I've got a website that is using MooTools. I've been getting the following errror, but can't figure out what is causing it. I've had very little luck tracing it out. Does anyone know what this might be? I haven't been able to find anything on the web about it.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined mootools-core.js:4497
condition mootools-core.js:4497
defn mootools-core.js:4511
Stackoverflow has this question, but it does not relate as far as I can tell. Ideas?
Having looked at this a bit more, the cause of the error is still mysterious. The offending line in my code is an addEvent call:
window.addEvent('load', preloader(preload));
The variable preload is an array of image urls. And the callback preloader is a method that preloads the images specified in preload. Here's the preloader method:
* Event callback that preloads images
function preloader(images) {
var img;
if ( images ) {
for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++) {
img = new Image();
img.src = images[i];
The line of mootools code specified by the error is this:
addEvent: function(type, fn){
var events = this.retrieve('events', {});
if (!events[type]) events[type] = {keys: [], values: []};
if (events[type].keys.contains(fn)) return this;
var realType = type,
custom = Element.Events[type],
condition = fn,
self = this;
if (custom){
if (custom.onAdd) custom.onAdd.call(this, fn, type);
if (custom.condition){
condition = function(event){
//error here--> if (custom.condition.call(this, event, type)) return fn.call(this, event);
return true;
if (custom.base) realType = Function.from(custom.base).call(this, type);
var defn = function(){
return fn.call(self);
var nativeEvent = Element.NativeEvents[realType];
if (nativeEvent){
if (nativeEvent == 2){
defn = function(event){
event = new DOMEvent(event, self.getWindow());
if (condition.call(self, event) === false) event.stop();
this.addListener(realType, defn, arguments[2]);
return this;
Er. you are not passing a function as callback.
window.addEvent('load', preloader(preload));
* Event callback that preloads images
function preloader(images) {
var img;
if ( images ) {
for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++) {
img = new Image();
img.src = images[i];
it will essentially invoke the preloader function immediately, not onload - and it will try to bind the event to the result of the preloader function, which does not return anything at all.
when the interpreter sees preloader(preload), it just runs it straight away. you can return a function or better yet, rewrite to:
window.addEvent('load', function(){ preloader(preload); });
// or even
window.addEvent('load', preloader.bind(this, preload));
Running example:
var imagesArray = new Array(50).join(',').split(',');
imagesArray = imagesArray.map(function(el, i){
return 'http://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/' + (255 - i) + '?' + +new Date();
function preloader(images) {
var img;
if ( images ) {
for (var i=0; i<images.length; i++) {
img = new Image();
img.src = images[i];
window.addEvent('load', function(){
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mootools/1.5.0/mootools-core-full-nocompat.js"></script>
You can also have a look at my preloader class which gives you greater flexibility over how your images are pre-loaded, as well as progress etc. https://github.com/DimitarChristoff/pre-loader - it will actually wait for the images to download, allow you to choose how they are loaded etc.
mootools-more also has Asset.images you can use.
finally, not sure you want to bind to load event, which will trigger when all assets, including images, have been loaded, you should be able to start at domready instead.
It means, I believe, that mooTools is getting an undefined/malformed parameter in one of your call.
Find out which function is defined at line 4497 of mootools-core.js (can be an object method) and look for each call in your script. Log all parameters/object you're working with, and you'll find your error ;)
Seeing your code, I think your problem come from the fact that type is not declared inside condition. Try :
if (custom.condition){
condition = function(event,type){
if (custom.condition.call(this, event, type)) return fn.call(this, event);
return true;
I was wondering if I can stop a function from even defining itself (basically I'm not using it, but it still defines itself, at least that's what I assume the problem is).
if (document.getElementById("loginLogoutButton").title!="התנתק/י") {
var target = document.getElementById("loginLogoutButton");
var clickevent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
clickevent.initEvent("click", true, true);
function loaded() {
var targLpink = document.getElementById ("iconImage_3");
var clickEvent = document.createEvent ("MouseEvents");
clickEvent.initEvent('dblclick', false, true);
window.addEventListener("load", setTimeout(loaded,3000));
var msgodd;
var msgeven;
var messages;
//The first error happens here as far as I can tell
//"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"
function list() {
msgeven = document.getElementsByTagName("even unread");
msgodd= document.getElementsByTagName("odd unread");
var k = msgodd.length+msgeven.length;
var i = 0;
while ((i+2)< k) {
if (i%2==0 && i+2<msgeven.length){
if(i%2==1 && i+2<msgodd.length){
setTimeout(list, 9000);
I then get an error on tagname:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
I might also throw out that I have to use the setTimeout since I'm waiting for the page to load (it's not a different address, it opens up stuff within itself, so I can't use onload on that - at least when i tried it failed).
