I have an object of folders/files that looks like this:
about.html : {
path : './about.html'
about2.html : {
path : './about2.html'
about3.html : {
path : './about3.html'
folderName : {
path : './folderName',
children : {
sub-child.html : {
path : 'folderName/sub-child.html'
And it can go 6-7 levels deep of folders having children.
I want to find the object where path is equal to a string that I provide. Regardless of how deep it is.
I'm using underscore which only does top level:
How can I do a deep, nested search. Does underscore have something for this or do I need to build a mixin with recursion?
This isn't the prettiest code, but I tested it out and it seems to work the way you are asking. It's setup as a lodash/underscore mixin, but can be used however. Usage would be like this:
_.findDeep(testItem, { 'path': 'folderName/sub-child.html' })
findDeep: function(items, attrs) {
function match(value) {
for (var key in attrs) {
if(!_.isUndefined(value)) {
if (attrs[key] !== value[key]) {
return false;
return true;
function traverse(value) {
var result;
_.forEach(value, function (val) {
if (match(val)) {
result = val;
return false;
if (_.isObject(val) || _.isArray(val)) {
result = traverse(val);
if (result) {
return false;
return result;
return traverse(items);
Instead of findWhere, use filter, which takes a function as the predicate rather than a key-value map. Use a recursive function to check the current node and possible children. Something like this:
var searchText = './about2.html';
var recursiveFilter = function(x) {
return x.path == searchText ||
( typeof x.children != 'undefined' && recursiveFilter(x.children['sub-child.html']) );
_.filter(files, recursiveFilter);
Assuming this works, you'll probably want to make a function getRecursiveFilter(searchText). Here's how that would look:
function getRecursiveFilter(searchText) {
var recursiveFilter = function(x) {
return x.path == searchText ||
(typeof x.children != 'undefined'
&& arguments.callee(x.children['sub-child.html']) );
return recursiveFilter;
Note that here, recursiveFilter uses arguments.callee to call itself recursively.
Here's a working demo.
This already has an accepted answer, but this other answer was very clean and perfect for my similar situation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21600748/1913975
_.filter +_.where
Though accepted answer works, it's too generic - it searches all the properties of an object to find children. I am proposing introducing an extra parameter, called 'recursProperty' which will be considered to go deep in the object. This solution is also setup to be used as lodash/underscore mixin and extends loadash/underscore capabilities.
_.findDeep = function(collection, predicate, recursProperty){
let items = [];
_.each(collection, each => items.push(each));
return _.find(items, function(value, key, coll){
if (predicate(value, key, coll)){
return true;
} else {
_.each(value[recursProperty], each => items.push(each));
It can be used as any other underscore function. e.g,
_.findDeep(self.baseEntities, baseEntity => baseEntity.id === 71, 'entity');
Not providing proper value for 'recursProperty' argument or providing null/undefined will simply make the search only on first level (no going deep).
Is it possible to create an array that will only allow objects of a certain to be stored in it? Is there a method that adds an element to the array I can override?
Yes you can, just override the push array of the array (let's say all you want to store are numbers than do the following:
var myArr = [];
myArr.push = function(){
for(var arg of arguments) {
if(arg.constructor == Number) Array.prototype.push.call(this, arg);
Simply change Number to whatever constructor you want to match. Also I would probably add and else statement or something, to throw an error if that's what you want.
Using Object.observe (currently only available in chrome):
var myArr = [];
Array.observe(myArr, function(changes) {
for(var change of changes) {
if(change.type == "update") {
if(myArr[change.name].constructor !== Number) myArr.splice(change.name, 1);
} else if(change.type == 'splice') {
if(change.addedCount > 0) {
if(myArr[change.index].constructor !== Number) myArr.splice(change.index, 1);
Now in ES6 there are proxies which you should be able to do the following:
var myArr = new Proxy([], {
set(obj, prop, value) {
if(value.constructor !== Number) {
obj.splice(prop, 1);
//I belive thats it, there's probably more to it, yet because I don't use firefox or IE Technical preview I can't really tell you.
Not directly. But you can hide the array in a closure and only provide your custom API to access it:
var myArray = (function() {
var array = [];
return {
set: function(index, value) {
/* Check if value is allowed */
array[index] = value;
get: function(index) {
return array[index];
Use it like
myArray.set(123, 'abc');
myArray.get(123); // 'abc' (assuming it was allowed)
//find value in array using function checkValue using underscoreJS _.each.
//return true, else false.
var helloArr = ['bonjour', 'hello', 'hola'];
var checkValue = function(arg) {
_.each(helloArr, function(helloArr, index) {
if (arg[index] === index) {
return true;
return false;
The problem with your code is that, _.each will iterate through all the elements of the array and call the function you pass to it. You will not be able to come to a conclusion with that, since you are not getting any value returned from it (unless you maintain state outside _.each).
