This is a followup on this question:
D3 Dynamic hierarchical edge bundling - 2 way import
The original problem was resolved and is shown in
i.e there is an orange link in case node 1 and node 2 both import each other. But there seems to be an issue with this resolution, which becomes apparent in this new data set shown in
When node 1 and node 2 both import each other, and when node 1 is highlighted, node 2 is in orange, which is how it needs to be, but the link is not.
I guess the code is not taking into account the complex data set. In this complex data set, node 1 imports node 2, node 2 imports node 1 and node 3, node 3 imports node 2.
I can figure out that construction of unique links array in this code block needs change
var unique_links = links.reduce(function(p,c) {
var,i) { if( && return i;}).shift();
if(!isNaN(index)) p[index].both=true; else p.push(c);
return p;
Though i am struggling to see what change. I am still learning d3.js and my primary purpose is application of this to process management
Any pointers would be helpful
The links were not properly marked as "both"-directional.
This code segment is incorrect:
d.both = unique_links.filter(function(v) { if (v.source===d.source && return v.both; }).shift();
It should look like this:
d.both = unique_links.filter(function (v) {
if (v.source === && === d.source){
return v.both = d.both = true;
This is jsfiddle. And demo screen animation:
I'm starting to work with Enterprise Architect and I need to make a script to export all use cases and notes, from a diagram to Excel.
However, the provided CSV export only works for packages, not for diagrams like this:
If I use the option "view as list", the diagram will show all use cases.
I need something like that, but with Notes, and exported to CSV/Excel.
The only thing you need to do is to relate the export script to the diagram in question. The easiest would be to access the diagram with
var dia = Repository.GetCurrentDiagram();
which returns the object for the currently open diagram.
The next is to scan the diagram objects and finding the use cases:
var dObjs = dia.DiagramObjects; // collection of diagram objects
for (var i = 0 ; i < dObjs.Count ; i++) {
var dObj = dObjs.GetAt(i); // current diagram object
var obj = Repository.GetElementByID (dObj).ElementID; // related element
if (obj.Type == "UseCase") { // only interested in UCs
// this is a UC to export; do the magic here
Please note that the above was just written out of my head and might have syntax errors. But basically that's the way to go.
N.B.: The required csv export is easiest accomplished by using EAScriptLib's JScript-CSV.
I am trying to use this conversationThreading-js code to group emails into threads but documentation is scant and/or I am not able to understand it. Has anyone used this bit of code before or used the JWZ email conversation threading algorithm on which it is based?
This is where I am so far:
using Electron I load and parse a local mbox using node-mbox and node-mailparser
I build an array of javascript objects which have key value pairs of messageId, inReplyTo and references.
Using example code from the test file for this lib I try to build the threads but apparently I am not doing it right. I get no errors but I also get no threads (and my test mbox does contain threaded conversations).
Maybe I am misunderstanding what the result should be? Or I am just "doing it wrong"? My end goal here is to be able to display the resulting threads in some sort of directed graph using D3 – but that is not going to happen if I can't get the data set up correctly.
function makeThread(emails) {
var thread = jwz.messageThread().thread(
function (message) {
return jwz.message(message.subject, message.messageId, message.references);
It's pretty unclear how it works, but I managed to write some code that prints the "thread tree":
function recurse(node, level) {
level = level || 0;
let prefix = '\t'.repeat(level);
(node.children || []).forEach(function(child) {
child.children = child.children || [];
console.log(prefix, level ? '' : '-', child.message ? child.message.subject : '??', `[${ child.children.length }]`);
return recurse(child, level + 1);
(messages is an array of jwz.message() objects, similar to how you're creating it)
I have created a tree control using kendo has more than 10,000 nodes and i have used loadOnDemand false when creating Tree.
I am providing a feature to expand the tree by its level, for this i have created a method which takes the parameter "level" as number and expand it accordingly and user can enter 15 (max level) into the method, it works fine with 500 to 600 nodes for all the levels but when tree has more than 5000 nodes than if user is trying to expand above the 2nd level nodes then browser hangs and shows not responding error.
Method which i have created to expand the tree is :-
function ExapandByLevel(level, currentLevel) {
if (!currentLevel) {
currentLevel = 0;
if (level != currentLevel) {
var collapsedItems = $("#treeView").find(".k-plus:visible");
if (collapsedItems.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
var $tree = $("#treeView");
var treeView = $"kendoTreeView");
var collapsedItemsLength = collapsedItems.length;
for (var i = 0; i < collapsedItemsLength; i++) {
ExapandByLevel(level, currentLevel);
}, 100);
else {
if (level == currentLevel) {
call above given method like this:-
here 15 is level to expand in tree.
when tree has more than 5000 nodes than if user is trying to expand above the 2nd level nodes then browser hangs and shows not responding error.
please suggest any way to do this,what i want is expand the tree which can contains more than 5000 nodes.
