], function(){});
This constructor approach works both with and without the new keyword:
function Something(foo, bar){
if (!(this instanceof Something)){
var obj = Object.create(Something.prototype);
return Something.apply(obj, arguments);
} = foo; = bar;
return this;
It assumes support for Object.create but you could always polyfill that if you're supporting older browsers. See the support table on MDN here.
Here's a JSBin to see it in action with console output.
Solution without ES6 or polyfills:
var obj = _new(Demo).apply(["X", "Y", "Z"]);
function _new(constr)
function createNamedFunction(name)
return (new Function("return function " + name + "() { };"))();
var func = createNamedFunction(;
func.prototype = constr.prototype;
var self = new func();
return { apply: function(args) {
constr.apply(self, args);
return self;
} };
function Demo()
for(var index in arguments)
this['arg' + (parseInt(index) + 1)] = arguments[index];
Demo.prototype.tagged = true;
Demo {arg1: "X", arg2: "Y", arg3: "Z"}
... or "shorter" way:
var func = new Function("return function " + + "() { };")();
func.prototype = Demo.prototype;
var obj = new func();
Demo.apply(obj, ["X", "Y", "Z"]);
I think this might be a good solution:
this.forConstructor = function(constr)
return { apply: function(args)
let name ='-', '_');
let func = (new Function('args', name + '_', " return function " + name + "() { " + name + "_.apply(this, args); }"))(args, constr);
func.constructor = constr;
func.prototype = constr.prototype;
return new func(args);
You can't call a constructor with a variable number of arguments like you want with the new operator.
What you can do is change the constructor slightly. Instead of:
function Something() {
// deal with the "arguments" array
var obj = new Something.apply(null, [0, 0]); // doesn't work!
Do this instead:
function Something(args) {
// shorter, but will substitute a default if args.x is 0, false, "" etc.
this.x = args.x || SOME_DEFAULT_VALUE;
// longer, but will only put in a default if args.x is not supplied
this.x = (args.x !== undefined) ? args.x : SOME_DEFAULT_VALUE;
var obj = new Something({x: 0, y: 0});
Or if you must use an array:
function Something(args) {
var x = args[0];
var y = args[1];
var obj = new Something([0, 0]);
Matthew Crumley's solutions in CoffeeScript:
construct = (constructor, args) ->
F = -> constructor.apply this, args
F.prototype = constructor.prototype
new F
createSomething = (->
F = (args) -> Something.apply this, args
F.prototype = Something.prototype
return -> new Something arguments
function createSomething() {
var args = Array.prototype.concat.apply([null], arguments);
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Something, args));
If your target browser doesn't support ECMAScript 5 Function.prototype.bind, the code won't work. It is not very likely though, see compatibilty table.
modified #Matthew answer. Here I can pass any number of parameters to function as usual (not array). Also 'Something' is not hardcoded into:
function createObject( constr ) {
var args = arguments;
var wrapper = function() {
return constr.apply( this,, 1) );
wrapper.prototype = constr.prototype;
return new wrapper();
function Something() {
// init stuff
var obj1 = createObject( Something, 1, 2, 3 );
var same = new Something( 1, 2, 3 );
This one-liner should do it:
new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Something, [null].concat(arguments)));
While the other approaches are workable, they're unduly complex. In Clojure you generally create a function that instantiates types/records and use that function as the mechanism for instantiation. Translating this to JavaScript:
function Person(surname, name){
this.surname = surname; = name;
function person(surname, name){
return new Person(surname, name);
By taking this approach you avoid the use of new except as described above. And this function, of course, has no issues working with apply or any number of other functional programming features.
var doe = _.partial(person, "Doe");
var john = doe("John");
var jane = doe("Jane");
By using this approach, all of your type constructors (e.g. Person) are vanilla, do-nothing constructors. You just pass in arguments and assign them to properties of the same name. The hairy details go in the constructor function (e.g. person).
It is of little bother having to create these extra constructor functions since they are a good practice anyhow. They can be convenient since they allow you to potentially have several constructor functions with different nuances.
