Storing arrays in localStorage error - javascript

I have a bug in my code that only saves the last object in an array upon reload. I have a feeling that my addAccount() function is not saving or inserting data correctly. Everything else works correctly. In my console, it shows that the data is being inserted into the array, but when I refresh I only get the last object saved.
I'm not sure what to do.
// The list of accounts array.
var accountsArray = [];
function addAccount() {
// Take fields and put user data into varables.
var accountName = document.getElementById('accountName').value;
var accountBalance = document.getElementById('accountBalance').value;
var accountType = document.getElementById("accountType");
var accountTypeSelected = accountType.options[accountType.selectedIndex].text;
var accountCurrency = document.getElementById("accountCurrency");
var accountCurrencySelected = accountCurrency.options[accountCurrency.selectedIndex].text;
var temporaryObject = {
'accountName': accountName,
'accountBalance': accountBalance,
'accountTypeSelected': accountTypeSelected,
'accountCurrencySelected': accountCurrencySelected
function saveAccountData() {
localStorage.setItem('accountsArray', JSON.stringify(accountsArray));
function showAccountsArray() {
//var accountsLocalStorage = JSON.parse(localStorage['accountsArray']);
if (localStorage.getItem("accountsArray") === null) {
} else {
var accountsLocalStorage = JSON.parse(localStorage['accountsArray']);
var accountInfo = '';
var i = 0;
while (i < accountsLocalStorage.length) {
accountInfo += '<li class="swipeout"><div class="swipeout-content item-content"><div class="item-inner"><div class="item-title">' + accountsLocalStorage[i].accountName + '</div><div class="item-after">$' + accountsLocalStorage[i].accountBalance + '</div></div></div><div class="swipeout-actions-left"><a href="#" class="action1">Clear</div><div class="swipeout-actions-right">Delete</div></a></li>';
document.getElementById("accountsList").innerHTML = accountInfo;

all of your functions work correctly as tested by the link you've provided. When the page loads it successfully retrieves the data (if any) from the local storage and displays on the page. However, the global array variable accountsArray is populated with data retrieved from the local storage.
You need to repopulate the global array otherwise when you call saveAccountData it will save whatever the array holds which indeed overrides whatever you had in the local storage. To fix it, simply add add this code block...
var data = localStorage.getItem("accountsArray");
if(data != null)
accountsArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("accountsArray"));


I am trying to run two functions onLoad, one needs to run first so the second one can populate a boxlist, however, the second one doesn't get thearray

I have two functions that I am trying to run when I load the page. dataRetrieve() gets the data from a firebase collection. populate() is supposed to populate a boxlist with the entries retrieved from dataRetrieve(). The main problem is that it lists the array as empty when I run populate() after dataRetrieve() no matter what I try. The last thing I tried was this:
async function dataRetrieve(){
const getAdmins = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('getAdmins');
// Passing params to data object in Cloud functinon
getAdmins({}).then((results) => {
admins = results;
console.log("admins retrieved");
}).then(() => {
async function populate(){
let list = document.getElementById("user-list");
//loop through users in out Users object and add them to the list
for (var i = 0; i < admins.length; i++) {
let newItem = document.createElement('option');
newItem.innerHTML = admins[i].first + " " +admins[i].last; = admins[i].uid;
if (i == 0) {
newItem.className = "active";
console.log(newItem.innerHTML + " " +
list.size = admins.length;
//collect all the list items
let listItems = list.querySelectorAll('option');
//loop through the list itmes and add a click listener to each that toggles the 'active' state
for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i ++) {
listItems[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (!'active')) {
for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i ++) {
also, admins is a global variable listed at the start of the script:
var admins = [];
I am trying to run all this onload so I can instantly generate the list
I thought that .next would cause it to wait to get the values before running, but even making results a parameter and transferring it directly into the function that way gives an undefined array. I don't understand why the function insists on calling on old data. Pls help.
I'm not sure what updateResponse function does. If it's not returning a promise then I'd make the populate function synchronous first. Also do you really need to use admins array somewhere else apart from populate function that it is a global variable? If not then I'd just pass it as a parameter.
async function dataRetrieve() {
const getAdmins = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('getAdmins');
// Passing params to data object in Cloud function
const results = await getAdmins({})
console.log("admins retrieved");
// Passing results in populate function
// If your function returns an array, pass the array itself
function populate(admins) {
let list = document.getElementById("user-list");
//loop through users in out Users object and add them to the list
// Using a for-of loop instead so no need to worry about checking the length here
for (const admin of admins) {
let newItem = document.createElement('option');
newItem.innerHTML = admin.first + " " + admin.last; = admin.uid;
//if (i == 0) {
// newItem.className = "active";
console.log(newItem.innerHTML + " " +
// rest of the logic
I guess you know how to check when the page loads. call the retrieve function when the page is loaded. Then you should call the populate function at the end of the retrieve function. this makes sure that the populate function is called after you get all the data

