jQuery addClass to multiple elements shows an unexpected delay - javascript

I'm making a flipping counter which is supposed to change color when reaching the target number (1000 in the example). But the thing is the different parts of the counter doesn't change color at the same time, we can clearly see a delay between the tiles that make up the counter...
I'm using a simple jQuery addClass to trigger the color change:
$("#rhcounter .count").addClass("red");
Any ideas what could be causing that ?
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ka6ke28m/6/
Thanks for your help !

First issue:
There was a huge amount of wasted processing going on. jQuery selectors have an overhead so reduce them to a minimum and complex selectors more-so. I have reduced that considerably.
Second issue:
There is a nasty visual glitch on some browsers that looked like this:
Which you can eliminate by using background-color: instead of background: (which tries to completely re-render the area instead of just fill the background colour).
Third issue:
The color blue left behind was down to slow repainting of the screen. The above two fixes had a huge impact and I also tried adding specific CSS animations that worked only with the red class. This can probably be improved now you know the causes of the slow painting (e.g. have blue and red CSS animation?):
$(function () {
var total = 1000,
current = 950,
timeout = 150,
inc = 7,
prevTiles = ["0", "0", "0", "0"],
interval = setInterval(function () {
}, timeout),
increase = function () {
current += inc;
if (current >= total) {
current = total;
if (current === total) {
$("#rhcounter .count").addClass("red");
// instant timer to delay css
setTimeout(function () {
var tiles = [false, false, false, false],
currStr = (current + "").split("").reverse().join("");
for (var i = 0; i < currStr.length; i++) {
if (currStr[i] !== prevTiles[i]) {
tiles[i] = true;
prevTiles[i] = currStr[i];
tiles.forEach(function (tile, index) {
if (!tile) {
// Get the current tile
var $tile = $("#rhcounter div.tile" + index);
$tile.children('span.curr').each(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5);
var top = $tile.find("span.count.next.top"),
bottom = $tile.find("span.count.next.bottom"),
delay = (index === 0 ? timeout : 250);
setTimeout(function () {
}, delay / 2);
setTimeout(function () {
}, delay / 2);
}, 1);

that was happening because you were changing color before changing text. i just shifted if condition and i think that is what you wanted DEMO
$(window).load(function() {
var total = 1000, current = 950, timeout = 150, inc = 7,
prevTiles = ["0","0","0","0"],
interval = setInterval(function(){increase()}, timeout),
increase = function () {
current += inc;
if (current >= total) {
current = total;
var tiles = [false, false, false, false],
currStr = (current+"").split("").reverse().join("");
for (var i = 0; i < currStr.length; i++) {
if (currStr[i] !== prevTiles[i]) {
tiles[i] = true;
prevTiles[i] = currStr[i];
tiles.forEach(function (tile, index) {
if (!tile) { return; }
$("#rhcounter > div[class~='tile"+index+"'] > span[class~='curr']").each(function() {
$(this).text($("#rhcounter > div[class~='tile"+index+"'] > span.count.next.top").text());
$("#rhcounter > div[class~='tile"+index+"']").removeClass("flip");
setTimeout(function(){$("#rhcounter > div[class~='tile"+index+"']").addClass("flip");}, 5);
var top = $("#rhcounter > div[class~='tile"+index+"'] > span.count.next.top"),
bottom = $("#rhcounter > div[class~='tile"+index+"'] > span.count.next.bottom"),
delay = (index === 0 ? timeout : 250);
setTimeout(function(){ top.text(prevTiles[index]); }, delay/2);
setTimeout(function(){ bottom.text(prevTiles[index]); }, delay/2);
if (current === total) {
$("#rhcounter .count").addClass("red");


