Javascript how to set interval time to stop scrolling - javascript

This is the demo in jsfiddle, demo
What I want is let the scrolled items('one ', 'two', 'three', '4', '5', '6', '7') automatically scroll up like the demo showed, and stop 2 sec when it's in the middle position. But in my demo, it will shack for a while after stopping in the middle position.
Here is the place in my demo code for setting position.
if ((x == 0) || (x % 35== 0)) {
setTimeout(function () { = x + 'px';
}, 1000);
} else { = x + 'px';
Any one can help me? Thanks!
The reason why I set 35 is because I found that the scrolled items are approximately in the middle position when it equals to 0, -35,-70,-105,.... But when I console all x, I found that the value of x is between (31, -251). Do you know how to find the exact position when each items are in the middle of position? Thanks!

i modified your code a bit,
i set a variable "k" that the interval is assigned to and i clear the interval on stop and start it again after the timeout
looks good for me ->
no funny shakin anymore ;-D
window.onload = addScrollers;
var i = 1;
var arr = ['one ', 'two', 'three', '4', '5', '6', '7'];
var mid;
var k;
function addScrollers() {
var txt = arr[0];
while (i < arr.length) {
txt += '<p>' + arr[i] + '</p>';
startScroll('myscroller', txt);
var speed = 10; // scroll speed (bigger = faster)
var dR = false; // reverse direction
var step = 1;
function objWidth(obj) {
if (obj.offsetWidth) return obj.offsetWidth;
if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.width;
return 0;
function objHeight(obj) {
if (obj.offsetHeight) return obj.offsetHeight;
if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.height;
return 0;
function scrF(i, sH, eH) {
var x = parseInt( + (dR ? step : -step);
if (dR && x > sH) {
x = -eH;
} else if (x < 1 - eH) {
x = sH;
//when x is the times of 35, the positio is in middle
if ((x == 0) || (x % 35== 0)) {
setTimeout(function () { = x + 'px';
k = setInterval(function () {
scrF(i, sH, eH);
}, 1000 / speed);
}, 1000);
else { = x + 'px';
return x;
function startScroll(sN, txt) {
var scr = document.getElementById(sN);
var sW = objWidth(scr);
var sH = objHeight(scr);
scr.innerHTML = '<div id="' + sN + 'in" style="position:absolute; left:3px; width:' + sW + ';">' + txt + '<\/div>';
var sTxt = document.getElementById(sN + 'in');
var eH = objHeight(sTxt);
mid = (eH - sH) / 2; = (dR ? -eH : sH) + 'px'; = 'rect(0,' + sW + 'px,' + eH + 'px,0)';
k = setInterval(function () {
scrF(, sH, eH);
}, 1000 / speed);