JSON string not loading data into local storage

I am building an application that will load bus schedules into local storage, then based on a search term provides the stops on the bus schedule. It works by clicking the load button and sending the information to local storage. Then you search a route name, and the stops information will be displayed into results. When I run in a browser my data is not loading into local storage when I press load.
<script type="text/javascript">
* A JSON string that holds data. There is no problem with the JSON string
* #type {String}
var busSchd = '{"Routes": [{"routeName": "Milledge","stops":[{"Stop 1":"Main Library","Stop 2":"Clarke Central","Stop 3":"Five Points South","Stop 4":"Five Points North","Stop 5":"Waddell"}]},{"routeName": "Orbit","stops":[{"Stop 1":"Main Library","Stop 2":"Clarke Central","Stop 3":"Five Points South","Stop 4":"Five Points North","Stop 5":"Waddell"}]},{"routeName": "East West","stops":[{"Stop 1":"East Campus Deck","Stop 2":"Creswell Hall","Stop 3":"Hull St Deck","Stop 4":"Main Library","Stop 5":"Joe Frank Harris"}]}]}';
const load = () => {
let data = JSON.parse(busSchd);
for (var i = 0; i < data.Routes.len;)
let route = data.Routes[i];
let routeStr = route.routeName;
localStorage.set(routeStr, JSON.stringify(route.stops));
const clicked = () => {
var search = document.getElementById("search");
var results = localStorage.getItem("search");
if (results === null) {
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<b>There are no results for that route name.</b>";
} else {
var stops = results;
var output = '';
for (var key in stops[0]) {
output = output + '<b>' + key + '</b> : ' + stops[0][key] + '<br>';
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = output;
<input type="button" value="Load Route Data" id="load" onclick="load();">
<input type="text" id="search"><input type="button" value="Find Route" id="submit" onclick="clicked();"><br>
<div id="result">
There were a few mistakes within your code which prevented you from saving to localStorage. Here are some pointers.
Use localStorage.setItem() to save and localStorage.getItem() to retrieve data.
There's no need for creating a localStorage item for each bus route. LocalStorage can handle quite some data, depending on the browser and user browser settings. See What is the max size of localStorage values? for more info.
I'd simplify your data structure. Why put stops data into an array and then into an object? I've simplified this in my example.
When iterating over items use for (var i = 0; i < data.Routes.length; i++) { // your code here } another alternative is to user .map when iterating over items within an array.
Here's how to load data and save it to localStorage and into the app.
let BusSchdDataFromLocalStorage = [];
const load = () => {
// access localStorage and save the result in data
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('routesInfo'));
if (data === null) {
// if no data is present, save InitialBusScheduleData to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('routesInfo', JSON.stringify(InitialBusScheduleData));
// Now that data is present in localStorage, read it.
data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('routesInfo'));
if (data.Routes.length > 0) {
// if routes are present, save its data to a global var in our app
BusSchdDataFromLocalStorage = data;
statusEl.innerHTML = 'localStorage data present'
} else {
statusEl.innerHTML = 'localStorage data absent'
Here's how the search part works.
const search = () => {
const searchString = document.querySelector('#search').value;
// data from localStorage is present in the variable below
const routes = BusSchdDataFromLocalStorage.Routes;
// Filter route data based on the search input.
const busStopInfo = routes.reduce((stops, route) => {
return (route.routeName.toLowerCase() === searchString.toLowerCase()) ? route.stops : stops;
}, []);
const stops = Object.keys(busStopInfo);
// map over the stops and return the html structure with the stop number and the value
const results = stops
.map((stop) => '<div>' + stop + ' - ' + busStopInfo[stop] + '</div>')
// add the html result to the result div.
resultEl.innerHTML = results.length > 0 ? results : 'No route found with that name.';
If you'd like to see the code in action. Here's a JSFiddle.

