I am trying to align the data labels of the following fiddle in the middle of each bar (without success). It seems the that the data label at the top and on the bottom are making this thing look bad. also the tallest's bar label is overlapping with the bar itself.
I looked through the docs but couldn't make this thing look well.
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9qLkx1f1/
Here is the data labels settings:
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
useHTML: true,
formatter: function() {
return this.series.name + "<span style='color:#0D2A4D; opacity:0.5;'> (" + this.y + "%) </span>";
series: {
groupPadding: 0,
minPointLength: 20,
pointPadding: 0.2,
pointWidth: 10
Set padding :0 inside plotOptions.
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
padding :0,
and set yaxis tickinterval
yAxis: {
tickInterval : 80,
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9qLkx1f1/14/
Simply Increase height in following code. Hope i have understood you. If i am wrong please correct me
chart: {
type: "bar",
height: 150, <---- This is the change
events: {
redraw: function () {
load: function () {
Hope that is what you were looking for
I have been trying to edit the pie chart on this website using the config method:
Change colours (working)
Show legend (working)
Click legend to activate chart section (working)
Donut sizing (working)
Tooltip different data (not working)
Legend showing percentages (not working)
I can't, for the life of me, get the legend to show the percentages and I can't get the tooltip data to change.
Currently, the tooltip says, for example:
Australian equities
Percentage: 40%
I need the tooltip to say:
Australian equities: 40%
Currently, the legend says, for example:
Australian equities
I need the legend to say:
40% Australian equities
<script type="text/javascript">
if( typeof wpDataChartsCallbacks == 'undefined' ){ wpDataChartsCallbacks = {}; }
wpDataChartsCallbacks[1] = function(obj){
obj.options.plotOptions = {
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
pie: {
colors: [
allowPointSelect: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
size: 340,
innerSize: '50%',
showInLegend: true,
point: {
events: {
legendItemClick: function () {
return false;
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
return this.point.name + ': <b>' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) +'%</b>';
legend: {
labelFormatter: function() {
return '<strong style="display:inline-block;width:45px;">'+Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 1) +'%</strong> ' + this.name ;
title: {
style: {
fontSize: '18px',
fontFamily: "'neuzeit-grotesk', sans-serif",
color: '#20242b'
text : 'By industry'
squareSymbol: true,
This chart is feeding from a locally stored excel spreadsheet to reflect live data which is why the config method must be used.
I have read other threads and the highcharts forums but when I copy the codes into the above it still doesn't change the legend and tooltop.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should implement legend and tooltip configuration on the highest level:
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
legend: {
labelFormatter: function() {
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/9sp4m1cf/
API Reference:
Hi I am trying to present the columns values at the top of each column so it is easier for the user to compare values.
I have got this working but when some columns are very close to each other some of the values aren't being dispalyed because I'm presuming highcharts works out that it wqouldnt fit unless it overlapped so it doesnt show the value.
Here is the code for my chart -
var chart_1_Options = {
chart: {
renderTo: 'container_chart_1',
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'
credits: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: ''
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: null
plotOptions: {
column: {
animation: false,
borderWidth: 0,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function() {
return '<p style="font-size: 8px;">' + this.y + '% </p>';
legend: {
enabled: true
Here is an image of what the chart looks like, I have circled areas where the value is missing
I just want the value to show even if it can't fit, I want it to place the value somewhere inside the column if it cant fit at the top.
Thanks for any help!
I think that you can try to find those labels and show them by doing something like code below:
events: {
load() {
let chart = this;
chart.series[0].points.forEach(p => {
setTimeout(function() {
if (p.dataLabel.translateY === -9999) {
p.dataLabel.translate(p.dataLabel.alignAttr.x, p.dataLabel.alignAttr.y + 20)
opacity: 1
}, 50)
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/unzgsmfr/
API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/chart.events.load
I am working on a website which needs to show something on the chart (highchart) upon clicking of a button.
The issue is: when the page is first loaded, the label on the vertical axis can not be seen, no matter how big I set the margin for the chart. However, after the button is clicked for the first time, the labels can be seen and remains so.
There was no such problem before I set "reversed", "opposite" for xAxis and "reversed" for yAxis as true.
What causes this phenomenon and how can I solve this?
See the JSFiddle for detail. (There are some logic mistakes in the code which is irrelevant for my question.)
I just discovered that when I first load the JSFiddle, the vertical axis of the graph shows up with label; but when I click on "Run" additionally, the graph is refreshed with a vertical axis without label. Maybe I can simulate certain process which takes place when a JSFiddle is loaded to make sure that the vertical axis of the graph shows up with labels. But I am not sure how to do that.