Getting back correct index value from Array

I have to show Array values in circle kind of shape and it has to be run in a loop forever. Things are working fine when you rotate circle counter clockwise. But it has a problem in when we move circle in opposite direction.
I have an active element on the wheel. So when you user clicks on any other slide then active it calculates the difference between clicked slide and active slide then add and remove items in wheel accordingly.
So basically it picks the value from Array. if you move circle clockwise it picks values from the back of the Array and if you move it counterclockwise it starts picking up values from next available. If 11 items are rendered in first-page load then it will start taking values from 12 no index.
The problem occurs when you click the item which has above position from the active element and then you again rotates it counterclockwise.
Let say you click item no. 8 then you click item no.7. In this case item, no.2 should have been added into the wheel.
Here is fiddle.
var numberOfElement = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30];
var initialRender = numberOfElement.slice(0, 11);
var startPoint = initialRender.length;
var endPoint = numberOfElement.length;
function generateHtml() {
var html = '';
initialRender.forEach(function(item, index) {
var angle = 18 * (index);
var className = angle === 90 ? 'active' : '';
html += '<div class="shapes ' + className + '" data-deg="' + angle + '" style="--deg:' + angle + 'deg;"> <span class="set-pos">' + (item) + '</span> <span> ' + angle + ' deg </span></div>';
document.querySelector('#dynamic-html').innerHTML = html;
$('#dynamic-html').on('click', '.shapes', function() {
var deg = 90;
var activeDeg = $('.active').data('deg');
var needToremoveElement = activeDeg;
var selectedElement = $(this).data('deg');
var degrees = deg - selectedElement;
var diff = Math.abs((activeDeg - selectedElement) / 18);
var movementCloseWise = degrees > ($('.circle').data('deg') || 0);
'transform': 'rotate(' + degrees + 'deg)'
}).attr('data-deg', degrees);
if (movementCloseWise) {
var itemLength = $('.shapes').length;
$('.shapes:gt(' + ((itemLength - 1) - diff) + ')').remove()
var newItems = generateItem(getItemsFromBack(diff), true);
newItems = $(newItems).get().reverse();
startPoint -= diff;
} else {
var newItems = generateItem(getItemFromStart(diff), false)
$('.shapes:lt(' + (diff) + ')').remove()
endPoint += diff;
function getItemsFromBack(length) {
var values = [];
endPoint = endPoint - length;
if (endPoint < 0) {
endPoint = numberOfElement.length - Math.abs(endPoint)
var otherVal = 0;
if (endPoint + length >= numberOfElement.length) {
otherVal = (endPoint + length) - numberOfElement.length;
values = numberOfElement.slice(endPoint, numberOfElement.length)
if (otherVal > 0) {
values = values.concat(numberOfElement.slice(0, otherVal))
} else {
values = numberOfElement.slice(endPoint, endPoint + length)
var valuesCount = values.length;
return values.reverse();
function getItemFromStart(length) {
var values = numberOfElement.slice(startPoint, startPoint + length);
var valueCount = values.length;
startPoint += valueCount;
if (valueCount < length) {
startPoint = 0;
return values.concat(getItemFromStart(length - valueCount));
} else if (startPoint >= numberOfElement.length) {
startPoint = 0;
return values;
function generateItem(items, isClockWise) {
var html = "",
if (isClockWise) {
lastItemAngle = $('#dynamic-html .shapes:first').data('deg');
} else {
lastItemAngle = $('#dynamic-html .shapes:last').data('deg');
items.forEach(function(item, index) {
if (isClockWise) {
var angles = lastItemAngle - (18 * (index + 1))
} else {
var angles = lastItemAngle + (18 * (index + 1))
html += '<div class="shapes" data-deg="' + (angles) + '" style="--deg:' + angles + 'deg;"> <span class="set-pos">' + (item) + '</span> <span> ' + angles + ' deg </span></div>';
return html;
I think your problem is just your endPoint initialization value. In your code, you initialize it as var endPoint = numberOfElement.length; which is wrong( I think) and it should be initialized by 0; I changed it and it worked:
var numberOfElement = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30];
var initialRender = numberOfElement.slice(0,11);
var startPoint = initialRender.length;
var endPoint = 0; /* here is the change */
function generateHtml(){
var html ='';
var angle = 18 * (index);
var className = angle === 90? 'active':'';
html+='<div class="shapes '+className+'" data-deg="'+angle+'" style="--deg:'+angle+'deg;"> <span class="set-pos">'+(item)+'</span> <span> '+angle+' deg </span></div>';
document.querySelector('#dynamic-html').innerHTML= html;
var deg = 90;
var activeDeg = $('.active').data('deg');
var needToremoveElement = activeDeg;
var selectedElement = $(this).data('deg');
var degrees = deg - selectedElement;
var diff = Math.abs((activeDeg - selectedElement) / 18);
var movementCloseWise = degrees > ($('.circle').data('deg') || 0);
$('.circle').css({'transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)'}).attr('data-deg',degrees);
var itemLength = $('.shapes').length;
var newItems = generateItem(getItemsFromBack(diff), true);
newItems = $(newItems).get().reverse();
startPoint -= diff;
var newItems = generateItem(getItemFromStart(diff), false)
endPoint += diff;
function getItemsFromBack(length) {
var values = [];
endPoint = endPoint - length;
if (endPoint < 0) {
endPoint = numberOfElement.length - Math.abs(endPoint)
var otherVal = 0;