Note that the values returned from the function you pass to _.each will not be used anywhere and they will not affect the course of the program in any way.
But, instead, you can use _.some as an alternate, like this
var checkValue = function(arg) {
return _.some(helloArr, function(currentString) {
return arg === currentString;
But, a better solution would be, _.contains function for this purpose. You can use it like this
var checkValue = function(arg) {
return _.contains(helloArr, arg);
But, since you have only Strings in the Array, the best solution would be to use Array.prototype.indexOf, like this
var checkValue = function(arg) {
return helloArr.indexOf(arg) !== -1;
Try this:
var helloArr = ['bonjour', 'hello', 'hola'];
var checkValue = function(arr, val) {
_(arr).each(function(value) {
if (value == val)
{return console.log(true);}
else {return console.log(false);}
/* Output
In javascript using an object parameter is my preferred way of working with functions. To check that a function has the required parameters I either (Solution 1) loop through all the object parameters properties and throw an error or (Solution 2) wait until a required property is needed and throw an error. Solution two seems efficient but I have to throws in multiple places in the function. Solution 1 seems pragmatic but should probably be a reusable piece of code. Is there another solution I should be looking at?
You can actually do this
var propsNeeded = ["prop1", "prop2", "blah", "blah", "blah"],
obj = {
prop1: "Hi"
function hasRequiredProperties(props, obj){
return Object.keys(obj).sort().join() == propsNeeded.sort().join();
console.log(hasRequiredProperties(propsNeeded, obj)); // false
You can check for single properties like
function hasProperty(propName, obj){
return obj.hasOwnProperty(propName);
For consistency I would create require method and use it always when some property is required.
var require = function (key, object) {
if (typeof object[key] === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Required property ' + key + ' is undefined');
I would test if required property exists as soon as I'm certain that property is needed. Like this:
var example = function (args) {
require('alwaysRequired', args);
// some code here which uses property alwaysRequired
if (args.something) {
require('sometimesRequired', args);
// some code here which uses property sometimesRequired
Using #Amit's answer I'd probably add a method to Object itself:
Object.prototype.hasAllProperties = function(props, fire){
var result = Object.keys(this).sort().join() == propsNeeded.sort().join();
if (fire && !result){
throw new Error('Object does not define all properties');
return result;
and in your function:
function someFunction(myObject){
var objComplete = myObject.hasAllProperties(["prop1", "prop2", "prop3"], false);
After noticing the problem with #Amit's original answer, here's what I suggest:
Object.prototype.hasAllProperties = function(props, fire){
var result = true;
$(props).each(function(i, e){
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(e) ) {
result = false;
return false;
if (fire && !result){
throw new Error('Object does not define all properties');
return result;
This is just a general case of checking for presence of keys on a object, which can be done easily enough with
requiredParams.every(function(prop) { return prop in paramObj; })
It almost reads like natural language. "Taking the required parameters, is EVERY one of them IN the parameter object?".
Just wrap this in function checkParams(paramObj, requiredParams) for easy re-use.
More generally, this is the problem of asking if one list (in this case the list of required parameters) is included in another list (the keys on the params object). So we can write a general routine for list inclusion:
function listIncluded(list1, list2) {
return list1.every(function(e) { return list2.indexOf(e) !== -1; });
Then our parameter-checking becomes
function checkParams(paramObj, requiredParams) {
return listIncluded(requiredParams, Object.keys(paramObj));
If you want to know if object has at least some properties you can use this function without third parameter:
function hasRequiredProperties(propsNeeded, obj, strict) {
if (strict) return Object.keys(obj).sort().join() == propsNeeded.sort().join();
for (var i in propsNeeded ) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(propsNeeded[i])) return false;
return true;
options = {url: {
protocol: 'https:',
hostname: 'encrypted.google.com',
port: '80'
propsNeeded = ['protocol', 'hostname'];
hasRequiredProperties(propsNeeded, options.url); // true
hasRequiredProperties(propsNeeded, options.url, true); // false
I'm a js developer and work in an environment where we do API calls and get some data returned. The structure of the data returned is HIGHLY inconsistent so therefor we can't assume anything about the data returned.
Picture the following scenario:
success: function(data){
// Now I want to access a property 4 levels in
var length = data.results.users.length;
What's the correct way to ensure data.results.users.length is not undefined? Because of the inconsistencies from the API, each level of the returned object could be broken/undefined. Do I really have to do the following:
if (data && data.results && data.results.users && data.results.users.length){
var length = data.results.users.length;
Aren't there more elegant solutions?
You can create helper function like this.