It's also intresting to see how the issue of reusing the temporary F() constructor, was addressed by using arguments.callee, aka the creator/factory function itself:
Any function (even a constructor) can take a variable number of arguments. Each function has an "arguments" variable which can be cast to an array with []
function Something(){
this.options = [];
this.toString = function (){
return this.options.toString();
var s = new Something(1, 2, 3, 4);
console.log( 's.options === "1,2,3,4":', (s.options == '1,2,3,4') );
var z = new Something(9, 10, 11);
console.log( 'z.options === "9,10,11":', (z.options == '9,10,11') );
The above tests produce the following output:
s.options === "1,2,3,4": true
z.options === "9,10,11": true
Here is my version of createSomething:
function createSomething() {
var obj = {};
obj = Something.apply(obj, arguments) || obj;
obj.__proto__ = Something.prototype; //Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, Something.prototype);
return o;
Based on that, I tried to simulate the new keyword of JavaScript:
//JavaScript 'new' keyword simulation
function new2() {
var obj = {}, args =, fn = args.shift();
obj = fn.apply(obj, args) || obj;
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, fn.prototype); //or: obj.__proto__ = fn.prototype;
return obj;
I tested it and it seems that it works perfectly fine for all scenarios. It also works on native constructors like Date. Here are some tests:
new2(Something, 1, 2);
new2(Date); //"Tue May 13 2014 01:01:09 GMT-0700" == new Date()
new2(Array); //[] == new Array()
new2(Array, 3); //[undefined × 3] == new Array(3)
new2(Object); //Object {} == new Object()
new2(Object, 2); //Number {} == new Object(2)
new2(Object, "s"); //String {0: "s", length: 1} == new Object("s")
new2(Object, true); //Boolean {} == new Object(true)
Yes we can, javascript is more of prototype inheritance in nature.
function Actor(name, age){ = name;
this.age = age;
} = "unknown";
Actor.prototype.age = "unknown";
Actor.prototype.getName = function() {
Actor.prototype.getAge = function() {
return this.age;
when we create an object with "new" then our created object INHERITS getAge(), But if we used apply(...) or call(...) to call Actor, then we are passing an object for "this" but the object we pass WON'T inherit from Actor.prototype
unless, we directly pass apply or call Actor.prototype but then.... "this" would point to "Actor.prototype" and would write to: Thus affecting all other objects created with Actor...since we overwrite the prototype rather than the instance
var rajini = new Actor('Rajinikanth', 31);
var kamal = new Actor('kamal', 18);
Let's try with apply
var vijay = Actor.apply(null, ["pandaram", 33]);
if (vijay === undefined) {
console.log("Actor(....) didn't return anything
since we didn't call it with new");
var ajith = {};
Actor.apply(ajith, ['ajith', 25]);
console.log(ajith); //Object {name: "ajith", age: 25}
try {
} catch (E) {
console.log("Error since we didn't inherit ajith.prototype");
console.log(Actor.prototype.age); //Unknown
console.log(; //Unknown
By passing Actor.prototype to as the first argument, when the Actor() function is ran, it executes, Since "this" will point to Actor.prototype,; means;
var simbhu = Actor.apply(Actor.prototype, ['simbhu', 28]);
if (simbhu === undefined) {
console.log("Still undefined since the function didn't return anything.");
console.log(Actor.prototype.age); //simbhu
console.log(; //28
var copy = Actor.prototype;
var dhanush = Actor.apply(copy, ["dhanush", 11]);
console.log("But now we've corrupted Parent.prototype in order to inherit");
console.log(Actor.prototype.age); //11
console.log(; //dhanush
Coming back to orginal question how to use new operator with apply, here is my take.... = function(){
var constructor = this;
function fn() {return constructor.apply(this, args)}
var args =;
fn.prototype = this.prototype;
return new fn
var thalaivar =, ["Thalaivar", 30]);
since ES6 this is possible through the Spread operator, see
This answer was already, sort of given in comment, but seems to have been missed by most
Actually the simplest method is:
function Something (a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
function createSomething(){
return Something;
s = new (createSomething())(1, 2);
// s == Something {a: 1, b: 2}
A revised solution from #jordancpaul's answer.
var applyCtor = function(ctor, args)
var instance = new ctor();
ctor.prototype.constructor.apply(instance, args);
return instance;
Make an anonymous prototype and apply the Something prototype to it using the arguments and then create a new instance of that anonymous prototype. The one disadavantage of this is it will not pass the s instanceof Something check, though it is identical, it is basically an instance of a clone.
function Something(){
// init stuff
function createSomething(){
return new (function(){Something.apply(this, arguments)});
var s = createSomething(a,b,c); // 's' is an instance of Something
function FooFactory() {
var prototype, F = function(){};
function Foo() {
var args =,
for (i = 0, this.args = {}; i < args.length; i +=1) {
this.args[i] = args[i];
} = 'baz';
return this;
prototype = Foo.prototype;
prototype.print = function () {
F.prototype = prototype;
return Foo.apply(new F(),;
var foo = FooFactory('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', {}, function (){});

Which logger architecture in javascript? [duplicate]

Is there a way to make any function output a console.log statement when it's called by registering a global hook somewhere (that is, without modifying the actual function itself) or via some other means?
Here's a way to augment all functions in the global namespace with the function of your choice:
function augment(withFn) {
var name, fn;
for (name in window) {
fn = window[name];
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
window[name] = (function(name, fn) {
var args = arguments;
return function() {
withFn.apply(this, args);
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
})(name, fn);
augment(function(name, fn) {
console.log("calling " + name);
One down side is that no functions created after calling augment will have the additional behavior.