if (endPoint + length >= numberOfElement.length) {
otherVal = (endPoint + length) - numberOfElement.length;
values = numberOfElement.slice(endPoint, numberOfElement.length)
if (otherVal > 0) {
values = values.concat(numberOfElement.slice(0, otherVal))
} else {
values = numberOfElement.slice(endPoint, endPoint + length)
var valuesCount = values.length;
return values.reverse();
function getItemFromStart(length) {
var values = numberOfElement.slice(startPoint, startPoint + length);
var valueCount = values.length;
startPoint += valueCount;
if (valueCount < length) {
startPoint = 0;
return values.concat( getItemFromStart(length - valueCount) );
} else if (startPoint >= numberOfElement.length) {
startPoint = 0;
return values;
function generateItem (items, isClockWise){
var html = "", lastItemAngle;
lastItemAngle = $('#dynamic-html .shapes:first').data('deg');
lastItemAngle = $('#dynamic-html .shapes:last').data('deg');
var angles = lastItemAngle - (18 * (index +1))
var angles = lastItemAngle + (18 * (index +1))
html+='<div class="shapes" data-deg="'+(angles)+'" style="--deg:'+angles+'deg;"> <span class="set-pos">'+(item)+'</span> <span> '+angles+' deg </span></div>';
return html;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 500px;
position: relative;
background: red;
border-radius: 50%;
transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out;
position: absolute;
top:calc(50% - 75px);
left:calc(50% - 10px);
width: 20px;
height: 150px;
transform: rotate(var(--deg)) translate(0, 160px);
background: green;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
width: 203%;
height: 320%;
background: #fff;
top: -160px;
right: -148%;
display: none
background: red
position: absolute;
bottom: 0
<script src=""></script>
<div class="main">
<div class="pos">
<div class="circle">
<div id="dynamic-html"></div>
<div class="fake-overlay"></div>
And here is Jsfiddle
I have fixed this by the following code.
function getItemsFromBack(length) {
var values = [];
if (endPoint > numberOfElement.length) {
var diff = endPoint - numberOfElement.length;
values = numberOfElement.slice(diff - length, diff)
endPoint = endPoint - length;
return values.reverse();
endPoint = endPoint - length;
if (endPoint < 0) {
endPoint = numberOfElement.length - Math.abs(endPoint)
var otherVal = 0;
if (endPoint + length >= numberOfElement.length) {
otherVal = (endPoint + length) - numberOfElement.length;
values = numberOfElement.slice(endPoint, numberOfElement.length)
if (otherVal > 0) {
values = values.concat(numberOfElement.slice(0, otherVal))
} else {
values = numberOfElement.slice(endPoint, endPoint + length)
var valuesCount = values.length;
return values.reverse();
I am checking if endPoint is greater then total Array length. Then endPoint- Array.length and using diff to get the element
Your CSS is awesome, but your JavaScript still has a bug. Try this:
click 7, then click 2
To fix it, I propose we simplify your logic a bit:
give meaningful ids to items so we can easily select them, compare them and deduce the item angle
do not use hard coded arrays (if you did it because of a code quality tool like jslint, consider telling it to tolerate for loops)
The complexity of your code was coming from the management of start and end points within a range of 1-30. This is now made easy by 1st point above.
I have not changed your code too much so you can recognize your working parts easily:
// Global variables
var numberOfItems = 30,
numberOfRenderedItems = 11,
firstItem = 0
function generateHtml(){
var html ='';
for (var item = 0; item < numberOfRenderedItems; item++) {
var angle = 18 * item,
className = angle === 90? 'active':'';
html +=
'<div class="shapes '+className+'" data-item="'+item+'" data-deg="'+angle+'" style="--deg:'+angle+'deg;">'+
' <span class="set-pos">'+(item+1)+'</span>'+
' <span>'+angle+' deg </span>'+
document.querySelector('#dynamic-html').innerHTML= html;
// Set clicked item active
var selectedItem = Number($(this).data('item')),
previousActiveItem = firstItem + Math.floor(numberOfRenderedItems/2),
diff = selectedItem - previousActiveItem,
selectedAngle = selectedItem * 18,
degrees = 90 - selectedAngle,
isClockWise = diff < 0;
// Rotate all items
$('.circle').css({'transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)'}).attr('data-deg',degrees);
var items;
if (isClockWise)
items = getItemsFromBack(diff);
items = getItemsFromFront(diff);
// Remove items
items.toRemove.forEach( function (item) {
// Add items
var newItems = items.toAdd.reduce( function (html, item) {
// Get item number between 1 and max
var itemNumber = getNumberInRange(item),
angle = 18 * item;
return html +
'<div class="shapes" data-item="'+item+'" data-deg="'+angle+'" style="--deg:'+angle+'deg;">'+
' <span class="set-pos">'+itemNumber+'</span>'+
' <span>'+angle+' deg </span>'+
}, '');
if (isClockWise)
function getItemsFromBack (diff) {
var items = {
toAdd: [],
toRemove: []
firstItem += diff;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(diff); i++) {
items.toAdd.push(firstItem + i);
items.toRemove.push(firstItem + i + numberOfRenderedItems);
return items;
function getItemsFromFront (diff) {
var items = {
toAdd: [],
toRemove: []
for (var i = 0; i < Math.abs(diff); i++) {
items.toAdd.push(firstItem + i + numberOfRenderedItems);
items.toRemove.push(firstItem + i);
firstItem += diff;
return items;
function getNumberInRange (item) {
do {
item = (item + numberOfItems) % numberOfItems;
while (item < 0);
return item + 1;
Updated JSFiddle link is below