You're treating msgeven/msgodd as an array. But it's a NodeList! You can convert them with this:
msgeven = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName("even unread"));
msgodd = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName("odd unread"));
The following renderChat function is used to render a message and an image onto a chat board. Inside the function there is another function
var onComplete = function () {
which does all the work of creating the list element and appending it to the chat list. After the onComplete function, there is only this three lines of code
img.onload = onComplete;
img.onerror = onComplete;
img.src = c.chat.value.media;
Because the var onComplete is a function assigned to a variable, I assumed it had to be called with parenthesis. Thus, when I see this
img.onload = onComplete;
I understand that the function has been assigned to a new variable, but has never been called. Yet, when I use the application, the chat has been rendered by the time we reach img.src = c.chat.value.media;
Can you please explain how my understanding of JavaScript is mistaken and how this function is working?
var renderChat = function (c) {
debug("Rendering chat: key='%s' fingerprint='%s' message='%s' created='%s' imageMd5='%s'",
var renderFP = c.chat.value.fingerprint;
if (!isMuted(renderFP)) {
var img = new Image();
var onComplete = function () {
// Don't want duplicates and don't want muted messages
if (body.find('li[data-key="' + c.chat.key + '"]').length === 0 &&
!isMuted(renderFP)) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.dataset.action = 'chat-message';
li.dataset.key = c.chat.key;
li.dataset.fingerprint = renderFP;
// This is likely your own fingerprint so you don't mute yourself. Unless you're weird.
if (userId.val() !== renderFP) {
var btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.textContent = 'mute';
btn.className = 'mute';
var message = document.createElement('p');
message.textContent = c.chat.value.message;
message.innerHTML = transform(message.innerHTML);
var createdDate = moment(new Date(c.chat.value.created));
var timestamp = document.createElement('time');
timestamp.setAttribute('datetime', createdDate.toISOString());
timestamp.textContent = createdDate.format('LT');
timestamp.className = 'timestamp';
var size = addChat.is(":visible") ? addChat[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom : $(window).innerHeight();
var last = chatList[0].lastChild;
var bottom = last ? last.getBoundingClientRect().bottom : 0;
var follow = bottom < size + 50;
debug('Appended chat %s', c.chat.key);
// if scrolled to bottom of window then scroll the new thing into view
// otherwise, you are reading the history... allow user to scroll up.
if (follow) {
var children = chatList.children();
if (children.length > CHAT_LIMIT) {
img.onload = onComplete;
img.onerror = onComplete;
img.src = c.chat.value.media;
The HTMLImageElement object will cause functions assigned to its onload and onerror properties to be called at the appropriate times (i.e. when the HTTP response is received or the wait for it times out).
The code to do this is built into the browser. The properties (or the addEventListener function in more modern code) are the only ways with which you can interact with that code.
In Javascript you can store functions in variables, this is what you did with onComplete().
The img object will execute a function(so called callback) after successfully loading the image (onload) or if it could not load the image(onerror).
To tell the img object which method to call after those events, you need to give it the method name like this without parenthesis:
img.onload = onComplete;
img.onerror = onComplete;
If you would use parenthesis the function would be executed immediately and img.onload wouldn't contain a reference to a function but the result of onCompleted.
img.onload = onComplete; will assign the function onComplete to the onload handler. THis means, that the function is called, when the vent happens.
img.onload = onComplete(); will assign the result of calling the function onComplete to the onload handler. This means, that the function is called immediately, is expected to return another function (or a string containing valid JS), which in turn will be called when the event happens.
I am loading a json file and parsing it into an array in Javascript. One of the elements is the path to an image. I am not ready to load the images yet but I need to get the image's height. I know how to do that with code like the following (found on other stackoverflow pages)
function getimageheight(img) {
var tmpImg = new Image();
tmpImg.onload = function() {
var ht = this.height;
return ht+0;
tmpImg.src = img;
If I try to call this function in a loop, it returns undefined because the onload for the images is running slower than the loop. My actual code is this:
var j = 0;
$.each(cat.placemarks, function(index, mark) {
markers[cat.name][j] = [];
markers[cat.name][j].name = mark.name;
markers[cat.name][j].title = mark.title;
markers[cat.name][j].markerURL = mark.markerURL;
markers[cat.name][j].imageURL = mark.imageURL;
markers[cat.name][j].imageHEIGHT = getimageheight(projpath+mark.imageURL);
If I call the function once, it works. But calling it in a loop does not. How can I fix this?
