to disable required field validator - javascript

this is my javascript code here i am unable to disable the textbox(id="due_Date") when i get the zero or negative amount in text feild (id="subtotal_input")...any help would be appreciated....
window.onload = function()
document.getElementById('subtotal_input').onchange = disablefield;
document.getElementById('phone_no').onchange = disablefield;
document.getElementById('phone_yes').onchange = disablefield;
function disablefield()
if ( document.getElementById('subtotal_input').value <= 0 )
document.getElementById('due_Date').value = '';
document.getElementById('due_Date').disabled = true
if ( document.getElementById('phone_no').checked == true )
document.getElementById('ReturnDate').value = '';
document.getElementById('ReturnDate').disabled = true}
else if (document.getElementById('phone_yes').checked == true ){
document.getElementById('ReturnDate').disabled = false;

You can use ValidatorEnable(validator, enable) to enable or disable a validator.
You can use something like this:
objValidator = document.getElementById("<%=YourRequiredValidatorID.ClientID %>");
objValidator.enabled = true; //'true' if you want to enable else 'false'
Let me know if it works for you!


JS: How to enable submit button in form only if all inputs pass validation

I have a simple input that I'm using an keyup event listener on. If the input length is too short, the span element will remove the class on it that hides the element and display "Input too short".
If I have multiple inputs, how can I only enable the Submit button if all fields pass the validation.
Unfortunately, I'm thinking in a React-way and would accomplish this via state.
<style type="text/css">
.hide-first {
display: none;
.hide-last {
display: none;
<input id="first-name" />
<span id="validation-span" class="hide-first">Input too short</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
let firstName = document.getElementById( 'first-name' );
let span = document.getElementById( 'validation-span' );
firstName.addEventListener( 'keyup', () => {
console.log( )
if ( < 5 ) {
span.classList.remove( 'hide-first' )
} else {
span.classList.add( 'hide-first' )
} );
All your inputs could call the same validation function that checks everything except inputs that are empty. Only show the submit button if they all succeed and show the appropriate message on inputs that fail the validation.
boolean succes = true
if username is invalid and not empty
username invalid message
success = false
if password is invalid and not empty
password invalid message
success = false
if success is true
show submit button
At first add style your button style="display:none". You can use jQuery as bellow
$( document ).ready( function () {
var _rules = {
"first-name": function ( $owner ) {
var val = $owner.val();
if ( !val ) return false;
if ( val.length < 5 ) return false;
return true;
//Validate here
function validate(total_mark) {
var mark = 0;//total mark
//Read all input value, than check rules
$( 'input' ).each( function () {
if ( 'function' !== typeof ( _rules[] ) ) return;
var $owner = $( this );
var result = _rules[]( $owner );
if ( !result ) {
mark -= 1;
$ 'hide-first' );
$ 'hide-first' );
mark += 1;
} );
return mark;
var $btn = $( 'button' );
//Register keyup event for all input
var total_input = 1;
$( 'input' ).on( "keyup", function ( e ) {
$btn.css( "display", "none" );
if ( validate() < total_input ) return;
$btn.css( "display", "" );
} );
} );
Something like this should work
<input id="first-name" onchange='validation()'/>
<span id ="validation-span" class="hide-first">Input too short</span>
<button id='submit-button'>
<script type="text/javascript">
function validateFirstName() {
let firstName = document.getElementById('first-name');
let span = document.getElementById('validation-span');
if ( < 5) {
return True
return False
function validation() {
let submitButton = document.getElementById('submit-button');
submitButton.disabled = validateFirstName();
As you add additional fields, you should create the validation function for that field, and then running it inside validation() like:
function validation() {
let submitButton = document.getElementById('submit-button');
submitButton.disabled = validateFirstName() && validateSecondField() && validateThirdField() &&...;
Remember to add to the html input the onchange event listener.
Simple logic. Make a function that checks if all of the fields are validated, and call it from within the onkeyup event. A seemingly straight-forward way would be like this:
let firstName = document.getElementById('first-name'),
lastName = document.getElementById('last-name'),
company = document.getElementById('company-name');
let span = document.getElementById('validation-span'),
span1 = document.getElementById('validation-span1'),
span2 = document.getElementById('validation-span2'),
conditions = [],
length = 3;
firstName.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
if ( < 5) {
conditions[0] = true;
} else {
conditions[0] = false;
lastName.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
if ( < 5) {
conditions[1] = true;
} else {
conditions[1] = false;
company.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
if ( < 5) {
conditions[2] = true;
} else {
conditions[2] = false;
function checkAllTrueAndActivateSubmitBtn() {
var result = true;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if(!conditions[i]) {
result = false;
if(result) {
submitBtn.classList.add("shown"); //or whatever
but of course, the more fields you have,the more messy this becomes. A more efficient way would be to use an array for the fields, and conditions:
let IDsAndConditions = {
condition: (x) => x.length >= 5,
span: 'validation-span'
'last-name': {
condition: (x) => x.length >= 8,
span: 'validation-span-lastName'
condition: (x) => x.match(/^-{0,1}\d+$/),//or whatever
var conditions = [];
var num = 0;
for(var k in IDsAndConditions) {
var cur = IDsAndConditions[k];
var el = document.getElementById(k);
var span = document.getElementById(cur["span"]);
if(el && span) {
el.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
if (!cur["condition"]( {
conditions[num] = true;
} else {
conditions[num] = false;
} else {
conditions[num] = true; //this is to make the validation work even if the element doesn't exist
function checkAllTrueAndActivateSubmitBtn() {
var result = true;
for(var i = 0; i < IDsAndConditions.length; i++) {
if(!conditions[i]) {
result = false;
if(result) {
submitBtn.classList.add("active"); //or whatever
} else {
submitBtn.classList.remove("active"); //even if it was active at one point, if someone changes a field to an incorrect value, it deactivates again

