Javascript Mouse tracking variable not switching from false to true - javascript

I am making a pretty simple game demo as part of my senior project, in which I'm trying to make a basic matching game that can help teach some basic mathematical skills. I would like to have the player be able to flip over cards to check if they have the right answer, however, the variable I am using to track whether or not the mouse is being clicked doesn't seem to ever register as true.
var isMouseDown = false;
c.onmousedown =
function(evt) { isMouseDown = true; };
c.onmouseup =
function(evt) { isMouseDown = false; };
// Keep track of where the mouse is
var mouse = {x: 0, y: 0};
c.onmousemove =
function(evt) {
mouse.x = evt.clientX;
mouse.y = evt.clientY;
This is where I use the variable:
this.clicked = function() {
c.strokeRect(500, 500, 20, 20);
if (isMouseDown) {
c.strokeRect(400, 400, 20, 20);
var diffX = mouse.x - this.x;
var diffY = mouse.y - this.y;
if (0 <= diffX <= 40) {
var xInRange = true;
} else {
xInRange = false;
if (0<= diffY <= 60) {
var yInRange = true;
c.strokeRect(this.x + 10, this.y + 25, 20, 20);
} else {
yInRange = false;
if (xInRange && yInRange) {
I have thrown in a few instructions for the canvas to build a box to see if it is compiling that part of the code, and it looks like the first one is being drawn when I run the program, but the second one (the one in the if statement) isn't, so I figured that would be where I'm running into a problem.
EDIT: Here is where I call on the function (this isn't finished, so there's a few pieces of code lying around unused):
var cmTID;
var timeStep = 50; //milliseconds
var numCards = 10;
function update() {
var card = new Card(10, 10, 60, 40, 5);
card.clicked();//nothing after this compiles atm
c.strokeRect(200, 200, 30, 30);
cmTID = setTimeout(update, timeStep);
I don't have a ton of experience in Javascript, though I have done a fair amount of work in Java for AP Computer Science, which I took my sophomore year. And if you are wondering, yes, I bit off a little more than I could chew here :P
Can anyone give me pointers on what might be going wrong here? Thanks!

It seems that you are trying to add mouse events to the context c. Instead add it to the actual canvas element.