Unable to update table in Advanced Data Persistence mode

I have an issue related to database. I am currently working with Gupshup bot programming. There are two different data persistence modes which can be read here and here. In the advanced data persistence, the following code is documented to put data into data base:
function MessageHandler(context, event) {
if(event.message=='update bug - 1452') {
function jiraUpdate(context){
//connect to Jira and check for latest update and values
context.simpledb.doPut("1452" ,"{\"status\":\"QA pending\",\"lastUpdated\":\"06\/05\/2016\",\"userName\":\"John\",\"comment\":\"Dependent on builds team to provide right build\"}");
} else{
context.sendResponse('No new updates');
function DbPutHandler(context, event) {
context.sendResponse("New update in the bug, type in the bug id to see the update");
If I want to change only one of column (say status or last Updated) in the table for the row with key value 1452, I am unable to do that. How can that be done?
I used the following code:
function MessageHandler(context, event) {
// var nlpToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";//Your token
// context.sendResponse(JSON.stringify(event));
if(event.message=='deposit') {
context.sendResponse("Enter the amount to be deposited");
if(event.message=="1000") {
if(event.message== "show"){
function HttpResponseHandler(context, event) {
var dateJson = JSON.parse(event.getresp);
var date =;
context.sendResponse("Today's date is : "+date+":-)");
function jiraUpdate(context){
//connect to Jira and check for latest update and values
context.simpledb.doPut("aaa" ,"{\"account_number\":\"90400\",\"balance\":\"5800\"}");
} else{
context.sendResponse('No new updates');
/** Functions declared below are required **/
function EventHandler(context, event) {
if (!context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance)
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = 0;
numinstances = parseInt(context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance) + 1;
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = numinstances;
context.sendResponse("Thanks for adding me. You are:" + numinstances);
function DbGetHandler(context, event) {
var bugObj = JSON.parse(event.dbval);
var bal = bugObj.balance;
var acc = bugObj.account_number;
var a = parseInt (bal,10);
var b = a +1000;
var num = b.toString(); = num;
function DbPutHandler(context, event) {
context.sendResponse("testdbput keyword was last put by:" + event.dbval);
Since the hosted DB that is provided by Gupshup is the DynamoDB of AWS. Hence you can enter something as a key, value pair.
Hence you will have to set the right key while using doPut method to store data into the database and use the same key to get the data from the database using the doGet method.
To update the data you should first call doGet method and then update the JSON with right data and then call doPut method to update the database with the latest data.
I have also added something which is not present in the documentation, You can now make DB calls and choose which function the response goes to.
I am refactoring your example as using 3 keywords and hard coding few things just for example -
have - this will update the database with these values
deposit - on this, the code will add 1000 to the balance
show - on this, the code show the balance to the user.
Code -
function MessageHandler(context, event) {
if(event.message=='have') {
var data = {"account_number":"90400","balance":"5800"};
context.simpledb.doPut(event.sender,JSON.stringify(data),insertData); //using event.sender to keep the key unique
if(event.message=="deposit") {
context.simpledb.doGet(event.sender, updateData);
if(event.message== "show"){
function insertData(context){
context.sendResponse("I have your data now. To update just say \"deposit\"");
function updateData(context,event){
var bugObj = JSON.parse(event.dbval);
var bal = bugObj.balance;
var a = parseInt(bal,10);
var b = a + 1000;
var num = b.toString();
bugObj.balance = num;
function EventHandler(context, event) {
if (!context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance)
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = 0;
numinstances = parseInt(context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance) + 1;
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = numinstances;
context.sendResponse("Thanks for adding me. You are:" + numinstances);
function DbGetHandler(context, event) {
var accountObj = JSON.parse(event.dbval);
function DbPutHandler(context, event) {
context.sendResponse("I have updated your data. Just say \"show\" to view the data.");

Saving an object to Chrome storage, but getting different results back on retrieval