If you store reference to data object in Img object used to load it, you can set the value of its properties after the loading is done. Hope that makes sense... Your data will not be ready to use before loading is complete tho. Heres the code
var total=cat.placemarks.length;//if an array, otherwise use another each cycle to get object count
var loaded=0;
$each(cat.placemarks, function(index, mark) {
markers[cat.name][j] = [];
var tmpImg = new Image();
tmpImg.onload = function() {
//markers data is ready to use - add function callback herer or sumthin'
markers[cat.name][j].name = mark.name;
markers[cat.name][j].title = mark.title;
markers[cat.name][j].markerURL = mark.markerURL;
markers[cat.name][j].imageURL = mark.imageURL;
markers[cat.name][j].imageHEIGHT is undefined because getImageHeight() isn't returning anything. And naturally, the image load will occur much more slowly than your each() loop, so it won't do you any good to have getImageHeight() return something. You'll have to set up your load() callback to determine which image has been loaded and update the height of the corresponding markers element.
I am trying to do something simple: I have a bunch of Images which are being load through JS.
I attach an event listener to the load event, and after the Image is being loaded, in the listener function I would like to get the calling Image and retrieve properties from it.
Here is my code, simplified:
function loadImages() {
for (var i = 0; i < arrDownloadQueueBasic.length; i++) {
var path = arrDownloadQueueBasic[i].path;
var img = new Image();
img.type = arrDownloadQueueBasic[i].type;
img.attachEvent(img, 'load', setBasicElement);
img.src = path;
function setBasicElement(e) {
var caller = e.target || e.srcElement;
alert(caller); // THIS DOESNT WORK - RETURN NULL
alert(caller.type) // OF COURSE THIS DOESNT WORK AS WELL...
There are a couple of things that you need to correct. First, the attachEvent method should not be used for browsers other than IE. You should structure your code to check if the method is implemented and then act accordingly like so:
if(img.addEventListener) {
img.addEventListener('load', setBasicElement, false);
else if(img.attachEvent) {
img.attachEvent('onload', setBasicElement);
else {
img.onload = setBasicElement;
The other issue is that you need to prefix the event name with "on" when using attachEvent.
You can get the caller by using the following code in the setBasicElement function:
var caller = e.target || e.srcElement || window.event.target || window.event.srcElement;
Here is a working example - http://jsfiddle.net/BMsXR/3/
Try this:
var caller = window.event ? window.event.srcElement : e.target;
If I remember rightly IE doesn't pass the event object as a parameter when you've used attachEvent(), but it has a global event object.
I'm just trying to structure my Javascript better and wondering how to incorporate window.onresize into the returned object, like so:
var baseline = function(){
var tall, newHeight, target, imgl, cur, images = [];
return {
init: function(selector, target){
this.images = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
this.target = target;
window.onresize = this.setbase(this.images);
setbase: function(imgs){
this.imgl = imgs.length;
if(this.imgl !== 0){
this.cur = imgs[this.imgl];
this.tall = this.cur.offsetHeight;
this.newHeight = Math.floor(this.tall / this.target) * this.target;
this.cur.style.maxHeight = this.newHeight + 'px';
} else {
return false;
Is this the way that people would do it, is this going to work? Thanks
Invoked like so:
window.onload = function(){
baseline.init('img', '24');
I would like it so that when the window is resized, baseline.init is called with the same params as the initial init function call...
Here's the main error
init: function(selector, target){
this.images = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
this.target = target;
// This line says call setbase now and assign the result of that
// as the onresize handler
window.onresize = this.setbase(this.images);
Your this.images does not point to the var images = [] you've created. This is for when you're using protoype style objects. You should just use images in your functions.
Some of your variables look like they're only used in setBase, they should be local
Looking at your object, it's very hard to tell what it's supposed to do, sounds like you're wrapping code in an object just for the sake of wrapping it into an object. What does baseline mean?
Here's a better version of your code, you should read and understand http://www.joezimjs.com/javascript/javascript-closures-and-the-module-pattern/ and http://js-bits.blogspot.com/2010/08/javascript-inheritance-done-right.html so you can decide what pattern you want to use and how they actually work. You are mixing both patterns, even though you didn't intend to. The trick is that with the way you're writing it (module pattern) there's no need to use this in the code, they're actually local variables held be the module
var baseline = function(){
// Don't use "this.tall", just "tall" gets you the variable
// Class variables, are you sure you need them throughout the class
var tall, newHeight, target, imgl, cur, images = [];
// Different name for the parameter so it doesn't get confused with
// the class variables
function init(selector, pTarget) {
images = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
target = pTarget;
// Since we're not using this, you
// can just reference the function itself
window.onresize = setBase
// Most JS developers name methods using camelCase
function setBase() {
imgl = imgs.length;
if(imgl !== 0){
cur = imgs[imgl];
tall = cur.offsetHeight;
newHeight = Math.floor(tall / target) * target;
cur.style.maxHeight = newHeight + 'px';
// should you return true here? what does returning
// something even mean here?
} else {
return false;
// Return just the public interface
return {
init: init
setBase: setBase