Quickblox sigBytes error - authentication for chat - javascript

Another quickblox question - I am getting the following error when trying to run my application:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sigBytes' of undefinedquickblox.js:10707 c.HMAC.i.extend.initquickblox.js:10703 i.Hasher.a.extend._createHmacHelperquickblox.js:101 signMessagequickblox.js:35 createSessionquickblox.js:867 QuickBlox.createSessionchat.html:122 (anonymous function)
This error prevents successful authentication of the user. The code being executed is below(insecure as hell - proof of concept only!):
var chatToUser = window.localStorage.getItem("chatToUser");
var username = window.localStorage.getItem("user");
var password = window.localStorage.getItem("pwd");
var params = {login:username,password:password};
console.log("PARAMS: ",params);
var chatService = new QBChat(params);
// JavaScript SDK initialization
QB.init(QBAPP.appID, QBAPP.authKey, QBAPP.authSecret);
// QuickBlox session creation
QB.createSession(params, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("ERROR:", err.detail);
} else {
chatUser = {
id: result.user_id,
pass: params.password
function connectChat() {
chatService = new QBChat({
onConnectFailed: onConnectFailed,
onConnectSuccess: onConnectSuccess,
onConnectClosed: onConnectClosed,
onChatMessage: onChatMessage
console.log("Chat Service: ", chatService);
console.log("Chat User: ", chatuser);
// connect to QB chat service
/* Callbacks
// Connection is failed
function onConnectFailed() {
alert("We're having some difficulty talking to the server. Please try again later, or get in touch if th eproblem persists.")
// Connection is success
function onConnectSuccess() {
//green dot - live - status
// Connection is closed
function onConnectClosed() {}
What do i need to do differently in order to successfully log the user in for chat?
If it helps, I have previously generated a session for them based on their 'user' credentials (username/password). Is it possible to simply reuse this session instead of creating a fresh one?

It just hit me! (adding a few console.logs helped...)
The app is looking for QBAPP.(etc) and the case/underscore formatting of those parameters did not line up after copying from an examples, hence the 'undefined'-s coming back and the sigbytes thingy falling over itself. So note to anyone else having this error - check your code carefully, for case and style before nagging the community with stupid questions!
I hope someone might learn from this.


How do I Collect User IDs + Retrieve Corresponding Tokens + Send a Push Notification Via Firebase Cloud Function (JS)

