I'm trying to check if I have something in an array already before adding - so that I cannot add the same type more than once. I am checking the model of the drop down I am selecting from against the array I am storing everything in (there is a slight difference in that the model stores the id as id and the array as skillId).
I am basically just trying to look through the array and see if the id matches - and if it does do not add the item to the array. Here is the code.
$scope.saveSkill = function() {
//send skill to get path, then add to skills array
var skillCheck = true;
//check if exists aready
if($scope.pathArray[i].skillId = $scope.scope5.id ){
console.log("Cannot add same skill more than once");
skillCheck = false;
method: 'GET',
url: '/findPathScopeToSkill/' + $scope.scope5.id + "/1"
angular.forEach(data.paths, function(index) {
Just as a quick reference - pathArray is where the items get pushed into and where I do not want to have doubles - so I am checking the current id vs the id's inside the array (only difference is they are .skillId's)
I can add one, then can't add the same one again BUT I also can't add any after that. Can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
First of all, i am relatively new to javascript so go easy on me :)
Here is my problem. I need to be able to dynamically navigate a multidimensionnal array that look like such :
The idea is as follow : the client can create categories and nest subcategories under them but also put sub categories inside subcategories.
So i can add a subcategorie to a categorie by doing :
Now my problem is how to do the same with a sub categorie.
getting the x value and storing it in the new created categorie could be possible and i guess i could work my way around 1 layer of subcatgories but the idea is that it is supposed to be able to create as many nested sub categories as necessaries. so it could look like :
So i need a dynamic way to access those places. not sur how to do it.
Can i access those nested object via their id ? like with map in a regular array.
How would i access cat1-subcat1-subcat1 with only knowing the id for exemple ???
I hope it make sens, i am availbale of course for more explanations
Thanks, Esteban
So i have been trying to work on that piece of code.
To break down a simple array into a multidimensionnal one.
Each categorie store a level and parentid value.
Here is the code i am trying to work on,
Hope it makes sens to you guys. Again sorry for my poor javascript skill, that code very likely can be optimized.
Right now i would just like it to work :)
var catdb = this.$catdb
var lvl=0
var temparray=[]
var temparray2=[]
var tempactif=1
//var init = true
var j
var u
var i
// count how many lvls max
if (catdb[i].level>lvl){lvl=catdb[i].level}
//put the items with the current lvl in an array
//check if first round with init value
// if(init==true){
// tempactif=2
// init=false
// continue}
// else{
// add item from supperior lvl array to lower one
//Switch tampactif value and clean temp array
// console.log(temparray2)
// }//en of else
}//end of lvl loop
Thanks !!!
Ok, i found a way arround, so here it is if anyone has the same issue :
var catdb=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$catdb))
var lvl = 0
var tempcat={}
var u
var i
var parentid
// count how many lvls max
if (catdb[i].level>lvl){lvl=catdb[i].level}
console.log('lvl : ',lvl)
// if only base lvl, no need to build treeview
//for each lvl starting from highest, go through the temp database catdb
//When found a categorie from current lvl, found the position of its parent and add it to its child
parentid = catdb[i].parentid
let parentpos = catdb.map(function (e) {
return e.id;
//remove the cat that has been added to childs from the temp db
//replace the parent by the parent with child
}//end of all (else if not just base lvl)
In a Firebase DB I'm storing "events" and "users". Users can have favorite events, to manage them I only store the event's id in the favorite user's DB location. So to grab favorite events informations, I need to firstable grab the event id and then go to the DB events location, to collect all the datas I need.
I would like to store in an Array all the favorite events informations (each event would be an Object with inside it : "key" : "value"), to use that Array in my HTML view and print the informations. But it doesn't work the way I coded it... :(
// This ref is too grab favorite event id (in my case only 2) in the user DB location
var refUserFavoris = firebase.database().ref().child("users/"+user.uid+"/events/favoris");
$scope.favorisTmp = $firebaseArray(refUserFavoris);
// This shows one array, with two objects (wich are my two user's favorite events) wich include ids
// This is to load the objects and with the foreEach, grab there ids to use them in the next ref call
angular.forEach($scope.favorisTmp, function(favoris)
// This shows two lines : the id of each object
// Call a new ref to reach the event informations (in a different location of the DB) using the previous id
// Attempt to store events datas for each id I have (in my case, only two)
var favSnap = favorisSnap.val();
// This shows a lot of "undefined" lines, wich I don't want. I would like two objects, with all informations inside
// $scope.favorisF is an Array that I would like to use in a ng-repeat to print all datas for each event
// For now this doesn't show anything
$scope.favorisF = favSnap;
// If using favSnap out of the previous function, I got a "favSnap" is undifined error
<ion-item ng-repeat="f in favorisF" class="item-avatar">
EDIT 1 :
I tried a new way to have my data, but a new problem came, how to fill an Array inside a loop ? I've tried "push" and "$add" methods, but no one worked. Any ideas ?
var newFav = [];
var user;
user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
var refUserFavoris = firebase.database().ref().child("users/"+user.uid+"/events/favoris");
$scope.favorisTmp = $firebaseArray(refUserFavoris);
angular.forEach($scope.favorisTmp, function(favoris)
var refFavoris = firebase.database().ref("events/"+favoris.$id);
refFavoris.on('value', function(snap)
//This is where I'm trying to fill "newFav" in each steps of the loop
console.log("Scope newFav vaut :", $scope.newFav);
I think you made a typo here.
var refUserFavoris = firebase.database().ref("events/favoris/"+favoris.$id).once('value')
Thanks a lot Abdel, I fixed my problem :
Here is the solution
$scope.newFav = [];
angular.forEach($scope.favorisTmp, function(favoris)
var refFavoris = firebase.database().ref("events/"+favoris.$id);
refFavoris.on('value', function(snap)
console.log("Scope newFav vaut :", $scope.newFav);
I have objects in Parse called "Post" and within that, I have columns called "title" and "content". I am trying to ask the user for an input value and save this as "remove". If the user's input value ("remove") matches a "title" value already saved in parse.com, I want to delete the entire row in parse, so that both the "title", "content" and everything else in the row is deleted. The deleting part is not working so I am wondering if my code is actually making it go through all the data saved in parse and find the one that matches the user's input and then delete it.
