I can't seem to get Ads to play when calling load(). I'm using playAd() in a onBeforeStart(). When I use load() the video won't start, and either will the ad. It loads it all, and I can click start, but the video never starts automatically. I even tried $interval(jwplayer.play, 500) hehe.
It goes into IDLE mode, when I load the video - which its supposed to do(docs), but it can't start. When I remove the playAd() function, it works perfect with autostart ect.
Is it even possible? I can't find any examples of it anywhere.
autostart: false,
controls: true,
// stagevideo: true,
debug: {
'levels' : 'all'
primary: 'flash',
androidhls: true,
icons: false,
flashplayer: '/assets/scripts/jwplayer.flash.swf',
html5player: '/assets/scripts/jwplayer.html5.js',
skin: '/assets/skin/skin.xml',
file: clip.videoUrl,
image: clip.thumbnail640,
wmode: 'transparent',
height: "100%",
width: "100%",
repeat: "false",
advertising: {
client: "vast"
plugins: {
"/assets/scripts/borsenticker.js": {
'ticker1': tickerStringUpper,
'ticker2': stockString,
'ticker2_nofont': stockString_nofont,
'date': dateFiltered
load it;
file: clip.videoUrl,
image: clip.thumbnail640,
and setups are;
jwplayer('video-player').onBeforePlay(function (){
if(!videoPlayerAdLoaded) {
videoPlayerAdLoaded = true;
Fixed it by updating to 6.11 from 6.10. :)
Sorry if this is a noob question (I'm a JS noob). Im working on a website in which the homepage consists of a preloader and a slideshow.
I've managed to set up both the preloader and the slideshow. However, I've noticed that both of them are being loaded at the same time. I need to find a way to first load the preloader and once the preloading is done, then start the slideshow.
I'm using (window).load on both functions but I would like to know if there's a way to prioritize how things area loaded.
Here's my working code:
jQuery(window).load(function() {
setTimeout(wptime_plugin_remove_preloader, 3000);
function wptime_plugin_remove_preloader() {
jQuery(window).load(function() {
arrowsNav: true,
loop: true,
keyboardNavEnabled: true,
controlsInside: false,
imageScaleMode: 'fill',
arrowsNavAutoHide: false,
autoScaleSlider: false,
numImagesToPreload: 0,
transitionSpeed: 600,
thumbsFitInViewport: false,
navigateByClick: false,
startSlideId: 0,
globalCaption: false,
You can combine them both inside a single jQuery(window).load, and choose to run the royalSlider setup function inside the wptime_plugin_remove_preloader function, after removing the preloader:
jQuery(window).load(function() {
//set up the preloader
setTimeout(wptime_plugin_remove_preloader, 3000);
function wptime_plugin_remove_preloader() {
//Remove the preloader
//Set up the slider after removing the preloader
arrowsNav: true,
loop: true,
keyboardNavEnabled: true,
controlsInside: false,
imageScaleMode: 'fill',
arrowsNavAutoHide: false,
autoScaleSlider: false,
numImagesToPreload: 0,
transitionSpeed: 600,
thumbsFitInViewport: false,
navigateByClick: false,
startSlideId: 0,
globalCaption: false,
Activate the preloader on window.onload and call the slideshow function from inside the preload function (Note: Untested!):
jQuery(window).load(function() {
setTimeout(wptime_plugin_remove_preloader, 3000);
function wptime_plugin_remove_preloader() {
function slideshow() {
arrowsNav: true,
loop: true,
keyboardNavEnabled: true,
controlsInside: false,
imageScaleMode: 'fill',
arrowsNavAutoHide: false,
autoScaleSlider: false,
numImagesToPreload: 0,
transitionSpeed: 600,
thumbsFitInViewport: false,
navigateByClick: false,
startSlideId: 0,
globalCaption: false,
Put your the code that loads the slideshow inside
function wptime_plugin_remove_preloader() {
//slideshow code here
$(window).load would wait for the page to load all the elements, which you do need for your javascript to work, because you have to make sure the elements you are referencing in your code already exist in the DOM. To chain functions call each next function from the last block of the one preceeding
I have a short reveal.js presentation hosted here on GitHub pages.
I want to wait for the page to fully load before auto-starting the presentation. If the connection is slow, awesomefonts don't get rendered in time, and the user can only see an empty block.