The Problem:
I have been unable to use Firebase (Google) Cloud Functions to collect and utilize device tokens for the cloud messaging feature.
I am a self-taught android-Java developer and have no JavaScript experience. Despite that, I believe I have code that should work and am not sure what the problem is. To my understanding, it could be one of three things:
Somehow my Firebase Realtime Database references are being called incorrectly and I am not retrieving data as expected.
I may need to use Promises to wait for all calls to be made before proceeding, however I don't really understand how I would incorporate that into the code I have.
I may be using multiple return statements incorrectly (which I am also fuzzy on).
My error message on the Firebase Realtime Database console is as follows:
#firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: Exception was thrown by user callback. Error: Registration token(s) provided to sendToDevice() must be a non-empty string or a non-empty array.
at FirebaseMessagingError.FirebaseError [as constructor] (/srv/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/utils/error.js:42:28)
at FirebaseMessagingError.PrefixedFirebaseError [as constructor] (/srv/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/utils/error.js:88:28)
at new FirebaseMessagingError (/srv/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/utils/error.js:254:16)
at Messaging.validateRegistrationTokensType (/srv/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/messaging/messaging.js:729:19)
at Messaging.sendToDevice (/srv/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/messaging/messaging.js:328:14)
at admin.database.ref.once.snapshot (/srv/index.js:84:12)
at onceCallback (/srv/node_modules/#firebase/database/dist/index.node.cjs.js:4933:51)
at /srv/node_modules/#firebase/database/dist/index.node.cjs.js:4549:22
at exceptionGuard (/srv/node_modules/#firebase/database/dist/index.node.cjs.js:698:9)
at EventList.raise (/srv/node_modules/#firebase/database/dist/index.node.cjs.js:9684:17)
The above indicates I am not retrieving data either at all or by the time the return is called. My JavaScript function code is:
'use strict';
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.pushNotification = functions.database.ref('/Chat Messages/{chatId}/{pushID}').onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
const valueObject = snapshot.after.val();
return admin.database().ref(`/Chat Basics/${valueObject.chatKey}/Chat Users`).once('value', statusSnapshot => {
var index = 0;
var totalkeys = statusSnapshot.numChildren();
var msgIDs = [];
if(index === totalkeys - 1){
const payload = {
notification : {
title: valueObject.userName,
body: valueObject.message,
sound: "default"
sendNotificationPayload(valueObject.uid, payload);
function sendNotificationPayload(uid, payload){
.ref(`/User Token Data/${uid}`)
.once('value', snapshot=> {
var tokens = [];
snapshot.forEach(item =>{
.sendToDevice(tokens, payload)
.then(res => {
return console.log('Notification sent')
.catch(err => {
return console.log('Error in sending notification = '+err)
This code is mostly inspired by what was said to be a working example here from another Stack Overflow question here. I have successfully tested sending a notification to a single device by manually copying a device token into my function, so the function does run to completion. My Java code seems to be irrelevant to the problem, so I have not added it (please ask in the comments if you would like it added for further context).
What I Have Tried:
I have tried implementing promises into my code, but I don't think I was doing it properly. My main reference for this was here. I have also looked at the documentation for literally everything related to this topic, however my knowledge of JS is not sufficient to really apply barebones examples to my code.
My Firebase Realtime Database Nodes:
#1: Loop through chat members to collect user IDs:
"Chat Basics" : {
"1607801501690_TQY41wIfArhHDxEisyupZxwyHya2" : {
"Chat Users" : {
"JXrclZuu1aOwEpCe6KW8vSDea9h2" : true,
"TQY41wIfArhHDxEisyupZxwyHya2" : true
#2: Collect user tokens from collected IDs (ignore that tokens are matching):
"User Token Data" : {
"JXrclZuu1aOwEpCe6KW8vSDea9h2" : "duDR3KH3i3I:APA91bH_LCeslZlqL8akYw-LrM9Dv__nx4nU1TquCS0j6bGF1tlIARcheREuNdX1FheC92eelatBC8LO4t6gt8liRdFHV-NDuNLa13oHYxKgl3JBPPlrMo5rB5XhH7viTo4vfYOMftRi",
"TQY41wIfArhHDxEisyupZxwyHya2" : "duDR3KH3i3I:APA91bH_LCeslZlqL8akYw-LrM9Dv__nx4nU1TquCS0j6bGF1tlIARcheREuNdX1FheC92eelatBC8LO4t6gt8liRdFHV-NDuNLa13oHYxKgl3JBPPlrMo5rB5XhH7viTo4vfYOMftRi"
Concrete examples would be much appreciated, especially since I am crunching right now. Thanks for your time and help!
After some more testing, it looks like the problem is definitely due to my lack of understanding of promises in two areas. Firstly, only one user is collected before the final return is called. Secondly, the final return is called before the 2nd forEach() loop can store snapshot data to an array.
For this code then, how may I modify (or rebuild) it so that it collects all keys before proceeding to retrieve token data from all keys - ultimately before returning the notification?
Just as with every question I post, I managed to figure out how to do it (tentatively) a few hours later. Below is a full example of how to send a notification to chat users based on a message sent (although it does not yet exclude the sender) to a given chat. The order of operations are as such:
User message is saved and triggers event. Relevant data the message contains are:
username, chat key, message
These are retrieved, with (username + message) as the (title + body) of the
notification respectively, and the chat key is used for user id reference.
Loop through chat user keys + collect.
Loop through array of chat user keys to collect array of device tokens.
Send notification when complete.
The code:
//Use firebase functions:log to see log
exports.pushNotification = functions.database.ref('/Chat Messages/{chatId}/{pushId}').onWrite((change, context) => {
const valueObject = change.after.val();
return admin.database().ref(`/Chat Basics/${valueObject.chatKey}/Chat Users`).once('value', statusSnapshot => {
var index = 0;
var totalkeys = statusSnapshot.numChildren();
var msgIDs = [];
if(index === totalkeys - 1){
const payload = {
notification : {
title: valueObject.userName,
body: valueObject.message,
sound: "default"
let promises = [];
var tokens = [];
for(let i=0; i < msgIDs.length; i++){
let userId = msgIDs[i];
let promise = admin.database().ref(`/User Token Data/${userId}`).once('value', snapshot=> {
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(tokens, payload);
return false;

