How to implement a count-down Timer on a Web Site [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to get an website element that is always changing, such as a countdown timer that resets when someone clicks on a button. Anyone know how I can implement a constantly changing element in my C# program?

You can implement periodic updates using client-site Javascript functions, either setInterval() or setTimeout(), with syntax like following:
// start digital clock
function StartTopClock() { _pID = window.setInterval('UpdateTopClock()', 100);}
which provides periodic updates every 100 ms.
Detailed description is available at:, working demo at:
Hope this will help. Best regards,


How can we mitigate shopping-cart checkout spamming? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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We have an e-commerce site that allows you to check out as a guest.
An individual has been using it to check if stolen credit card numbers function.
We plan to add invisible captcha, which helps for people using scripts/headless browsing/automation, but it doesn't stop someone from manually using it this way.
We could track a cookie that starts to prevent/timeout the user from checking out if there are enough recent requests, but that's easily workaround-able.
It seems like a situation where it can't be limited too much further because normal users need to be able to check out, but are there any other specific methods that would help?

Monitor webpage changes [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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Suppose there is a website on internet which shows Indian share market price. And price of share is changing every second.
This site provides no api support
How can i continuously track this price and update to user when price goes above a specified limit.
I am beginner please help me how to start and where to start
All the process should be on server not from my phone/pc
I am beginner please help me how to start.
Maybe you can setup a web scrapper that fetches the page on a periodical basis with the help of a background job, you may begin with PHP and Cron.

Real time website information/content updating [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Since a year and a half I am trying to figure out how some websites update their content in real time without AJAX method.
Please see this example website:
That website is changing many texts within content in different timing.
It means that when the server is updated with new values in the database then the website is listening to database changes and then reflecting/delivering inside content without ajax calls.
Can someone give an example how to achieve such functionality possibly using Javascript or PHP normal hand-code appreciated?
Thank you
You can see the process here:
More information here: Websockets

Auto update chat system [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to auto update my chat system whenever a user
Types a message but there are no good tutorials on YouTube i can update when a user starts typing but i want it to be live ive tried:
Infinite loops (page crashed) and
When a user Types update (i want it live)
And my page crashed.
I have access to jquery ajax and built in JavaScript ajax.
Thank you.
You can try to work with long polling or comet or web socket features for auto-updating your chat system, while you want to check the user, starts typing or no.

Using for loop in javascript for 50k time without hanging of browser [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have to run a loop for 50,000 times, but it is hanging browser. what could be the best way to do it.
sample :
for(var i=0;i<50000;i++)
// Here I am calculating 50 different values.
I can't use php because values are displayed directly in html page.
what I can do for it?
You could try a webworker. Here is a package that might simplify things for you.