Browser: Google Chrome Version 69.0.3497.92 (Official Build) (64-bit) (up to date)
My OS: Windows 10
Code for the generation of the chart:
function createColumnHorizChart(argMinY = minYAxis, argMaxY = maxYAxis) {
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: { //not to be changed lightly
renderTo: 'contr2',
type: 'bar',
width: 749,
marginTop: 5,
marginLeft: 1,
marginRight: 90,
marginBottom: 55
colors: [
title: {
text: null
exporting: {
enabled: false
legend: {
enabled: false
credits: {
enabled: false
xAxis: {
categories: ['smaller than 100', '100 - 110', '110 - 120', '120 - 130', '130 - 140', '140 - 150', 'bigger than 150'],
gridLineWidth: 1,
startOnTick: true,
title: {
text: 'Money Unit (MU)'
opposite: true,
reversed: true
yAxis: {
reversed: true,
min: 0,
max: 15,
tickInterval: 5,
title: {
text: 'Frequency',
tooltip: {
positioner: function(boxWidth, boxHeight, point) {
return {
x: point.plotX - 50,
y: point.plotY - 10
style: {
fontSize: "10px",
fontWeight: "unbold"
formatter: function() {
return Math.round(chartData[index - 2] * 100) / 100;
plotOptions: {
bar: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: false
series: {
borderColor: '#FFFFFF',
animation: false, //disable all the animations,
pointPadding: 0,
groupPadding: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
shadow: false
series: [{
enableMouseTracking: false,
data: Array(7).fill(0)
return chart;
So, it's only possible to reproduce on Windows platform. Could you provide us also with minified demo where the problem occurs? I'm asking because in current demo there are a lot of lines which are unnecessary.
Additionally, until we find the source of the problem, you can workaround it by calling this.reflow() in chart.events.load event handler.
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/class-reference/Highcharts.Chart#reflow
I'm not sure why but it works fine when you remove the marginLeft property or set it to 0.
Who's gonna tell me, how to make correction of label positioning depends on value and angle in Highcharts Polar chart?
Please take a look at pictures:
Example 1: Here you can see, that angle values are displayed on bottom half is not positioned well - labels aren't have so much distance from the circle of outer graph line like the top ones.
Example 2: Angle values labels are displayed like they are moved a little bit to the right and labels at down is moved up a little bit too - the same as in example 1.
I'm using library Highstock v5.0.12. and here is fragment of my js code:
xAxis: {
tickInterval: 30,
min: 0,
max: 360,
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.value + '°';
style: {
"fontSize": "1.1vw",
distance: 15,
Creating solution using documented example and updating with existing code.
Solution is to update with useHTML and align property
xAxis: {
tickInterval: 30,
min: 0,
max: 360,
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return this.value + '°';
style: {
"fontSize": "1.1vw",
distance: 15,
useHTML: true,
align: 'center'
You can you xAxis.labels.y option for this:
labels: {
y: 6,
formatter: function() {
return this.value + '°';
style: {
fontSize: '20px'
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/kkulig/36k19Lhp/
API reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.labels.y
I'm looking for a way to dynamically update data in a highcharts pie chart based on the change event on a dropdownlist. I have seen a couple examples but I am really unable to figure out why I can't get this working. Here is my whole code, I wrap my stuff inside a function so I can call the function with the Change() event of the dropdownlist, but I get the error of CRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'setData'
function showClass(){
var total = 0;
var options = {
renderTo: 'ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Overview1_tcAssetAllocation_body',
events: {
load: function(event) {
$('.highcharts-legend-item').last().append('<br/><div style="width:220px"><hr/> <span style="float:left"> Total </span><span style="float:right">100%</span> </div>')
credits:{enabled: false},
'#5485BC', '#AA8C30', '#5C9384', '#981A37', '#FCB319', '#86A033', '#614931', '#00526F', '#594266', '#cb6828', '#aaaaab', '#a89375'
title:{text: null},
enabled: true,
animation: true
plotOptions: {
pie: {
allowPointSelect: true,
animation: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
showInLegend: true,
dataLabels: {
enabled: false,
formatter: function() {
return this.percentage.toFixed(2) + '%';
legend: {
enabled: true,
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
width: 220,
verticalAlign: 'top',
borderWidth: 0,
useHTML: true,
labelFormatter: function() {
total += this.y;
return '<div style="width:200px"><span style="float:left">' + this.name + '</span><span style="float:right">' + this.y + '%</span></div>';
title: {
text: 'Primary',
style: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
series: [{
type: 'pie',
data: [['Domestic Equity', 38.5],['International Equity', 26.85],['Other', 15.70],['Cash and Equivalents', 10.48],['Fixed Income', 8.48]]
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);
var selVal = $("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_Overview1_AccountList1_ddlAccounts").val();
if(selVal == '1124042'){
chart.series[0].setData([['Domestic Equity', 18.5], ['International Equity', 46.85], ['Other', 5.70], ['Cash and Equivalents', 20.48], ['Fixed Income', 8.48]]); }
is it because i am nested inside another function? it's jsut that all the fiddles use the document.ready function and it loads properly calling the function in the document.ready() but getting it on the change event is messing with me.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Tahnk you very much,
You are wrong to use object options as part of Highcharts API. Find that line: options.series[0].setData and change to chart.series[0].setData(). Then remove creating new chart ( you don't need that - chart is already created ).