I am working on a portion of a project that I am trying to detect when certain divs hit each other. In the code that I made, that doesn't work, I basically say take the first div's left amount, compare it to the other div's left amount, if they are within a certain amount it triggers an alert. If I get that much to work I am going to implant a way to say that if the distance between the two divs is 0 then it will run a certain function. I am afraid the scope of this project is too big for me, even though I am basically at the last part, because I have spent hours researching a simple way to add collision detection, but everything I find looks like rocket science to me, that is why I tried to create my own way below. So in summary, what I want to know is why my collision detection code doesn't work, how I can make it work if possible, and if not possible what is the next best option that I should use.
function collision(){
var tri = $('#triangle');
var enemyPos = $('.object1').css('left');
var minHit = enemyPos - 32.5;
var maxHit = enemyPos + 32.5;
var triLoc = tri.css('left');
if(triLoc > minHit && triLoc < maxHit){
full code: https://jsfiddle.net/kc59vzpy/
If the code you have above is definitely where the problem is, then you need to look at the enemyPos variable. Getting the left position also adds px, so enemyPos is 100px or something like that. When you add 32.5, you get 100px32.5 and when you subtract you get NaN, neither of which you want.
Before you add or subtract, use enemyPos = parseInt($('.object1').css('left')); to turn it into an actual number.
I need to find the speed of an object in a game. The game is made in HTML5 with jquery and jquery.box2d.
For this I can use these methods:
I'm then trying to calculate the speed from this piece of code, but get some values that doesn't make sense when I console.log it. This is my code:
var heroVelX = game.currentHero.GetLinearVelocity().x;
var heroVelY = game.currentHero.GetLinearVelocity().y;
var speed = Math.sqrt(heroVelX^2 + heroVelY^2);
Some of the values in console.log are numbers, but most of them are NaN (Not-A-Number), which confuses me? Can someone help me solve this?
The goal I want to achieve, is to see when the speed(of object .currenHero) drop below a certain value, so I can excute a new state in the game.
Your problem is that you're using the wrong operator (Bitwise XOR) for doing square - see here.
What you need to do is:
var speed = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(heroVelX, 2) + Math.pow(heroVelY, 2));
The only time the square root function should return NaN is when the value being square rooted is negative. A way to go about testing if this is the issue would be to try squaring the values in a different line of code before square rooting them.
heroVelX = (heroVelX) * (heroVelX)
Another way to potentially shine some light on the problem would be to add log statements printing out the values of the velocities and the velocities squared before square rooting.
I've created this rather simple javascript; balls or 'molecules' moving around the screen. I was hoping to add to the functionality that when one ball comes into contact with another, they swap velocities. We don't need to worry about any angles, just when they come into contact with each other, the velocities swap. (Instead of changing the velocities though, in the code linked I've just coded a colour change)
I've been trying to call the function 'someplace' to recognise when the molecules touch, but I've had no luck with that. I don't really understand why.
Link to code:
There seems to be three main problems:
The molecules seem to be randomly changing, rather than when two molecules touch.
When one sets the array to have say, 3 molecules, only two appear, the first is actually there, but unresponsive to .fillstyle changes, so invisible against the canvas
With the function method I would only be able to recognise when molecules in series (1 and 2 or 4 and 5) in the array touch...how could I check all the molecules?
You are only comparing a molecule with 2 other ones, which in fact might be anywhere.
Collision detection is a topic quite hard to solve, but if you want to have your idea
working quickly you might go for a n^2 algorithm with 2 nested for loops.
the code is quite expected :
// collision
for(var t = 0; t < molecules.length-1; t++)
for(var tt = t+1; tt < molecules.length; tt++) {
var p1 = molecules[t];
var p2 = molecules[tt];
if (sq(p1.x-p2.x) +sq(p1.y-p2.y) < sq(p1.radius+p2.radius) )
p1.collided = 8; // will diplay for next 8 frames
p2.collided = 8; // .
the fiddle is here :
The reason only two appear when three are made isn't because the first one doesn't render it is rather the last one doesn't, this is because of how you draw them by comparing its distance with the next one in the list - as it is the last there is no next and thus throws a null error and continues (check the console).