What am I doing incorrectly and what can I change to make it delete the entire row?
Thank you in advance.
function getPosts(){
var query = new Parse.Query(Post);
success: function(results){
for(var i in results){
var title = results[i].get("title");
var content = results[i].get("content");
var remove = $("#post-remove").val();
console.log("Remove: "+remove);
console.log("MAC Address: " +title);
console.log("place: "+content);
if (title == remove)
window.alert("The MAC address matches.");
console.log(remove+" matches " + title+ " and is located in " +content);
var Post = Parse.Object.extend("Post");
var query = new Parse.Query(Post);
query.find("objectId", {
success: function(yourObj){
//Post.destroy({}); //if title matches remove, delete the Post (title and content) (but it's not deleting it)
To clarify and add a bit to #JakeT's acceptable answer:
1) find objects to delete like this:
function postsMatching(title) {
var Post = Parse.Object.extend("Post");
var query = new Parse.Query(Post);
query.equalTo("title", title);
return query.find();
2) Delete an array of parse objects like this:
3) Put the two ideas together (returning a promise to find then delete) like this:
var title = $("#post-remove").val();
postsMatching(title).then(function(posts) {
console.log("deleting " + JSON.stringify(posts));
}, function(error) {
console.log("error " + JSON.stringify(error));
First of, you can use the Parse.Query.equalTo(key, value) method to filter for the Post/s you are looking for. That will render a lot of your logic unnecessary.
Additionally, since most parse calls are asynchronous, I would suggest learning about Parse Promises and using those instead of the call backs you're using.
Finally, you don't need a second nested query, since you already have the object you are trying to destroy. You just need to call destroy() on that object, and if you have some extra content you need to take care of deleting (i.e., your 'content' is a pointer to another object that is owned only by the Post you are deleting), you should set up a beforeDestroy() trigger for the Post object in your cloud code that will delete that pointer as well.
so I have a JSON object returned from a webservice. Now I want to:
get a subset which matches a categoryTitle i pass as parameter (this seems to work)
from my filtered resultset I want to get another array of objects (helpsubjects), and for each of this subjects I want to extract the SubjectTitle.
Problem: It seems my Array of HelpSubjects does not exist, but I can't figure out why and hope you could help.
Perhaps this piece of commented code makes it more clear:
$.fn.helpTopicMenu = function (data) {
that = this;
var categoryContent = contents.filter(function (el) {
return el.CategoryTitle == data.categoryTitle;
debug('categorys Content: ', categoryContent); //see below
var container = $('#subjectList');
var subjectList = categoryContent.HelpSubjects;
debug('Subjects in Category: ', subjectList); // UNDEFINED?!
$.each(subjectList, function (i, item) {
the line debug('categorys Content: ', categoryContent); returns the following object as shown in the picutre (sadly I can't add a picture directly to the post yet, so here's the link): http://i.stack.imgur.com/0kKWx.png
so as I understand it, there IS actually a HelpSubjects-Array, each entry containing a SubjectTitle (in the picture there actually is only one entry, but I need to have the Artikel einfügen as my html.
Would be great if you can help me.
The variable categoryContent set is an array of objects.
Try debugging categoryContent[0].HelpSubjects and see if you can access the property. If so, you can also loop this array if need be.
First of, I'm quite new to mongodb. Here's my question I've not been able to find a solution to.
Let's say I have 3 different collections.
mongos> show collections
I want to create a script that iterates over all collections ind this database and find the last inserted timestamp in each of these collections. Here's what works inside mongos.
var last_element = db.collectionA.find().sort({_id:-1}).limit(1);
1. Problem (Iterate over all collections)
Is there any possibility to to sth. like.
var my_collections = show collections;
Problem here, the assignment for my_collections does not work.
I get SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier. Do I need to quote the 'show' statement ? Is it even possible ?
2. Problem (storing collection in js var)
I can workaround Problem 1 by doing this:
var my_collections = ["collectionA", "collectionB", "collectionC"];
var last_element = db.current_collection.find().sort({_id:-1}).limit(1);
The last_element.next() produces the following error:
error hasNext: false at src/mongo/shell/query.js:124
It seems that last_element isn't saved correctly.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong??
Neils answer lead me to this solution. In addition to his code I had to check if the function getTimestamp really exist. For some 'virtual' collections there seem to be no _id property.
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collname) {
var last_element = db[collname].find().sort({_id:-1}).limit(1);
var next = last_element.next();
if(next._id !== undefined && typeof next._id.getTimestamp == 'function'){
printjson(collname + " >> "+next._id.getTimestamp());
print(collname + " undefined!! (getTimestamp N/A)")
There is the db.getCollectionNames() helper method that does this for you. You can then implement your code:
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collname) {
// find the last item in a collection
var last_element = db[collname].find().sort({_id:-1}).limit(1);
// check that it's not empty
if (last_element.hasNext()) {
// print its timestamp
You probably also want a .hasNext() check in there to cater for possible empty collections.
Rename the collection name present in all the records using the following script:
db = db.getSiblingDB("admin");
dbs = db.runCommand({ "listDatabases": 1 }).databases;
dbs.forEach(function(database) {
db = db.getSiblingDB(database.name);