I have a function to generate data-content for bootstrap popover from Json .
The problem with the function is that, if I pass json object in which a member contains a single quote then the popover content is not set.
function setupopoverContent(content) {
var json = JSON.parse(content);
var contents = '<div style="">'
contents += '<div id="hellobar" class="large right remains_at_top row-fluid" style="background-color: ' + json.BarColor + '; color: ' + json.TextColor + '; border-radius: 5px;font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;"> ';
contents += '<div id="hb_msg_container" class="span11"> <span id = "topbar_message" style="padding-bottom:14px;"> ';
contents += HtmlEncode(json.Message);
contents += '</span> ';
contents += '<a id = "topbar_linktext" class="hellobar_cta hb-button" href= "' + json.LinkURL + '" target="_blank" style="color: ' + json.ButtonTextColor + '; background-color: ' + json.ButtonColor + '; border-color: #000000"> ';
contents += HtmlEncode(json.LinkText);
contents += '</a></div> ';
contents += '</div></div>';
return contents;
Suppose that json.Message=All go'es here, then the popover content is not set.
How can i solve this problem?
Have you tried omitting HtmlEncode?
I got this 'ReferenceError: display is not defined' where my script link are as below.
<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/javascript/jquery/ui/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js"></script>
I replace them with latest version 1.11.1 and tried with
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
But still there is Reference Error. What should i change my display function(Script):
function display(view) {
if (view == 'list') {
$('.product-grid').attr('class', 'product-list');
$('.product-list > div').each(function(index, element) {
html = '<div class="left">';
var image = $(element).find('.image').html();
if (image != null) {
html += '<div class="image">' + image + '</div>';
html += '<div class="mask hide-phone">';
html += ' <div class="wishlist">' + $(element).find('.wishlist').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="compare">' + $(element).find('.compare').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += ' <div class="name">' + $(element).find('.name').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="description">' + $(element).find('.description').html() + '</div>';
var rating = $(element).find('.rating').html();
if (rating != null) {
html += '<div class="rating">' + rating + '</div>';
var price = $(element).find('.price').html();
if (price != null) {
html += '<div class="price">' + price + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
$('.display').html(' <div id="list_b"></div> <a id="grid_a" title="<?php echo $text_grid; ?>" onclick="display(\'grid\');"></a>');
$.totalStorage('display', 'list');
} else {
$('.product-list').attr('class', 'product-grid');
$('.product-grid > div').each(function(index, element) {
html = '';
var image = $(element).find('.image').html();
if (image != null) {
html += '<div class="image">' + image + '</div>';
html += '<div class="mask hide-phone">';
html += ' <div class="wishlist">' + $(element).find('.wishlist').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="compare">' + $(element).find('.compare').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="name">' + $(element).find('.name').html() + '</div>';
html += '<div class="description">' + $(element).find('.description').html() + '</div>';
var rating = $(element).find('.rating').html();
if (rating != null) {
html += '<div class="rating">' + rating + '</div>';
var price = $(element).find('.price').html();
if (price != null) {
html += '<div class="price">' + price + '</div>';
html += '<div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
$('.display').html(' <a id="list_a" title="<?php echo $text_list; ?>" onclick="display(\'list\');"><?php echo $text_list; ?></a> <div id="grid_b"></div>');
$.totalStorage('display', 'grid');
view = $.totalStorage('display');
if (view) {
} else {
you can see that your conactenation is creating issues:
copied from the source of your link
html += '
<div class="cart" >
' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
at this line your div is having a newline character. may be this is caused by something else but you can do this:
html += ' <div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += ' <div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
here you can see html+=' <div>' this line is having a space before the div so you can remove it.
html += '<div class="cart">' + $(element).find('.cart').html() + '</div>';
html += '<div class="cart-phone show-phone hide-desktop hide-tablet">' + $(element).find('.cart-phone').html() + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
Im editing/creating the following script for my website.
As you can see below I want him to add a <div class="row"> at the start of every row. (Hard to explain).
Then with the var "getal" I want him to END this DIV tag after 4 items in it (4x the foreach loop)
But the way I'm trying to do it with the If loops is not working. Any ideas? (The code is working fine without the <div class="row">, if loops and var getal.
function show_albums (response) {
var getal = 0;
//hide main loader
$.each(response.data, function(key, value) {
//create html structure
//rijen teller
if (getal = 0 ) {
var html = '<div class="row">';
var html = '' +
'<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-xs-3 thumb" id="album_' + key + '"> ' +
'<img class="img-thumbnail" id="album_cover_' + key + '" />' +
'<img id="loading_' + key + '" src="images/ajax-loader.gif" />' +
'<h2>' + value.name + '</h2>' +
'<p>' + value.count + ' foto's</p>' +
if (getal = 4) {
var html = '</div>';
getal = 0;
You are using the assignment operator = instead of the comparison operator == in your if statements. Try replacing those.
