Globally defined variable not being found - javascript

I have declared a global variable, var linkArray=[], but it is not being picked up inside of a phantomJS function. The error message is: phantom stdout: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: linkArray. How can I make this be found? I've tried declaring it with window.linkArray, but since this is a headless application, I then get a different error, ReferenceError: window is not defined.
Thus, I need a way to make var linkArray=[] global.
var phantom = require('phantom');
var linkArray=[];
phantom.create(function (ph) {
ph.createPage(function (page) {
var main_file="file:///C:/whatever/index.html";, function (status) {
console.log("opened " + main_file +"\n",status+"\n");
page.evaluate(function () {
for (var i=0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('a').length; i++) {
return linkArray;
, function (result) {
}, {
dnodeOpts: {
weak: false

PhantomJS has a page context and outer context. The page context is sandboxed, so you need to explicitly pass the variable into it. It is passed by value. The docs say:
Evaluates the given function in the context of the web page. The execution is sandboxed, the web page has no access to the phantom object and it can't probe its own setting.
But also note the note.
Note: The arguments and the return value to the evaluate function must be a simple primitive object. The rule of thumb: if it can be serialized via JSON, then it is fine.
Closures, functions, DOM nodes, etc. will not work!
To solve this, the outer variable has to be passed into the page context (evaluate) and returned
page.evaluate(function(linkArray) {
// page context, linkArray is a local variable now
for (var i=0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('a').length; i++) {
return linkArray;
}, function finished(result) {
// outer context
linkArray = result;
}, linkArray); // pass values for the page context as last parameters


return javascript variable from inside callback function

I am trying to get client.get to return the reply value so it can be used globally.It keeps saying undefined.any suggestions
var redis = require("redis");
var websocket= require("websocket");
var valuewanted;
websocket.on('message', function(data) {
if (data.type == "purchase" && data.price > 0) {
console.log(data );
client.get(p1, function(err, reply) {
var valuewanted = reply;
the console.log logs the value but if i try to log valuewanted it doesnt work.
Drop the var within the client.get function:
client.get(p1, function(err, reply) {
// valuewanted already defined above
valuewanted = reply;
If you use var within a function, it becomes scope-blocked to that function.
From mozilla:
The scope of a variable declared with var is its current execution
context, which is either the enclosing function or, for variables declared outside any function, global.
In this case, using var within that function redefines it within that function, and its scope becomes "the enclosing function". Hope this helps.

Javascript Closure and WebRTC callback issues

I'm running into this problem where I'm creating a closure and stepping through with the debugger, the variable connectingClientId is set correctly within the closure callback (localOfferCreated). When the callback is called by createOffer the connectedClientId is undefined. How could this be the circumstance? Been banging my head against the wall all night on this one.
function publishStream(handShakeInitiator, connectingClientId) {
var localOfferCreated = offerClosure(connectingClientId);
var localIceCandidate = iceClosure(connectingClientId);
peerConnections[connectingClientId] = new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
peerConnections[connectingClientId].onicecandidate = localIceCandidate;
if (handShakeInitiator) {
peerConnections[connectingClientId].createOffer(localOfferCreated, createOfferError, offerOptions);
function offerClosure(id) {
var connectingClientId = id;
function offerCreated(description) {
peerConnections[connectingClientId].setLocalDescription(description, function (connectingClientId) {
'control': signalConstants.sendToClient,
'cid': connectingClientId,
'sdp': description
}, function () {
console.log('Error setting description.');
return offerCreated;
Note these from the debugger:
connectingClientId is set -
connectingClientId is unset upon call -
What am I missing here?
From RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription
Is a Function without parameter which will be called
when the description has been successfully set. At this point, one can
send the offer to a remote server that can forward it to a remote
You are redefining connectingClientID by having it as an inner function parameter. Remember that a named function argument is an implicit variable declaration, and as what docs said, it'll be undefined as the success callback don't give any parameters. JavaScript functions have access to their outer scope, so your anonymous function does not need this arg to be passed, it can simply refer to it creating a closure.
function offerCreated(description) {
peerConnections[connectingClientId].setLocalDescription(description, function() {
control: signalConstants.sendToClient,
cid: connectingClientId,
sdp: description
}, function () {
console.log('Error setting description.');

