Display dynamic values in javascript alertbox - javascript

Display dynamic value in confirm box. This is how i wanted it to work but it didnt. Can anyone tell me how it is done properly.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var url = document.URL;
var r = confirm("Your session is about to be timedout in " + for (var i = 10; i > 0; i--){ i } + " seconds! Would you like to logged in?");
if (r == true) {
location = url;
} else {
location = '../logoff.php'
}, 10000)

Aside from the flawed string concatenation logic, you cannot achieve this in a standard confirm box. The value is set when the box is instantiated and cannot be changed.
To do what you need you would need to use a modal plugin of some description which you have HTML/JS control over.

This is a work around example:
$(function() {
var out = $('#out'),
(function() {
var th = setInterval(function() {
sec = parseInt(out.text()) || 0;
if (!sec) {
} else {
}, 1000);
var timeout = function() {
if ($('#in').prop('checked')) {
alert('login ...');
} else {
alert('don\'t login ...');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h2>Your session is about to be timedout in <span id="out">10</span> seconds! Would you like to logged in?
<input type='checkbox' id='in'/>Yes


Set a 10-second timer for each subject input

I've been making a typing game at school. The time setting does not work.
A time limit of 10 seconds is attached to each subject. When one subject is finished, the time will be reset to 10 seconds again.Please give me some advice.
1,The user sees the subject text, types the same value into the text box, and presses the OK button.
2,When the OK button is pressed, clear the text box and display the next subject.
3,Repeat steps 1 and 2 5 times.
4,When the ok button is pressed the 5th time, the total number of characters from the 1st to the 5th times, in which the subject and the value entered by the user are incorrect, is displayed on the screen.
⚠️If the OK button is not pressed within 10 seconds, it is an error for the number of characters in the subject.
I left some clarifications as code comments
const subject = document.getElementById("subject");
const timer = document.getElementById("timer");
const input = document.getElementById("text");
const questionList = [
{ text: "Hello", pronunciation: "Hello" },
{ text: "World", pronunciation: "World" },
{ text: "HTML", pronunciation: "HTML" },
{ text: "CSS", pronunciation: "CSS" },
{ text: "PHP", pronunciation: "PHP" },
var question =
questionList[Math.floor(Math.random() * questionList.length)];
subject.textContent = question["text"];
var TIME = 10;
var index = 0;
var CorrectCount = 0;
var missTypeCount = 0;
var state;
const countdown = setInterval(function () {
if (TIME > 0) {
timer.textContent = "Time limit:" + --TIME;
if (TIME === 0) {
}, 1000);
document.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if (e.key === question["pronunciation"].charAt(index) ) {
if (index == question["pronunciation"].length ) {
// Here is where a full correct word was completely written.
// Normally here is where you want to increment CorrectCount++ and reset TIME = 10
// However this is redundant, because you are performing these actions on check()
// I would advice to either keep this conditional, or the check() function, not both
} else {
function check() {
if(input.value === subject.textContent ) {
if (CorrectCount >= 5 ) {
function init() {
question =
questionList[Math.floor(Math.random() * questionList.length)];
subject.textContent = question["text"];
index = 0;
input.value = '';
// You need to set/reset the time to 10 here
TIME = 10;
function finish() {
if (missTypeCount >= 0 ){
// these conditionals are not doing what you want them to do.
// I believe you mean missTypeCount >= 1 && missTypeCount <= 3
if (missTypeCount >= 1 || missTypeCount >= 3 ){
if (missTypeCount >= 4 || missTypeCount >= 8 ){
if (missTypeCount >= 9 ){
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/test.css">
<div class="subject"><h1 id="subject"></h1></div>
<form name="typing" onsubmit="return false;">
<div class="text">
<input id="text" type="text" autocomplete="off" >
<div class="btn">
<input type="submit" value="ok" onclick="check();" >
<div class="timer">
<p id="timer">Time limit :10</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/test.js"></script>
You need to reset the TIME in your init function:
function init() {
question =
questionList[Math.floor(Math.random() * questionList.length)];
subject.textContent = question["text"];
index = 0;
TIME = 10;
input.value = '';
Otherwise the time will just keep on running.
Here is a fiddle to try it out.
But you have several other issues: When you misspelled and try to correct yourself within the time, you can not do this. The input is blocked. And you should set the cursor inside of your input when you load the page, or only start the timer when somebody starts typing. otherwise it is really hard to do it in time.
Use the php function time() or try something like that
var myVar;
var timer = document.getElementById("userInput");
var countDownSeconds;
function startTime(){
myVar = setInterval(start, 1000);
document.getElementById("timerr").innerHTML = timer.value;
countDownSeconds = timer.value;
function start(){
document.getElementById("timerr").innerHTML = countDownSeconds;
if (countDownSeconds == -1){
document.getElementById("timerr").innerHTML = "0";
function stop(){

Why wont my text update? (HTML + JS)

