I found this example from Ryan Niemeyer and started to manipulate it into the way I write my own code, but then it stopped working. Can anybody tell me why?
Alternative 1 is my variant
Alternative 2 is based upon Ryans solution and does work (just comment/uncomment the Applybindings).
Why doesn´t Alternative 1 work?
My issue is with the filteredRows:
self.filteredRows = ko.dependentObservable(function() {
//build a quick index from the flags array to avoid looping for each item
var statusIndex = {};
ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.flags(), function(flag) {
statusIndex[flag] = true;
//return a filtered list
var result = ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.Textbatches(), function(text) {
//check for a matching genré
return ko.utils.arrayFirst(text.genre(), function(genre) {
return statusIndex[genre];
return false;
console.log("result", result);
return result;
I want to filter my Textbatches on the genre-attribute (string in db and the data collected from the db is a string and not an array/object)
Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/gsey786h/6/
You have various problems, most of them can be simply fixed with checking your browser's JavaScript console and reading the exceptions...
So here is the list what you need to fix:
You have miss-typed Textbatches in the declaration so the correct is self.Textbatches = ko.observableArray();
You have scoping problem in filteredRows with the this. So if you are using self you should stick to it and use that:
this.flags() should be self.flags()
this.Textbatches() should be self.Textbatches()
Your genre property has to be an array if you want to use it in ko.utils.arrayFirst
Finally your Textbatch takes individual parameters but you are calling it with an object, so you need to change it to look like:
Textbatch = function(data) {
var self = this;
self.id = ko.observable(data.id);
self.name = ko.observable(data.name);
self.statuses = ko.observableArray(data.status);
self.genre = ko.observableArray(data.genre);
self.createdBy = ko.observable(data.createdBy);
or you can of course change the calling places to use individual arguments instead of an object.
Here is a working JSFiddle containing all the above mentioned fixes.
I'm creating a custom combobox which uses jQuery validator.
At first they all are gray except the first (it means Country). When I choose 'Slovenská republika' the second combobox is enabled.
They all are instances of a a custom autocomplete combobox widget.
To enable the validation I use this code (which is called within _create: function(){..})
There you can find $.validator.addClassRules(); and $.validator.addMethod(). I also added the appropriate class so it really does something.
_registerCustomValidator: function(){
var uniqueName = this._getUniqueInstanceNameFromThisID(this.id);
var that = this;
console.log(this.id);//this prints 5 unique ids when the page is being loaded
$.validator.addMethod(uniqueName, function(value,element){
return that.valid;
console.log(that.id);//this always prints the ID of the last combobox StreetName
return true;
}, "Error message.");
var o = JSON.parse('{"'+uniqueName+'":"true"}');
$.validator.addClassRules("select-validator", o);
//this.id is my own property that I set in _create
Problem: When I change the value of any instance of combobox, it always prints the ID of the last instance StreetName, but it should belong to the one that has been changed.
I thought it might be because of registering $.validator.addMethod("someName",handler) using such a fixed string, so now I pass a uniqueName, but the problem remains.
Therefore the validation of all instances is based on the property allowOtherValue of the last instance.
I don't understand why it behaves so. Does anyone see what might be the problem?
see my comments in the following code
_registerCustomValidator is a custom function within a widget factory.
//somewhere a global var
var InstanceRegistry = [undefined];
//inside a widget factory
_registerCustomValidator: function(){
var i=0;
while(InstanceRegistry[i] !== undefined) ++i;
InstanceRegistry[i] = this.id;
InstanceRegistry[i+1] = undefined;
var ID = i; //here ID,i,InstanceRegistry are correct
$.validator.addMethod(uniqueName, function(value,element){
//here InstanceRegistry contains different values at different positions, so its correct
console.log("ID=="+ID);//ID is always 5 like keeping only the last assiged value.
var that = InstanceRegistry[ID];
return that.valid;
return true;
}, "Error message");
var o = JSON.parse('{"'+uniqueName+'":"true"}');
$.validator.addClassRules("select-validator", o);
It looks like a sneaky combination of closure logic and reference logic. The callback in $.validator.addMethod is enclosing a reference to this which will equal the last value of this when $.validator.addMethod. (Or something like that?)
Glancing at your code, it's not clear to me what this is in this context. So I can't really offer a concrete solution. But one solution might be to create some kind of global registry for your thises. Then you could do something along the lines of:
_registerCustomValidator: function(){
var uniqueName = this._getUniqueInstanceNameFromThisID(this.id);
$.validator.addMethod(uniqueName, function(value,element) {
var instance = InstanceRegistry[uniqueName];
if(! instance.options.allowOtherValue){
return instance.valid;
return true;
}, "Error message.");
var o = JSON.parse('{"'+uniqueName+'":"true"}');
$.validator.addClassRules("select-validator", o);
The registry could be keyed to uniqueName or id, just so long as it is a value getting enclosed in your callback.