How to move image on canvas using arrow keys in javascript

I've tried a few different ways that I have seen on here, but I can't quite get my image to move. Whenever I try adapting code for arrow key presses, it just seems to make my canvas shrink and my player model (spaceperson) disappear.
here is the "drawing board" I keep returning to, and what I have so far.
// Get the canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("space");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 1920;
canvas.height = 700;
// Create the image object
var spaceperson = new Image();
// Add onload event handler
spaceperson.onload = function () {
// Done loading, now we can use the image
ctx.drawImage(spaceperson, 280, 300);
// artwork by Harrison Marley (using
spaceperson.src = "";`
I am quite new to javascript, and I am just trying to work out how I can move the specperson image using arrow keys. I was trying to make a class for space person to access their x,y values, but I can't seem to draw the image without using .onload
here a more complete example:
//just a utility
function image(url, callback){
var img = new Image();
if(typeof callback === "function"){
img.onload = function(){
//just to ensure that the callback is executed async
setTimeout(function(){ callback(img, url) }, 0)
img.src = url;
return img;
//a utility to keep a value constrained between a min and a max
function clamp(v, min, max){
return v > min? v < max? v: max: min;
//returns a function that can be called with a keyCode or one of the known aliases
//and returns true||false wether the button is down
var isKeyDown = (function(aliases){
for(var i=256, keyDown=Array(i); i--; )keyDown[i]=false;
var handler = function(e){
keyDown[e.keyCode] = e.type === "keydown";
e.preventDefault(); //scrolling; if you have to suppress it
addEventListener("keydown", handler, false);
addEventListener("keyup", handler, false);
return function(key){
return(true === keyDown[ key in aliases? aliases[ key ]: key ])
//some aliases, to be extended
up: 38,
down: 40,
left: 37,
right: 39
// Get the canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("space");
canvas.width = 1920;
canvas.height = 700;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
//the acutal image is just a little-part of what defines your figue
var spaceperson = {
image: image("//", function(img){
spaceperson.width = img.naturalWidth;
spaceperson.height = img.naturalHeight;
//start the rendering by calling update
x: 60, y: 310,
width: 0, height: 0,
speed: 200 // 200px/s
var lastCall = 0; //to calculate the (real) time between two update-calls
//the render-fucntion
function update(){
//taking account for (sometimes changing) framerates
var now =, time = lastCall|0 && (now-lastCall)/1000;
lastCall = now;
var sp = spaceperson,
speed = sp.speed;
//checking the pressed buttons and calculates the direction
//two opposite buttons cancel out each other, like left and right
var dx = (isKeyDown('right') - isKeyDown('left')) * time,
dy = (isKeyDown('down') - isKeyDown('up')) * time;
//fix the speed for diagonals
if(dx && dy) speed *= 0.7071067811865475; // * 1 / Math.sqrt(2)
if(dx) { //there is some movement on the x-axes
sp.x = clamp(
//calculate the new x-Position
//currentPos + direction * speed
sp.x + dx * sp.speed,
//restraining the result to the bounds of the map
0, canvas.width - sp.width
//same for y
if(dy) sp.y = clamp(sp.y + dy * sp.speed, 0, canvas.height - sp.height);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.drawImage(sp.image, sp.x, sp.y);
A quick question (I hope); if I was to later add other objects, would I check for collisions in update()?
This is still just a very basic example. The main purpose of the update()-function should be to work as the main event-loop.
To trigger all Events that have to happen each frame in the order they have to happen.
var lastCall = 0;
function update(){
//I always want a next frame
//handle timing
var now =,
//time since the last call in seconds
//cause usually it's easier for us to think in
//tems like 50px/s than 0.05px/ms or 0.8333px/frame
time = lastCall|0 && (now-lastCall) / 1000;
lastCall = now;
function render(){
ctx.clear(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for(var i=0; i<enemies.length; ++i)
Not saying that you have to implement all these functions now, but to give you an idea of a possible structure.
Don't be scared to break big tasks (functions) up into subtasks.
And it might make sense to give each enemy a move()-function so you can implement different movement-patterns per enemy,
or you say that the pattern is (and will be) all the same for each enemy, parameterized at the best, then you can handle that in a loop.
Same thing for rendering, as I'm showing in the last part of code.
Here's some slightly modified code from a game I was noodling around with a while back. If you want to see more code, check out the complete JS on GitHub. The game is incomplete but you should gather some helpful clues as to how to move an image around the canvas.
var spaceperson = {
speed: 256,
other_stuff: ''
keysDown = [],
addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
keysDown[e.keyCode] = true;
}, false);
update = function (modifier) {
if (38 in keysDown && spaceperson.y > 0) { // UP
spaceperson.y -= spaceperson.speed * modifier;
if (40 in keysDown && spaceperson.y < CANVAS_HEIGHT - SPACEPERSON_HEIGHT) { // DOWN
spaceperson.y += spaceperson.speed * modifier;
if (37 in keysDown && spaceperson.x > 0) { // LEFT
spaceperson.x -= spaceperson.speed * modifier;
if (39 in keysDown && spaceperson.x < CANVAS_WIDTH - SPACEPERSON_WIDTH) { // RIGHT
spaceperson.x += spaceperson.speed * modifier;
I'm not sure but i think this can help.
// Get the canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("space");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 1920;
canvas.height = 700;
var x = 280;
var y = 300;
// Create the image object
var spaceperson = new Image();
spaceperson.addEventListener("keypress", press);
// Add onload event handler
spaceperson.onload = function () {
// Done loading, now we can use the image
ctx.drawImage(spaceperson, x, y);
function press(event) {
if(event.keyCode == 37) {//LEFT
x = x - 1;
} else if(event.keyCode == 38) {//UP
y = y - 1;
} else if(event.keyCode ==39) {//RIGHT
x = x + 1;
} else if(event.keyCode == 40) {//DOWN
y = y + 1;
function draw(){
// artwork by Harrison Marley (using
spaceperson.src = "";
I found a solution!
// Get the canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("space");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 1920;
canvas.height = 700;
var xPos = 60;
var yPos = 310;
// Create the image object
var spaceperson = new Image();
// Add onload event handler
spaceperson.onload = function () {
// Done loading, now we can use the image
ctx.drawImage(spaceperson, xPos, yPos);
function move(e){
ctx.drawImage(spaceperson, xPos, yPos);
document.onkeydown = move;
// artwork by Harrison Marley
spaceperson.src = "";