I am having some problems while creating a dynamic webpage in javascript.
My idea is to read a list of events and people signed up on them. I create a page with all events (each event is a button) and clicking on one of them, see the list of users.
This works fine. But now, I am adding a button to export some of these users to an excel file. And I want to add a button with an onClick function like this:
...onclick=functionÇ(id_Event, numberOfUsers, listOfUsers)...
Inside of the html code generated by javascript. I found some problems also doing like this so I changed so:
var td = document.createElement("td");
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.setAttribute("value","Exportar a Excel CSV");
input.onclick = function() {
saveExcelFunctionControl(arrayNumberUsersInEvents[i], response);
I created a global array called arrayNumberUSersInEvents in which I am adding in each possition, people subscribed. i, is the id counter for each position.
But even this, I am getting an undefined while reading the value of the firsdt parameter. I think it is a problem of dynamic data, I am not executing the function I want to each time I click the button. Do you know how to do something like this?
To sum up: My problem is that I want to pass some arguments to a function in a dynamic created page. I don't know how to pass the data and read the correct parameters inside.
I added my code because one user asked for it:
for(i = 0; i < element.length; i++){
'<li id="listControl'+ element[i].id_Event +'">'+
'<a href="#EventControl' + element[i].id_Event + '"' + 'data-transition="slidedown">'+
'<img class="crop" src= "' + element[i].image + '" />'+
'<h2>' + element[i].name + '</h2>'+
'<p>' + "Desc: " + element[i].description +'</p>'+
//BUCLE for setting all users in each event. Better use some string and after, join all of them
header = ' <div width="100%" data-theme = "e" data-role="page" id='+ element[i].id_Event +
' data-url="EventControl' + element[i].id_Event + '"> ' +
' <div data-theme = "a" data-role="header"><h1>Lista de Asistencia</h1> ' +
' </div>'+
' <div data-role="content"> ' +
' <fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" style="text-align: center">' +
' <div style="width: 500px; margin: 0 auto;">';
//header = header + '<input data-theme = "c" onclick="saveExcelFunctionControl(this)" id="saveExcelControl' + element[i].id_Event + '" type="button" value = "Guardar a excel"></br>';
eval('var numberUsers' +element[i].id_Event + "=1");
arrayNumberUsersInEvents[i] = 0;
bucle = ' <table width="100%" border="1" align="left"><tr>'+
' <th>Nombre</th>'+
' <th>Primer apellido</th>'+
' <th>Segundo apellido</th>'+
' <th>NIF</th>'+
' <th>Asistencia</th>'+
' </tr>';
for(iData = 0; iData < response.length; iData++){
if(element[i].id_Event == response[iData].id_Event){
bucle = bucle + '<tr><td>'+ eval('numberUsers' +element[i].id_Event) +'</td><td>'+ response[iData].name +'</td><td>'+
response[iData].surname1 +'</td><td>'+
response[iData].surname2 +'</td><td>'+
response[iData].NIF + '</td>'+
'<td> '+
'<input type="checkbox" id="checkBox'+element[i].id_Event+'_'+iData+'" name="option'+iData+'" value="'+iData+'"> '+
eval('numberUsers' +element[i].id_Event + "++");
arrayNumberUsersInEvents[i] = arrayNumberUsersInEvents[i]+1;
//header = header + '<input data-theme = "a" onclick="saveExcelFunctionControl(\""element[i].id_Event "\","" + numberUsers + "\",\"" + response+ "\"")" id="saveExcelControl' + element[i].id_Event + '" type="button" value = "Guardar a excel"></br>';
//header = header + '<input data-theme = "a" onclick="saveExcelFunctionControl(""+numberUsers+"")" id="saveExcelControl' + element[i].id_Event + '" type="button" value = "Guardar a excel"></br>';
bucle = bucle + '</table>';
$("#controlList").after(header + bucle + '<div id=added'+element[i].id_Event+'></div>');
var td = document.createElement("td");
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.setAttribute("value","Exportar a Excel CSV");
input.onclick = function() {
saveExcelFunctionControl(arrayNumberUsersInEvents[i], response);
error: function(xhr, status, message) { alert("Status: " + status + "\nControlGetEventsRegister: " + message); }
You can use closure to pass parameters to dynamically created onclick handler:
input.onclick = (function() {
var arr = arrayNumberUsersInEvents[i];
var resp = response;
return function() {
saveExcelFunctionControl(arr, resp);
How do JavaScript closures work?