As to me, this looks like the most elegant solution:
(function() {
var call =; = function() {
console.log(this, arguments); // Here you can do whatever actions you want
return call.apply(this, arguments);
Proxy Method to log Function calls
There is a new way using Proxy to achieve this functionality in JS.
assume that we want to have a console.log whenever a function of a specific class is called:
class TestClass {
a() {
this.aa = 1;
b() { = 1;
const foo = new TestClass()
foo.a() // nothing get logged
we can replace our class instantiation with a Proxy that overrides each property of this class. so:
class TestClass {
a() {
this.aa = 1;
b() { = 1;
const logger = className => {
return new Proxy(new className(), {
get: function(target, name, receiver) {
if (!target.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if (typeof target[name] === "function") {
"Calling Method : ",
"|| on : ",
return new Proxy(target[name], this);
return Reflect.get(target, name, receiver);
const instance = logger(TestClass)
instance.a() // output: "Calling Method : a || on : TestClass"
check that this actually works in Codepen
Remember that using Proxy gives you a lot more functionality than to just logging console names.
Also this method works in Node.js too.
If you want more targeted logging, the following code will log function calls for a particular object. You can even modify Object prototypes so that all new instances get logging too. I used Object.getOwnPropertyNames instead of, so it works with ECMAScript 6 classes, which don't have enumerable methods.
function inject(obj, beforeFn) {
for (let propName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)) {
let prop = obj[propName];
if ( === '[object Function]') {
obj[propName] = (function(fnName) {
return function() {, fnName, arguments);
return prop.apply(this, arguments);
function logFnCall(name, args) {
let s = name + '(';
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
s += ', ';
s += String(args[i]);
s += ')';
inject(Foo.prototype, logFnCall);
Here's some Javascript which replaces adds console.log to every function in Javascript; Play with it on Regex101:
$re = "/function (.+)\\(.*\\)\\s*\\{/m";
$str = "function example(){}";
$subst = "$& console.log(\"$1()\");";
$result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str);
It's a 'quick and dirty hack' but I find it useful for debugging. If you have a lot of functions, beware because this will add a lot of code. Also, the RegEx is simple and might not work for more complex function names/declaration.
You can actually attach your own function to console.log for everything that loads.
console.log = function(msg) {
// Add whatever you want here

How to log every call to member functions of a JavaScript object?

I want to avoid inserting console.log() statements in every method of a JavaScript class, but I want to know which members are called and which aren't by running the code and capturing debug output.
Is there any kind of hook or handler I can use, or a debugging library perhaps, so I can just modify the class or an instance in one place, and then see which members are called via the console (or similar)?
The class has a lot of members, so this would be a useful time saver for me! As well as enable me to easily turn logging on and off more easily.
My first Q.. thanks :)
You can wrap all the functions on the instance. For instance, assuming obj is the object you want to watch:
function wrapObjectFunctions(obj, before, after) {
var key, value;
for (key in obj) {
value = obj[key];
if (typeof value === "function") {
wrapFunction(obj, key, value);
function wrapFunction(obj, fname, f) {
obj[fname] = function() {
var rv;
if (before) {
before(fname, this, arguments);
rv = f.apply(this, arguments); // Calls the original
if (after) {
after(fname, this, arguments, rv);
console.log( /*...*/ );
return rv;
(arguments in the above, if you're not familiar with it, is a magic pseudo-array provided by JavaScript which contains the arguments that the function was called with. I know it looks like pseudo-code, but it isn't.)
Live Example:
function Thing(name) { = name;
Thing.prototype.sayName = function () {
console.log("My name is " +;
var t = new Thing("Fred");
console.log("Before wrapping:");
t.sayName(); // My name is Fred, with no extra logging
function(fname) {
console.log("LOG: before calling " + fname);
function(fname) {
console.log("LOG: after calling " + fname);
console.log("After wrapping:");
t.sayName(); // My name is Fred, with no extra logging
function wrapObjectFunctions(obj, before, after) {
var key, value;
for (key in obj) {
value = obj[key];
if (typeof value === "function") {
wrapFunction(obj, key, value);
function wrapFunction(obj, fname, f) {
obj[fname] = function() {
var rv;
if (before) {
before(fname, this, arguments);
rv = f.apply(this, arguments); // Calls the original
if (after) {
after(fname, this, arguments, rv);
return rv;

Pattern for enforcing new in javascript

I have been reading JavaScript Patterns book by Stoyan Stefanov and one of the patterns to enforcing the new operator for constructor functions goes like this
function Waffle() {
if (!(this instanceof Waffle)) {
return new Waffle();
this.tastes = "yummy";
Waffle.prototype.wantAnother = true;
when writing this way you can invoke Waffle either one of these ways
var first = new Waffle(),
second = Waffle();
I think this is a helpful feature not sure if it's implemented in future versions of ecma/javascript
I came up with something on my own that I thought could just copy and paste each time when creating a constructor function
something like this
function checkInstance (name) {
if ( === undefined) {
return "construct it"
} else {
return false;
function Waffle() {
var _self =, this);
if (_self === "construct it") {
return new Waffle()
this.tastes = "yummy"
var waffle = Waffle()
Therefore I can invoke Waffle either way new Waffle or Waffle() and still have it return an object
My problem that I'm having is here
if (_self === "construct it") {
return new Waffle()
Is there anyway I can refer to new Waffle() without referring to the actual name of the constructor function meaning so I could copy and paste this each time and not have to change anything. Meaning I could I save Waffle() as a variable and do something like
return new var
I wish I could use but that doesn't work either until it is invoked.