OK, following the suggestion from PW Kad I'm splitting this part of the question off from where it started on question ID 17973991.
I have a viewmodel that utilises a datacontext built around breeze and it fetches the data I want and populates observable arrays. I have a requirement to use data already retrieved by Breeze to populate another (observable) array to use in a treeview.
As the existing data does not have the correct fieldnames, I need to be able to create a new array with correct fieldnames that the dynatree/fancytree plugin can use.
My first attempt: (subsequently shown to not work so don't do this!)
So in my viewmodel I added the following at the top of the .js file:
var treeMaterials = ko.observableArray();
var treeMaterial = function (data) {
var self = this;
self.name = ko.observable(data.name);
self.id = ko.observable(data.id);
self.children = ko.observableArray();
$.each(data.children, function (index, item) {
self.children.push(new Person(item));
I then added an "asTreeMaterials" method to my module:
var asTreeMaterials = function (treeMatsObservable, matsObservable) {
treeMatsObservable([]); //clear out array as we're rebuilding it in here
var tmpArray = treeMatsObservable(); //create local temp array to avoid ko notifications on each push
$.each(matsObservable, function (index, mat) {
tmpArray.push(new treeMaterial({
id: mat.id,
name: mat.materialName,
children: []
(borrowing heavily from John Papa's coding there, thanks John!)
Note: there will be more code going into the "children" bit once I have the basics working
And finally changing the "activate" method to use the new method:
var activate = function () {
// go get local data, if we have it
return datacontext.getMaterialPartials(materials),
asTreeMaterials(treeMaterials, materials);
and then returning the new array from the module:
var vm = {
activate: activate,
materials: materials,
treeMaterials: treeMaterials,
title: 'My test app page 1',
refresh: refresh
means that I don't hit the server again for the treeview version of the data.
Edit 2.
Following the guidance from PW Kad on the other question (will be added to this question shortly) I have modified the "asTreeMaterials" method as follows:
var asTreeMaterials = function () {
treeMaterials([]); //clear out array as we're rebuilding it in here
var matArray = materials().slice();
var tmpArray = [];
$.each(matArray, function (index, mat) {
tmpArray.push(new treeMaterial({
id: mat.id,
name: mat.materialName,
children: []
The reason (I think) I have to create a separate new array is that the existing "materials" observable that I slice does not contain the correct properties. Dynatree/fancytree requires (among other things) an "ID" and a "name". I have the ID, but I have "materialName" in the materials observable hence the "$.each" on the array created by the slicing of the materials observable to push the "materialname" property into the "name" property in my new array (tmpArray). I'm new to all this, I may be miles off the mark here!
Do I actually need an observable array...? I don't think I do if I understand what observable arrays are for... my materials are pretty much set in stone and will change very, very rarely. I presume I can simply leave "treeMaterials" as a standard javascribt object array and return that in the viewmodel instead of making it an observableArray?
Either way, currently the values for materialname and ID are not passed into the relevant properties in the tmpArray I'm making. Instead I'm getting the functions from the materials observable so I think I need to approach this with an "unwrap" of some sort to get at the actual values?
You are not populating the treeMaterials because you don't have any data in materials when you are sending it to asTreeMaterials. I am making some assumptions here but basically it looks like this is what you are trying to do -
At the top of your view model, I assume you have two observableArrays
var treeMaterials = ko.observableArray();
var materials = ko.observableArray();
For your activate method, you need to go get some data, and then when your datacontext returns a promise, go make a tree out of it of some object type -
var activate = function () {
return datacontext.getMaterialPartials(materials).then(
You don't need to pass treeMaterials or materials because they are within the scope of the view model already, and you are just trying to make a tree of objects out of your materials.
var makeMyTree = function () {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(materials(), function (mat) {
treeMaterials.push(new treeMaterial(mat));
This is going to make an observableArray of objects with observable properties, meaning if you are passing them or trying to get their value you would need to use something like treeMaterials()[0].name().
In case your dynatree doesn't take observables, or isn't playing well with them
I am not sure how your dynatree or w/e works with observables, so here is a standard array of non-observable objects instead of an observable array -
var treeMaterials = [];
var makeMyTree = function () {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(materials(), function (mat) {
treeMaterials.push(new treeMaterial(mat));
var treeMaterial = function (data) {
var self = this;
self.name = data.name;
self.id = data.id;
self.children = [];
$.each(data.children, function (index, item) {
self.children.push(new Person(item));
I have run into some trouble with a piece of backbone code. The code below relates to a render function. I can retrieve all the models. My trouble arises when I try to use the "Collections.where" method at line marked number #1. As you can see, I have passed an object literal into the render function but for some reason I am unable to reference it within the customers.where method on line #1. When I give this method a literal number like 45 it works. Is there some way around this so I can pass the variable reference in?
