I have a problem. I have a dynamic form that can generate a rows of textfields and these textfields are should be datepicker. These textfields have same classes but only the first one has a datepicker. The rest can't generate a datepicker. But when I checked their classes they have the class of datepicker.
Here's my simple code:
function addNewRowCheck() {
check_html = '<tbody id="check-row' + check_row + '">';
check_html += '<tr style="background-color: #FDCACB">';
check_html += '<td class="txt-center"><input type="hidden" name="check[' + check_row + '][order_no]" value="' + check_row + '" /></td>';
check_html += '<td>';
check_html += '<select>';
check_html += $select_account_type;
check_html += '</select>';
check_html +- '</td>';
check_html += '<td><input type="text" class="txt-center chkdate" name="check[' + check_row + '][curr]" /></td>';
check_html += '<td><input type="text" class="txt-right" name="check[' + check_row + '][rate]" /></td>';
check_html += '<td><input type="text" class="txt-right" name="check[' + check_row + '][amount]" /></td>';
check_html += '<td><input type="text" class="txt-right" name="check[' + check_row + '][check_number]" /></td>';
check_html += '<td><input type="text" class="txt-right chkdate" name="check[' + check_row + '][check_date]" /></td>';
check_html += '<td><input type="text" class="txt-right" name="check[' + check_row + '][bank_name]" /></td>';
check_html += '<td class="center"><img id="remove_btn" src="<?php echo $button_remove; ?>" onclick="$(\'#check-row' + check_row + '\').remove()" style="display: inline;" /></td>';
check_html += '<tr>';
check_html += '</tbody>';
$('#check-content tfoot').before(check_html);
$('.chkdate').each(function() {
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true
* you start jquery click function*
$("input[type=text]").click(function() {
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true
facing an issue when printing more than 2000 entry lines on ajax call. The list of entries may be up to 10000 but when my ajax function calls, all data come but browse shows Page unresponsive when prints.
I have Javascript function to generate invoice lines but when generate and print It shows unresponsive alert.
Here is my javascript code
var contentBody = '';
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var applyToInvoice = (data[i].apply_to_invoice == null)?"":data[i].apply_to_invoice;
var referenceNo = (data[i].reference_no == null)?"":data[i].reference_no;
var referenceNo2 = (data[i].reference_no2 == null)?"":data[i].reference_no2;
var currentBalance = (data[i].invoice_type !='Invoice' && data[i].invoice_type !='Debit Note')? -data[i].current_balance : data[i].current_balance;
var appliedAmount = (data[i].invoice_type !='Invoice' && data[i].invoice_type !='Debit Note')? -data[i].applied_amount : data[i].applied_amount;
var netBalance = (data[i].invoice_type !='Invoice' && data[i].invoice_type !='Debit Note')? -data[i].net_balance : data[i].net_balance;
contentBody = '<tr>' +
'<td><input class="form-check-input form-switch apply-amount" type="checkbox" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].apply" onclick=applyAmount(this) checked></td>' +
'<td class="index-number" id="indexNumber"><input class="receipt-details-id" type="hidden" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].id" value="' + data[i].receipt_entry_details_id + '"></td>' +
'<td><input type="text" class="frm-cntrl invoice-type" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].invoiceType" value="' + data[i].invoice_type + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
'<td><input type="text" class="frm-cntrl" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].invoiceNo" value="' + data[i].invoice_no + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
'<td><input type="text" class="frm-cntrl invoice-date" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].invoiceDate" value="' + data[i].invoice_date + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
'<td><input type="text" class="frm-cntrl" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].referenceNo" value="' + referenceNo + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
'<td><input type="text" class="frm-cntrl" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].referenceNo2" value="' + referenceNo2 + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
'<td><input style="text-align:right;" type="text" class="frm-cntrl" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].currentBalance" value="' + currentBalance + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
'<td><input style="text-align:right;" type="text" class="frm-cntrl applied-amount balance-calculate" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].appliedAmount" value="' + appliedAmount + '" onkeyup="calculation(this)" onClick="this.select();"></td>' +
'<td><input style="text-align:right;" type="text" class="frm-cntrl" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].netBalance" value="' + netBalance + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
'<td><input type="text" class="frm-cntrl" name="receiptEntryDetailsList[' + i + '].applyToInvoice" value="' + applyToInvoice + '" readonly="readonly" tabindex="-1"></td>' +
$('#table2 tbody').append(contentBody);
Hello I have a problem with some calculation in javascript(see image)
The cell that is with red border calculate product price sum with vat.
