Replace <img> with <object> - javascript

Here is a little challenge: I'm trying to replace all three <img ...> tags in the code below completely by another tag named <object ...>. I Tried with jQuery .replaceWith() but didn't get it.
$( document ).ready(function() {
$("div.gallery_content > div > ul > li:firstchild > img").replaceWith( "<object>...</object>" );
I can't change any of the classes or add any ID or class names. And I can't change the code in any way. I can just add some Javascript / jQuery in an .js file that is already attached.
What makes things even more difficult is the fact, that I have to add the Javascript to every page on the website, but the replacement should only take place on a subpage called «spots» (e.g. .com/cms/anything/spots).
This is the code:
<div class="gallery_content">
<div id="navkeys" style="visibility: hidden;"></div>
<ul style="width: 2281px; margin-left: 0px;">
<li style="margin-left: 0px;">
<img src="XYZ" width="760" height="505" alt="XYZ" style="visibility: visible;">
<div class="gallery_details">
Some Text
<img src="XYZ" width="760" height="505" alt="XYZ" style="visibility: visible;">
<div class="gallery_details">
Some Text
<img src="XYZ" width="760" height="505" alt="XYZ" style="visibility: visible;">
<div class="gallery_details">
Some Text
Has anyone got a clue?

Once a dom element is created, the tag is immutable.
You would have to remove the image element and replace it with an object. So you would need to get all of the information you need and then add an object element.
So you could do something like this:
$("div.gallery_content > div > ul > li:firstchild > img").each(function() {
var src = $(this).attr('src');
var width = $(this).attr('width');
$('<object>...</object>').prependTo('li') //or whatever your selector is to prepend.

The other users have given the code for the replacement, but forgot to explain how the code must act to execute only in the target page
var targetPath = "com/cms/anything/spots";
currentPath = window.location.pathname;
//Checks if the current page coincides with the target page
if(currentPath.indexOf(targetPath)+targetPath.length === currentPath.length){
With this, the script will check if the page is the correct before executing the code.

You can create a new object element, with all the attributes of the old one and then replace the img tag.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("div.gallery_content > div > ul > li > img").each(function () {
// create a new object
var $object = $('<object>');
// copy all the attributes
var attributes = $(this).prop("attributes");
// loop through attributes and apply them to object
$.each(attributes, function () {
$object.attr(, this.value);
If it were not an img you would also copy the innerHTML using .html().
The end result of the JSFiddle looks like:
<li style="margin-left: 0px;">
<object src="XYZ" width="760" height="505" alt="XYZ" style="visibility: visible;"></object>
<div class="gallery_details">Some Text</div>
The other minor detail you mentioned was matching a specific page only (difficult to test in a JSFiddle):
$(document).ready(function () {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("/cms/anything/spots") > 0){
$("div.gallery_content > div > ul > li > img").each(function () {
// create a new object
var $object = $('<object>');
// copy all the attributes
var attributes = $(this).prop("attributes");
// loop through attributes and apply them to object
$.each(attributes, function () {
$object.attr(, this.value);


Convert all headings to anchor links

All the h1 tags in my webpage contain a custom tool-tip and an anchor(which are added with jquery). The html looks like this:
<h1 id="heading1">
<div class="tooltip">
<i class="icon-decline">X</i>
<div class="tooltip-arrow"></div>
<div class="tooltip-inner">
<input type="text" readonly="readonly" value="http://someurl/somemore/#heading1">
<a href="http://someurl/somemore/#heading1" class="anchor"><i class="icon-chain-link">#</i>
For smaller devices after hiding the tool-tip and the anchor I want convert the string within the h1 to an anchor link with the native link of the heading. I want something like this:
<h1 id="heading1">
<div class="tooltip">
<i class="icon-decline">X</i>
<div class="tooltip-arrow"></div>
<div class="tooltip-inner">
<input type="text" readonly="readonly" value="http://someurl/somemore/#heading1">
<a href="http://someurl/somemore/#heading1" class="anchor"><i class="icon-chain-link">#</i>
Unfortunately until now I haven't found a way to target solely the text string and the jquery wrapInner() method, that I'm using, wraps all the the elements inside the h1. This is my code until now:
//the function to hide the tooltip, the anchor and convert the h1 to link
function makeResponsive(){
if ($(window).width() < 780) {
$('div.tooltip').css('display', 'none');
} else {
//run on document load and on window resize
$(document).ready(function () {
//on load
//on resize
Here is a working example with an additional h2 tag. First problem: I can't set the id from the h tag as location.hash Second problem: Want to convert only the text string of the h tag to a link
If a tag contains an id attribute, you don't need an anchor for it.
If this page contains a tag like <section id="general_information">, all you need to link directly to that section is a link like ...
Following the example are you forgetting this part:
$('a.anchor').click(function(event) {
var thistool = $(this).parent().find('div.tooltip');
$('.icon-decline').on('click', function() {
$('div.tooltip').on('click', function(event) {
$(document).on('click', function() {
So here is my solution:
if ($(window).width() < 780) {
$('h1 > span, h2 > span, h3 > span').each(function() {
window.location.hash =;//set the local id as hash
$(this).contents().eq(0).wrap('<a class="native" href="' + window.location.hash + '"></a>');
});//get ONLY the text within the h tags and wrap it with a tags that have the local hash
In devices with width less than 780px for each span within the h tags I set the hash equal to the id of their parent. Then i get the first content of the span, which is the text and wrap it with an a that has the complete URL of the location.
In devices with width more than 780px I just find and unwrap the a tags that wrap the text.
} else {
Here is a Demo with the complete code.