I had a similar problem with kendo TreeView, when I wanted to load a tree with 30,000 nodes. The browser would freeze for a long time to load this number of nodes even when loadOnDemand was set to true.
So we decided to implement the server-side functionality for expanding nodes, and that's what you should do. You need to have 2 changes in your existing code.
Change your tree use server side Expand method.
When you call expand, you should make sure the node is expanded.
These two steps will be explained below. The thing you should know is, this way your browser doesn't hang at all, but it may take some time to complete the operation, because there will be so many webservice calls to the server.
Change your tree to use server side Expand method:
Please see Kendo UI's demos for Binding to Remote Data in this
link. Note that loadOnDemand should be set to true. In addition the server side Expand web service should be implemented too.
When you call expand, you should make sure the node is expanded:
In order to do this, there should be an event like Expanded defined in Kendo UI TreeView, but unfortunately there is none, except Expanding event. Using setTimeout in this case is not reliable, because the network is not reliable. So we ended up using a while statement to check that the node's children are created or not. There might be a better solution for this, however this satisfies our current requirement. Here's the change you should make when expanding nodes:
if (collapsedItems.length > 0) {
var $tree = $("#treeView");
var treeView = $"kendoTreeView");
var collapsedItemsLength = collapsedItems.length;
for (var i = 0; i < collapsedItemsLength; i++) {
var node = $(collapsedItems[i]).closest(".k-item")
if (!node.hasChildren)
continue; // do not expand if the node does not have children
// wait until the node is expanded
while (!node.Children || node.Children.length == 0);
ExapandByLevel(level, currentLevel);
You can also do the expand calls in a parallel way in order to decrease the loading time, but then you should change the way you check if all the nodes are expanded or not. I just wrote a sample code here that should work fine.
Hope this helps.
The solution to your problem is pretty simple: Update the version of Kendo UI that you are using since they have optimized (a loooooooooot) the code for HierarchicalDataSource and for TreeView.
Check this:
This is your code where I've change the version of kendoui.all.min.js to v2014.1.318. I didn't even changed the CSS (despite you should). You will see that opening those 5000 nodes is pretty fast.
Nevertheless, if you go to 10000 elements you will very likely consider it slow but sorry for challenging you: do you really think that 10000 nodes tree is User Friendly? Is a Tree the correct way of presenting such a huge amount of data?
I recently installed Tridion 2011 SP1 with SDL module Translation Manager enabled.
Everything was working fine. Then I installed the Tridion 2011 Powertools, following the installation procedure.
When trying to reload the GUI (browser cache emptied and modification parameter instanciated for server element in WebRoot\Configuration\System.Config) I'm getting the following Javascript error :
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'getItemType': object is null or undefined
Dashboard_v6.1.0.55920.18_.aspx?mode=js, line 528 character 851
And here is the concerned JS line:
e=c.getItem(0),f=$models.getItem(e),b=f.getItemType(),d=$models.getItem(this.getTmUri ())
The preceding Javascript lines are dealing with other TranslationManager commands, so I suppose it is a kind of TranslationManager commands registration or somehting.
Trying to browse my Tridion publications by selecting any folder/strucutreGroup will also give the same error and the right frame (content frame) will not display any Tridion items but simply display:
Loading ...
Has anyone already experienced similar issue ?
For now I have no other choice than commenting out the Powertools sections file
Thank you,
Strange thing here is that it refers to Save command which is not intended to be called or used from Dashboard.
I`d suggest to disable JS minification (JScriptMinifier filter in System.config), as it will probably show more correct details.
Another useful thing would be this error call stack.
I was not able to reproduce an issue from initial question, but had following error when I installed PT:
PowerTools is not defined
which appears in
*\PowerTools\Editor\PowerTools\Client\Shared\Scripts\ProgressDialog\ProgressDialog.js where it tries to register PowerToolsBase namespace, instead of PowerTools.
I`ll be surprised if adding
at the top of the file will fix a problem, as in my case it was breaking entire GUI no matter if TM included or no.
I did check *\PowerTools\Editor\PowerTools\Client\Shared\Scripts\ProgressDialog\ProgressDialog.js, but the line
was already there, so not the problem here.
Also, I disabled the JS minification. Here are the main methods the UI is loading before getting the error:
PowerTools.Commands.ItemCommenting.prototype.isValidSelection = function (selection) {
//Use the existing Save command from the CME
return $cme.getCommand("Save")._isEnabled(selection);
* Executes this command on the selection.