Thanks alot
render: function(options) {
var that = this;
if (options.id) {
var customers = new Customers();
success: function (customers) {
/* #1 --> */ var musketeers = customers.where({musketeerId: options.id});
console.log(musketeers.length) //doesn't work as options.id is failing on last line
var template = _.template($('#customer-list-template').html(), {
customers: customers.models
} else {
var template = _.template($('#customer-list-template').html(), {});
Although it isn't explicitly documented, Collection#where uses strict equality (===) when searching. From the fine source code:
where: function(attrs, first) {
if (_.isEmpty(attrs)) return first ? void 0 : [];
return this[first ? 'find' : 'filter'](function(model) {
for (var key in attrs) {
if (attrs[key] !== model.get(key)) return false;
return true;
note the attrs[key] !== model.get(key) inside the callback function, that won't consider 10 (a probable id value) and '10' (a probable search value extracted from an <input>) to be a match. That means that:
customers.where({musketeerId: 10});
might find something whereas:
customers.where({musketeerId: '10'});
You can get around this sort of thing with parseInt:
// Way off where you extract values from the `<input>`...
options.id = parseInt($input.val(), 10);
This is my first SO post. I'm eternally grateful for the information this community has and shares. Thanks.
I'm coming from Flash and I'm not even sure what the right question to ask is. All I can do is lay out my code example and then explain what I am trying to do. I do not fully grasp the terms that I am trying to illustrate here so I feel it is best to omit them.
The code below is incomplete as it only includes the parts that I feel are relevant to my question. Please refer to the comments in my code to see my issue.
EDIT: Full source file here: [link removed] The console.log outputs the issue in question.
<script type="text/javascript">
var a_chests = [];
var chestID = 0;
//I'm creating a plugin to be able to make multiple instances
(function ($) {
$.fn.chestPlugin = function (option) {
//This function creates a master sprite object which many of my sprites will use
//I've simplified the features to get to the heart of my question
var DHTMLSprite = function (params) {
var ident = params.ident,
var that = {
getID: function(){
return ident;
return that;
//ChestSprite inherits DHTMLSprites properties and then adds a few of its own
var chestSprite = function(params) {
var ident = params.ident,
that = DHTMLSprite(params);
return that;
//Here I create multiple instances of the chests
var treasure = function ( $drawTarget,chests) {
for (i=0;i<chests;i++){
var cs = chestSprite({
ident: "chest"+chestID
//This logs "chest0", "chest1", "chest2" as the for loop executes
//This behavior is correct and/or expected!
//I add a reference to the new chestSprite for later
//increment the chestID;
//This always logs "chest2" (the last chest that is created), even though
//the logs in the for loop were correct. It seems it is referencing the
//DHTML object (since the DHTMLSprite function returns that;) and since
//there is no reference to which chest I need, it passes the last one.
//Is there any way I can pass a reference to DHTMLSprite in order to retain
//the reference to the three individual chests that are created?
//Is there another solution altogether? Thanks!!!
//The rest of the code.
return this.each(function () {
var $drawTarget = $(this);
You forgot to declare `that' as a local variable, so it's being overwritten on each iteration.
var chestSprite = function(params) {
var that;
var animInterval;
When you write:
You are assigning the cs object itself, not an instance of this object. If later you modify cs, this will also modify what you stored in the ob property.
I guess what you need is a closure:
for (i=0;i<chests;i++){
var cs = chestSprite({ident: "chest"+chestID});
This way, each loop creates a different cs object.
Sure this is a very easy question to answer but is there an easy way to determine if any property of a knockout view model has changed?
Use extenders:
ko.extenders.trackChange = function (target, track) {
if (track) {
target.isDirty = ko.observable(false);
target.originalValue = target();
target.setOriginalValue = function(startingValue) {
target.originalValue = startingValue;
target.subscribe(function (newValue) {
// use != not !== so numbers will equate naturally
target.isDirty(newValue != target.originalValue);
return target;
self.MyProperty= ko.observable("Property Value").extend({ trackChange: true });
Now you can inspect like this:
You can also write some generic viewModel traversing to see if anything's changed:
self.isDirty = ko.computed(function () {
for (key in self) {
if (self.hasOwnProperty(key) && ko.isObservable(self[key]) && typeof self[key].isDirty === 'function' && self[key].isDirty()) {
return true;
... and then just check at the viewModel level
You can subscribe to the properties that you want to monitor:
myViewModel.personName.subscribe(function(newValue) {
alert("The person's new name is " + newValue);
This will alert when personName changes.