How can I add a link to an image that changes on hover via jQuery?

I have an image below a nav and the image changes depending on which nav item is hovered over. Here is the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.nav-item').mouseenter(function() {
var img = $(this).attr('data-headerimg');
$('img#header-img').attr('src', img);
}).mouseleave(function() {
var img = $(this).attr('data-headerimg');
$('img#header-img').attr('src', img);
I'd like the image to be a link to it's corresponding page, but I'm not sure how to do that via jQuery. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First, enclose the image in an anchor in your HTML: <a><img ....></a>. Put the link next to data-headerimg, in data-headerlink attribute.
Second, update the anchor's href to the same value you're setting the image's src:
var img = $(this).attr('data-headerimg');
var href = $(this).attr('data-headerlink');
$('img#header-img').attr('src', img).parent().attr('href', href);
Sorround it with a href tag in html like
<a id="headerimglink" href=""><img src="" /></a>
set the href attribute along with the src attribute, or you can hardcode it as well if that is not changing.
Why to send an image request and wait a server response with image data? (Some users find it very annoying)
In order to preload your images You can simply create the needed tags and just swap display (with fade?) on item hover.
Let's say:
<ul id="list">
<div id="images">
<img src="foo.jpg" alt="Foo">
<img src="bar.jpg" alt="Bar">
#images a {
/* etc */
var $imgLink = $('#images a');
$('#list li').hover(function( e ) {
$imgLink.stop().fadeTo(300, 0);
if(e.type=="mouseenter") {
$imgLink.eq( $(this).index() ).fadeTo(300, 1);

get the size of label text inside the div?

I am trying to get the size of label text inside the div and chech of the size is 0 hide this div
Update the text is in dnn_ctr2802_View_lblHelp class dnnHelpText
//get the size of the hiden label
var labelTextSize = $(".dnnHelpText").val().length;
if(labelTextSize == 0)
<div class="pull-right eyeball">
<img id="img_type" src="/ideaPark/DesktopModules/ExplorationTypeSaftyAlert/img/3.png" />
<img id="img_safety_alert" class="eyeball-warning" src="/ideaPark/DesktopModules/ExplorationTypeSaftyAlert/img/exploration-warning.png" />
<div class="dnnTooltip">
<label id="dnn_ctr2802_View_label">
<a id="dnn_ctr2802_View_cmdHelp" tabindex="-1" href="javascript:__doPostBack('dnn$ctr2802$View$cmdHelp','')"><span id="lblLabel"></span></a>
<div id="dnn_ctr2802_View_pnlHelp" class="dnnFormHelpContent dnnClear" style="display:none;">
<span id="dnn_ctr2802_View_lblHelp" class="dnnHelpText"> bnmbnmbnmbnmtfgjnfvyg</span>
try this & BTW try to use jquery UI function .remove()
var labelTextSize = $('.dnnHelpText').text().length;
console.log("text:" + labelTextSize.length);
if (labelTextSize == 1) {
Try this:
var labelTextSize = $("#lblLabel").width();
And to test, try this:
As anything worked I have search for other way to achieve this. I have found this question and maybe it works for you.
Try this:
$(".dnnHelpText").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function(){
var labelTextSize = $(this).width();
if(labelTextSize == 0)
That snipet add an event listener when the content of the label is been changed. So then, inside the event you may have access to it's properties to do your routine.