Javascripts code stops working

the problem it's about a roulette that spins every 1 min,
Problem : When I switch from one tab to another on google chrome or any other navigators, the script stops running and the roulette stops (and I need to go back to the tab again in order to make the script work)
image roulette = animation of game
var myRoll = {
nbr : [14, 1, 13, 2, 12, 3, 11, 0, 4, 10, 5, 9, 6, 8 ,7],
initRoll : function(){
var Ccolor;
var nbrCtn = $(".nbr-ctn");
for(j = 0; j < 6 ; j++){
for(i = 0; i < this.nbr.length; i++){
Ccolor = "";
if(this.nbr[i] === 0 ){
Ccolor = "nbr-green";
}else if(this.nbr[i] > 7){
Ccolor = "nbr-black";
Ccolor = "nbr-red";
var elem = '<div class="nbr '+ Ccolor +'" >'+ this.nbr[i] +'</div>';
lastResult : function(n){
Ccolor = "";
if(n === 0 ){
Ccolor = "nbr nbr-green";
}else if(n > 7){
Ccolor = "nbr nbr-black";
Ccolor = "nbr nbr-red";
var nbrResult = $(".lastResult > div").length;
if(nbrResult === 5 ){
$(".lastResult div:first-child").remove();
var elem = '<div class="circle '+ Ccolor +'" >'+ n +'</div>';
rollAnimation : function(offset, n){
var prog = $(".progress-line");
var nbrCtn = $(".nbr-ctn");
nbrCtn.css("left" , "0px");
nbrCtn.animate({left: "-"+ offset +".5px"}, 6000, 'easeInOutQuint', function(){
getRandomInt : function(min, max){
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
startRoll : function(n){
var nbrCtn = $(".nbr-ctn");
var gAnim = $("#game-animation");
var idx = this.nbr.indexOf(n) + this.nbr.length * 4;
var elmWidth = nbrCtn.find(".nbr").width();
var offset = idx * elmWidth - (gAnim.width() / 2);
offset = this.getRandomInt(offset + 5, offset + elmWidth - 5);
this.rollAnimation(offset, n);
countDown : function(){
var prog = $(".progress-line");
var gameStatus = $(".rolling > span");
prog.animate({width : "0px"}, {
duration: 30000,
step: function(now){
var rt = (now*3) / 100;
gameStatus.html("Closing in " + rt.toFixed(2));
complete: function(){
// when the progress bar be end
gameStatus.html("Rolling ...");
myRoll.startRoll(myRoll.getRandomInt(0, 14));
easing: "linear"
window.onload = function(){
For this you need to implement things in following way (this is just way out).
Basic concept behind bellow code is calculate lag between tab switch and set current state accordingly.
var prevTime,curTime;
var rate = 500; //(miliseconds) you can set it.
function update()
var diffTime = curTime - prevTime;
if (diffTime >= rate)
//check if difference is more than step value then calculate
//current state accordingly. so you will always be updated as you calculating lags.
// e.g. diffTime = 1500;
// you will need to jump Math.floor(diffTime/rate) which is 3.
// calculate current state.
//your code....
prevTime = curTime;

