I asked a question on StackOverflow (Seeking Javascript library for displaying and editing networks of nodes and edges) and was pointed at the gojs splice sample.
This has got me a long way, so thanks for the answer, but I have run into a brick wall trying to get the behaviour I want.
The app I am trying to create is to edit the borders on a map:
node = place where three or borders meet
link = segment of border between two nodes.
Hence, the nodes and links are unlabelled (nodes are just small circles, links are just polylines).
I have attempted to adapt the splice sample (https://gojs.net/extras/splicing.html) appropriately. The key features I need over and above what the sample does are:
choosing exactly where to position the new node on the link between the existing ones
preserving the shape of the polylines.
(The existing sample puts the new node equidistant between the existing ones and uses straight links.)
The user experience I have tried to create is this: first, you select the link, so it gets its usual adornments; then you shift-click on one of the adornments at a point on the polyline and that point becomes the new node.
I have sought to do this by overriding methods of the LinkReshapingTool using the extension mechanism described at https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html (rather than creating a subclass).
Whatever I have tried, though, I can't get the polylines to stay. By inspecting the diagram data model in the Chrome DevTools debugger after my code has run, it appears that it is correct (i.e. I can see the correct array of points in the links). However, when I then allow execution to continue the links do not display as expected (they are straight), and if I subsequently look at the data model then the multiple points have disappeared and each link just has a start and end.
I have tried various things, without success, for example:
deferring the splicing till after the tool has completed
passing the points into the modified links in different ways (array v list v string)
putting the processing into different overridden methods.
My current code is below. Please excuse crass stylistic faux pas - I am not an experienced JavaScript programmer.
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- HTML5 document type -->
Adapted from splicing example from gojs.net
<!-- use go-debug.js when developing and go.js when deploying -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gojs/1.8.28/go-debug.js"></script>
<div id="myDiagramDiv"
style="width:400px; height:300px; background-color: #DAE4E4;"></div>
var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
// state variables to remember what to do after reshaping tool aborted
var doSpliceNode = false;
var doSpliceIntoLink = null;
var doSplicePoint = null;
var doSpliceIndex = -1;
// diagram
var myDiagram = $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv",
"undoManager.isEnabled": true
var tool = myDiagram.toolManager.linkReshapingTool;
// Override doMouseDown on linkreshapingtool. If user clicks on a handle with SHIFT pressed, want to insert
// a new node at that point rather than use the default behaviour to (further) reshape the link, and moreover
// want to retain the points in the link. I.e. turn one of the points in the link into a new node.
// (Existing gojs splicing example does not do this: it just puts a new node at the midpoint of the existing
// link, with no regard to the points along the link.)
tool.doMouseDown = function() {
console.log("mousedown at (" + this.Fp.M + "," + this.Fp.N + ")");
console.log(" on link from " + this.adornedLink.fromNode + " to " + this.adornedLink.toNode);
console.log(" with shift pressed? " + myDiagram.lastInput.shift);
var spliced = false;
if (myDiagram.lastInput.shift)
// work out which of the points on the link was clicked
var link = this.adornedLink;
var numpts = link.pointsCount;
var i;
var x = this.Fp.M; // ##TODO - by inspection in debugger this contains the X coord, but what's documented place to get this?
var y = this.Fp.N; // ##TODO - ditto for Y coord
for (i = 1; !spliced && (i < numpts - 1); i++)
if ((link.getPoint(i).x == x) && (link.getPoint(i).y == y))
console.log(" .. at point " + i);
// Store off what to do. (This used to be done inline - deferred to after as one of the things
// to try to make it work.)
doSpliceNode = true;
doSpliceIntoLink = link;
doSplicePoint = new go.Point(x, y);
doSpliceIndex = i;
spliced = true;
//if (!doSpliceNode)
console.log(".. call base class doMouseDown");
// Override doMouseUp as well. If we had decided during mousedown to do the splice, then stop the tool now.