Strophe.js on-message handler doesn't trigger

The Strophe onMessage handler that I added to the connection doesn't seem to trigger whenever a message gets send. I can't seem to find the problem. I can't find a lot of other info either and the info I do find seems to suggest my code is correct. I can send messages, so I know the connection works, but I cannot receive messages.
I create the connection like this, and then call the login function if a new connection is made:
XMPPChatConnection() {
if (this.#connection === undefined) {
this.#connection = new XMPPHelper.Strophe.Connection(
{protocol: "wss"}
return this.#connection;
The login function calls the chatListeners function which should setup all the listeners that are required when the user is logged in:
login() {
let jid = this.composeJabberIdentifier();
let token = this.getXMPPToken();
this.#connection.connect(jid, token, (status) => {
if (status === XMPPHelper.Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
The messageListener is an imported function and currently only contains a console log:
import messageListener from "../classes/listeners/xmpp/chat/messageListener";
chatListeners() {
this.XMPPChatConnection().addHandler(messageListener, null, 'message', 'chat');
export default function messageListener(message) {
What did I do wrong?
So I found the cause of my problems. I was using the Xabber client to send messages back, but it turned out Xabber sent the messages to the wrong resource.
On top of that I should have set my presence after login with a priority of >= 0.

How to sign a BlockCypher transaction using bitcoinjs

Im trying to sign a BlockCypher transaction on the bitcoin testnet using bitcoinjs as described here but I keep getting the error:
{"error": "Couldn't deserialize request: invalid character 'x' in literal true (expecting 'r')"}
I have searched around and can find no documentation on what the problem is. Below is the code im using to try and sign the transaction.
var bitcoin = require("bitcoinjs-lib");
var buffer = require('buffer');
var keys = new bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF('cMvPQZiG5mLARSjxbBwMxKwzhTHaxgpTsXB6ymx7SGAeYUqF8HAT', bitcoin.networks.testnet);
const publicKey = keys.publicKey;
var newtx = {
inputs: [{addresses: ['ms9ySK54aEC2ykDviet9jo4GZE6GxEZMzf']}],
outputs: [{addresses: ['msWccFYm5PPCn6TNPbNEnprA4hydPGadBN'], value: 1000}]
// calling the new endpoint, same as above
$.post('https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/test3/txs/new', JSON.stringify(newtx))
.then(function(tmptx) {
// signing each of the hex-encoded string required to finalize the transaction
tmptx.pubkeys = [];
tmptx.signatures = tmptx.tosign.map(function(tosign, n) {
return keys.sign(new buffer.Buffer(tosign, "hex")).toString("hex");
// sending back the transaction with all the signatures to broadcast
$.post('https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/test3/txs/send', tmptx).then(function(finaltx) {
}).catch(function (response) {
}).catch(function (response) {
It seems this line return keys.sign(new buffer.Buffer(tosign, "hex")).toString("hex"); is the problem but im not sure on what is wrong.
This question was discussed and answered here. This post and this one are to be looked into in particular.
As far as I understand, according to the issue respective one was opened at BlockCypher repo. Although its status is still opened till this date, current BlockCypher JS docs respective API description contains altered version of the line
return keys.sign(new buffer.Buffer(tosign, "hex")).toString("hex");
with toDER() conversion prior to toString(), consequently it looks like this now
return keys.sign(new buffer.Buffer(tosign, "hex")).toDER().toString("hex");

