Boolean logic misunderstanding - javascript

I'm having a problem here. In the beginning of my game it asks "Ready" and if you click it, it will reset everything just in case the game glitched out and it would play the appropriate level that the user selected in the beginning of the game (main menu). I tried to make booleans for each level so I could tell what level he or she is playing this is what I tried and received no luck.
var playingLevel1 = false;
var playingLevel2 = false;
$('#level1Button').click(function() {
playingLevel1 = true;
$('#level2Button').click(function() {
playingLevel2 = true;
$('#ready').click(function() {
if(playingLvl2) {
startLvl1(); //and that would reset and start the level one
if(playingLvl2) {
startLvl2(); //and that would reset and start the level two
You would think that would work? But it doesn't. I don't think I'm using booleans right maybe?
I just typed up that sample code but it's pretty identical to what my original code is like.
Ok so I decided to use an integer but that still wont work here is what i got
var currentLevel = 0;
$('#level1').click(function () {
currentLevel = 1;
$('#level2').click(function () {
currentLevel = 2;
function startLvl1() {
$("#levelOne").css('margin-top', '-1520px');
$("#player").css('border', 'solid 1px green');
$("#player").css('margin-left', '223px');
'margin-top': '+=1520px'
}, speed);
function startLvl2() {
$("#levelOne").css('margin-top', '-4560px');
$("#player").css('border', 'solid 1px green');
$("#player").css('margin-left', '223px');
'margin-top': '+=4560px'
}, speed);
$('#yes').click(function () {
if (currentLevel == 1) {
}else if (currentLevel == 2) {

Instead of using Boolean, consider storing integer of the level number.
var currentLevel = 0;
$('#level1Button').click(function() {
currentLevel = 1;
$('#level2Button').click(function() {
currentLevel = 2;
$('#ready').click(function() {
if (currentLevel == 1)
else if (currentLevel == 2)
This should be the right way! :)

The boolean variables are misspelled? I.e., 'playingLevel1' is the variable defined, but your if statement has 'playingLvl1'. So, since that variable is not defined, it is always false. Same goes for 'playingLevel2'.


Casino Roulette Game not working
supposed to click on the spin button and it should start the wheel spinning as well as changed the text on the screen in my displayArea, though when i click spin nothing happens,
getting undefined type error on the following code and not sure as to why
angle: 0,
animateTo: 2520,
duration: 4000
it says it isn't a function... :S
if( == 0 && cellText == 0)
currentGame.setBet(betAmount * 40);
function rouletteGame(num, even, col)
{ = num;
this.isEven = even;
this.colour = col; = 0;
this.hasBet = false;
this.setBet = function(bet)
{ += bet;
this.hasBet = true;
says is undefined
but im initializing it in a for loop and its calling my above function...
for (var i = 1; i < rouletteWheel.length; ++i)
place = i;
if(i % 2 == 1)
isEven = false;
isEven = true;
if( i = red[count])
colour = "red";
colour = "black";
rouletteWheel[i] = new rouletteGame(place, isEven, colour);
}// for ()
.rotate() is not a built-in JQuery plugin. You will need to download or link the plugin in order for it to work. Add the following in your element of the HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
and see if that helps. with the first part of your problem.
As for the second part, I'm not sure if Javascript works this way too (I think it does), but you should create the new roulette game outside of the loop, and only change the values inside. Otherwise you are only creating a new roulette game for use within the scope of the for loop, not outside.
May want to check the documentation for this, as I'm not 100% positive about it. I just know it's how most other languages work.

Autostart jQuery slider

I'm using a script that animates on click left or right to the next div. It currently works fine but I'm looking to add two features to it. I need it to repeat back to the first slide if it is clicked passed the last slide and go to the last slide if click back from the first slide. Also, I'm interested in getting this to autostart on page load.
I've tried wrapping the clicks in a function and setting a setTimeout but it didn't seem to work. The animation is currently using CSS.
Here's the current JS:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var boxes = jQuery(".box").get(),
current = 0;
jQuery('.right').click(function () {
if (current == (-boxes.length + 1)){
} else {
console.log(-boxes.length + 1);
jQuery('.left').click(function () {
if (current === 0){
} else{
function updateBoxes() {
for (var i = current; i < (boxes.length + current); i++) {
boxes[i - current].style.left = (i * 100 + 50) + "%";
Let me know if I need a jsfiddle for a better representation. So far, I think the code is pretty straightforward to animate on click.
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var boxes = jQuery(".box").get(),
current = 0,
jQuery('.right').click(function () {
if (current == (-boxes.length + 1)) {
current = 0;
} else {
}).click(); //initialize the view
jQuery('.left').click(function () {
if (current === 0) {
current = -boxes.length + 1;
} else {
function updateBoxes() {
//custom implementation for testing
console.log('show', current)
function autoPlay() {
//auto play
timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 2500)
Demo: Fiddle
Here's an example based on my comment (mostly pseudocode):
var boxes = $('.box'),
current = 0,
// Handler responsible for animation, either from clicking or Interval
function animation(direction){
if (direction === 1) {
// Set animation properties to animate forward
} else {
// Set animation properties to animate backwards
if (current === 0 || current === boxes.length) {
// Adjust for first/last
// Handle animation here
// Sets/Clears interval
// Useful if you want to reset the timer when a user clicks forward/back (or "pause")
function setAutoSlider(set, duration) {
var dur = duration || 2000;
if (set === 1) {
timer = setInterval(function(){
}, dur);
} else {
// Bind click events on arrows
// We use jQuery's event binding to pass the data 0 or 1 to our handler
$('.right').on('click', 1, function(e){animation(});
$('.left').on('click', 0, function(e){animation(});
// Kick off animated slider
setAutoSlider(1, 2000);
Have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Syntax or logical error in jquery/javascript