fullpage.js onLeave not firing the delayed scroll after the first time

So basically, I'm working on a website that needs to have fullpage.js working.
After the first section, I have 3 similar in structure sections, where some visual elements are fixed (which aren't part of those sections in the HTML tree), and other elements that pretty much stay on the same spot for these 3 sections.
Now, when we scroll in each of these 3 sections, there needs to be a delayed scroll for an "leaving" animation to happpen on the elements before the next section enters and takes its place.
I've got this part working as intended as you can see in the code below, but when you scroll up or down and the animation class is removed and back on again the delay isn't firing again.
Anyone has any idea how I can manage to make this animation fire every single time?
const delay = 1000;
let timeoutId;
let animationIsFinished = false;
const roseTxt = document.querySelectorAll('.smart-rose');
const smartIllus = document.querySelector('.cc-smart-illustration');
const smartTitle = document.querySelector('.cc-smart-title');
new fullpage('#fullpage', {
//options here
css3: true,
scrollHorizontally: true,
scrollBar: true,
scrollOverflow: true,
normalScrollElements: '.scrollable-content',
fitToSection: true,
fitToSectionDelay: 1000,
onLeave: function (origin, destination, direction) {
var curTime = new Date().getTime();
if (origin.index == 1 && direction == 'up') {
for (var i = 0; i < roseTxt.length; i++) {
return true;
if (origin.index == 1 && direction == 'down') {
//animating my element
for (var i = 0; i < roseTxt.length; i++) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
animationIsFinished = true;
fullpage_api.moveTo(destination.index + 1);
}, delay);
return animationIsFinished;
if (origin.index == 2 && destination.index == 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < roseTxt.length; i++) {
Thanks in advance!

How to avoid "jumpy" UI updates?

I want to run simulations and update a progress bar, but the progress bar gets updated in a "jumpy" way. Eg. it moves from 21% to 34% to 76%. I'd like to to move one-by-one from 21% to 22% to 23% etc.
Consider this as a SSCCE:
$(document).ready(function () {
var $button = $('button');
var worker = new Worker("worker.js");
worker.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
if (e.data) {
switch (e.data.cmd) {
case "progress":
$button.text((e.data.value / 250).toFixed(0) + "%");
case "complete":
$button.on("click", function() {
this.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
if (e.data === "start") {
for (var n = 0; n < 250000000; ++n) {
if (n % 10000 === 1) {
this.postMessage({cmd: "progress", value: n / 10000});
this.postMessage({cmd: "complete"});
How can I get it to update smoothly? Why isn't it updating smoothly to begin with?
You could change progress to provide fill values.
The reason why it's not smooth is that it doesn't post a progress value for all values, only every 10000 (if you try to post every value it's very likely your browser is going to freeze)
if (n % 10000 === 1) {
this.postMessage({cmd: "progress", value: n / 10000});
So you don't get all possible % values, you need to fill.
Something like this
$(document).ready(function () {
var $button = $('button');
var last = 0
var worker = new Worker("worker.js");
worker.addEventListener("message", function process(e) {
if (e.data) {
switch (e.data.cmd) {
case "progress":
var next = (e.data.value / 250)
var current = last
// fill values
// from last % to new %
for (; current < next; ++current) {
$button.text(current + "%")
last = current
$button.text(next.toFixed(0) + "%");
case "complete":
$button.on("click", function() {

This Javascript function keeps looping, how can i make it run once?

The code is meant to animated some text in a typing fashion. I want it to run once, but it keeps looping through the area of sentences. How would i go about stopping it looping through. The top of the code gathers the value of a input and puts into the array, this all works fine. It is just the looping i am having issues with.
var yourWord = document.getElementById("myText").value;
var yourtext = "I took the word " + yourWord + "...";
var infomation = [yourtext,
'I looked at the most relevant news article relating to it...',
'And created this piece of art from the words in the article! '
i = 0,
offset = 0,
pollyLen = Polly.length,
forwards = true,
skip_count = 0,
skip_delay = 5,
speed = 100;
var wordflick = function () {
setInterval(function () {
if (forwards) {
if (offset >= infomation[i].length) {
if (skip_count == skip_delay) {
forwards = false;
skip_count = 0;
} else {
if (offset == 0) {
forwards = true;
offset = 0;
if (i >= pollyLen) {
i = 0;
part = infomation[i].substr(0, offset);
if (skip_count == 0) {
if (forwards) {
} else {
}, speed);
$(document).ready(function () {
Modify the line:
setInterval(function () {
var interval = setInterval(function () {
and then clear the interval where you are setting i=0;
if (i >= pollyLen) {
i = 0;
if (i >= pollyLen) {
i = 0;
This should do the job!