Understanding Error Propogation in Node

I'm using the Google Maps API with Node to get the formatted address of a particular location. The Maps API returns an empty array when no matching location can be found, so I'm trying to throw an error when the response array is empty using the following code:
function timeZoner(queryString) {
const mapsApiKey = 'API_KEY';
const googleMapsClient = require('#google/maps').createClient({
key: mapsApiKey
const VError = require('VError');
address: queryString
}, function(err, response) {
if (!err) {
returnedResults = response.json.results;
if (returnedResults.length < 1) {
console.log('no match found');
var err1 = new Error;
var err2 = new VError(err1, 'no matched location');
} else {
console.log('Maps API error');
timeZoner('this location name will not match');
Based on the example above, console will log 'no match found' as expected, but err1 is never set, or at least isn't triggering err2 and logging its message in the console as I think it should based on the VError docs. Can someone offer insight on why the error isn't getting triggered?
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around errors in Node as I'm relatively new to JS and I'm brand new to Node. I am aware of error-first callbacks and see that the fact that googleMapsClient.geocode might be the reason the error isn't triggering, but I thought VError was supposed to assist with this. I appreciate any help.

chrome.hid.send fails on second use

Something about my use of chrome.hid.send seems to be leaving the bus in a bad state. I consistently can NOT get my second usage of the API call to work. Sometimes, it will also fail on the first usage. WITH THE EXACT SAME CODE, I can come back and try a while later (maybe 10min) and the first send will work.
The device I'm working with does not return a response to all messages sent to it. The test message for example, is just a dummy message that is ignored by the device. I've tested this both on a mac and a PC. My call stack depth is 2 at this point in my application (literally first one is kicked off by a button click and then a setTimeout calls the same method 5s later).
I've testing sending buffers of length 64Bytes as well as 58Bytes. The properties from the HidDeviceInfo object read "maxInputReportSize":64,"maxOutputReportSize":64
Params on first usage:
Params on second usage:
I really can't identify how I'm using the API incorrectly. When messages do succeed, I can see them on the device side.
// Transmits the given data
// #param[in] outData, The data to send as an ArrayBuffer
// #param[in] onTxCompleted, The method called on completion of the outgoing transfer. The return
// code is passed as a string.
// #param[in] onRxCompleted, The method called on completion of the incoming transfer. The return
// code is passed as a string along with the response as an ArrayBuffer.
send: function(outData, onTxCompleted, onRxCompleted) {
if (-1 === connection_) {
console.log("Attempted to send data with no device connected.");
if (0 == outData.byteLength) {
console.log("Attempted to send nothing.");
if (COMMS.receiving) {
console.log("Waiting for a response to a previous message. Aborting.");
if (COMMS.transmitting) {
console.log("Waiting for a previous message to finish sending. Aborting.");
COMMS.transmitting = true;
var dummyUint8Array = new Uint8Array(outData);
chrome.hid.send(connection_, REPORT_ID, outData, function() {
COMMS.transmitting = false;
if (onTxCompleted) {
onTxCompleted(chrome.runtime.lastError ? chrome.runtime.lastError.message : '');
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.log('Error in COMMS.send: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
// Register a response handler if one is expected
if (onRxCompleted) {
COMMS.receiving = true;
chrome.hid.receive(connection_, function(reportId, inData) {
COMMS.receiving = false;
onRxCompleted(chrome.runtime.lastError ? chrome.runtime.lastError.message : '', inData);
// Example usage
var testMessage = new Uint8Array(58);
var testTransmission = function() {
message[0] = 123;
COMMS.send(message.buffer, null, null);
setTimeout(testTransmission, 5000);
The issue is that Windows requires buffers to be the full report size expected by the device. I have filed a bug against Chromium to track adding a workaround or at least a better error message to pinpoint the problem.
In general you can get more detailed error messages from the chrome.hid API by enabling verbose logging with the --enable-logging --v=1 command line options. Full documentation of Chrome logging is here.