I have a feeling I can't but wanted to at least ask some of the people here on stack overflow if it was a possibility
Again your comments and feedback is appreciated
I have a better solution. This is what you're currently doing:
function Waffle() {
if (!(this instanceof Waffle))
return new Waffle;
this.tastes = "yummy";
Waffle.prototype.wantAnother = true;
This pattern isn't really nice because you're mixing the code to construct a new object with the code to check if the new keyword is being used.
I've mentioned before that you shouldn't use the new keyword in JavaScript as it breaks functional features. Instead let's create another function which does the same thing: = (function () {
return function () {
functor.prototype = this.prototype;
return new functor(this, arguments);
function functor(constructor, args) {
return constructor.apply(this, args);
This function allows you to create an instance of a function as follows:
var waffle =;
However we don't want to use new at all. So to do away with it we'll create a function which wraps a constructor as follows:
function constructible(constructor) {
function functor() { return, arguments); }
functor.prototype = constructor.prototype;
return functor;
Now we can define the Waffle function as follows:
var Waffle = constructible(function () {
this.tastes = "yummy";
Waffle.prototype.wantAnother = true;
Now you can create objects with or without using new:
var first = new Waffle;
var second = Waffle();
Note: The constructible function is pretty slow. Use the following version of constructible instead - it's a little faster:
function constructible(constructor) {
constructor = Function.bind.bind(constructor, null);
function functor() { return new (constructor.apply(null, arguments)); }
functor.prototype = constructor.prototype;
return functor;
Personally I wouldn't use either of these two methods. I would just remember to write new, or (more likely) I would restructure my code as follows:
var waffle = {
create: function () {
var waffle = Object.create(this);
waffle.tastes = "yummy";
return waffle;
wantAnother: true
var first = waffle.create();
var second = waffle.create();
If you want to know more about this pattern then read the following answer:
You could use something like this:
var Waffle = (function() {
function Waffle() {
this.tastes = "yummy"
return exportCtor( Waffle );
var waffle = Waffle();
function ConstructorProxy() {
"use strict";
return new Constructor();
It handles variable arguments too
arguments.callee, which refers to the current function, is the most simple solution. It's is deprecated, though, so use it at your own risk.
function Waffle() {
if (!(this instanceof arguments.callee))
return new arguments.callee();
this.tastes = 'yummy';
It's a hard problem also because you probably want to preserve the arguments you're passing, as Vinothbabu mentioned. But if you real intention is enforcing new, you could simply throw an error, which is a simple two lines of code:
if (!(this instanceof Waffle))
throw new Error('Constructor called without new');
You could even wrap it in a function:
function cons(C) {
var c = function () {
if (!(this instanceof c))
throw new Error('Constructor called without new');
C.apply(this, arguments);
c.prototype = C.prototype;
return c;
var Waffle = cons(function () {
this.tastes = 'yummy';
Waffle.prototype.wantAnother = function () {
return true;
new Waffle(); // { tastes: 'yummy', 'wantAnother': true }
Waffle(); // throws error
Now Waffle must be called with new -- otherwise, it throws an error.
The best approach, in my opinion, is not to enable yourself to invoke things incorrectly:
function Waffle() {
if (!(this instanceof Waffle)) {
throw "Waffles need to be fresh or they're gross. Use 'new'.";
But, if you simply must enable yourself to write inconsistent code, make initialization a separate step.
function Waffle(options) {
var o = options || {};
if (this instanceof Waffle) {
this.init = function() {
/* this is really your constructor */
console.log("initializing ... ");
if (!o.__do_not_initialize) {
} else {
var rv = new Waffle( { __do_not_initialize: true } );
return rv;
If you want to force consistency the other way -- never using the new keyword, create a builder function:
function BuildWaffle(options) {
var o = options || {};
if (this instanceof WaffleBuilder) {
throw "BuildWaffle cannot be instantiated.";
var Waffle = function Waffle() { /* whatever */ }
Waffle.prototype.doStuff = function() { /* whatever else */ }
var rv = new Waffle(options);
return rv;
There is simpler way how to enforce creation of new object even without new:
function Waffle() {
return {tastes:"yummy"};
var a = Waffle();
var b = new Waffle();
alert(a.tastes); // yummy
alert(b.tastes); // yummy
Using new with function, there are two possibilities:
the function returns object: the object is the result of the new function() expression
the function doesn't return object: the function itself with new context is returned
See the ECMA script documentation
Workaround: prototype and arguments
function Waffle(taste,how) {
return {
tastes: taste+" "+how,
__proto__: Waffle.prototype
Waffle.prototype.wantmore = "yes";
var a = Waffle("yummy","much");
var b = new Waffle("gummy","little");
console.log(a.tastes,b.tastes); // yummy much, gummy little
console.log(a.wantmore,b.wantmore); // yes, yes
This deserves a fiddle.