The reason why they seem to "randomly" detect collisions or not is because they are not checking against all other molecules - only the next in the list, unfortunately the only simply way to do it would be to go through all other balls for every ball and checking.
To get the molecules to detect distance you could use the pythagorean theorem, I typically use it such as:
var distx = Math.abs(molecule1.x - molecule2.x);
var disty = Math.abs(molecule1.x - molecule2.y);
var mindist = molecule1.radius + molecule2.radius;
return Math.sqrt(distx*distx+disty*disty) < mindist;
This picture illustrates the problem:
I can control the red circle. The targets are the blue triangles. The black arrows indicate the direction that the targets will move.
I want to collect all targets in the minimum number of steps.
Each turn I must move 1 step either left/right/up or down.
Each turn the targets will also move 1 step according to the directions shown on the board.
I've put up a playable demo of the problem here on Google appengine.
I would be very interested if anyone can beat the target score as this would show that my current algorithm is suboptimal. (A congratulations message should be printed if you manage this!)
My current algorithm scales really badly with the number of targets. The time goes up exponentially and for 16 fish it is already several seconds.
I would like to compute the answer for board sizes of 32*32 and with 100 moving targets.
What is an efficient algorithm (ideally in Javascript) for computing the minimum number of steps to collect all targets?
What I've tried
My current approach is based on memoisation but it is very slow and I don't know whether it will always generate the best solution.
I solve the subproblem of "what is the minimum number of steps to collect a given set of targets and end up at a particular target?".
The subproblem is solved recursively by examining each choice for the previous target to have visited.
I assume that it is always optimal to collect the previous subset of targets as quickly as possible and then move from the position you ended up to the current target as quickly as possible (although I don't know whether this is a valid assumption).
This results in n*2^n states to be computed which grows very rapidly.
The current code is shown below:
var DX=[1,0,-1,0];
var DY=[0,1,0,-1];
// Return the location of the given fish at time t
function getPt(fish,t) {
var i;
var x=pts[fish][0];
var y=pts[fish][1];
for(i=0;i<t;i++) {
var b=board[x][y];
return [x,y];
// Return the number of steps to track down the given fish
// Work by iterating and selecting first time when Manhattan distance matches time
function fastest_route(peng,dest) {
var myx=peng[0];
var myy=peng[1];
var x=dest[0];
var y=dest[1];
var t=0;
while ((Math.abs(x-myx)+Math.abs(y-myy))!=t) {
var b=board[x][y];
return t;
// Try to compute the shortest path to reach each fish and a certain subset of the others
// key is current fish followed by N bits of bitmask
// value is shortest time
function computeTarget(start_x,start_y) {
// Compute the shortest steps to have visited all fish in bitmask
// and with the last visit being to the fish with index equal to last
function go(bitmask,last) {
var i;
var best=100000000;
var key=(last<<num_fish)+bitmask;
if (key in cache) {
return cache[key];
// Consider all previous positions
bitmask -= 1<<last;
if (bitmask==0) {
best = fastest_route([start_x,start_y],pts[last]);
} else {
for(i=0;i<pts.length;i++) {
var bit = 1<<i;
if (bitmask&bit) {
var s = go(bitmask,i); // least cost if our previous fish was i
if (s<best) best=s;
return best;
var t = 100000000;
for(var i=0;i<pts.length;i++) {
t = Math.min(t,go((1<<pts.length)-1,i));
return t;
What I've considered
Some options that I've wondered about are:
Caching of intermediate results. The distance calculation repeats a lot of simulation and intermediate results could be cached.
However, I don't think this would stop it having exponential complexity.
An A* search algorithm although it is not clear to me what an appropriate admissible heuristic would be and how effective this would be in practice.
Investigating good algorithms for the travelling salesman problem and see if they apply to this problem.
Trying to prove that the problem is NP-hard and hence unreasonable to be seeking an optimal answer for it.
Have you searched the literature? I found these papers which seems to analyse your problem:
"Tracking moving targets and the non- stationary traveling salesman
problem": http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
"The moving-target traveling salesman problem": http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
The above two papers seems to concentrate on linear movement for the euclidian metric.
Greedy method
One approach suggested in the comments is to go to the closest target first.