Javascript - changing widths of images

I'm creating a tug of war website as a small project. My problem is that my javascript doesn't seem to want to work.
function randomTeam(){
var TeamV = Math.floor((Math.random() *2 ) + 1)
document.getElementById("TeamHeader").innerHTML = "Team: " + TeamV;
return TeamV;
function changeWidth(TeamV){
var MetreLeftV = document.getElementById('MetreLeft');
var MetreRightV = document.getElementById('MetreRight');
if(TeamV == 1){ += '10px'; -= '10px';
else if(TeamV == 2){ += '10px'; -= '10px';
Basically, when the page is loaded the randomTeam function is called, and when the button is pressed, it increments the size of your teams side, and decrements the side of the enemy's team. The problem is, it doesn't work at all. Could anyone help me see where this is going wrong? Thank you in advance :')
You can not just add 10px to the width. Convert the width to a number, add 10, than add px to it. = (parseFloat( + 10) + "px"
Do the same for the others and you will need a check for negative numbers.
function randomTeam() {
var TeamV = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2) + 1)
document.getElementById("TeamHeader").innerHTML = "Team: " + TeamV;
return TeamV;
function changeWidth(TeamV) {
var MetreLeftV = document.getElementById('MetreLeft');
var MetreRightV = document.getElementById('MetreRight');
console.log(parseFloat( + 10 + 'px')
if (TeamV == 1) { = parseFloat( + 10 + 'px'; = parseFloat( - 10 + 'px';
} else if (TeamV == 2) { = parseFloat( - 10 + 'px'; = parseFloat( + 10 + 'px'
window.setInterval( function () {
var move = randomTeam();
}, 1000);
#MetreLeft {
background-color: red
#MetreRight {
background-color: yellow
<div id="TeamHeader"></div>
<div id="MetreLeft" style="width:200px">Left</div>
<div id="MetreRight" style="width:200px">Right</div>

How can I change the number of columns in Gridster?