Is it possibile to wait some time before start?
Okay, so after a minute of browsing your code, I noticed that you probably need an onload block in your script before initializing Reveal.js. Try putting the
controls: false,
progress: true,
history: true,
center: true,
autoSlide: 2200,
transition: 'slide', // none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom
// Optional reveal.js plugins
dependencies: [
{ src: 'lib/js/classList.js', condition: function() { return !document.body.classList; } },
{ src: 'plugin/markdown/marked.js', condition: function() { return !!document.querySelector( '[data-markdown]' ); } },
{ src: 'plugin/markdown/markdown.js', condition: function() { return !!document.querySelector( '[data-markdown]' ); } },
{ src: 'plugin/highlight/highlight.js', async: true, callback: function() { hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); } },
{ src: 'plugin/zoom-js/zoom.js', async: true }
Inside of:
Hope this helps. The presentation looks great btw.
put your init code inside window.onload() function
if you need multiple things to be loaded asyncronously, just create a myLoad() function and a objToBeLoaded counter, then each time an obj has loaded, make it call somethingHasLoad() function that will check for that counter and eventually call myLoad()
Is there a way to set a fancybox to open whenever a separate fancybox closes?
I have tried the following
href: "#editClassPanel",
closeClick: false,
autoDimensions: true,
autoScale: false,
afterClose: function() {
href: "#classInfoPanel"
But this doesn't seem to be doing anything. Here is my other fancybox code for reference
href: "#classInfoPanel",
// maxHeight: 350,
// maxWidth: 425,
closeClick: false,
autoDimensions: false,
autoScale: false
They both target div's.
When you close fancybox, it takes a little while for it to clean up and complete the closing process so, opening another fancybox while the clean up process is running may trigger a js error that voids the second box from opening.
Just give it a little bit of time and it should work so
afterClose: function () {
// wait for this box to close completely before opening the next one
setTimeout(function () {
href: "#classInfoPanel"
}, 300);
Hi I have a twitter feed using the following code:
<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 3,
interval: 6000,
width: 195,
height: 300,
theme: {
shell: {
background: '#999999',
color: '#D6E03D'
tweets: {
background: '#f3f3f3',
color: '#999999',
links: '#5a5a5a'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: false,
live: false,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'all'
and this is linked to the widget.js file. I need the default twitter to be blue not white so I tried downloading the js file and hosting it from my server and changing the code to my image using this code:
isFullScreen?" twtr-fullscreen":""}var AA=T?"images/widget-logoblue.png":"http://widgets.twimg.com/i/widget-logo.png";
this adds the blue image in ok but it messes up some of the links that should be different colours within the feed, therefore I think I need to stick to linking to this version:
isFullScreen?" twtr-fullscreen":""}var AA=T?"images/widget-logoblue.png":"http://widgets.twimg.com/i/widget-logo.png";
is there a way I can link to this but override the twitter image that they are using with my own twitter logo?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
I guess the solution might be one of these:
CSS hack - hide image and use background-image CSS property instead
Detect image on load and replace it then
Write a custom widget. Example.
<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>
var usr = 'charliesheen';
function changeusr()
usr = document.getElementById("usrText").value;
var twitter;
function updatetwitter()
function newtwitter()
twitter =
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 4,
interval: 6000,
width: 200,
height: 300,
theme: {
shell: {
background: '#ffffff',
color: '#367542'
tweets: {
background: '#e3dfe3',
color: '#000000',
links: '#110af5'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: false,
live: false,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'all'
Change user:
<input name="usrText"/>
<button onclick="changeusr()">Go</button>
The results I see are: It loads fine. When I enter a new username and click "go" it may or may not reload the twitter widget, and the link "join the conversation" points to the correct url. I'd like it to reload the url with the new user entered. I'm a complete javascript noob. Thanks in advance.
Your input needs an id:
<input id='usrText' name="usrText"/>
Internet Explorer will return elements by name from "getElementById()", but that is simply legacy broken behavior and it's not imitated by other browsers.
edit — an update:
There doesn't appear to be much documentation for that widget thing. Things work somewhat better if you set the "live" feature to true. Also, when you update the user, you have to zap an internal variable on the widget:
function updatetwitter()
twitter._profileImage = null;
Here is the jsfiddle if you'd like to see it.