Kendo Validator always says multi-select is invalid

I have a multiselect that is dynamically created and appended to a template with the following bit of code:
if(fieldMap[i].required == true){
extraString = '<div class="k-edit-label" style="margin-top: -6px;"><label for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input">'+fieldMap[i].fieldLabel+'*</label>'+helpText+'</div>\n<div data-container-for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" class="k-edit-field" id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Container">\n';
dynamicComponent = '\t<input class="multiselect-binder" id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" name="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName.toLowerCase()+'" data-auto-close="false" data-role="multiselect" data-bind="value:'+fieldMap[i].fieldName.toLowerCase()+'" required data-required-msg="Please Select Valid '+fieldMap[i].fieldLabel+'" data-source="[';
//dynamicComponent = '\t<select id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" data-role="dropdownlist" data-bind="value:'+fieldMap[i].fieldName.toLowerCase()+'" required data-required-msg="Please Select Valid '+fieldMap[i].fieldLabel+'">';
} else{
extraString = '<div class="k-edit-label" style="margin-top: -6px;"><label for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input">'+fieldMap[i].fieldLabel+'</label>'+helpText+'</div>\n<div data-container-for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" class="k-edit-field" id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Container">\n';
dynamicComponent = '\t<input class="multiselect-binder" id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" data-auto-close="false" data-role="multiselect" data-bind="value:'+fieldMap[i].fieldName.toLowerCase()+'" data-source="[';
//dynamicComponent = '\t<select id="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName+'Input" data-role="dropdownlist" data-bind="value:'+fieldMap[i].fieldName.toLowerCase()+'">';
optString = '';
for(var k = 0; k < fieldMap[i].picklistVals.length; k++){
if(k == 0){
optString += '\''+fieldMap[i].picklistVals[k]+'\'';
optString += ',\''+fieldMap[i].picklistVals[k]+'\'';
//Close the input component as well as the container div
dynamicComponent += optString + ']"/>\n<span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="'+fieldMap[i].fieldName.toLowerCase()+'"></span></div>\n\n';
I run a validator.validate() on save button click to determine if information should be saved or not, which is dependent on if the multi-select input is required.
This pops up the invalid tooltip message when nothing is selected just fine. The issue is, however, that it will be marked invalid even if a selection is made. I am wondering if anyone has any solutions for how to get a validator to work correctly with the multiselect. Just hiding the pop ups is not really what I am after, as the validate() function will still fail even if the pop up is hidden, and I need the validate() function to pass.
Maybe not the best, but here is what I got.
function Save(){
$("#divTenureContainer .k-invalid").removeClass("k-invalid");
var tenureChecked = $("#chkTenure").prop('checked');
var tenureValid = Configuration_Tenure_Validator.validate();
Configuration_ValidateInput = (input) => {
var validationType = $(input).data("validation");
var required = $(input).prop("required") || $(input).hasClass("js-required");
if (!required) return true;
if (validationType) {
if (validationType === "stars") {
return $(input).val() > "0";
if (validationType === "hashtags") {
return ($(input).data("kendoMultiSelect").value().length > 0);
if (validationType === "required-text") {
return $(input).val() >= "";
return true;
var Configuration_ValidationRules = { rules: { Configuration_ValidateInput }, validationSummary: false };
var Configuration_Tenure_Validator = $("#divTenureContainer").kendoValidator(Configuration_ValidationRules).data("kendoValidator");