Show/hide element based on clicked href of link

I am new to JavaScript and actually quite desperate by now
I have an HTML file that:
gets data from an XML file and displays them in various divs (e.g. )
these divs are hidden (by default) by a class name (class='box')
when a link is clicked, I pass the 'href' to the function showContent, remove the #, and then look for an element with that ID in the document.
then I add a new class name ('show') - so that this element shows up!
If you run the code you will see that every time you click on a link a new div is displayed...
So current problems:
replace already shown divs with the new clicked ID so that only one div shows up every time.
How can I avoid inserting the onClick event in every single tag - and make this more automated?
My code is as follows:
function showContent(obj)
var linkTo = obj.getAttribute("href");
var newlinkTo=linkTo.replace('#','');
//alert (newlinkTo);
document.getElementById(newlinkTo).innerHTML=" This is where the xml variable content should go";
document.getElementById(newlinkTo).className += " Show";
return true;
<a href="#b0" onClick="return showContent(this);">
<div id="text_content"> link2 </div>
<a href="#b1" onClick="return showContent(this);">
<div id="text_content"> link 1 </div>
<div class='box' id='b0'> abstract content </div>
<div class='box' id='b1'> introduction content </div>
I'm not usually into using jQuery everywhere, but with it you could just do:
<a class='showContent' data='b0'/>
Your js:
var selected;
var toShow = $(this).attr('data');
if(selected!==undefined) selected.removeClass('Show');
selected = $(div+'#'+toShow);
Not sure if this is what you want, but thought I'd suggest it.
This sort of thing is not hard to do without jQuery.
I would recommend using a hash-bang (#!) for Javascript activated links to keep it separate from other possible links with hashes. (script is at the bottom)
<div id="nav-links">
<a href="#!b0">
<div id="text_content"> link2 </div>
<a href="#!b1">
<div id="text_content"> link 1 </div>
<div class='box' id='b0'> abstract content </div>
<div class='box' id='b1'> introduction content </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var links = document.getElementById('nav-links').getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0, link; link = links[i]; i++) {
link.onclick = showContent;
// Hide content divs by default
getContentDiv(link).style.display = 'none';
// Show the first content div
if(links.length > 0) showContent.apply(links[0]);
var current;
function showContent() {
// hide old content
if(current) = 'none';
current = getContentDiv(this);
if(!current) return true;
//current.innerHTML = "This is where the xml variable content should go"; = 'block';
return true;
function getContentDiv(link) {
var linkTo = link.getAttribute('href');
// Make sure the link is meant to go to a div
if(linkTo.substring(0, 2) != '#!') return;
linkTo = linkTo.substring(2);
return document.getElementById(linkTo);
There is a WAY cleaner way to do this:
This is just my quick example, it can get EVEN cleaner than this, but this works for your case:
link b0
link b1
<div class='box' id='b0'> abstract content </div>
<div class='box' id='b1'> introduction content </div>​​​​​​​​​
#b0 { display: none; }
#b1 { display: none; }
a, div.text_content { display: inline; padding: 0 10px; }
var id = $(this).attr("rel");
Each link would have to have a REL attribute that is the same as the ID of the div element that you are trying to show.
Here is a JSFiddle to this example in action:

Javascript Hover Content Show

I am attempting to write a JS function (using prototype in rails) that will show hidden divs within a li when that li is mouseover'ed. Each li has a unique id that is a number, like so:
<li id="100">
<div style="display:none;" id="hover-display-content">Content</div>
<div style="display:none;" id="more-hover-display-content">Content</div>
<div style="display:none;" id="even-more-hover-display-content">Content</div>
I'm not sure how to go about doing this though, especially where the JS only shows the hidden elemenst for that specific li.
I'm thinking something like:
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
Event.observe($("li"), 'mouseover', function() {
var id = readAttribute("id")
id.getElementById("hover-display-content").style.display = "inline";
id.getElementById("more-hover-display-content").style.display = "inline";
id.getElementById("even-hover-display-content").style.display = "inline";
Event.observe($("li"), 'mouseout', function() {
var id = readAttribute("id")
id.getElementById("hover-display-content").style.display = "none";
id.getElementById("more-hover-display-content").style.display = "none";
id.getElementById("even-hover-display-content").style.display = "none";
But it doesn't seem to be working. Where am I going wrong?
I am now using:
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
$$('li').invoke('observe', 'mouseover', function(event) {
$$('li').invoke('observe', 'mouseout', function(event) {
Which is partially working, however my code looks like the following:
<div style="display:hidden;">Hidden Div</div>
<div>More content that isn't hidden</div>
When I rollover the li it displays the hidden div, however if I rollover the second div it hides the comment again, even though this div is in the li. Why?
with a tag and hover? just providing an idea
a div{display:none; height:10px;}
a:hover div{display:inline;}
<li><a>a<div id="hover-display-content">Content</div></a></li>
<li><a>s<div id="more-hover-display-content">Content1</div></a></li>
<li><a>d<div id="even-more-hover-display-content">Content2</div></a></li>
Im not sure if this is your only issue but one key thing is that DOM id's cannot begin with a number, youll need to prefix that with something like model_name-100. Additionally, all id's need to be unique. So your inner content div's need to have those id's converted to classes like class="even-more-hover-display-content"... or alternatively you could jsut prefix the id with the id of the parent element like model_name-100-even-more-hover-display-content.
I would start with the .getElementByClass() --- deprecated in Proto 1.6
Link here.
As a fallback plan, here's a proof-of-concept in regular JS that works:
<li onmouseover="this.children[0].style.display = 'inline';
this.children[1].style.display = 'inline';">
<div id="testdiv" style="display:none;background:blue">test</div>
<div id="testdiv" style="display:none;background:blue">test</div>
using jquery
isn't that simple . .