tool.doMouseUp = function()
// First call base class
if (doSpliceNode)
// Doing splice - stop tool
console.log("STOP TOOL");
// Finally, override doStop to actually do the splice
tool.doStop = function() {
// First call base class
if (doSpliceNode)
// now splice the node
console.log("splice node");
spliceNewNodeIntoLink2(doSpliceIntoLink, doSplicePoint, doSpliceIndex); // ##TODO make it respect points in existing link before and after
// Reset everything
doSpliceNode = false;
doSpliceIntoLink = null;
doSplicePoint = null;
doSpliceIndex = -1;
// Debug variable for inspecting later - not functional
var debugLastLink = null;
// Model, node and links for this application. Based heavily on https://gojs.net/temp/splicing.html and adapted as needed.
var myModel = $(go.GraphLinksModel);
myDiagram.nodeTemplate = $(go.Node,
new go.Binding("location", "location", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
$(go.Shape, "Circle", { width: 6, height: 6, strokeWidth: 0 }));
myDiagram.linkTemplate =
relinkableFrom: true, relinkableTo: true,
reshapable: true, resegmentable: true,
/* selectionAdornmentTemplate: ## COMMENT OUT - NOT NEEDED
$(go.Shape, { isPanelMain: true, stroke: "dodgerblue", strokeWidth: 2 }),
$(go.Shape, "PlusLine",
isActionable: true, // so that click works in an Adornment
width: 16, height: 16, stroke: "green", strokeWidth: 4, background: "transparent",
segmentOffset: new go.Point(8, 0),
click: function(e, shape) {
var link = shape.part.adornedPart;
var p0 = link.getPoint(0);
var p1 = link.getPoint(link.pointsCount - 1);
var pt = new go.Point((p0.x + p1.x) / 2, (p0.y + p1.y) / 2);
// ##TODO - instead, find the position where the mouse was clicked and place the node there
// ... need to work out which segment of polyline this was in so as to calculate new lines
// ##TODO - handle drag of node so that it just affects segments of lines immediately into it, rather than
// blatting over top of them
// ##TODO - what is object e and its components
spliceNewNodeIntoLink(link, pt);
cursor: "pointer"
), */
toShortLength: 1
new go.Binding("points").makeTwoWay(), // Use the points information from the linkDataArray initializer
$(go.Shape, { strokeWidth: 2 })
/* function spliceNewNodeIntoLink(link, pt) { // ## original version no longer called
link.diagram.commit(function(diag) {
var tokey = link.toNode.key;
// add a new node
var newnodedata = { text: "on link", location: go.Point.stringify(pt) };
// and splice it in by changing the existing link to refer to the new node
diag.model.setToKeyForLinkData(link.data, newnodedata.key);
// and by adding a new link from the new node to the original "toNode"
diag.model.addLinkData({ from: newnodedata.key, to: tokey });
// optional: select the new node
}, "spliced in node on a link");
} */
// Utility function used in one attempt to get this to work. Initializers in nodeDataArray do it via an array of numbers,
// so try that here.
function toArray(nodelist)
var returnarray = new Array();
var i;
for (i = 0; i < nodelist.size; i++)
var pt = nodelist.elt(i);
return returnarray;
// Function to splice the new node into the link. Parameters are
// - link: the link to splice into
// - pt: the point within the link to turn into a node
// - index: index into existing polyline of that point
function spliceNewNodeIntoLink2(link, pt, index) {
link.diagram.commit(function(diag) {
var oldlinkpointslist = link.points;
var link1pointslist = new go.List(go.Point);
var link2pointslist = new go.List(go.Point);
var i;
// Create new points list, from "from" node to new node to be added
for (i = 0; i <= index; i++)
var point = new go.Point(link.getPoint(i).x, link.getPoint(i).y);
// .. and from new node to "to" node
for (i = index; i < link.pointsCount; i++)
var point = new go.Point(link.getPoint(i).x, link.getPoint(i).y);
var tokey = link.toNode.key;
// add a new node
var newnodedata = { text: "on link", location: go.Point.stringify(pt) };
// and splice it in by changing the existing link to refer to the new node
diag.model.setToKeyForLinkData(link.data, newnodedata.key);
// ** NEW CODE
// Code this was based on re-used the existing link, re-purposing it to go from "from" node
// to new node, so do the same, but give it a new points list.
link.points = link1pointslist; // ##TODO find out why this doesn't work
// ... actually it does, but something ditches the points later ...