var td = document.createElement("td");
var input = "<input type='button' value='Exportar a Excel CSV'";
input+= "onclick='saveExcelFunctionControl(""" +arrayNumberUsersInEvents[i]+""","""+ response+""");' />";
try this way
I am currently working with an Image uploader(Source Files). I am having difficulties creating duplicate preview fields. I am creating the preview image form but it is only displaying one thumbnail. How can i get the Js to give me two thumbnails? Here is a LIVE EXAMPLE and further explanation to my source code
This what I initially want to do:
Snippet of JS for creating the preview Image forms(thumbnails)
function createImageForm(index) {
var form = '';
form += '<div><table cellspacing="0">';
form += '<tr><td class="label">'
+ '<label for="imageToUpload' + index + '">'
+ $.uploaderPreviewer.messages.imageLabel + ' ' + index + ':</label></td>';
form += '<td class="removeImageButton">'
+ '</td>';
form += '<td class="imageFormFileField">'
// BUG: If the "enctype" attribute is assigned with jQuery, IE crashes
+ '<form enctype="multipart/form-data">'
+ '<input id="imageToUpload' + index + '" type="file" />'
+ '<input type="hidden" name="currentUploadedFilename"'
+ ' class="currentUploadedFilename" /></form>'
+ '</td></tr>';
form += '<tr><td></td><td></td><td>'
+ '<div class="previewImage" style="float:left; margin:10px 10px 10px 0; "><img /></div>'
+ '<button type="button" class="small removeImage"></td></td></tr></table></div>';
return form;
try this:
replace the function 'displayImage' on the uploaderpreviewer.js with this:
function displayImage($previewDiv, imageUrl) {
var yourCustomPreview = $('#custompreview');
var imageFilename = imageUrl.substr(imageUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
.attr('src', imageUrl)
yourCustomPreview.prepend('<img src="' + imageUrl + '"/>');
and add this where you whant to duplicate the thumb:
<div id="custompreview">
I'm building a comment module for my web application.
In the application I need commenting. When a user posts a comment, I would like jQuery to grab the TextArea's value and then insert it into the page <p>. Problem is that when it inserts the contents it loses the HTML formatting, mainly page breaks/returns which confuses users. How can I fix the code to retain the HTML styling?
var textsubmitted = $("#write-new-comment-textarea").val();
var commentStr = '<li><div class=\"comment-header\"><span class=\"comment-avatar\"><img src=\"' + data.profilepicsrc + '\" /> </span><span class=\"comment-author\"> <b>' + data.personname + '</b> </span><span class=\"comment-timestamp\">just now</span> </div><div class=\"comment-body\"><p>' + textsubmitted + '</p></div></li>';
You need to escape your textsubmitted string . If you set the text property of a div , jquery automatically does that . So you can build only the HTML part of your commentsStr , append it to dom and then assign it the text value later .
var textsubmitted = $("#write-new-comment-textarea").val();
var commentStr = '<li><div class=\"comment-header\"><span class=\"comment-avatar\"><img src=\"' + data.profilepicsrc + '\" /> </span><span class=\"comment-author\"> <b>' + data.personname + '</b> </span><span class=\"comment-timestamp\">just now</span> </div><div class=\"comment-body\"><p></p></div></li>';
try this..
var textsubmitted = $("#write-new-comment-textarea").val();
var commentStr = '<li><div class=\"comment-header\">'+
'<span class=\"comment-avatar\">'+
'<a href=\"/user-view/' + data.personid + '/\">'+
'<img src=\"' + data.profilepicsrc + '\" />'+
'<span class=\"comment-author\">'+
'<a href=\"/user-view/' + data.personid + '/\">'+
'<b>'+ data.personname + '</b>'+
<span class=\"comment-timestamp\">just now</span>'+
'<div class=\"comment-body\">'+
'<p>' + brbr(textsubmitted) + '</p>'+
function brbr(str) {
var breakTag = '<br>';
return (str + '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1'+ breakTag +'$2');
This ended up working nicely too:
var textsubmitted2show = $('#write-new-comment-textarea').val().replace(/\n/g,'<br />');