* Override this method to implement the actual functionality.
* #param {Tridion.Core.Selection} selection The current selection.
Tridion.TranslationManager.Commands.SendForTranslation.prototype._execute = function SendForTranslation$_execute(selection)
var selectedItems = selection.getItems();
if (selectedItems.length == 1)
var job = $models.getItem(selectedItems[0]);
if (job)
if (job.isLoaded())
$log.warn("Unable to send an unloaded job?! {0}".format(job.getId()));
$log.warn("Unable to execute save-and-send-for-translation for this selection: {0}".format(selectedItems));
$log.warn("Unable to save-and-send-for-translation multiple items at a time.");
Tridion.TranslationManager.Commands.Save.prototype._isAvailable = function Save$_isAvailable(selection, pipeline)
var itemUri = selection.getItem(0);
var item = $models.getItem(itemUri);
var itemType = item.getItemType(); !!!!!!!!! fails on this line !!!!!! item is null or not an object
var config = $models.getItem(this.getTmUri());
if (pipeline)
pipeline.stop = false;
if (config && config.hasChanged() && (itemType == $const.ItemType.CATEGORY || itemType == $const.ItemType.FOLDER || itemType == $const.ItemType.STRUCTURE_GROUP || itemType == $const.ItemType.PUBLICATION))
if (pipeline)
pipeline.stop = true;
return true;
return this.callBase("Tridion.Cme.Command", "_isAvailable", [selection, pipeline]);
Ok. It`s clear now.
PowerTools.Commands.ItemCommenting is used in Dashboard Toolbar.
This command uses Save to check its availability.
In the same time TM thinks that "Save" will only be used on an ItemToolbar.
The difference between this toolbars which cause an issue is that Dashboard view could have any-length selection, when Item view will always have selection having one item (currently opened).
Opening empty dashboard selection is not yet made, ItemCommenting tries to check its availability, by calling Save, which calls all its extensions. And so far as selection is empty
var itemUri = selection.getItem(0);
will return null, as well as
What you can do, is to remove ItemCommenting extension command as it is done in tridion powertool trunk editor.config. [592]
I'm using the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit and in particular the SpaceTree visualisation.
I need to expand all of the tree and then show a path from a particular leaf node back to the root.
I've got the tree to expand just fine but it's the selection of a leaf node and highlighting the path back to the root that's causing me some problems.
I'm using the, onComplete) function to select the leaf node I'm interested in and indeed the path back to the root (lines and nodes) are highlighted.
To do this I implemented the onBeforePlotNode and onBeforePlotLine ST.Controller methods to allow me to highlight the nodes back to the root and their plotlines:
onBeforePlotNode: function(node){
//add some color to the nodes in the path between the
//root node and the selected node.
if (node.selected) {$color = "#dddddd";
} else {
onBeforePlotLine: function(adj){
if (adj.nodeFrom.selected && adj.nodeTo.selected) {$color = "#33CC33";$lineWidth = 5;
} else {
The problem is that when I call to highlight the leaf node all child nodes beneath this level are collapsed/hidden.
To see this in action I've uploaded a couple of examples:
Full tree expansion - leaf not selected
Leaf selected - path shown, but all children below node N2 missing
You may need to scroll down if your browser window is a bit small.
So my question is, how do I show nodes from a leaf node back to the root node in JavaScript InfoVis without collapsing level 3's children (level 1 being the root)?
If there was a way to find my leafe node and walk the tree back to the root (setting styles on the way) then I'd be happing doing that
OK after digging through all that code, cluttering it with console.log() calls and breakpoints, I found it.
It has to do with the inital onClick call, the fact that the graph as an update loop that's running in the background and the fact that everything besides onClick seems to ignore the busy state of the graph.
What happens
onClick gets called and triggers a chain of events, part of them is asynchronous
select is being called which is more or less synchronous and does its work
onClick finally gets done and one of it's side effects is that it re-expands the graph
select has set clickedNode and now onClick uses the newly set value of it and screws up
We need to redesign select so it respects the busy state of the graph:
select: function(id, onComplete) {
var that = this;
if (this.busy) {
window.setTimeout(function() {, onComplete);
}, 1);
// original select code follows here (remove the old var that = this; assignment)
That's all, we simply check for the busy state and delay select until it's false.
This should also be applied to all other function besides onClick that are called from the outside, the library designer here did a bad job of indicating what has side effects and what has not though.
Did you try setting "constrained: false" in ST's properties? That solved it for me.