// so maybe I need to move this code to after the tool has really finished operating
// by saving off the info and calling it in an override of the last tool method that
// gets called (perhaps not - did this and it didn't work)
debugLastLink = link; // ##TEMP
// and by adding a new link from the new node to the original "toNode"
// ** UPDATED to include the second new point list
diag.model.addLinkData({ from: newnodedata.key, to: tokey, points: toArray(link2pointslist) });
// optional: select the new node
}, "spliced in node on a link");
// not called at present
function maySpliceOutNode(node) {
return node.findLinksInto().count === 1 &&
node.findLinksOutOf().count === 1 &&
node.findLinksInto().first() !== node.findLinksOutOf().first();
// not called at present
function spliceNodeOutFromLinkChain(node) {
if (maySpliceOutNode(node)) {
node.diagram.commit(function(diag) {
var inlink = node.findLinksInto().first();
var outlink = node.findLinksOutOf().first();
// reconnect the existing incoming link
inlink.toNode = outlink.toNode;
// remove the node and the outgoing link
diag.removeParts([node, outlink], false);
// optional: select the original link
}, "spliced out node from chain of links");
// Initialize modeldi
myModel.nodeDataArray = [
{ key: "1" , "location": "30 30" },
{ key: "2" , "location": "130 30" },
{ key: "3" , "location": "30 130" }
myModel.linkDataArray = [
{ from: "1", to: "2", "points": [ 30,30, 70,20, 100,40, 130,30 ] },
{ from: "2", to: "3", "points": [ 130,30, 100,80, 70,90, 30,130 ] },
{ from: "3", to: "1", "points": [ 30,130, 20,100, 40,70, 30,30 ] }
myDiagram.model = myModel;
Some suggestions:
Call Link.findClosestSegment to find the segment where the user clicked to insert a node.
Don't splice in the new node in an override of Tool.doStop, because that will be called even if the user hit the Escape key to cancel the tool's operation. Do it in either doMouseDown or doMouseUp, depending on the behavior that you want. But doStop is a reasonable time to clean up the tool's state.
I think it should work if you add the new Node and a new Link, connect them together properly, make sure the Node is at the right location, and only then set Link.points explicitly. The TwoWay Binding on Link.points will save the points to the model.
The problem that you are encountering is that when you create a new Node it takes time to be measured and arranged and positioned. Any one of those activities will invalidate the routes of all connected links. And obviously connecting a link with a node will invalidate that link's route. So you have to make sure everything is done in the right order.
I am trying to update a stacked bar chart with transitions as the underlying data is changed. It calls the same "render" function each time and works well when no transitions are involved. However, I would like to animate the changes in values, transitioning from its current state to the next.
I have somewhat solved the problem, but feel like my solution is clunky - hoping there is a better way to do this for stacked bar charts.
My approach has been to do the following:
Load the data
Load the initial conditions (req. for transitions)
Load the final conditions (within a transition)
Copy the current data into another array: prevData
Reload data after interval
Using the above approach, if prevData has values, then use these to set the initial conditions. My problems is that finding and setting the initial conditions feels really clunky:
if (prevData.length > 0) {
//get the parent key so we know who's data we are now updating
var devKey = d3.select(this.parentNode).datum().key;
//find the data associated with its PREVIOUS value
var seriesData = seriesPrevData.find(function (s) { return (s.key == devKey); })
if (seriesData != null) {
//now find the date we are currently looking at
var day = seriesData.find(function (element) { return (element.data.Date.getTime() == d.data.Date.getTime()); });
if (day != null) {
//now set the value appropriately
//console.debug("prev height:" + devKey + ":" + day[1]);
return (y(day[0]) - y(day[1]));
All I'm doing, is finding the correct key array (created by d3.stack()), then trying to find the appropriate previous data entry (if it exists). However, searching parent nodes, and searching through arrays to find the required key and the appropriate data element feels very long-winded.
So, my question is, is there a better way to do this? or parts of this?