What im trying to do but didnt success is to calculate product price sum WITHOUT VAT(the cell with red broder should be 2000 not 2200)
Here is the code that im using,
var row_no = (new Date).getTime();
var newTr = $('<tr id="row_' + row_no + '" class="row_' + item_id + '" data-item-id="' + item_id + '"></tr>');
tr_html = '<td><input name="product_id[]" type="hidden" class="rid" value="' + product_id + '"><input name="product[]" type="hidden" class="rcode" value="' + item_code + '"><input name="product_name[]" type="hidden" class="rname" value="' + item_name + '"><input name="product_option[]" type="hidden" class="roption" value="' + item_option + '"><input name="part_no[]" type="hidden" class="rpart_no" value="' + item_supplier_part_no + '"><span class="sname" id="name_' + row_no + '">' + item_code +' - '+ item_name +(sel_opt != '' ? ' ('+sel_opt+')' : '')+' <span class="label label-default">'+item_supplier_part_no+'</span></span> <i class="pull-right fa fa-edit tip edit" id="' + row_no + '" data-item="' + item_id + '" title="Edit" style="cursor:pointer;"></i></td>';
if (site.settings.product_expiry == 1) {
tr_html += '<td><input class="form-control date rexpiry" name="expiry[]" type="text" value="' + item_expiry + '" data-id="' + row_no + '" data-item="' + item_id + '" id="expiry_' + row_no + '"></td>';
tr_html += '<td class="text-right"><input class="form-control input-sm text-right rcost" name="net_cost[]" type="hidden" id="cost_' + row_no + '" value="' + item_cost + '"><input class="rucost" name="unit_cost[]" type="hidden" value="' + unit_cost + '"><input class="realucost" name="real_unit_cost[]" type="hidden" value="' + item.row.real_unit_cost + '"><span class="text-right scost" id="scost_' + row_no + '">' + formatMoney(item_cost) + '</span></td>';
tr_html += '<td><input name="quantity_balance[]" type="hidden" class="rbqty" value="' + item_bqty + '"><input class="form-control text-center rquantity" name="quantity[]" type="text" tabindex="'+((site.settings.set_focus == 1) ? an : (an+1))+'" value="' + formatQuantity2(item_qty) + '" data-id="' + row_no + '" data-item="' + item_id + '" id="quantity_' + row_no + '" onClick="this.select();"><input name="product_unit[]" type="hidden" class="runit" value="' + product_unit + '"><input name="product_base_quantity[]" type="hidden" class="rbase_quantity" value="' + base_quantity + '"></td>';
if (po_edit) {
tr_html += '<td class="rec_con"><input name="ordered_quantity[]" type="hidden" class="oqty" value="' + item_oqty + '"><input class="form-control text-center received" name="received[]" type="text" value="' + formatDecimal(unit_qty_received) + '" data-id="' + row_no + '" data-item="' + item_id + '" id="received_' + row_no + '" onClick="this.select();"><input name="received_base_quantity[]" type="hidden" class="rrbase_quantity" value="' + qty_received + '"></td>';
if (site.settings.product_discount == 1) {
tr_html += '<td class="text-right"><input class="form-control input-sm rdiscount" name="product_discount[]" type="hidden" id="discount_' + row_no + '" value="' + item_ds + '"><span class="text-right sdiscount text-danger" id="sdiscount_' + row_no + '">' + formatMoney(0 - (item_discount * item_qty)) + '</span></td>';
tr_html += '<td class="text-right"><span class="text-right ssubtotal" id="subtotal_' + row_no + '">' + formatMoney((parseFloat(item_cost) * parseFloat(item_qty))) + '</span></td>';
if (site.settings.tax1 == 1) {
tr_html += '<td class="text-right"><input class="form-control input-sm text-right rproduct_tax" name="product_tax[]" type="hidden" id="product_tax_' + row_no + '" value="' + pr_tax.id + '"><span class="text-right sproduct_tax" id="sproduct_tax_' + row_no + '">' + (pr_tax_rate ? '(' + pr_tax_rate + ')' : '') + ' ' + formatMoney(pr_tax_val * item_qty) + '</span></td>';
tr_html += '<td class="text-right"><span class="text-right ssubtotal" id="subtotal_' + row_no + '">' + formatMoney(((parseFloat(item_cost) + parseFloat(pr_tax_val)) * parseFloat(item_qty))) + '</span></td>';
tr_html += '<td class="text-center"><i class="fa fa-times tip podel" id="' + row_no + '" title="Remove" style="cursor:pointer;"></i></td>';
total += formatDecimal(((parseFloat(item_cost) + parseFloat(pr_tax_val)) * parseFloat(item_qty)), 4);
count += parseFloat(item_qty);
$('#row_' + row_no).addClass('warning');
var col = 2;
if (site.settings.product_expiry == 1) { col++; }
var tfoot = '<tr id="tfoot" class="tfoot active"><th colspan="'+col+'">Total</th><th class="text-center">' + formatQty(parseFloat(count) - 1) + '</th>';
