cloud9 on ubuntu getting ace.js 404 error in chrome - javascript

I have installed cloud9 on an ocean digital server 10.04 I installed it using the latest version from git
git clone
and following the github install procedure:
The install went well and the server started successfully and runs in the browser:
~/cloud9/bin/ -l --username user --password pass -w ~/workspace/myproject/
When I open it in Chrome, workspace loads correctly, I can see my files, but when I try to edit a file the editor window does not open.
Checking the network tab in Chrome developer tools I can see ace.js has a 404 error
Request URL:
I then tried running it in Firefox and I can open and edit files without problems.
Can anyone suggest what the problem might be in Chrome?

Fixed for me by following the instructions at


Vue app compiles successfully but does not load in browser

I have a Vue app that outputs the following in the console after npm run serve.
DONE Compiled successfully in 17450ms 2:15:55 PM
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8080/
- Network:
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, run npm run build.
No issues found.
However, the app will not load on http://localhost:8080/ . The page displays the "This site cannot be reached.The connection was reset." message.
Other pages load fine, including the Node server I am using for the backend, running on localhost:3002.
I have tried removing the node_modules and running npm install again, but that hasn't fixed it. With the app compiling ok there is little help troubleshoot. There are also no errors in the browser dev tools console.
Does anyone know what might be going wrong or how to debug this?
change your port with npm run serve --hostname --port 4000 and then run again.

No browser option displayed to select in Cypress tool dropdown even if the browsers are installed in local machine

I have installed Cypress version: 9.1.0, and I see only ELectron Browser as the default browser in the tool.
I have Google Chrome version 96.0 and Firefox installed in my local system but Cypress is unable to detect it. As I need to run the test on cross-browser only the Electron browser is displayed.
I tried to solve this issue as suggested in: Cypress 5.0 - Unable to find installed browsers
But still unable to resolve the issue and only Electron browser is shown in the tool as shown below:
when I tried to run the command npx cypress run --browser chrome it shows below error
I also tried running the command npx cypress open --browser "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
but got the below error:

Error Running Meteor: /mt-os.osx.x86_64/dev_bundle/bin/node: cannot execute: No such file or directory

When starting the Meteor project (initially created on a Windows 10 system) on Mac OS X using
the following error appears
line 135: exec: /Users/test/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.4.1_2.fpzmec++os.osx.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/mt-os.osx.x86_64/dev_bundle/bin/node:
cannot execute: No such file or directory
Is this error happening because it was originally created in Windows?
If so, how can a OSX system work on the project without causing any problems when the Windows 10 system needs to run the updated code?
It shouldn't matter where the project was created, because everything under
Is built dynamically. This directory should be in your .meteor/.gitignore file to prevent it going into your git repo.
If .meteor/local was copied from the Windows machine, do a
rm -rf .meteor/local
And try again.
You also need to check that you have all the pre-requisites installed on your Mac, ie XCode, Java, Android Studio, and a valid AVD for your target platform

Server-side debugging for Meteor App on

I've got a simple Meteor app running on a Nitrous box. I'd like to be able to use node-inspector for server-side debugging (as described here), but I'm unable to get to the console.
My Meteor app is running locally on the box at, and I can view it in Chrome by following the guide here. When I then run node-inspector, I get this message:
Node Inspector v0.8.3
Visit to start debugging.
How can I get to this address? I've tried:
Navigating to
Running: node-inspector --web-host
Running: node-inspector --web-host
Thoughts? Is there a way I can get to this console?
You should change the url on the box,
usually you just run the box running the meteor command
cd workspace
cd myAPP
and it works, but now you should run this commands.
cd workspace
cd myApp
ROOT_URL= meteor
Now run again node-inspector
you should get something like
Visit to start debugging.

'Failed to get tabs for debugging' when trying to debug NodeJs with chrome debugger for Eclipse

I have struggled this for couple of days without any success, please help me out.
What I am seeking is to find a better IDE for editing and debugging Node.js based JavaScript server code. I have successfully installed Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and followed link installed Chrome debugger for Eclipse.However, when I tried to debug I encountered an error saying 'Failed to get tabs for debugging'
Here are the steps what I did:
Installed Node.js v0.10.0
Installed Eclipse IDE for JavaScript
Installed Chrome debugger for Eclipse by following
Create a debug configuration under WebKit Protocol (refer to bottom picture)
Create a JavaScript project in Eclipse
Create a JavaScript source file in the project
Open a Ubuntu terminal and run the JavaScript source file: node debug test1.js
In Eclipse try debug with the custom debug configuration and the error happens.
PS: my Ubuntu is 12.04 64bit; NodeJs remote debug port is default 5858
Please help me on this, what did I missing from the steps?
Step #4 is incorrect. Should be "Standalone V8 VM".