Phaser JS walk up tile based stairs

I'm creating a small 2d-minecraft clone, in Phaser js, on my own as a learning experience. So far I have gotten player movement and random level seeds to work ok.
I am using Phasers P2JS engine and have sprites that are box based. What I'm struggling with now Is I want the player to be able to walk unhindered up small elevations, (1-tile high) but I don't have any good idea of how I should Implement this.
I have tried changing the bounding box of the player so that it had a slope at the bottom but this gets me in to a bunch of trouble with wall climbing. I want a way to do this where it gets as seamless as possible. Preferably the player speed is not altered much by climbing the steps.
I am concidering writing some kind of collision detection function to handle this but I am uncertain if this is the best way to do it.
Thanks for your help.
Below is my code and an image that shows the kind of step I want to beable to walk up. Its the first elevation to the left in the image.
var pablo = require('../generators/pablo.js');
var destiny = {};
var socket;
var player;
var jumpButton;
var levelCollisionGroup;
var playerCollisionGroup;
destiny.create = function () {"game loaded");
// World, 0, 4000, 1000);; = 600; false; false; = 0; = 0.01;
// Player
playerCollisionGroup =;
player =, 800, 'player');,true);
player.body.fixedRotation = true;
player.body.mass = 2;
// Camera; = new Phaser.Rectangle(200, 0, 400, 100);
// Controls
jumpButton =;
leftButton =;
rightButton =;
// Level
levelCollisionGroup =;;
for (i = 0; i < 280; i = i + 1) {
var block;
var height = pablo.getHeight(i);
for(j = 0; j < height; j = j + 1){
if(j === height-1){
block =*i, 993-15*j, 'grass');
} else {
block =*i, 993-15*j, 'dirt');
block.width = 15;
block.height = 15;;
block.body.immovable = true;
block.body.collides([levelCollisionGroup, playerCollisionGroup]);
if(j == height){
player.body.collides(levelCollisionGroup); = "#5599CC";
destiny.update = function() {
if (leftButton.isDown) {
player.body.velocity.x = -200;
} else if (rightButton.isDown) {
player.body.velocity.x = 200;
if (jumpButton.isDown && this.checkIfCanJump()) {
player.body.velocity.y = -400;
destiny.render = function() {, 32, 32);, 32, 550);
destiny.checkIfCanJump = function() {
var result = false;
for (var i=0; i <; i++) {
var c =[i];
if (c.bodyA === || c.bodyB === {
var d =, p2.vec2.fromValues(0, 1));
if (c.bodyA === {
d *= -1;
if (d > 0.5) {
result = true;
return result;
module.exports = destiny;
===================== Edit =====================
I have now tried creating slopes of the edge pieces when generating the world. But I realized that this makes me have to regenerate the world when I later add the feature for hacking away blocks. Thus this is not the solution. I think I will need to do some collision detection and move the player up when I hit an edge. But I'm not quite sure how to do this in phaser. Any help is still appreciated.
!!! Here is an image of what not to do !!!
Emanuele Feronato has a post on replicating the game Magick in Phaser.
There he covers the case of a block colliding with a barrier/wall, with the ability of the block to climb one level up.
You can check the tutorial, but what he appears to be doing is checking to see if the diagonal tile is empty (in other words, is it just a 'step' up), and if it is, running a 'jump' function, which looks more like a climb.
Depending upon how you want your character to step, you could potentially look at both the next tile (on the x-axis) as well as the one after it to check for the height.
So for example, if moving right and the next tile is flat, but the second tile has a step, you might start moving your character up on the y-axis.