Calling nested function from nested setInterval in an Object Namespace environment

I have this following piece of code:
var stats = {
checkExistance :
var newUrl = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/asyncCheckChartExistance";
var xhrObj = stats.getXhr();
var poolInterval = setInterval("poll()", 100);
function poll(){"GET", newUrl, true);
xhrObj.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xhrObj.readyState === 4 && xhrObj.status === 200){
if (xhrObj.responseText.length === true){
} else {
console.log("Not Yet!");
I created the stats namespace. In this namespace I'm trying to create a function which polls the server every second. I should access this function this way: stats.checkExistance(myUrl).
However it seems that the setInterval function is not able to see the poll() function. I know that this is normal behavior taking in consideration that these are nested inside another function.
If I were to write this in the Global namespace there would be no problem but I'm interested to make this work in this kind of namespace. Any ideas? Thanks!
when you pass a string to setInterval, it runs in the global scope, by default, where poll would not be defined since it only exists in the scope of the checkExistance function.
To fix the issue, pass an anonymous function to setInterval instead:
var poolInterval = setInterval(function () {
}, 100);
Passing an anonymous function is usually the best idea as it allows you to write any javascript expressions/statements for the interval instead of just calling one function.
When you pass a string to setInterval, that string is interpreted as global code, and since poll is not a global function, a reference error is thrown.
However, you can pass a function reference instead of a string, and since the poll function is available in the scope in which the setInterval invocation is made, you can just write this:
var poolInterval = setInterval( poll, 100 );
var stat = {
say: function(name){
function doit(){
setInterval(doit, 1000);
A simple demo to show how. You will see "hi" every second.

Reassign variables stored in closure using a callback or global function

Let me get more to the point. I'm trying to create a psuedo promise implementation. The idea here being that I have a callback that won't be executed until an asynchronous call is received. So I'm simply queueing up all the calls to this function until the time at which it's notified that it can be executed. The queue is emptied and any further call to the function is SUPPOSED to execute immediately, but for some reason, the function is still queueing. This is because, for whatever reason, my redefinition of the runner function is not working correctly. The code below was my sleep deprived, frustrated version of every thought that went through my head. Here's the actual code:
function Promise(callback){
var queue = []
, callback = callback
, runner = function(){
context: this,
args:, 0)
runner.exec = function(){
for(var i = 0, ilen = queue.length; i < ilen; i++){
var q = queue[i];
callback.apply(q.context, q.args);
runner = callback;
return runner;
test = Promise(function(){
I'm banging my head against the wall with this one. I'm trying to reassign variables in a function from a call outside the function itself (ideally by passing a reassignment function as a callback). In the example I posted on jsfiddle, I made a global function that, in theory, has a reference to the variables contained within its parent function. Upon calling that external function, I expect it to reassign the values that the other function is using. It doesn't seem to work this way.
window.test = function temp() {
var val = 7,
func = function() {
return val;
window.change = function() {
window.test.val = 555555;
$('<div>Changing ' + val + ' to ' + window.test.val +
val = window.test.val;
temp.val = window.test.val;
func = function() {
return 'Why isn\'t this working?';
return func();
var $output = $('#output');
$('<div/>').appendTo($output).html('::' + test() + '::');
$('<div/>').appendTo($output).html('::' + test() + '::');
The second time you call test you're creating a new local variable called func and defining a new window.change that closes over that new variable. The changes you made to the original func by calling the original window.change are not relevant in the second call.
Also note that the following line:
window.test.val = 555555;
...does not modify/refer to the val variable in the outer function. window.test.val refers to a property named val on the test object (which happens to be a function), not any local variable.
You are trying to refer to a local variable in a function with the syntax func.varname. That won't work, that's not the way local variables work.
I finally created a function that would perform this operation. The gist for it is here:
It works like this...
You make a call to Defer passing the callback whose functionality you'd like to delay:
var deferredCB = Defer(function(){ console.log(this,arguments) };
deferredCB will now store all of the arguments you pass allowing them to be executed at some later date:
Now, when you're ready to perform the operation, you simply "execute" deferredCB:
Which results in:
// window, 1
// window, 2
All future calls to deferredCB will be executed immediately. And now that I'm thinking about it, I'll probably do a rewrite to allow you to reset deferredCB to it's pre-executed state (storing all the arguments again).
The key to making it work was having a wrapper function. Javascript simply won't let you reassign a function while it's being executed.