Expect object with structure like this :
var someObj = {
some: {
other: {
third: 'bingo',
qwe: 'test'
Would be great to have something like
getPropByPath(someObj, 'some.other.qwe');
So the implementation of getPropByPath may looks like following:
function getPropByPath(obj, path){
var parts = path.split('.'),
root = obj;
for(var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) {
if(root[parts[i]] !== 'undefined') {
root = root[parts[i]]
} else {
return false;
return root;
If at all levels there may be something undefined, you should check all levels, something like:
var length = data &&
data.results &&
data.results.users &&
data.results.users.length || 0;
You can also use some helper function. Here's one:
function getPropValue ( path, defaultIfNotExisting ) {
defaultIfNotExisting = defaultIfNotExisting || 0;
path = path.split('.'), test = this;
while (path.length) {
test = test[path.shift()];
if (!test) {
return defaultIfNotExisting;
return test;
// usage in your case:
if ( getPropValue.call(data, 'results.users', []).length) { /* do stuff */}
I am looking for an efficient way to translate my Ember object to a json string, to use it in a websocket message below
* Model
App.node = Ember.Object.extend({
name: 'theName',
type: 'theType',
value: 'theValue',
The websocket method:
App.io.emit('node', {node: hash});
hash should be the json representation of the node. {name: thename, type: theType, ..}
There must be a fast onliner to do this.. I dont want to do it manualy since i have many attributes and they are likely to change..
As stated you can take inspiration from the ember-runtime/lib/core.js#inspect function to get the keys of an object, see http://jsfiddle.net/pangratz666/UUusD/
App.Jsonable = Ember.Mixin.create({
getJson: function() {
var v, ret = [];
for (var key in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
v = this[key];
if (v === 'toString') {
} // ignore useless items
if (Ember.typeOf(v) === 'function') {
return this.getProperties.apply(this, ret);
Note, since commit 1124005 - which is available in ember-latest.js and in the next release - you can pass the ret array directly to getProperties, so the return statement of the getJson function looks like this:
return this.getProperties(ret);
You can get a plain JS object (or hash) from an Ember.Object instance by calling getProperties() with a list of keys.
If you want it as a string, you can use JSON.stringify().
For example:
var obj = Ember.Object.create({firstName: 'Erik', lastName: 'Bryn', login: 'ebryn'}),
hash = obj.getProperties('firstName', 'lastName'), // => {firstName: 'Erik', lastName: 'Bryn'}
stringHash = JSON.stringify(hash); // => '{"firstName": "Erik", "lastName": "Bryn"}'
I have also been struggling with this. As Mirko says, if you pass the ember object to JSON.stringify you will get circular reference error. However if you store the object inside one property and use stringify on that object, it works, even nested subproperties.
var node = Ember.Object.create({
data: {
name: 'theName',
type: 'theType',
value: 'theValue'
However, this only works in Chrome, Safari and Firefox. In IE8 I get a stack overflow so this isn't a viable solution.
I have resorted to creating JSON schemas over my object models and written a recursive function to iterate over the objects using the properties in the schemas and then construct pure Javascript objects which I can then stringify and send to my server. I also use the schemas for validation so this solution works pretty well for me but if you have very large and dynamic data models this isn't possible. I'm also interested in simpler ways to accomplish this.
I modifed #pangratz solution slightly to make it handle nested hierarchies of Jsonables:
App.Jsonable = Ember.Mixin.create({
getJson: function() {
var v, json = {};
for (var key in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
v = this[key];
if (v === 'toString') {
if (Ember.typeOf(v) === 'function') {
if (App.Jsonable.detect(v))
v = v.getJson();
json[key] = v;
return json;
App.io.emit('node', {node: node.toJSON()});
Or if you have an ID property and want to include it:
App.io.emit('node', {node: node.toJSON({includeId: true})});
Will this work for you?
var json = JSON.stringify( Ember.getMeta( App.node, 'values') );
The false is optional, but would be more performant if you do not intend to modify any of the properties, which is the case according to your question. This works for me, but I am wary that Ember.meta is a private method and may work differently or not even be available in future releases. (Although, it isn't immediately clear to me if Ember.getMeta() is private). You can view it in its latest source form here:
The values property contains only 'normal' properties. You can collect any cached, computed properties from Ember.meta( App.node, false ).cached. So, provided you use jQuery with your build, you can easily merge these two objects like so:
$.extend( {}, Ember.getMeta(App.node, 'values'), Ember.getMeta(App.node, 'cache') );
Sadly, I haven't found a way to get sub-structures like array properties in this manner.