I have a variable number of promotional items (panels) that are in a sliding belt, that should be set to the width of a panel (300px) multiplied with the amount of panels.
It alerts the correct beltsize. With fixed numbers the slider works too. I suspect the error to be in the if/else if part. I am not even sure this is valid Javascript Syntax.
Any hint is appreciated.
var whichpanel = 1;
var panels = $(".panel").length;
var beltsize = panels*300;
$(window).ready(function promoslider(){
if (panels>whichpanel){
$('.belt').delay(7000).animate({'left':'-=300'}, 500);
whichpanel += 1;
else if (panels=whichpanel){
$('.belt').delay(7000).animate({'left':'0'}, 500);
whichpanel = 1;
setTimeout(promoslider, 0);
UPDATE! Here is the code that works for me now (
$(window).ready(function () {
var whichpanel = 1;
var panels = $(".panel").length;
var beltsize = panels * 300;
'width': beltsize
function movingdiv() {
if (panels > whichpanel) {
//alert('Panels:' + panels + '/whichpanel:' + whichpanel);
'margin-left': '-=300px'
}, 500);
whichpanel += 1;
} else if (panels == whichpanel) {
//alert('Panels:' + panels + '/whichpanel:' + whichpanel);
'margin-left': '0'
}, 500*panels);
whichpanel = 1;
} else {
setTimeout(movingdiv, 0);
setTimeout(movingdiv, 0);
You need to use the equality/identity operators (==/===) instead of the assignment operator = in your else if statement, e.g.
else if (panels == whichpanel){
$('.belt').delay(7000).animate({'left':'0'}, 500);
whichpanel = 1;
Also, I believe promoslider; is supposed to be promoslider();.
You should put the call of promoslider into $(window).ready as well, as the function does not yet exist otherwise. Plus you have to do the call this way promoslider(), promoslider alone will not result in a call.
And of course you have to use the equals-operator == instead of the assign-operator = in your if else-statement.
use panels === whichpanel instead of panels=whichpanel
variables whichpanel, panels have lost their scope in the if/else if part.

javascript break and continue the loop

How can I pause/break this loop when 'delay' and 'animation' inside it are running and continue it from the break place after 'animation' is done in order to prevent the 'i' variable from being overwritten?
Or maybe there are another ways to prevent the 'i' variable from overwriting during animation?
var now = inputs[i];
var top = inputs[i].attr('top');
else {
dialog.delay(300).animate({"top": top}, 500, function(){
I can't put adding Class before delay and animation as I need to add Class with delay and after animation is done.
by recalling same function till all element animation complete.
var i = 0;
function animate() {
if (inputs.length == i) {
var now = inputs[i];
var top = inputs[i].attr('top');
if (!now.val()) {
if (dialog.css('display') == 'none') {
dialog.css('top', top).fadeIn(200, function(){
animate(); // recall it after fadein
} else {
"top": top
}, 500, function () {
animate();// recall it after animate complete
} else {

Clear a non-global timeout launched in jQuery plug-in

I try to set a timeout on an element, fired with a jQuery plugin. This timeout is set again in the function depending on conditions. But, I want to clear this element's timeout before set another (if I relaunch the plug-in), or clear this manually.
<div id="aaa" style="top: 0; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: #ff0000;"></div>
Here's my code (now on
$(function() {
(function($) {
$.fn.myPlugin = function(loops) {
loops = loops === undefined ? 0 : loops;
this.each(function() {
var el = $(this),
loop = loops,
i = 0;
if (loops === false) {
var animate = function() {
var hPos = 0;
hPos = (i * 10) + 'px';
el.css('margin-top', hPos);
if (i < 25) {
} else {
if (loops === 0) {
i = 0;
} else {
if (loop === 0) {
} else {
i = 0;
el.timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000/25);
//$('<img/>').load(function() {
// there's more here but it's not very important
return this;
If I make $('#element').myPlugin();, it's launched. If I make it a second time, there's two timeout on it (see it by doing $('#aaa').myPlugin(0);
in console). And I want to be able to clear this with $('#element').myPlugin(false);.
What am I doing wrong?
SOLVED by setting two var to access this and $(this) here :
try saving the timeout handle as a property of the element. Or maintain a static lookup table that maps elements to their timeout handles.
Something like this:
el.timer = window.setTimeout(...);
I assume you need one timer per element. Not a single timer for all elements.