if (po_edit) {
tfoot += '<th class="rec_con"></th>';
if (site.settings.product_discount == 1) {
tfoot += '<th class="text-right">'+formatMoney(product_discount)+'</th>';
tfoot += '<th class="text-right">'+formatMoney(total)+'</th>';
if (site.settings.tax1 == 1) {
tfoot += '<th class="text-right">'+formatMoney(product_tax)+'</th>';
tfoot += '<th class="text-right">'+formatMoney(total)+'</th><th class="text-center"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" style="opacity:0.5; filter:alpha(opacity=50);"></i></th></tr>';
$('#poTable tfoot').html(tfoot);
You set the total which you display right here:
total += formatDecimal(((parseFloat(item_cost) + parseFloat(pr_tax_val)) * parseFloat(item_qty)), 4);
For you to display a price without vat you need another variable for it
var totalNoVAT = 0;
and in the loop:
totalNoVAT += formatDecimal((parseFloat(item_cost) * parseFloat(item_qty)), 4);
and finally display it by changing this:
tfoot += '<th class="text-right">'+formatMoney(total)+'</th>';
to this:
tfoot += '<th class="text-right">'+formatMoney(totalNoVAT)+'</th>';
I'm trying to create a questions with answer or
multiple choice in CodeIgniter, I create the choice using jQuery and now I don't know how to get all value from text input.
can someone help me for this case??
This code:
var choices = [{
id_soal: 'choice1'
}, {
id_soal: 'choice2'
}, {
id_soal: 'choice3'
var html = '';
var i;
for (i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
html += '<div class="row">',
html += '<div class="col-xs-8 col-md-4>',
html += '<div class="input-group">',
html += '<span class="input-group-addon" style="background:green"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> Soal' + (i + 1) + '</span>',
html += '<input type="text" name="Question' + i + '" id="Question' + i + '" class="Question form-control" placeholder="Question" required>',
html += '</div></div></div></br>',
html += '<div class="row">',
html += '<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-4">',
html += '<div class="input-group">',
html += '<span class="input-group-addon">A</span>',
html += '<input type="text" name="A_jawaban' + i + '" id="A_jawaban' + i + '" class="form-control A_jawaban" placeholder="Result" required>',
html += '</div></div>'
html += '<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-4">',
html += '<div class="input-group">',
html += '<span class="input-group-addon"> B</span>',
html += '<input type="text" name="B_jawaban' + i + '" id="B_jawaban' + i + '" class="form-control" placeholder="Result" required>',
html += '</div></div>',
html += '<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-4">',
html += '<div class="input-group">',
html += '<span class="input-group-addon"> C</span>',
html += '<input type="text" name="C_jawaban' + i + '" id="C_jawaban' + i + '" class="form-control" placeholder="Result" required>',
html += '</div></div></div><br>';
html += '<div class="row">',
html += '<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-6">',
html += '<div class="input-group">',
html += '<span class="input-group-addon"> D</span>',
html += '<input type="text" name="D_jawaban' + i + '" id="D_jawaban' + i + '" class="form-control" placeholder="Result" required>',
html += '</div></div>'
html += '<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-6">',
html += '<div class="input-group">',
html += '<span class="input-group-addon"> E</span>',
html += '<input type="text" name="E_jawaban' + i + '" id="E_jawaban' + i + '" class="form-control" placeholder="Result" required>',
html += '</div></div></div><br>';
$('#tambah').click(function(event) {
console.log('THIS CHOICES',choices)
var results = $('.Question').serializeArray();
console.log('FOR QUESTIONS',results)
var resultsAnswearA = $('.A_jawaban').serializeArray();
console.log('FOR QUESTIONS',resultsAnswearA)
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div name="judul" class="judul"></div>
<button id="tambah" name="tambah" class="btn btn-warning"><i class="icon-pencil5"></i> Tambah</button>
wow sorry for my question above, I forgot and just realized I got the answer to use query selector. just check the code
var allInputsValue = {};
$(".judul input").each(function(){
//Add each input value to all inputs
allInputsValue[allInputsValue.length] = {
i have trouble using autocomplete with dynamic created input. I can't get autocomplete to bind to the new inputs.