Previous and Next functions for js slider

I have almost finished this slider, but I don't know how to implement the functionality for next() and prev(). How can I implement these functions?
$(function () {
var container = $("#scene"),
i = 0,
count = container.find("li").length,
j = container.find("li").length - 1,
isAnimating = false;
"width": "100%"
$("#trigger").click(function (e) {
if (!isAnimating) {
isAnimating = true;
i++; if (i >= count) { i = 0; }
j++; if (j >= count) { j = 0; }
"width": "100%"
}, 800,
function () {
isAnimating = false;
The problem is that when I implement these functions and press the next or prev. Displays the last slide on one second, and then switches to the desired
If you want to get a Next or Prev function running, you want to take control of the number of the slider where you are. I'm afraid you will have to play around with your i/j and make the position go in both directions.
Right now you count up your i and j, where you might want to go is to have a position var and an array of slider objects, then the click only would have to call for the next/prev object to be loaded and the animation can begin.
Something like this maybe..
var pos = 0;
var container = $('#scene').find('li');
$('.back').click(function() {
pos = pos - 1;
$('.forth').click(function() {
pos = pos +1;
function moveIt(pos) {
container[pos]... // Your animation goes here

Looking for thoughts on improvement of my javascript (jquery) code. Recursive function

I have made this code that makes some visual "tiles" that fades in and out.
But at the moment I'm having a little performance problem.
Though most browers are running the code okay (especially firefox), some like safari have problems after a while (a while = like 15 seconds).
I think its due to my recursive function (the function named changeopacity that calls itself forever on a delay)? or is it?
But anyways the problem is that this code is really heavy for most browsers. Is there, or more how can I make this code perform any better? any thoughts? (code examples would be nice) thanks :-)
The actual code:
$(document).ready(function () {
var aniduration = 2000;
var tilesize = 40;
$(".tile").each(function (index, domEle) {
var randomdelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3000);
setTimeout(function () {
changeopacity(aniduration, domEle);
}, randomdelay);
$("td").click(function () {
clickanimation(this, 9);
$("td").mouseenter(function () {
var element = $(this).find("div");
$(element).animate({opacity: "0.6"}, 800);
$("td").css("width", tilesize + "px").css("height", tilesize + "px");
function createtable(tilesize) {
var winwidth = $(window).width();
var winheight = $(window).height();
var horztiles = winwidth / tilesize;
var verttiles = winheight / tilesize;
for (var y = 0; y < verttiles; y++)
var id = "y" + y;
$("#tbl").append("<tr id='" + id + "'></tr>");
for (var x = 0; x < horztiles; x++)
$("#" + id).append("<td><div class='tile' style='opacity: 0; width: " + tilesize + "px; height: " + tilesize + "px;'></div></td>");
function changeopacity(duration, element){
var randomnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13);
var randomopacity = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7);
var randomdelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
if ($(element).css("opacity") < 0.3)
if (randomnum != 4)
if ($(element).css("opacity") != 0)
animation(element, 0, duration, randomdelay);
animation(element, randomopacity, duration, randomdelay);
animation(element, randomopacity, duration, randomdelay);
setTimeout(function () {
return changeopacity(duration, element);
}, duration + randomdelay);
function animation(element, randomopacity, duration, randomdelay){
$(element).clearQueue().stop().delay(randomdelay).animate({opacity: "0." + randomopacity}, duration);
function clickanimation(column, opacitylevel) {
var element = $(column).find("div");
$(element).animate({"background-color": "white"}, 200);