I am trying to make text on my site update. The variable in JS does, but the text on screen doesn't. (Yes I know the code is sloppy, I get it to work and then go through and make it pretty.)
var moneyTotal = 370; //Variable for money, filled with starter money
var moneyText = String(moneyTotal); //Variable for text
var OD2Clicked = 0;
<script>document.write("<h1 class='money'>Total: $"+ moneyText + "</h1>"); //Line for updating site </script>
function Check(){ //Function that checks for radio button change
if (document.getElementById('OD2').checked & OD2Clicked==0) {
OD2Clicked = 1;
}else if(document.getElementById('OD').checked & OD2Clicked>0){
OD2Clicked = 0;
setTimeout(function() {Check()}, 5000);
function Adding(m1){ //Function for adding
moneyTotal += m1;
moneyText = String(moneyTotal);
console.log(moneyText+" Text");
Just like I mentioned above in the comment:
Your screen write happens only once when Browser will parse all tags. You need to update your text on the screen every time you modify the value.
Would this work for you?
var moneyTotal = 370; //Variable for money, filled with starter money
var OD2Clicked = false;
var timeoutPeriod = 5000;
<script>document.write("<h1 class='money'>Total: $0</h1>"); //Line for updating site </script>
function Check(){ //Function that checks for radio button change
if (document.getElementById('OD2').checked) {
if (!OD2Clicked) {
OD2Clicked = true;
moneyTotal += 20;
} else if (OD2Clicked) {
OD2Clicked = false;
moneyTotal -= 20;
// Find DOM element we need to update
.textContent = 'Total: $' + moneyTotal;
setTimeout(Check, timeoutPeriod);

Animate array from user input like typewriter (javascript)

I suppose my question is a bit similar to this one, but I can't really work out how to do my specific need from it. I'm building a very basic text adventure, and I'd like the returned text - after the user has entered a command - to be returned in a typewriter style. Here's a snippet of my commands so far (there'll be a lot more, I don't mind that this will be built in a bit of a tedious way)
textIn = document.getElementById("input-textbox");
textOut = document.getElementById("output-textbox");
function process(input) {
if (input == "hi") { textOut.innerHTML += "Hello to you too!<br><br>"; }
else if (input == "exit") { textOut.innerHTML += "No."; }
function go() {
var input = textIn.value;
textIn.value = "";
var output = process(input);
textOut.value += output + "\n";
and the HTML
<div id="output-textbox">
Returned text goes here.
<form onSubmit="go();return false;">
<input id="input-textbox" name="command" value="" autofocus="autofocus"/>
Thank you so much for your help in advance! This solution doesn't need to be beautiful, code wise, nor very nifty. It just has to work, I have no standards at all with this!
Based on William B's answer, here is a more condensed version:
<div id="output-typewriter"></div>
function typewriterText(text) {
var outEl = document.querySelector('#output-typewriter');
var interval = 50; // ms between characters appearing
outEl.innerHTML = '';
text.split('').forEach(function(char, i){
setTimeout(function () {
outEl.innerHTML += char;
}, i * interval);
typewriterText('this is an example');
Create a timeout for each character inside a loop, with each timeout being a bit later than the last. See: https://jsfiddle.net/fswam77j/1/
var outputEl = document.querySelector('#output-textbox');
var charInterval = 50; // ms between characters appearing
function showOutput(text) {
outputEl.innerHTML = '';
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
showChar(text, i);
function showChar(text, i) {
setTimeout(function () {
outputEl.innerHTML += text[i];
}, i * charInterval);
showOutput('this is an example');
process the input:
function process(input) {
if (input == "hi") {
showOutput("Hello to you too!");
else if (input == "exit") {

Javascript show variable every 50 ms

I want to make a little 'loading...' widget for my website, using javascript.
var percent=0;
var message="Loading... "
var per="%"
function count(){
alert("Loading end.")
But it isn't running. I think I've got some mistake (or maybe totally wrong). How can I do this? I want to update the shown message every 50ms.
try with interval and clear it when progress is finished:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<div id="progress">MSG</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var percent = 0;
var message = "Loading... ";
var per = "%";
var dom = document.getElementById('progress');
var iv = setInterval(function(){
dom.innerHTML = ((percent++) + per +' '+ message);
if(percent === 100){
console.log("Loading end.");
return false;
}, 50);
instead of setTimeOut("count",50)
You want to set an interval which runs every x milliseconds, passing in an anonymous function to call the function to call
var percent=0;
var message="Loading... "
var per="%"
function count(){
alert("Loading end.")
setInterval(function() { count() },50)
} <--- you were also missing this ending brace
var percent = 0;
var message = "Loading... ";
var per = "%";
$(document).ready(function () {
function count() {
percent = percent + 1;
if (percent == 100) {
alert("Loading end.");
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
see this fiddle for more http://jsfiddle.net/8nhmU/19/
See this jsfiddle
<span id="loading"></span>
var percent = 0;
var message = "Loading...";
var per = "%";
var element = document.getElementById('loading');
var interval = setInterval(function() {
element.innerHTML = message + percent + per;
percent += 1;
if(percent > 100) {
}, 50)
The code in your example is missing a great deal of semi-colons and the ending curly-bracket, but that's not the end-issue.
The "problem" with your call to setTimeout is that the first argument must be an actual function, not a string. If you remove the quotes around the call, it will work.
Here is a copy of your code, re-formatted:
var percent=0;
var message="Loading... ";
var per="%";
function count() {
if (percent == 100) {
alert("Loading end.");
} else {
setTimeout(count, 50);
You are doing it wrong way. You should call the setInterval method when window loads. And when loading is completed, you should stop interval by clearing it using its ID.
var countId;
window.onload = function(){
function count(){
//show your message

Timer based redirect problem using window.location

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var theBar = createProgressBar(document.getElementById('progress-bar'));
var value;
function resetValue() {
value = 0;
function showProgress() {
value += 1;
if (value < 100) {
window.setTimeout(showProgress, 100);
if (value = 100) {
window.location = 'http://google.com';
I'm trying to redirect after the timer reaches 10 sec, but what I tried doesn`t seem to work (redirects instantly).
not familiar with JS one bit, tried my best to mimick
= means assignment
if (value == 100) { ...