Find the previously bound data values associated with this element or the current values before it is changed within a function.
Better way to find the current key being updated rather than using: d3.select(this.parentNode)... ? I've tried passing key values but don't seem to be getting it right. The best I have achieved, is passing a key function to the parent, and looking for it the way described above.
Sorry for the long post, I just spent a whole day working out my solution, frustrated by the fact that all I really needed, was the previous values of an item. Having to do all these "gymnastics" to get what I needed seems very "un" D3.js like :-)
Following is a simple example for an animated bar chart. It'll iterate over two different versions of the dataset to show how one can handle changes in the underlying data very easily with d3. There is no need (in this example) for any manual data preparation for the transition/animation.
var data = [
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[1, 6, 5, 3]
var c = d3.select('#canvas');
var currentDataIndex = -1;
function updateData() {
// change the current data
currentDataIndex = ++currentDataIndex % data.length;
console.info('updating data, index:', currentDataIndex);
var currentData = data[currentDataIndex];
// get our elements and bind the current data to it
var rects = c.selectAll('div.rect').data(currentData);
// remove old items
.style('opacity', 0)
// add new items and define their appearance
.attr('class', 'rect')
.style('width', '0px');
// change new and existing items
// will transition from the previous width to the current one
// for new items, they will transition from 0px to the current value
.style('width', function (d) { return d * 50 + 'px'; });
// initially set the data
// keep changing the data every 2 seconds
window.setInterval(updateData, 2000);
div.rect {
height: 40px;
background-color: red;
div#canvas {
padding: 20px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
<div id="canvas">
In d3.js v4, nested selections don't appear to be working as they had in the past.
This works (in v3):
var data = [["1-a", "1-b"], ["2-a", "2-b"]];
var tbody = d3.select("tbody");
var row = tbody.selectAll("tr").data(data);
var cell = row.selectAll("td").data(function(d){ return d;});
cell.text(function(d){ return d; });
But not in v4: https://jsfiddle.net/nwozjscs/1/
My sense is that this has something to do with the merge(...) changes, but I haven't been able to find an example of the proper way to write a nested selection in v4.
I think I figured it out. It appears to work correctly if you merge the enter and update selections into a single selection before joining the next layer of data. This way any new data as well as any existing data at the top level will be correctly taken into account at the next level down.
This makes total sense if you think about it. I think I was just too used to the magic of v3 to see the obvious.
Please comment if there is a better way to do this!
function render(data){
var tbody = d3.select("tbody");
var row = tbody.selectAll("tr").data(data);
var rowenter = row.enter().append("tr");
var cell = row.merge(rowenter)
.selectAll("td").data(function(d){ return d;});
cell.enter().append("td").text(function(d){ return d; });
render([["1-a", "1-b"], ["2-a", "2-b"]]);
render([["1-a", "1-b", "1-c"], ["2-a", "2-b", "2-c"], ["3-a", "3-b", "3-c"]]);
}, 2000);
I cannot get the linkDistance and linkStrength based on link value functions to work for curved links, how and where am I supposed to specify these parameters?
I've made a JSFiddle based on the Curved Links example in which the code
.linkDistance(function(d) { return d.value; })
is written in two different places (and currently commented out because it doesn't work in either place). My best guess is that it belongs in the lower location, after force.links(links) is specified. I thought maybe that wasn't working because d is referring to the bilinks instead of the links, so I changed it to
.linkDistance(function(d) { return d[3]; })
in which d[3] is the link.value stored in the bilinks and that also doesn't work. Both versions return NaN errors.
I expected implementing this refinement to be easy and straightforward, so maybe it's just a simple and obvious thing I'm missing. But nothing I've tried and nothing I've found online has helped me make any progress for a few hours so hopefully somebody out there knows what's going on and how to fix it.