Jquery form get default values

If I have code like this:
<form id="test_form">
<input type="text" value="Original value" />
Then using jQuery I run this code:
$('#test_form input').val('New value');
So input have new value, but I wanna get the old one, so I do:
now $('#test_form input').val() == 'Original value';
But reset method reset all form inputs and restore there default values, so how can I restore default value just in definite input?
on jQuery 1.6+
$('#test_form input').prop('defaultValue');
on older versions use .attr() instead of .prop()
You can use the defaultValue property:
this.value = this.defaultValue;
For example, the following code would reset the field to its default value when the blur event is fired:
$("#someInput").blur(function() {
this.value = this.defaultValue;
And here's a working example.
You could very easily build a plugin to do this, using the defaultValue property, which corresponds to the original state of the element.
$.fn.reset = function() {
this.each(function() {
this.value = this.defaultValue;
You can then call this plugin like this:
Try whatever the jQuery equivalent to JavaScript's .getAttribute('value') is - the attribute does not change even if the value itself does.
I would suggest using placeholder attribute for inputs and textareas.
// Sample Usage
// $(document).ready(function(){ $.snapshot("#myForm"); }); Take shapshot
// event, function(){ $.reset("#myForm"); } Rest Form On Some Event
(function($) {
$.fn.getAttributes = function() {
var attributes = {};
return this;
$.each(this[0].attributes, function(index, attr) {
attributes[] = attr.value;
return attributes;
jQuery.snapshot = function(form)
var form = $(form);
var elements = form.find("input, select, textarea");
if(elements && elements.length)
var attributes = $(this).getAttributes();
var tagName = $(this).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
var safe_attributes = {};
for(i in attributes)
var jq_attr = $(this).attr(i);
if(jq_attr != "undefined")
safe_attributes[i] = jq_attr;
if(tagName == "select")
var option = $(this).find("option:selected");
if(option && option.length)
var init_selected = option.attr("value");
safe_attributes['init_selected'] = init_selected;
if(tagName == "textarea")
var init_value = $(this).val();
safe_attributes['init_value'] = init_value;
$.data( $(this).get(0), "init_attr", safe_attributes );
jQuery.reset = function(form)
var form = $(form);
var elements = form.find("input, select, textarea");
var reset_btn = $('<input type="reset" name="reset" />');
if(elements && elements.length)
var init_attributes = $(this).data("init_attr");
var attributes = $(this).getAttributes();
var tagName = $(this).prop("tagName").toLowerCase();
for(i in attributes)
if(i.toLowerCase() == "value" || i.toLowerCase() == "checked" || i.toLowerCase() == "selected")//if(i.toLowerCase() != "type")
var attr_found = false;
for(a in init_attributes)
if(i == a)
$(this).attr(a, init_attributes[a]);
attr_found = true;
if(tagName == "select" && 'init_selected' in init_attributes)
var option = $(this).find("option[value="+init_attributes['init_selected']+"]");
if(option && option.length)
option.attr("selected", "selected");
if(tagName == "textarea")
if('init_value' in init_attributes)

Selection row disable/reenable text selection

I have this code which selects multiple row when shift key is pressed. But whenever selection starts, the table text always gets selected, hence I tried to add disableSelection( ); to the table and re-enable it once mouseup. However, it is not working, the text still get selected. Any help is greatly appreciated.
$(".tableGrid tr").live("click", function(event) {
if( event.shiftKey ) {
$(".tableGrid").disableSelection( );
var tableRow = $(this).closest("tr").prevAll("tr").length + 1;
if ($(this).hasClass("rowSelected")) {
event.shiftKey ? $(this).removeClass("rowSelected") : $(".tableGrid tr").removeClass("rowSelected");
else {
if( !event.shiftKey ) {
$(".tableGrid tr").removeClass("rowSelected");
if( event.shiftKey ) {
var start = Math.min(tableRow, lastSelected);
var end = Math.max(tableRow, lastSelected);
for( var i=start; i<end; i++ ) { $(".tableGrid").find("tr").eq(i).addClass("rowSelected"); }
else {
lastSelected = $(this).closest("tr").prevAll("tr").length + 1;
}).mouseup(function( ) {
$(".tableGrid").enableSelection( );
To disable text selection of a specific DOM element, you could try this:
var element = document.getElementById('content');
element.onselectstart = function () { return false; } // ie
element.onmousedown = function () { return false; } // mozilla

Javascript enable button ie6

I have a change password screen and when the 2 passwords match i need to enable the save button. It works with IE8 + IE7 but fails to enable the button in IE6
var LblError = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphValNet_LblError');
var Pwd1 = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphValNet_txtNewPassword')
var Pwd2 = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphValNet_txtNewPassword2')
var Change = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphValNet_BtnUpdatePassword')
// code to check if password matches
Change.disabled = false;
Any ideas why this is happening
Could the RegEx be causing the issue?
function IsalphaNumericValidate(alphanumericChar) {
if (alphanumericChar.length < 6 ||[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g) != -1) {
return false;
else {
var re = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{6,}/;
return re.test(alphanumericChar);
instead of
Change.disabled = false;