Javascript mouseout event not working

I am trying to stop the flagwave on mouseout but its not working. Once i mouseover it works but once i mouseout the mouseover action is looping its not stopping. Can i know whats the mistake i have done.
This is my js code:
elem.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseOut , false);
function mouseOut(event) {
var mouseX,
event.preventDefault(); // stops browser to do what it normally does
// determine where mouse is
mouseX = event.pageX;
mouseY = event.pageY;
// do something useful, e.g. change the flag to waving when mouse is over flag
function clearBangladesh(){
canvas.clearRect(0,0,300, 150);
THis is the code for the animation:
function waveFlag( canvas, wavelength, amplitude, period, shading, squeeze ){
if (!squeeze) squeeze = 0;
if (!shading) shading = 100;
if (!period) period = 200;
if (!amplitude) amplitude = 10;
if (!wavelength) wavelength = canvas.width/10;
var fps = 30;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var w = canvas.width, h = canvas.height;
var od = ctx.getImageData(0,0,w,h).data;
// var ct = 0, st=new Date;
return setInterval(function(){
var id = ctx.getImageData(0,0,w,h);
var d =;
var now = (new Date)/period;
for (var y=0;y<h;++y){
var lastO=0,shade=0;
var sq = (y-h/2)*squeeze;
for (var x=0;x<w;++x){
var px = (y*w + x)*4;
var pct = x/w;
var o = Math.sin(x/wavelength-now)*amplitude*pct;
var y2 = y + (o+sq*pct)<<0;
var opx = (y2*w + x)*4;
shade = (o-lastO)*shading;
d[px ] = od[opx ]+shade;
d[px+1] = od[opx+1]+shade;
d[px+2] = od[opx+2]+shade;
d[px+3] = od[opx+3];
lastO = o;
This is the mouseover function:
function mouseMove(event) {
var elem = document.getElementById('bangladesh-canvas');
var mouseX,
event.preventDefault(); // stops browser to do what it normally does
// determine where mouse is
mouseX = event.pageX;
mouseY = event.pageY;
// do something useful, e.g. change the flag to waving when mouse is over flag
waveFlag( elem, 50, 5, 200, 250, -0.1 );
Is this the rightway to stop an event on mouse out? Thanks in advance
Your waveFlag() animation function works by calling setInterval(), which queues up some code to be run at regular intervals forever - unless you cancel it or navigate away from the page. So how to cancel it? It returns an id. You need to call clearInterval() and pass that id, which means you need to actually store the id value in a variable as shown below.
Also, both your mouseover and mouseout handlers have a lot of unnecessary code that doesn't do anything: you create variables and assign values but never use those variables. And there is no need to call preventDefault() because neither event has default behaviour that needs cancelling. So, try something like this:
var intervalId;
function mouseMove(event) {
var elem = document.getElementById('bangladesh-canvas');
intervalId = waveFlag( elem, 50, 5, 200, 250, -0.1 );
function mouseOut(event) {
Keep your existing calls to elem.addEventListener() as they are.
event.preventDefault() is the common way to stop an event's default behavior from occurring. Also, try e.stopPropagation(), in case your event is bubbling up anywhere else in your code. The final thing to attempt is returning false from the function.
However, you might need to show code related to drawBangladesh(), as that may be the cause of your continuous looping, and without it I can't say for certain that your issue is the event handler.
If you're not too keen on event handling, this MDN page may help:

kineticjs rotate with mouse angle

I am trying to make an image object rotate in accordance to the mouse being clicked down on that image and the angle of the mouse to the center of the object.
Think of a unit circle and having the image being rotated about the circle based on where the mouse is on that circle.
I currently have
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: "container",
width: 800,
height: 500,
id: "myCanvas",
name: "myCanvas"
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
//gets the canvas context
var canvas = stage.getContainer();
var mousePosX;
var mousePosY;
var mouseStartAngle;
var selectedImage;
var mouseAngle;
var mouseStartAngle;
var shiftPressed
window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == "16") {
shiftPressed = true;
}, true);
window.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == "16") {
shiftPressed = false;
}, true);
function drawImage(imageObj) {
var dynamicImg = new Kinetic.Image({
image: imageObj,
x: stage.getWidth() / 2 - 200 / 2,
y: stage.getHeight() / 2 - 137 / 2,
width: 100, //imageObj.width,
height: 100, // imageObj.height,
draggable: true,
offset: [50,50] //[(imageObj.width/2), (imageObj.height/2)]
dynamicImg.on('mousedown', function () {
selectedImage = this;
console.log("x: " + this.getX())
console.log("y: " + this.getY())
var mouseStartXFromCenter = mousePosX - (this.getX() + (this.getWidth() / 2));
var mouseStartYFromCenter = mousePosY - (this.getY() + (this.getHeight() / 2));
mouseStartAngle = Math.atan2(mouseStartYFromCenter, mouseStartXFromCenter);
if (shiftPressed) {
//console.log("trying to switch draggable to false");
dynamicImg.on('mouseup mouseout', function () {
//console.log('mouseup mouseout')
dynamicImg.on('mouseover', function () { = 'pointer';
dynamicImg.on('mouseout', function () { = 'default';
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.onload = function () {
imageObj.src = 'http://localhost:60145/Images/orderedList8.png';
function getMousePos(evt) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: evt.clientX - rect.left,
y: evt.clientY -
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function () {
selectedImage = undefined;
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function (evt) {
mousePos = getMousePos(evt);
//console.log('Mouse position: ' + mousePos.x + ',' + mousePos.y)
mousePosX = mousePos.x;
mousePosY = mousePos.y;
if (selectedImage != undefined) {
mouseXFromCenter = mousePosX - selectedImage.getX();
mouseYFromCenter = mousePosY - selectedImage.getY();
mouseAngle = Math.atan2(mouseYFromCenter, mouseXFromCenter);
var rotateAngle = mouseAngle - mouseStartAngle;
}, false);
the code has a couple things to it.
-It should only allow a rotate if 'shift' is pressed and mousedown event happens on an image.
-it needs to maintain the dynamic image drawing as they will be populating the canvas dynamically over the life of the page.
here is a good example of something similar i want to happen, but just simply cannot get it to work in canvas/kineticjs.
I would go simpler way using dragBoundFunc.
dragBoundFunc: function (pos, evt) {
if (evt.shiftKey) {
var x = this.getX() - pos.x;
var y = this.getY() - pos.y;
var radian = Math.PI + Math.atan(y/x);
return {
x: this.getX(),
y: this.getY()
} else {
return pos;
My mistake, I misread your question. You were essentially missing one line:
Hold shift and move the mouse, you'll see it rotates nicely.
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function (evt) {
mousePos = getMousePos(evt);
//console.log('Mouse position: ' + mousePos.x + ',' + mousePos.y)
mousePosX = mousePos.x;
mousePosY = mousePos.y;
if (selectedImage != undefined) {
mouseXFromCenter = mousePosX - selectedImage.getX();
mouseYFromCenter = mousePosY - selectedImage.getY();
mouseAngle = Math.atan2(mouseYFromCenter, mouseXFromCenter);
var rotateAngle = mouseAngle - mouseStartAngle;
layer.draw(); // <--------------- right here
}, false);
You should be more clear what your .on() events do. In your code, the mousedown on the shape doesn't do anything other than calculate an mouseStartAngle, but doesn't do anything. And your mouseUp on the shape event doesn't do much either. It's your browser/client mousedown/mouseup that do all the work, and that's why it rotates properly on some clicks and not others.
For setting the rotation you have many options, here are two:
Option one: set the radians manually on mousedown
dynamicImg.on('mousedown', function () {
dynamicImg.setRotation(mouseStartAngle); //set the rotation degree
layer.draw(); // redraw the layer
Option two: let kineticJS animate the rotation for you
dynamicImg.on('mousedown', function () {
duration: 1, // length of animation in seconds
rotation: mouseStartAngle // your angle, in radians
your updated jsfiddle:
Here are some additional notes:
The reason you are having trouble is because your code is structured is a bit of a messy manner, sorry to say. You are mixing browser events with and adding listeners to the canvas rather than using built-in kineticJS functionality, for example, you could use stage.getUserPosition() to get the mouse coordinates. Unless you have some dire need to structure your project this way, try to avoid it.
What I do like is that you have created functions to break up your code, but on the down-side you have multiple functions doing the same thing, like calculating and updating the rotation angle. Why not just make one function to get the angle?
Some Tips:
Try using mainly KineticJS for functionality (I know you'll need event listeners for buttons like SHIFT). What I mean is, use things like stage.getUserPosition(); to get the mouse/touch coordinates, rather than evt.clientX, it's cleaner, and the work has been done for you already, no need to re-invent the wheel.
Make one function for setting/getting the rotation for a shape. Then you can call it whenever you want. (use less repetitive code)
If you don't want the shape to be draggable when shift is clicked, you should set that before an item is clicked. You have button listeners so you can either disable rotation for all shapes when shift is pressed down, or just for a shape on that is under the cursor.
imageArray.push(dynamicImg); not sure if you really need this, if you need to access all the elements as an array, you could alway do layer.getChildren(); to get all the images in the layer, or access them numerically like layer.getChildren()[0]; (in creation order)