For both linkDistance and linkStrength function you will get the source and target node so depending on that, you can return the linkDistance value in this case i am returning weight of the target node:
var force = d3.layout.force()
.linkDistance(function(d) { return d.target.weight; })
.linkStrength(function(d) { console.log(d);return 2; })
In your case you doing
.linkDistance(function(d) { return d.value; })
//this is going to return undefined, as there is nothing like that
Working code here
Since you need the link value in the link object add that value when you create the links like shown below:
var nodes = graph.nodes.slice(),
links = [],
bilinks = [];
graph.links.forEach(function (link) {
var s = nodes[link.source],
t = nodes[link.target],
i = {}, // intermediate node
linkValue = link.value // for transfering value from the links to the bilinks
source: s,
target: i,
linkValue: linkValue //add the link value
}, {
source: i,
target: t,
linkValue: linkValue//add the link value
bilinks.push([s, i, t, linkValue]);
so now in the linkdistance/linkStrength function you can get the value
var force = d3.layout.force()
.linkDistance(function (d) {
return d.linkValue;
.linkStrength(function (d) {
return d.linkValue;
Working code here
Hope this helps!
i am trying to update a line graph and it is not throwing any error but it is also not updating the graph.
i am deleting a point and adding a new one with an incremented rate and incremented created_at date by a second(trying to follow http://bl.ocks.org/benjchristensen/1148374)
function redrawWithoutAnimation() {
for (var i in chart_data) {
linedata = chart_data[i];
//delete first element of array
//create a new point
rate = linedata.points[0].rate + 1;
created_at = linedata.points[0].created_at + 6000;
new_point = {};
new_point.rate = rate;
new_point.created_at = created_at;
// static update without animation
.data([linedata.points]); // set the new data
line(linedata.points); // apply the new data values
setInterval(function () {
}, 8000);
here is my code
Working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/reblace/GsaGb/1
There's a few issues here...
First, you were updating all the chart_data in the for loop, but outside the loop, you were only trying to update the line still stored in the linedata variable after loop execution. You should try to avoid having variables with greater scope than they need. It can lead to bugs like this one:
You should instead use D3's data joining to rejoin the new data to all the paths at once declaratively like so:
.attr("d", function(d){ return line(d.points); });
What that code's doing is it's selecting the paths and then joining each of them to the chart_data elements and then binding the appropriate line generator to the "d" attribute for the appropriate path.
Then, you need to update your x axis and y axis otherwise the plot will just shoot off the drawn area. This code is updating the domains and then rebinding the axes to the dom elements so they redraw:
d3.min(chart_data, function (c) { return d3.min(c.points, function (v) { return v.created_at; }); }),
d3.max(chart_data, function (c) { return d3.max(c.points, function (v) { return v.created_at; }); })
d3.max(chart_data, function (c) { return d3.max(c.points, function (v) { return v.rate; }); })
There were a few other bugs I fixed them in the Fiddle. For example, you need to calculate the time for the new point based on the last element in the array, not the first, otherwise the line can't interpolate properly since its no longer a continuous function... and this is a bit more concise way to do your line updates:
for (var i=0; i<chart_data.length; i++) {
linedata = chart_data[i];
//delete first element of array
var removedPoint = linedata.points.shift();
//create a new point
var lastpoint = linedata.points[linedata.points.length-1];
var new_point = {
rate: removedPoint.rate,
created_at: lastpoint.created_at + 6000
Also note that you shouldn't use the for(var in) loop for Arrays, that's for iterating over the properties in an object.
There's still some issues, but I think this should help get you over the hurdle you were stuck on. Anyways, it looks cool in action!
Fine fenac.. You facing so many problems since your data is not in good format for your requirements..
as per http://bl.ocks.org/benjchristensen/1148374 The x-axis data must be (data[] (data array))
Your data is something like this
[objects,object,object] where each object holds one element of xaxis value.. so the pushing and shifting is not possible..
try to change the format of the data (linedata.points) to an array (data[]) and try it out sure it works..
You just need to put all the values in linedata.points into an array data[] and use this data[] to animate your line..
Since yours the multiline.. you need to create 2D array and must pass them accordingly...
I updated your jsfiddle
setInterval(function () {
var v = linedata.points.shift(); // remove the first element of the array
linedata.points.push(v); // add a new element to the array (we're just taking the number we just shifted off the front and appending to the end)
}, 3000);
But still it wont works till you do that work...
Personal Suggestion: First Try with single line graph then go with looping for multiline...