Note: (which you used in your pattern) is not standard
Note 2: __proto__ is also not standard, but is supported by modern browsers and will be standardized in ES6.
if (!(this instanceof Waffle)) {
return new Waffle();
This has two problems...
one that it won 't work in an anonymous function which has no name
it loses all arguments sent to the constructor.
Using a more generic approach might look something more like this:
if (!instanceExists(this, arguments)) {
return requireInstance(this, arguments);
This approach ensures that the constructor is called with new, without having to state the function'
s name, andadds all arguments sent to the constuctor so they aren 't lost during the process.
Here 's the full code for the above:
Function.prototype.callNew = function (args) {
var a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) a.push("a[" + i + "]");
var fn = new Function("var a=arguments;return new this(" + a.join(",") + ");");
return fn.apply(this, args);
function instanceExists(t, args) {
if (t instanceof args.callee) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function requireInstance(t, args) {
var fn = args.callee;
if (!instanceExists(t, args)) {
return fn.callNew(args);
function Waffle(one, two, three) {
if (!instanceExists(this, arguments)) {
return requireInstance(this, arguments);
} = one;
this.two = two;
this.three = three;
Waffle.prototype.serve = function () {
var out = [];
for (var j in this) {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
out.push(j + ': ' + this[j]);
return ' {
' + out.join(",\n") + '
A fiddle for you to play with.
var waffle = Waffle(1, 2, 3);
I didn't get a sense of whether this was client or server-side, but a pattern I use sometimes goes as follows. I use this in Node but have attempted to make it a possible client-side solution as well - the Node-specific stuff is commented out but there for reference depending on your environment.
First, I create something to be used along the lines of a traditional OO base or super class like so:
//// Node:
//module.exports.Base = Base;
function Base(opts) {
var self = this;
if (!(self instanceof Base)) return new Base(opts);
self.opts = opts || {};
Upon which you can define your methods, in usual the fashion. You can even manually throw if the method should be provided by subclasses implementing something like abstract:
// commonMethod is available to subclasses:
Base.prototype.commonMethod = function () {
var self = this;
//access self.opts to get the constructor arguments.
//makes self always point to the right object.
// Provide abstractMethod, but subclass is responsible for implementation:
Base.prototype.abstractMethod = function () {
//or throw an error if this should be implemented by subclasses:
throw new Error('implement me');
Now you can do this:
//// If using Node:
//var inherits = require('util').inherits;
//var Parent = require('./Base').Base;
function Sub (opts) {
var self = this;
//// If using node and you want super_ to be called prior to creating a new Sub:
//if(Sub.super_), opts);
// Always do this:
if (!(self instanceof Sub)) return new Sub(opts);
//// If using node and you are ok with super_ called after creating new Sub:
//if(Sub.super_), opts);
//// otherwise:
//// If using Node:
//inherits(Sub, Base);
//// Otherwise:
Sub.prototype.constructor = Base;
Sub.prototype.parent = Base.prototype;
//and provide the implementation of abstractMethod:
Sub.prototype.abstractMethod() {
And to formally answer the specific question, all of the
if (!(self instanceof Sub)) return new Sub(opts);
is where you get the guaranteed new situation.

Use of .apply() with 'new' operator. Is this possible?

In JavaScript, I want to create an object instance (via the new operator), but pass an arbitrary number of arguments to the constructor. Is this possible?
What I want to do is something like this (but the code below does not work):
function Something(){
// init stuff
function createSomething(){
return new Something.apply(null, arguments);
var s = createSomething(a,b,c); // 's' is an instance of Something
The Answer
From the responses here, it became clear that there's no built-in way to call .apply() with the new operator. However, people suggested a number of really interesting solutions to the problem.