This code autocomplete I used on the first input
$(function() {
$( '#nama-0').autocomplete({
source: "get_barang.php",
minLength: 2,
select: function( event, ui ) {
and this new table row with input:
$('#tambah').click(function() {
var i = $('input').size() + 1,
input = '<tr id="box' + i + '">';
input += '<td><input id="nama-' + i + '" name="nama_input[]" autocomplete="off" class="nama form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="kode-' + i + '" name="kode_input[]" readonly="readonly" class="form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="harga-' + i + '" name="harga_input[]" type="number" autocomplete="off" class="hitung form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="jumlah-' + i + '" name="jumlah_input[]" type="number" autocomplete="off" class="hitung form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="total-' + i + '" name="total_input[]" class="total form-control" readonly="readonly" /></td>';
input += '<td><button id="hapus" class="btn btn-default"><b>Hapus</b></button></td>'
input += '</tr>';
return false;
i think the problem I guess the problem is in the use of dynamic input id attribute. how to write id of dynamic input, and apply them in autocomplete? any help appreciated.
Your issue is because the #nama-N element doesn't exist in the DOM when you try to initialise the autocomplete function on it.
To fix this, move your first block of code inside the click handler, after append() has been called. Try this:
$('#tambah').click(function(e) {
var i = $('input').size() + 1;
var input = '<tr id="box' + i + '">';
input += '<td><input id="nama-' + i + '" name="nama_input[]" autocomplete="off" class="nama form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="kode-' + i + '" name="kode_input[]" readonly="readonly" class="form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="harga-' + i + '" name="harga_input[]" type="number" autocomplete="off" class="hitung form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="jumlah-' + i + '" name="jumlah_input[]" type="number" autocomplete="off" class="hitung form-control" /></td>';
input += '<td><input id="total-' + i + '" name="total_input[]" class="total form-control" readonly="readonly" /></td>';
input += '<td><button id="hapus" class="btn btn-default"><b>Hapus</b></button></td>'
input += '</tr>';
// attach autocomplete here as the element now exists in the DOM
$('#nama-' + i).autocomplete({
source: "get_barang.php",
minLength: 2,
select: function(event, ui) {
Why would I be getting an undefined in my console.log output when I update the quantity input box?
I have tried various ways but unable to return the value entered in the input box.
counter = $('#myTable tr').length;
var newRow = $("<tr>");
var cols = "";
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '">Display row counter here</td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><div class="input-group"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" id="material_id_' + counter + '" readonly="true" name="material_id_' + counter + '" style="width:150px" required><span class="btn btn-default btn-sm input-group-addon search_material_modal" id="" onclick="displaymaterialmodal(' + counter + ')" ><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" title="' + counter + ' "></span></span></div></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><div class="input-group"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" id="description_' + counter + '" name="description_' + counter + '" readonly="true" style="width:200px"></div></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><input type="text" class="myInputbox form-control input-sm" id="quantity" name="quantity" style="width:70px"></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm myInputbox" id="bar_code" name="bar_code" style="width:150px"></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm myInputbox" id="invoice_number" name="invoice_number" style="width:150px"></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm myInputbox" id="unit_price" name="unit_price" style="width:100px"></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><select name="where_found" id="where_found" style="height:30px"><option value="" selected></option><option value="Retour client"><cfoutput>#textconstants.customer#</cfoutput></option><option value="Controle recption"><cfoutput>#textconstants.quality_control#</cfoutput></option></select></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><select name="shipment" id="shipment" style="height:30px" class="myInputbox"><option value="" selected></option><option value="Pallette"><cfoutput>#textconstants.pallet#</cfoutput></option><option value="Container"><cfoutput>#textconstants.container#</cfoutput></option></select></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm myInputbox" id="remarks" name="remarks_' + counter + '" ondblclick="openRemarksModal('+ counter +',$(this).val());"></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><select name="rework" id="rework" style="height:30px" class="myInputbox"><option value="" selected></option><cfoutput><option value="#textconstants.no_rework#">#textconstants.no_rework#</option><option value="#textconstants.failed_rework#">#textconstants.failed_rework#</option><option value="#textconstants.rework_ok#">#textconstants.rework_ok#</option></cfoutput></select></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><select name="status" id="status" style="height:30px" class="myInputbox"><cfoutput><option value="" selected></option><option value="#textconstants.credit_note#">#textconstants.credit_note#</option><option value="#textconstants.replacement#">#textconstants.replacement#</option><option value="#textconstants.no_action#">#textconstants.no_action#</option></cfoutput></select></td>';
cols += '<td row-id="' + counter + '"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" onclick="addphotos(' + counter + ')"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-camera"></span></button></td>';
$('#url_total_rows').val(parseInt($('#url_total_rows').val(), 10) + 1);
$("#myTable tbody").on("change", ".myInputbox", function(){
var row = $(this).closest("tr");
var tb1 = row.find("input.quantity").val();
Any help appreciated.
ref to an input with CLASS quantity, maybe you want