How i can get hit test with image on canvas?

I create image in this way:
var orc = new Image();
orc.src = "./orc.png";
I use image in objects like this:
function Character(hp, image){
this.hp = hp;
this.image = image;
I call it in several times, like:
unit245 = new Character(100, orc);
And I draw it in this way, for example:
ctx.drawImage(unit245.image, 15, 55, 100, 100);
How I can get mouse click or move above my unit245 on canvas?
I need something like this but without any frameworks (except jquery)
There is no built in way. I've written a few tutorials on making movable and selectable shapes on a Canvas to help people get started with this sort of thing though.
In short you need to remember what you have drawn and where, and then check each mouse click to see if you have clicked on something.
HitTesting can be done by checking what is present at the current location over the canvas, which can be called upon mouse click or move event over the canvas (which is the basis of hit testing). This can be done by knowing what has been placed where, like the bounds of an image can be saved, and when user clicks somewhere or moved the mouse over the canvas, you can check whether it is inside the image bounds or outside it. Array or List can be used for this.
Here is how this can be done
You cannot. The canvas has no semblance of what your unit245 or Character object is. You will have to actually manually check the coordinates and see if they fall within the bounds that you have for the character.
For example (assuming your Canvas is a var named canvas):
canvas.onclick = function(e) {
if (e.x >= unit245.x && e.x <= unit245.x + unit245.width && e.y >= unit245.y && e.y <= unit245.y + unit245.height) {
alert("You clicked unit245!");
In your case:
unit245.x = 15
unit245.y = 55
unit245.width = 100
unit245.height = 100
function Item(img, x, y){
this.image = img;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.canv = document.createElement("canvas");
this.canv.width = this.image.width;
this.canv.height = this.image.height;
this.ctx = this.canv.getContext('2d');
this.ctx.drawImage(this.image, 0, 0, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE);
this.hit = function (mx, my) {
var clr;
clr = this.ctx.getImageData(mx - this.x, my - this.y, 1, 1).data;
if (clr[3] > 250) {
//On object
this.image = gold_glow;
} else {
//Leave object
this.image = gold;