I've written an extensive article on how you can convert ember models into native objects or JSON which may help you or others :)
I modified #Kevin-pauli solution to make it works with arrays as well:
App.Jsonable = Ember.Mixin.create({
getJson: function() {
var v, json = {}, inspectArray = function (aSome) {
if (Ember.typeof(aSome) === 'array') {
return aSome.map(inspectArray);
if (Jsonable.detect(aSome)) {
return aSome.getJson();
return aSome;
for (var key in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
v = this[key];
if (v === 'toString') {
if (Ember.typeOf(v) === 'function') {
if (Ember.typeOf(v) === 'array') {
v = v.map(inspectArray);
if (App.Jsonable.detect(v))
v = v.getJson();
json[key] = v;
return json;
I also made some further modification to get the best of both worlds. With the following version I check if the Jsonable object has a specific property that informs me on which of its properties should be serialized:
App.Jsonable = Ember.Mixin.create({
getJson: function() {
var v, json = {}, base, inspectArray = function (aSome) {
if (Ember.typeof(aSome) === 'array') {
return aSome.map(inspectArray);
if (Jsonable.detect(aSome)) {
return aSome.getJson();
return aSome;
if (!Ember.isNone(this.get('jsonProperties'))) {
// the object has a selective list of properties to inspect
base = this.getProperties(this.get('jsonProperties'));
} else {
// no list given: let's use all the properties
base = this;
for (var key in base) {
if (base.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
v = base[key];
if (v === 'toString') {
if (Ember.typeOf(v) === 'function') {
if (Ember.typeOf(v) === 'array') {
v = v.map(inspectArray);
if (App.Jsonable.detect(v))
v = v.getJson();
json[key] = v;
return json;
I am using this little tweak and I am happy with it. I hope it'll help others as well!
Thanks to #pangratz and #Kevin-Pauli for their solution!
Here I take #leo, #pangratz and #kevin-pauli solution a little step further. Now it iterates not only with arrays but also through has many relationships, it doesn't check if a value has the type Array but it calls the isArray function defined in Ember's API.
App.Jsonable = Em.Mixin.create
getJson: ->
jsonValue = (attr) ->
return attr.map(jsonValue) if Em.isArray(attr)
return attr.getJson() if App.Jsonable.detect(attr)
base =
if Em.isNone(#get('jsonProperties'))
# no list given: let's use all the properties
# the object has a selective list of properties to inspect
hash = {}
for own key, value of base
continue if value is 'toString' or Em.typeOf(value) is 'function'
json[key] = jsonValue(value)
var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
App.Jsonable = Em.Mixin.create({
getJson: function() {
var base, hash, hashValue, key, value;
jsonValue = function(attr) {
if (Em.isArray(attr)) {
return attr.map(jsonValue);
if (App.Jsonable.detect(attr)) {
return attr.getJson();
return attr;
base = Em.isNone(this.get('jsonProperties')) ? this : this.getProperties(this.get('jsonProperties'));
json = {};
for (key in base) {
if (!hasProp.call(base, key)) continue;
value = base[key];
if (value === 'toString' || Em.typeOf(value) === 'function') {
json[key] = jsonValue(value);
return json;
Ember Data Model's object counts with a toJSON method which optionally receives an plain object with includeId property used to convert an Ember Data Model into a JSON with the properties of the model.
You can use it as follows:
const objects = models.map((model) => model.toJSON({ includeId: true }));
Hope it helps. Enjoy!
I have:
fixed and simplified code
added circular reference prevention
added use of get of value
removed all of the default properties of an empty component
//Modified by Shimon Doodkin
//Based on answers of: #leo, #pangratz, #kevin-pauli, #Klaus
App.Jsonable = Em.Mixin.create({
getJson : function (keysToSkip, visited) {
//getJson() called with no arguments,
// they are to pass on values during recursion.
if (!keysToSkip)
keysToSkip = Object.keys(Ember.Component.create());
if (!visited)
visited = [];
var getIsFunction;
var jsonValue = function (attr, key, obj) {
if (Em.isArray(attr))
return attr.map(jsonValue);
if (App.Jsonable.detect(attr))
return attr.getJson(keysToSkip, visited);
return getIsFunction?obj.get(key):attr;
var base;
if (!Em.isNone(this.get('jsonProperties')))
base = this.getProperties(this.get('jsonProperties'));
base = this;
getIsFunction=Em.typeOf(base.get) === 'function';
var json = {};
var hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var key in base) {
if (!hasProp.call(base, key) || keysToSkip.indexOf(key) != -1)
var value = base[key];
// there are usual circular references
// on keys: ownerView, controller, context === base
if ( value === base ||
value === 'toString' ||
Em.typeOf(value) === 'function')
// optional, works also without this,
// the rule above if value === base covers the usual case
if (visited.indexOf(value) != -1)
json[key] = jsonValue(value, key, base);
return json;
DeliveryInfoInput = Ember.Object.extend(App.Jsonable,{
jsonProperties: ["title","value","name"], //Optionally specify properties for json
Ember.js appears to have a JSON library available. I hopped into a console (Firebug) on one the Todos example and the following worked for me:
hash = { test:4 }
So you should be able to just change your line to
App.io.emit('node', { node:JSON.stringify(hash) })