My preferred solution was this one from Matthew Crumley (I've modified it to pass the arguments property):
var createSomething = (function() {
function F(args) {
return Something.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = Something.prototype;
return function() {
return new F(arguments);
With ECMAScript5's Function.prototype.bind things get pretty clean:
function newCall(Cls) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Cls, arguments));
// or even
// return new (Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments));
// if you know that Cls.bind has not been overwritten
It can be used as follows:
var s = newCall(Something, a, b, c);
or even directly:
var s = new (, null, a, b, c));
var s = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Something, [null, a, b, c]));
This and the eval-based solution are the only ones that always work, even with special constructors like Date:
var date = newCall(Date, 2012, 1);
console.log(date instanceof Date); // true
A bit of explanation:
We need to run new on a function that takes a limited number of arguments. The bind method allows us to do it like so:
var f = Cls.bind(anything, arg1, arg2, ...);
result = new f();
The anything parameter doesn't matter much, since the new keyword resets f's context. However, it is required for syntactical reasons. Now, for the bind call: We need to pass a variable number of arguments, so this does the trick:
var f = Cls.bind.apply(Cls, [anything, arg1, arg2, ...]);
result = new f();
Let's wrap that in a function. Cls is passed as argument 0, so it's gonna be our anything.
function newCall(Cls /*, arg1, arg2, ... */) {
var f = Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments);
return new f();
Actually, the temporary f variable is not needed at all:
function newCall(Cls /*, arg1, arg2, ... */) {
return new (Cls.bind.apply(Cls, arguments))();
Finally, we should make sure that bind is really what we need. (Cls.bind may have been overwritten). So replace it by Function.prototype.bind, and we get the final result as above.
Here's a generalized solution that can call any constructor (except native constructors that behave differently when called as functions, like String, Number, Date, etc.) with an array of arguments:
function construct(constructor, args) {
function F() {
return constructor.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = constructor.prototype;
return new F();
An object created by calling construct(Class, [1, 2, 3]) would be identical to an object created with new Class(1, 2, 3).
You could also make a more specific version so you don't have to pass the constructor every time. This is also slightly more efficient, since it doesn't need to create a new instance of the inner function every time you call it.
var createSomething = (function() {
function F(args) {
return Something.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = Something.prototype;
return function(args) {
return new F(args);
The reason for creating and calling the outer anonymous function like that is to keep function F from polluting the global namespace. It's sometimes called the module pattern.
For those who want to use this in TypeScript, since TS gives an error if F returns anything:
function construct(constructor, args) {
function F() : void {
constructor.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = constructor.prototype;
return new F();
If your environment supports ECMA Script 2015's spread operator (...), you can simply use it like this
function Something() {
// init stuff
function createSomething() {
return new Something(...arguments);
Note: Now that the ECMA Script 2015's specifications are published and most JavaScript engines are actively implementing it, this would be the preferred way of doing this.
You can check the Spread operator's support in few of the major environments, here.
Suppose you've got an Items constructor which slurps up all the arguments you throw at it:
function Items () {
this.elems = [];
Items.prototype.sum = function () {
return this.elems.reduce(function (sum, x) { return sum + x }, 0);
You can create an instance with Object.create() and then .apply() with that instance:
var items = Object.create(Items.prototype);
Items.apply(items, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]);
Which when run prints 10 since 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 == 10:
$ node t.js
In ES6, Reflect.construct() is quite convenient:
Reflect.construct(F, args)
I think it's better to fix the constructor property also.
// Invoke new operator with arbitrary arguments
// Holy Grail pattern
function invoke(constructor, args) {
var f;
function F() {
// constructor returns **this**
return constructor.apply(this, args);
F.prototype = constructor.prototype;
f = new F();
f.constructor = constructor;
return f;
You could move the init stuff out into a separate method of Something's prototype:
function Something() {
// Do nothing
Something.prototype.init = function() {
// Do init stuff
function createSomething() {
var s = new Something();
s.init.apply(s, arguments);
return s;
var s = createSomething(a,b,c); // 's' is an instance of Something
An improved version of #Matthew's answer. This form has the slight performance benefits obtained by storing the temp class in a closure, as well as the flexibility of having one function able to be used to create any class
var applyCtor = function(){
var tempCtor = function() {};
return function(ctor, args){
tempCtor.prototype = ctor.prototype;
var instance = new tempCtor();
return instance;
This would be used by calling applyCtor(class, [arg1, arg2, argn]);
This answer is a little late, but figured anyone who sees this might be able to use it. There is a way to return a new object using apply. Though it requires one little change to your object declaration.
function testNew() {
if (!( this instanceof arguments.callee ))
return arguments.callee.apply( new arguments.callee(), arguments );
this.arg = arguments );
return this;
testNew.prototype.addThem = function() {
var newVal = 0,
i = 0;
for ( ; i < this.arg.length; i++ ) {
newVal += this.arg[i];
return newVal;
testNew( 4, 8 ) === { arg : [ 4, 8 ] };
testNew( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ).addThem() === 15;
For the first if statement to work in testNew you have to return this; at the bottom of the function. So as an example with your code:
function Something() {
// init stuff
return this;
function createSomething() {
return Something.apply( new Something(), arguments );
var s = createSomething( a, b, c );
Update: I've changed my first example to sum any number of arguments, instead of just two.