I have a a gridster based layout that will start with a set number of columns and a fixed number of tiles. Is there a way to change the number of columns once it has been set up? -- for example starting with 3 columns :
(tile1 | tile2 | tile3
tile4 | tile5 | tile6)
and changing it to a two column layout:
(tile1 | tile2
tile3 | tile4
tile5 | tile6)
The change will be driven by user interaction.
I have tried to use something like:
gridster = $("#gridster-container").gridster({
widget_margins: [30, 30],
widget_base_dimensions : [ 200, 170 ],
avoid_overlapped_widgets: true
// user interaction
gridster.options.max_rows = 2;
but that does not seem to work...
I have tried manually changing the data-row and data-col values to the new positions, and called init() (and not called init).
I have even tried changing the gridster code adding
if (max_cols && max_cols < this.cols) {
this.cols = max_cols;
to the method fn.generate_grid_and_stylesheet (just after the line:
if (max_cols && max_cols >= min_cols && max_cols < this.cols) {
this.cols = max_cols;
I can get the tiles to move the the correct position using any of these options, but subsequent dragging behaviour is... odd.
I have set up a jsfiddle ( to explain what I mean (please excuse the gridster.min.js in line at the top of the fidddle, I couldn't find a cdn that I could use for it...).
Thanks in advance
I just spent a couple of hours and ran across this piece of code. I just put it in a .js file and did:
var gr = $(elem).gridster(options).data('gridster');
// update options and then call this at a later point:
And then it just worked.
Here's the code:
(function($) {
$.Gridster.generate_stylesheet = function(opts) {
var styles = '';
var max_size_x = this.options.max_size_x;
var max_rows = 0;
var max_cols = 0;
var i;
var rules;
opts || (opts = {});
opts.cols || (opts.cols = this.cols);
opts.rows || (opts.rows = this.rows);
opts.namespace || (opts.namespace = this.options.namespace);
opts.widget_base_dimensions || (opts.widget_base_dimensions = this.options.widget_base_dimensions);
opts.widget_margins || (opts.widget_margins = this.options.widget_margins);
opts.min_widget_width = (opts.widget_margins[0] * 2) +
opts.min_widget_height = (opts.widget_margins[1] * 2) +
/* generate CSS styles for cols */
for (i = opts.cols; i >= 0; i--) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-col="'+ (i + 1) + '"] { left:' +
((i * opts.widget_base_dimensions[0]) +
(i * opts.widget_margins[0]) +
((i + 1) * opts.widget_margins[0])) + 'px;} ');
/* generate CSS styles for rows */
for (i = opts.rows; i >= 0; i--) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-row="' + (i + 1) + '"] { top:' +
((i * opts.widget_base_dimensions[1]) +
(i * opts.widget_margins[1]) +
((i + 1) * opts.widget_margins[1]) ) + 'px;} ');
for (var y = 1; y <= opts.rows; y++) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-sizey="' + y + '"] { height:' +
(y * opts.widget_base_dimensions[1] +
(y - 1) * (opts.widget_margins[1] * 2)) + 'px;}');
for (var x = 1; x <= max_size_x; x++) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-sizex="' + x + '"] { width:' +
(x * opts.widget_base_dimensions[0] +
(x - 1) * (opts.widget_margins[0] * 2)) + 'px;}');
return this.add_style_tag(styles);
$.Gridster.add_style_tag = function(css) {
var d = document;
var tag = d.createElement('style');
tag.setAttribute('generated-from', 'gridster');
tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
if (tag.styleSheet) {
tag.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
return this;
$.Gridster.resize_widget_dimensions = function(options) {
if (options.widget_margins) {
this.options.widget_margins = options.widget_margins;
if (options.widget_base_dimensions) {
this.options.widget_base_dimensions = options.widget_base_dimensions;
this.min_widget_width = (this.options.widget_margins[0] * 2) + this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0];
this.min_widget_height = (this.options.widget_margins[1] * 2) + this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1];
var serializedGrid = this.serialize();
this.$widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
var $widget = $(widget);
}, this));
return false;
I had a similar problem and was able to get it working through this approach:
var gridster = $(".gridster ul").gridster().data('gridster');
gridster.options.min_cols = 5; // Not necessarily required because of the following size changes, but I did it for clarity
gridster.options.widget_base_dimensions = [240, 400];
gridster.options.min_widget_width = 240;
// This section was for existing widgets. Apparently the code for drawing the droppable zones is based on the data stored in the widgets at creation time
for (var i = 0; i < gridster.$widgets.length; i++) {
gridster.resize_widget($(gridster.$widgets[i]), 1, 1);

jQuery How to Have Variable Increment by Value in a Recursive Function

I have a JS Function which is called in document.ready. The intent is as it scrolls to the bottom window, it'll load more from the JSON API.
The API has the parameter offset and limit. Offset controls which subset of results you are seeing. For ex. 20-40 would be offset=20 and limit controls how many you can view at once.
I thought I would approach this with a recursive function which calls itself each time the user goes to the bottom of the window, with window.scroll. Once they go to the bottom, it'll increment the offset by 20 each time, then run the function again.
Problem: I can't seem to get it to increment the variable by 20 to make this work. Thoughts?
function getData(offset) {
var jsonCallback = "&jsoncallback=?";
//var offset = 20;
//var offset += 20;
var limit = 20;
var characterURL = "" + characterID + "&offset=" + offset + "&limit=" + limit;
$.getJSON(characterURL + jsonCallback, function(data) {
for (i=0; i < (; i++) {
var $characterUl = $("<ul>");
if ([i].release_date > 0) {
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 10) {
while (( === offset || ( > offset) {
offset = offset+20;
$(document).ready(function() {
var $characterComics = $("<div>", {id : "characterComics"});
Read this more as a pseudo-code
function getData(offset) {
var jsonCallback = "&jsoncallback=?",
characterURL = "" + characterID + "&offset=" + offset + "&limit=" + limit;
$.getJSON(characterURL + jsonCallback, function(data) {
for (i=0; i < (; i++) {
var $listItem = $("<li>");
if ([i].release_date > 0) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var $characterComics = $("<div>", {id : "characterComics"}),
$characterUl = $("<ul>"),
offset = 0,
itemsLoaded = 0;
limit = 20;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 10) {
if ("check here if you reached your offsets") {
offset = offset+20;
// get your first set of data