I'm using an object with information for a bookmark tagging system that needs to persist across Chrome sessions, so I'm trying to save it to local storage and update it whenever a new bookmark is created.
When I create a new bookmark, I fire a function to see if there are now any other bookmarks with the same tag as the new bookmark. This organizes bookmarks into "tag groups" that function kind of like dynamic folders.
When I set the storage object, the object being stored has all the data I'd expect. However, as soon as I get the same object out of storage, one of the nested objects mysteriously turns to null. See console output: the top object is just before the set call in function updateStorage. The bottom is what I get back when I "get" that object from storage. Notice the tagGroups bookmarks are now null. The bookmarks themselves are still there, it's only in the tag group object that they disappear. I've spent a full day and night messing around with this trying to get it to work.
Here is the model code. I included everything for context, but the most relevant pieces are the createNewBookmark, updatePrimaryTreeWithTagGroups, and updateStorage methods.
UPDATE: I've edited the code to make all the changes to the bookmarks tree before setting/getting anything from storage, then making a final call to update storage with the resulting object. I'm literally storing one thing, one time, and getting back another whenever I try to retrieve.
function PrimaryBookmarksTree(){, this.findOrCreate.bind(this));
PrimaryBookmarksTree.prototype.findOrCreate = function(result){
if (result.bookmarksTree != undefined){
this.bookmarks = result.bookmarksTree.bookmarks;
this.title = result.bookmarksTree.title;
this.tagGroups = result.bookmarksTree.tagGroups;
} else {
this.bookmarks = [];
this.title = "Marinade Bookmarks";
this.tagGroups = [];{"bookmarksTree": this}, function(){console.log("New tree created!")});
function Bookmark(name, tags, url){ = name;
this.tags = tags;
this.url = url;
this.dateCreated =;
function TagGroup(tag){
this.bookmarks = [];
this.tag = tag;
//called by controller when user tags a new bookmark via the extension
PrimaryBookmarksTree.prototype.createNewBookmark = function(name, tags, url){
var newBookmark = new Bookmark(name, tags, url);
this.tagGroups = this.updatePrimaryTreeWithTagGroups();
PrimaryBookmarksTree.prototype.updatePrimaryTreeWithTagGroups = function(){
var tagsForGrouping = this.getTagsWithMultipleBookmarks(this.bookmarks);
return this.tagGroups;
PrimaryBookmarksTree.prototype.getTagsWithMultipleBookmarks = function(bookmarks){
var tagsToCheck = this.pluck(bookmarks, "tags");
var tagCounts = tagsToCheck.reduce(function (obj, curr){
if (typeof obj[curr] == 'undefined') {
obj[curr] = 1;
} else {
obj[curr] += 1;
return obj;
}, {});
var tagGroups = this.filter(tagCounts, function(x){return x > 1});
return tagGroups;
PrimaryBookmarksTree.prototype.buildTagGroup = function(tag){
tagGroup = new TagGroup(tag);
if(this.bookmarks[i].tags[0] == tag){
if (tagGroup.bookmarks.length != 0){
return tagGroup;
PrimaryBookmarksTree.prototype.updateStorage = function(updatedTree){
console.log(JSON.stringify(updatedTree));{"bookmarksTree": updatedTree}, function(){console.log("final storage complete")});
You are always setting this.tagGroups to undefined when you retrieve your data from the sync storage:
PrimaryBookmarksTree.prototype.findOrCreate = function(result){
if (result.bookmarksTree != undefined){
this.bookmarks = result.bookmarksTree.bookmarks;
this.title = result.bookmarksTree.title;
this.tagGroups = result.tagGroups; // should be result.bookmarksTree.tagGroups

Storing Json in localStorage

I would like to store search results as cache in localStorage.
I would like to store all the cache as one localStorage value:
Inside it I would like to have JSON object which I can add properties and retreive them.
Unfortunately it doesn't work and the localStorage is not updated with the json results (its value keep being '{}').
I am not a javascript proffesional so please guide me how to do it well.
Here is the current code to cache results:
var query = $(this).val();
var cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('search-cache'));
if (cache == null) {
cache = '[{}]';
if (cache[query] == null) {
$.getJSON('/api/guides/search?query=' + query, function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, guide) {
$('#results').append('<li class="result-item">' + guide.Name + '</li>');
cache[query] = data;
localStorage.setItem('search-cache', JSON.stringify(cache));
else {
$.each(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('search-cache')[query]), function (index, guide) {
$('#results').append('<li class="result-item">' + guide.Name + '</li>');
You've got some holes in your logic.
var cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("..."));
if (cache == null) { cache = "[{}]"; }
Well, if the item DID exist, you've set cache to be equal to that object.
Otherwise, you've set cache to be equal to the string "[{}]".
Instead of thinking about how you're going to build your localstorage, think about how you're going to build your result list.
var cache_json = localStorage.getItem("search-cache"),
search_cache = JSON.parse(cache_json) || {};
var query = $("...").value(); // or whatever
search_cache[query] = search_cache[query] || { results : [] };
var list = $(......)
list.each(function () {
search_cache[query].results.push( /* whatever you want in your array */ );
cache_json = JSON.stringify(search_cache);
localStorage.setItem("search-cache", query_json);
Because, in case of your item search-cache is not defined, the initialization of your cache variable is not right.
You should initialize your array like this :
if (cache == null) {
cache = [];
cache[query] = null;
To meet the condition when testing
if (cache[query] == null)
however, you need to test it like this :
if(typeof cache[query] == 'undefined')
cache is an object and not an array, initialize like cache = {}
Rest of the code seems correct.