I just came across this problem, and I solved it like this:
function instantiate(ctor) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1: return new ctor();
case 2: return new ctor(arguments[1]);
case 3: return new ctor(arguments[1], arguments[2]);
case 4: return new ctor(arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
default: throw new Error('instantiate: too many parameters');
function Thing(a, b, c) {
var thing = instantiate(Thing, 'abc', 123, {x:5});
Yeah, it's a bit ugly, but it solves the problem, and it's dead simple.
if you're interested in an eval-based solution
function createSomething() {
var q = [];
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
q.push("arguments[" + i + "]");
return eval("new Something(" + q.join(",") + ")");
This works!
var cls = Array; //eval('Array'); dynamically
var data = [2];
new cls(;
See also how CoffeeScript does it.
s = new Something([a,b,c]...)
var s;
s = (function(func, args, ctor) {
ctor.prototype = func.prototype;
var child = new ctor, result = func.apply(child, args);
return Object(result) === result ? result : child;
})(Something, [a, b, c], function(){});
This constructor approach works both with and without the new keyword:
function Something(foo, bar){
if (!(this instanceof Something)){
var obj = Object.create(Something.prototype);
return Something.apply(obj, arguments);
} = foo; = bar;
return this;
It assumes support for Object.create but you could always polyfill that if you're supporting older browsers. See the support table on MDN here.
Here's a JSBin to see it in action with console output.
Solution without ES6 or polyfills:
var obj = _new(Demo).apply(["X", "Y", "Z"]);
function _new(constr)
function createNamedFunction(name)
return (new Function("return function " + name + "() { };"))();
var func = createNamedFunction(;
func.prototype = constr.prototype;
var self = new func();
return { apply: function(args) {
constr.apply(self, args);
return self;
} };
function Demo()
for(var index in arguments)
this['arg' + (parseInt(index) + 1)] = arguments[index];
Demo.prototype.tagged = true;
Demo {arg1: "X", arg2: "Y", arg3: "Z"}
... or "shorter" way:
var func = new Function("return function " + + "() { };")();
func.prototype = Demo.prototype;
var obj = new func();
Demo.apply(obj, ["X", "Y", "Z"]);
I think this might be a good solution:
this.forConstructor = function(constr)
return { apply: function(args)
let name ='-', '_');
let func = (new Function('args', name + '_', " return function " + name + "() { " + name + "_.apply(this, args); }"))(args, constr);
func.constructor = constr;
func.prototype = constr.prototype;
return new func(args);
You can't call a constructor with a variable number of arguments like you want with the new operator.
What you can do is change the constructor slightly. Instead of:
function Something() {
// deal with the "arguments" array
var obj = new Something.apply(null, [0, 0]); // doesn't work!
Do this instead:
function Something(args) {
// shorter, but will substitute a default if args.x is 0, false, "" etc.
this.x = args.x || SOME_DEFAULT_VALUE;
// longer, but will only put in a default if args.x is not supplied
this.x = (args.x !== undefined) ? args.x : SOME_DEFAULT_VALUE;
var obj = new Something({x: 0, y: 0});
Or if you must use an array:
function Something(args) {
var x = args[0];
var y = args[1];
var obj = new Something([0, 0]);
Matthew Crumley's solutions in CoffeeScript:
construct = (constructor, args) ->
F = -> constructor.apply this, args
F.prototype = constructor.prototype
new F
createSomething = (->
F = (args) -> Something.apply this, args
F.prototype = Something.prototype
return -> new Something arguments
function createSomething() {
var args = Array.prototype.concat.apply([null], arguments);
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Something, args));
If your target browser doesn't support ECMAScript 5 Function.prototype.bind, the code won't work. It is not very likely though, see compatibilty table.
modified #Matthew answer. Here I can pass any number of parameters to function as usual (not array). Also 'Something' is not hardcoded into:
function createObject( constr ) {
var args = arguments;
var wrapper = function() {
return constr.apply( this,, 1) );
wrapper.prototype = constr.prototype;
return new wrapper();
function Something() {
// init stuff
var obj1 = createObject( Something, 1, 2, 3 );
var same = new Something( 1, 2, 3 );
This one-liner should do it:
new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Something, [null].concat(arguments)));
While the other approaches are workable, they're unduly complex. In Clojure you generally create a function that instantiates types/records and use that function as the mechanism for instantiation. Translating this to JavaScript:
function Person(surname, name){
this.surname = surname; = name;
function person(surname, name){
return new Person(surname, name);
By taking this approach you avoid the use of new except as described above. And this function, of course, has no issues working with apply or any number of other functional programming features.
var doe = _.partial(person, "Doe");
var john = doe("John");
var jane = doe("Jane");
By using this approach, all of your type constructors (e.g. Person) are vanilla, do-nothing constructors. You just pass in arguments and assign them to properties of the same name. The hairy details go in the constructor function (e.g. person).
It is of little bother having to create these extra constructor functions since they are a good practice anyhow. They can be convenient since they allow you to potentially have several constructor functions with different nuances.