How do I execute a function after the callbacks inside a for loop are completed?

I have a for loop in a search function, with a function that does a callback inside the loop, and I want to execute a BUILD() function after the loop, and after all the callbacks are completed. I am not sure how to do that, because the loop finishes before all the callbacks are done. The callbacks are API requests to get me data, and I want to BUILD() with that data.
I read up on deferred, so I tried to put the for loop inside a function to the deferred, and then calling BUILD() on '.then( ... )'. But that doesn't seem to work - I think I am understanding it wrong.
Note, this is using the Google Maps Places API (search and getDetails).
var types = {
'gym' : 'fitness, gym',
'grocery_or_supermarket': ''
function search() {
for (var key in types) {
var request = { ... };, searchCallback);
function searchCallback(results, status) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var request = { ... };
service.getDetails(request, detailsCallback);
function detailsCallback(place, status) {
// add place marker to maps and assign info window and info window event
With a small modification of your code, it can be achieved.
var total = 1337; // Some number
var internal_counter = 0;
var fn_callback = function() {
searchCallback.apply(this, arguments);
if (++internal_counter === total) {
for (var i=0; i<total; i++) {, fn_callback);
First, we create a local function and variable.
The variable is a counter, which is increased when the callback is called.
The function is passed to the asynchronous method (, which calls the original callback. After increasing the counter, check the value of the counter against the variable which holds the total number of iterations. If these are equal, call the finishing function (BUILD).
A complex case: Dealing with nested callbacks.
var types = { '...' : ' ... ' };
function search() {
var keys = Object.keys(types);
var total = keys.length;
// This counter keeps track of the number of completely finished callbacks
// (search_callback has run AND all of its details_callbacks has run)
var internal_counter = 0;
for (var i=0; i<total; i++) {
var request = { '...' : ' ... ' };, fn_searchCallback);
// LOCAL Function declaration (which references `internal_counter`)
function fn_searchCallback(results, status) {
// Create a local counter for the callbacks
// I'm showing another way of using a counter: The opposite way
// Instead of counting the # of finished callbacks, count the number
// of *pending* processes. When this counter reaches zero, we're done.
var local_counter = results.length;
for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++) {
service.getDetails(request, fn_detailsCallback);
// Another LOCAL function (which references `local_counter`)
function fn_detailsCallback(result, status) {
// Run the function logic of detailsCallback (from the question)
// " ... add place marker to maps and assign info window ... "
// Reduce the counter of pending detailsCallback calls.
// If it's zero, all detailsCallbacks has run.
if (--local_counter === 0) {
// Increase the "completely finished" counter
// and check if we're finished.
if (++internal_counter === total) {
} // end of fn_detailsCallback
} // end of fn_searchCallback
The function logic is explained in the comments. I prefixed the heading of this section with "Complex", because the function makes use of nested local functions and variables. A visual explanation:
var types, BUILD;
function search
var keys, total, internal_counter, fn_searchCallback;
function fn_searchCallback
var result, status; // Declared in the formal arguments
var local_counter, i, fn_detailsCallback;
function fn_detailsCallback
var result, status; // Declared in the formal arguments
In the previous picture, each indention level means a new scope Explanaation on MDN.
When a function is called, say, 42 times, then 42 new local scopes are created, which share the same parent scope. Within a scope, declared variables are not visible to the parent scope. Though variables in the parent scope can be read and updated by variables in the "child" scope, provided that you don't declare a variable with the same name. This feature is used in my answer's function.
I think you understand this already, but as it is the BUILD() is getting called linearly while the previous callback functions are still running. It's like you've created extra threads. One way to solve the problem would be to make BUILD a callback from the search function with the for loop in it. This would guarantee all functionality is complete before calling it.
This question might help implement the callback: Create a custom callback in JavaScript