$(element).animate({opacity: "0." + opacitylevel}, 200);
$(element).delay(200).animate({opacity: "0.0"}, 500);
//$(element).delay(600).animate({"background-color": "black"}, 500);
The number one issue is that you are creating one setTimeout for every single cell on your page. The only browser capable of handling that is Internet Explorer, and then it fails due to the many CSS changes causing slow redraws.
I would strongly suggest programming your own event scheduler. Something like this, which I used in a university project:
var timer = {
length: 0,
stack: {},
timer: null,
id: 0,
add: function(f,d) {
timer.stack[timer.id] = {f: f, d: d, r: 0};
if( timer.timer == null) timer.timer = setInterval(timer.run,50);
return timer.id;
addInterval: function(f,d) {
timer.stack[timer.id] = {f: f, d: d, r: d};
if( timer.timer == null) timer.timer = setInterval(timer.run,50);
return timer.id;
remove: function(id) {
if( id && timer.stack[id]) {
delete timer.stack[id];
if( timer.length == 0) {
timer.timer = null;
run: function() {
var x;
for( x in timer.stack) {
if( !timer.stack.hasOwnProperty(x)) continue;
timer.stack[x].d -= 50;
if( timer.stack[x].d <= 0) {
if( timer.stack[x]) {
if( timer.stack[x].r == 0)
timer.stack[x].d = timer.stack[x].r;
Then, instead of using setTimeout, call timer.add with the same arguments. Similarly, instead of setInterval you can call timer.addInterval.
This will allow you to have as many timers as you like, and they will all run off a single setInterval, causing much less issues for the browser.
Nice animation :-) However, I found some bugs and possible improvements:
Your table is not rebuilt on window resizes. Not sure if bug or feature :-)
Use delegated events. You have a lot of elements, and every event handler is costly. Sadly, this won't work for the non-bubbling mouseenter event.
It would be nice if you would not use inline styles for with and height - those don't change. For the divs, they are superflouos anyway.
I can't see a reason for all those elements to have ids. The html-string building might be more concise.
Cache the elements!!! You are using the jQuery constructor on nearly every variable, building a new instance. Just reuse them!
Your changeopacity function looks a bit odd. If the opacity is lower than 0.3, there is 1-in-13-chance to animate to zero? That might be expressed more stringent. You also might cache the opacity to a variable instead of reading it from the dom each time.
There is no reason to pass the duration and other constants as arguments, they do never change and can be used from the global scope.
Instead of using the timeout, you should use the complete callback of the animate method. Timeouts are never accurate, they may even interfere here causing (minor) problems.
var duration = 2000,
tilesize = 40,
clickopacity = 0.9;
$(document).ready(function () {
filltable($("#tbl"), tilesize)
.on("click", "td", clickanimation);
$(".tile").each(function() {
$("#tbl div").mouseenter(function () {
.animate({opacity: "0.6"}, 800);
function filltable(tbl, tilesize) {
var win = $(window).width();
var horztiles = win.width() / tilesize;
var verttiles = win.height() / tilesize;
for (var y = 0; y < verttiles; y++) {
var tr = "<tr>";
for (var x = 0; x < horztiles; x++)
tr += "<td style='width:"+tilesize+"px;height:"+tilesize+"px;'><div class='tile' style='opacity:0;'></div></td>");
return tbl;
function changeopacity(element) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13);
var opacity = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7);
var delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
if (element.css("opacity") < 0.3 && random != 4)
opacity = 0;
opacity: "0." + opacity
}, duration, function() {
function clickanimation() {
.animate({"background-color": "white"}, 200)
.animate({opacity: "0." + clickopacity}, 200)
.delay(200).animate({opacity: "0.0"}, 500);
//.animate({"background-color": "black"}, 500);