I've put up a version of the demo which includes the cost calculated via this greedy method here.
The code is:
function greedyMethod(start_x,start_y) {
var still_to_visit = (1<<pts.length)-1;
var pt=[start_x,start_y];
var s=0;
while (still_to_visit) {
var besti=-1;
var bestc=0;
for(i=0;i<pts.length;i++) {
var bit = 1<<i;
if (still_to_visit&bit) {
c = fastest_route(pt,getPt(i,s));
if (besti<0 || c<bestc) {
besti = i;
bestc = c;
still_to_visit -= 1<<besti;
return s;
For 10 targets it is around twice the optimal distance, but sometimes much more (e.g. *4) and occasionally even hits the optimum.
This approach is very efficient so I can afford some cycles to improve the answer.
Next I'm considering using ant colony methods to see if they can explore the solution space effectively.
Ant colony method
An Ant colony method seems to work remarkable well for this problem. The link in this answer now compares the results when using both greedy and ant colony method.
The idea is that ants choose their route probabilistically based on the current level of pheromone. After every 10 trials, we deposit additional pheromone along the shortest trail they found.
function antMethod(start_x,start_y) {
// First establish a baseline based on greedy
var L = greedyMethod(start_x,start_y);
var n = pts.length;
var m = 10; // number of ants
var numrepeats = 100;
var alpha = 0.1;
var q = 0.9;
var t0 = 1/(n*L);
pheromone=new Array(n+1); // entry n used for starting position
for(i=0;i<=n;i++) {
pheromone[i] = new Array(n);
pheromone[i][j] = t0;
h = new Array(n);
for(repeat=0;repeat<numrepeats;repeat++) {
for(ant=0;ant<m;ant++) {
route = new Array(n);
var still_to_visit = (1<<n)-1;
var pt=[start_x,start_y];
var s=0;
var last=n;
var step=0;
while (still_to_visit) {
var besti=-1;
var bestc=0;
var totalh=0;
for(i=0;i<pts.length;i++) {
var bit = 1<<i;
if (still_to_visit&bit) {
c = pheromone[last][i]/(1+fastest_route(pt,getPt(i,s)));
h[i] = c;
totalh += h[i];
if (besti<0 || c>bestc) {
besti = i;
bestc = c;
if (Math.random()>0.9) {
thresh = totalh*Math.random();
for(i=0;i<pts.length;i++) {
var bit = 1<<i;
if (still_to_visit&bit) {
thresh -= h[i];
if (thresh<0) {
s += fastest_route(pt,getPt(besti,s));
still_to_visit -= 1<<besti;
pheromone[last][besti] = (1-alpha) * pheromone[last][besti] + alpha*t0;
last = besti;
if (ant==0 || s<bestantscore) {
bestantscore = s;
last = n;
var d = 1/(1+bestantscore);
for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
var besti = bestroute[i];
pheromone[last][besti] = (1-alpha) * pheromone[last][besti] + alpha*d;
last = besti;
overallBest = Math.min(overallBest,bestantscore);
return overallBest;
This ant colony method using 100 repeats of 10 ants is still very fast (37ms for 16 targets compared to 3700ms for the exhaustive search) and seems very accurate.
The table below shows the results for 10 trials using 16 targets:
Greedy Ant Optimal
46 29 29
91 38 37
103 30 30
86 29 29
75 26 22
182 38 36
120 31 28
106 38 30
93 30 30
129 39 38
The ant method seems significantly better than greedy and often very close to optimal.
The problem may be represented in terms of the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem, and then converted to a conventional Traveling Salesman Problem. This is a well-studied problem. It is possible that the most efficient solutions to the OP's problem are no more efficient than solutions to the TSP, but by no means certain (I am probably failing to take advantage of some aspects of the OP's problem structure that would allow for a quicker solution, such as its cyclical nature). Either way, it is a good starting point.
From C. Noon & J.Bean, An Efficient Transformation of the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem:
The Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP) is a useful model for problems involving decisions of selection and sequence. The asymmetric version of the problem is defined on a directed graph with nodes N, connecting arcs A and a vector of corresponding arc costs c. The nodes are pregrouped into m mutually exclusive and exhaustive nodesets. Connecting arcs are defined only between nodes belonging to different sets, that is, there are no intraset arcs. Each defined arc has a corresponding non-negative cost. The GTSP can be stated as the problem of finding a minimum cost m-arc cycle which includes exactly one node from each nodeset.