Ok, so you want to know when anything changes in your model...
var viewModel = … // define your viewModel
var changeLog = new Array();
function catchChanges(property, value){
changeLog.push({property: property, value: value});
viewModel.isDirty = true;
function initialiseViewModel()
// loop through all the properties in the model
for (var property in viewModel) {
if (viewModel.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
// if they're observable
// subscribe to changes
viewModel[property].subscribe(function(value) {
catchChanges(property, value);
viewModel.isDirty = false;
function resetViewModel() {
changeLog = new Array();
viewModel.isDirty = false;
(haven't tested it - but you should get the idea)
Consider using Knockout-Validation plug-in
It implements the following:
yourProperty.isModified() - Checks if the user modified the value.
yourProperty.originalValue - So you can check if the value really changed.
Along with other validation stuff which comes in handy!
You might use the plugin below for this:
The code for example will allow you to keep track of all changes within any viewModel:
ko.watch(someViewModel, { depth: -1 }, function(parents, child) {
alert('New value is: ' + child());
PS: As of now this will not work with subscribables nested within an array but a new version that supports it is on the way.
Update: The sample code was upgraded to work with v1.2b which adds support for array items and subscribable-in-subscribable properties.
I had the same problem, i needed to observe any change on the viewModel, in order to send the data back to the server,
If anyone still intersted, i did some research and this is the best solution iv'e managed to assemble:
function GlobalObserver(viewModel, callback) {
var self = this;
viewModel.allChangesObserver = ko.computed(function() {
self.viewModelRaw = ko.mapping.toJS(viewModel);
viewModel.allChangesObserver.subscribe(function() {
self.dispose = function() {
if (viewModel.allChangesObserver)
delete viewModel.allChangesObserver;
in order to use this 'global observer':
function updateEntireViewModel() {
var rawViewModel = Ajax_GetItemEntity(); //fetch the json object..
//enter validation code here, to ensure entity is correct.
if (koGlobalObserver)
koGlobalObserver.dispose(); //If already observing the older ViewModel, stop doing that!
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(rawViewModel);
koGlobalObserver = new GlobalObserver(viewModel, Ajax_Submit);
ko.applyBindings(viewModel [ ,optional dom element]);
Note that the callback given (in this case 'Ajax_Submit') will be fired on ANY change that occurs on the view model, so i think it's really recommended to make some sort of delay mechanism to send the entity only when the user finished to edit the properties:
var _entitiesUpdateTimers = {};
function Ajax_Submit(entity) {
var key = entity.ID; //or whatever uniquely related to the current view model..
if (typeof _entitiesUpdateTimers[key] !== 'undefined')
_entitiesUpdateTimers[key] =
setTimeout(function() { SendEntityFunction(entity); }, 500);
I'm new to JavaScript and the knockout framework, (only yestarday i started to work with this wonderfull framework), so don't get mad at me if i did something wrong.. (-:
Hope this helps!
I've adapted #Brett Green code and extended it so that we can have AcceptChanges, marking the model as not dirty plus having a nicer way of marking models as trackables. Here is the code:
var viewModel = {
name: ko.observable()
I did this by taking a snapshot of the view model when the page loads, and then later comparing that snapshot to the current view model. I didn't care what properties changed, only if any changed.
Take a snapshot:
var originalViewModel = JSON.stringify(ko.toJS(viewModel));
Compare later:
if(originalViewModel != JSON.stringify(ko.toJS(viewModel))){
// Something has changed, but we don't know what
Consider a view model as follows
function myViewModel(){
var that = this;
that.Name = ko.observable();
that.OldState = ko.observable();
that.NewState = ko.observable();
that.dirtyCalcultions - ko.computed(function(){
// Code to execute when state of an observable changes.
After you Bind your Data you can store the state using ko.toJS(myViewModel) function.
You can declare a variable inside your view model as a computed observable like
that.dirtyCalculations = ko.computed(function () {});
This computed function will be entered when there is change to any of the other observables inside the view model.
Then you can compare the two view model states as:
that.dirtyCalculations = ko.computed(function () {
//Compare old state to new state
if(that.OldState().Name == that.NewState().Name()){
// View model states are same.
// View model states are different.
**Note: This computed observable function is also executed the first time when the view model is initialized. **
Hope this helps !
I like Brett Green's solution. As someone pointed out, the isDirty comparison doesn't work with Date objects. I solved it by extending the subscribe method like this:
observable.subscribe(function (newValue) {
observable.isDirty(newValue != observable.originalValue);
if (newValue instanceof Date) {
observable.isDirty(newValue.getTime() != observable.originalValue.getTime());