It's also intresting to see how the issue of reusing the temporary F() constructor, was addressed by using arguments.callee, aka the creator/factory function itself:
Any function (even a constructor) can take a variable number of arguments. Each function has an "arguments" variable which can be cast to an array with []
function Something(){
this.options = [];
this.toString = function (){
return this.options.toString();
var s = new Something(1, 2, 3, 4);
console.log( 's.options === "1,2,3,4":', (s.options == '1,2,3,4') );
var z = new Something(9, 10, 11);
console.log( 'z.options === "9,10,11":', (z.options == '9,10,11') );
The above tests produce the following output:
s.options === "1,2,3,4": true
z.options === "9,10,11": true
Here is my version of createSomething:
function createSomething() {
var obj = {};
obj = Something.apply(obj, arguments) || obj;
obj.__proto__ = Something.prototype; //Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, Something.prototype);
return o;
Based on that, I tried to simulate the new keyword of JavaScript:
//JavaScript 'new' keyword simulation
function new2() {
var obj = {}, args =, fn = args.shift();
obj = fn.apply(obj, args) || obj;
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, fn.prototype); //or: obj.__proto__ = fn.prototype;
return obj;
I tested it and it seems that it works perfectly fine for all scenarios. It also works on native constructors like Date. Here are some tests:
new2(Something, 1, 2);
new2(Date); //"Tue May 13 2014 01:01:09 GMT-0700" == new Date()
new2(Array); //[] == new Array()
new2(Array, 3); //[undefined × 3] == new Array(3)
new2(Object); //Object {} == new Object()
new2(Object, 2); //Number {} == new Object(2)
new2(Object, "s"); //String {0: "s", length: 1} == new Object("s")
new2(Object, true); //Boolean {} == new Object(true)
Yes we can, javascript is more of prototype inheritance in nature.
function Actor(name, age){ = name;
this.age = age;
} = "unknown";
Actor.prototype.age = "unknown";
Actor.prototype.getName = function() {
Actor.prototype.getAge = function() {
return this.age;
when we create an object with "new" then our created object INHERITS getAge(), But if we used apply(...) or call(...) to call Actor, then we are passing an object for "this" but the object we pass WON'T inherit from Actor.prototype
unless, we directly pass apply or call Actor.prototype but then.... "this" would point to "Actor.prototype" and would write to: Thus affecting all other objects created with Actor...since we overwrite the prototype rather than the instance
var rajini = new Actor('Rajinikanth', 31);
var kamal = new Actor('kamal', 18);
Let's try with apply
var vijay = Actor.apply(null, ["pandaram", 33]);
if (vijay === undefined) {
console.log("Actor(....) didn't return anything
since we didn't call it with new");
var ajith = {};
Actor.apply(ajith, ['ajith', 25]);
console.log(ajith); //Object {name: "ajith", age: 25}
try {
} catch (E) {
console.log("Error since we didn't inherit ajith.prototype");
console.log(Actor.prototype.age); //Unknown
console.log(; //Unknown
By passing Actor.prototype to as the first argument, when the Actor() function is ran, it executes, Since "this" will point to Actor.prototype,; means;
var simbhu = Actor.apply(Actor.prototype, ['simbhu', 28]);
if (simbhu === undefined) {
console.log("Still undefined since the function didn't return anything.");
console.log(Actor.prototype.age); //simbhu
console.log(; //28
var copy = Actor.prototype;
var dhanush = Actor.apply(copy, ["dhanush", 11]);
console.log("But now we've corrupted Parent.prototype in order to inherit");
console.log(Actor.prototype.age); //11
console.log(; //dhanush
Coming back to orginal question how to use new operator with apply, here is my take.... = function(){
var constructor = this;
function fn() {return constructor.apply(this, args)}
var args =;
fn.prototype = this.prototype;
return new fn
var thalaivar =, ["Thalaivar", 30]);
since ES6 this is possible through the Spread operator, see
This answer was already, sort of given in comment, but seems to have been missed by most
Actually the simplest method is:
function Something (a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
function createSomething(){
return Something;
s = new (createSomething())(1, 2);
// s == Something {a: 1, b: 2}
A revised solution from #jordancpaul's answer.
var applyCtor = function(ctor, args)
var instance = new ctor();
ctor.prototype.constructor.apply(instance, args);
return instance;
Make an anonymous prototype and apply the Something prototype to it using the arguments and then create a new instance of that anonymous prototype. The one disadavantage of this is it will not pass the s instanceof Something check, though it is identical, it is basically an instance of a clone.
function Something(){
// init stuff
function createSomething(){
return new (function(){Something.apply(this, arguments)});
var s = createSomething(a,b,c); // 's' is an instance of Something
function FooFactory() {
var prototype, F = function(){};
function Foo() {
var args =,
for (i = 0, this.args = {}; i < args.length; i +=1) {
this.args[i] = args[i];
} = 'baz';
return this;
prototype = Foo.prototype;
prototype.print = function () {
F.prototype = prototype;
return Foo.apply(new F(),;
var foo = FooFactory('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', {}, function (){});