For the OP's problem:
Each member of N is a particular fish's location at a particular time. Represent this as (x, y, t), where (x, y) is a grid coordinate, and t is the time at which the fish will be at this coordinate. For the leftmost fish in the OP's example, the first few of these (1-based) are: (3, 9, 1), (4, 9, 2), (5, 9, 3) as the fish moves right.
For any member of N let fish(n_i) return the ID of the fish represented by the node. For any two members of N we can calculate manhattan(n_i, n_j) for the manhattan distance between the two nodes, and time(n_i, n_j) for the time offset between the nodes.
The number of disjoint subsets m is equal to the number of fish. The disjoint subset S_i will consist only of the nodes for which fish(n) == i.
If for two nodes i and j fish(n_i) != fish(n_j) then there is an arc between i and j.
The cost between node i and node j is time(n_i, n_j), or undefined if time(n_i, n_j) < distance(n_i, n_j) (i.e. the location can't be reached before the fish gets there, perhaps because it is backwards in time). Arcs of this latter type can be removed.
An extra node will need to be added representing the location of the player with arcs and costs to all other nodes.
Solving this problem would then result in a single visit to each node subset (i.e. each fish is obtained once) for a path with minimal cost (i.e. minimal time for all fish to be obtained).
The paper goes on to describe how the above formulation may be transformed into a traditional Traveling Salesman Problem and subsequently solved or approximated with existing techniques. I have not read through the details but another paper that does this in a way it proclaims to be efficient is this one.
There are obvious issues with complexity. In particular, the node space is infinite! This can be alleviated by only generating nodes up to a certain time horizon. If t is the number of timesteps to generate nodes for and f is the number of fish then the size of the node space will be t * f. A node at time j will have at most (f - 1) * (t - j) outgoing arcs (as it can't move back in time or to its own subset). The total number of arcs will be in the order of t^2 * f^2 arcs. The arc structure can probably be tidied up, to take advantage of the fact the fish paths are eventually cyclical. The fish will repeat their configuration once every lowest common denominator of their cycle lengths so perhaps this fact can be used.
I don't know enough about the TSP to say whether this is feasible or not, and I don't think it means that the problem posted is necessarily NP-hard... but it is one approach towards finding an optimal or bounded solution.
I think another approch would be:
calculate the path of the targets - predictive.
than use Voronoi diagrams
Quote wikipedia:
In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions. A set of points (called seeds, sites, or generators) is specified beforehand and for each seed there will be a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other.
So, you choose a target, follow it's path for some steps and set a seed point there. Do this with all other targets as well and you get a voroni diagram. Depending in which area you are, you move to the seedpoint of it. Viola, you got the first fish. Now repeat this step until you cought them all.
I am writing a fairly simple script in JavaScript using the canvas. It draws a central node which pulls all of the surrounding nodes towards it. This works great, however I need each node to repel each other.
I am going to do this by increasing each nodes velocity away from each other so eventually they should level out and end up looking something like a flower. It needs to be enough force to stop them from hitting each other or sinking into the center node without flying off into the distance.
I just can not work out how I can have a higher number the closer they get.
So if two nodes where 10px away from each other it would add 5 in force to one of their x velocities. But if they where 1000px away from each other then it would add almost nothing to the force of one of the nodes.
Does anyone know of a mathematical equation I can use to work this kind of thing out, or maybe a nudge in the right direction?
TL;DR: Depending on how close two x values are, I need to increment the x velocity of one node so they move apart but eventually level out. It is just the maths I can not crack, I have pretty much all of the JavaScript done, including the implementation of velocity.
Thanks, and sorry it is a bit wordy.
You just need an inverse (or inverse square) relationship:
var increment = k / distance;
var increment = k / (distance * distance);
You can determine k based on the actual values you want, for example, in the first case, if you wanted an increment of 5 for a distance of 10, you would set k = increment * distance = 50.
Look into the equations governing electrical point charges, have the velocity be based on the "force" each "charge" would feel based on its proximity.