I have added this code to my function in javascript and am successfully updating the tables first TD with the new values of the rows after the user clicks a button to push the row up or down, the issue is I am using a input field in this td and the input is removed and the value is now just a simple text/numeric character.
How can I change this snippet to update the input field within the first td as opposed to replacing the td content with the new values outside a input field.
function (elem, idx) { elem.innerHTML = idx + 1; }
Ok so with Archers help I have updated the code below and now have the functionality I am wanting. Thanks for all who participated in schooling this newbie ;)
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('td:first-child input[name^=sort]'), function (elem, idx) {
elem.value = idx + 1;
By changing
'td:first-child input[name^=sort]'
I was able to reference the specific input field as opposed to all input fields in the first td column and no longer am replacing the input fields with plain text.
You can change the selector to target the input instead of the cell that it's in...
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('td:first-child input'),
function (elem, idx) {
elem.value = idx + 1;
Or you can use your code and change its body like this:
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('td:first-child'), function(elem, idx){
(elem.querySelector("input")||{}).value=idx+1; //use this line instead of your forEach body
Try it online!
Im facing a small issue in sap.ui.table. I want to uncheck the checkbox of the table if i delete the record. Here im able to delete the record, But the selection of checkbox was not getting cleared and it is appending for the below row.
In the above image if you see, if i delete "Rani Test", Rani Test row will get deleted but checkbox will get selected to "Surya Test". Please check the below code..
onPressDelete: function(evt) {
var deleteRecord = evt.getSource().getBindingContext('familyDetailsModel').getObject();
var tableId = this.getView().byId("familyDetailsModel");
var index = tableId.getSelectedIndex();
for (var i = 0; i < this.getView().getModel('familyDetailsModel').getData().length; i++) {
if (this.getView().getModel('familyDetailsModel').getData()[i] == deleteRecord) {
this.getView().byId("familyDetailsModel").removeSelectionInterval(i, i);
this.getView().getModel('familyDetailsModel').getData().splice(i, 1);
In the above code, splice() method im using to delete the row which is working perfectly. But checkbox is not getting deselected. To uncheck the checkbox im trying with removeSelectionInterval() method. But it is not behaving as expected.
Can someone please help me to sort this issue
Thanks in advance
This line var index = tableId.getSelectedIndex(); returns -1 in your scenario. Furthermore, to delete one line you need to specify removeSelectionInterval(index,index);
The second parameter is not the number of positions to delete. Is the indexTo, so you want to remove from the selected row, to the selected row.
Getting the row index from the event will work better for you. Try this:
var iIndex = oEvent.getSource().getParent().getIndex();
var oTable = this.getView().byId("__table0");
oTable.removeSelectionInterval(iIndex, iIndex);
Here the snippet: https://plnkr.co/edit/wkMc4LcjYYS3K73ClYUc?p=preview
I use data table plugin with table as data source. I have to change some column value via javascript when the user types in some numbers into an input (this input is part of the table too and I have to export this values to). It is working well but when I want to export the table the columns witch was changed with javascript is not displayed in the exported file.
I think the problem is that I have not refreshed the datatable plugin. Is this correct? If yes how do I refresh the datasource? If no what can be the problem and how can I solve it?
I tried the refresh() method (var dataTableObject = $(this).parents('table').dataTable(); dataTableObject.refresh();) and the $(this).parents('table').dataTable() but is not working.
Edit: Here is how do I change the cell value:
$item.find('input.quantity-coefficient').each(function (i, d) {
$(d).off('change').on('change', function () {
var multiplier = $(this).val();
//var dataTableObject = $(this).parents('table').dataTable();
$($(this).data("row-price-info-class")).each(function (i, d) {
var priceContainer = $(d);
var price = parseFloat(priceContainer.data('price-value'));
var priceInfoRatioContainer = $(priceContainer.data("ratio-input-class"));
if (multiplier * price == 0) {
priceInfoRatioContainer.html(" ");
} else {
priceInfoRatioContainer.html(localizeNumber(multiplier * price));
//TODO redrow the data
You can refresh the dataTable with fnDraw(). In your example:
Thank you guys but I think I found the solution in this post: jquery DataTables - change value of a cell not just display value
When I tried it on the first time the problem was that I started the row numbering from 1 and not from 0.
So for the others who may have this issue to, I have to use something like this:
(this).parents('table').dataTable().fnUpdate("new value", 0, 2)
To update the cell value. Actually this is not what I asked because this is not refresh all the table, but this is a solution for me now.
Using Jquery Datatables with inputs and selects as shown here: http://datatables.net/examples/api/form.html
or if I used a custom column render handler to produce the input and selects how can I make the global table search work?
If you view the example you'll notice that only the first column, the read only one, is included in the search, what can I do to include the other columns in the search?
If you view the example in the link in my question and type "Tokyo" into the search all rows are returned. This is because "Tokyo" is an option in all dropdowns. I would want only rows with Tokyo selected to show. If you type in "33" you see no rows even though the first row has a value of "33" in the first column.
I can't seem to find any documentation on how to define what the search value is for a particular cell in a datatable.
It is not very well documented. And it seems to work differently, or not work at all, between (sub)versions. I think dataTables is intended to automatically detect HTML-columns, but for some reason, most of the times, it doesnt. The safest way is to create your own search-filter :
$.fn.dataTableExt.ofnSearch['html-input'] = function(value) {
return $(value).val();
This will return 33 on <input>'s with value 33, and Tokyo on <select>'s where Tokyo is selected. Then define the desired columns as of type html-input ;
var table = $("#example").DataTable({
columnDefs: [
{ "type": "html-input", "targets": [1, 2, 3] }
see demo based on http://datatables.net/examples/api/form.html -> http://jsfiddle.net/a3o3yqkw/
Regarding live data: The issue is, that the type based filter only is called once. dataTables then caches the returned values so it not need to "calculate" all the values over and over. Luckily, dataTables 1.10.x has a built-in function for cells, rows and pages called invalidate that forces dataTables to reset the cache for the selected items.
However, when dealing with <input>'s there is also the problem, that editing the value not is changing the value attribute itself. So even if you call invalidate(), you will still end up in filtering on the old "hardcoded" value.
But I have found a solution for this. Force the <input>'s value attribute to be changed with the <input>'s current value (the new value) and then call invalidate :
$("#example td input").on('change', function() {
var $td = $(this).closest('td');
$td.find('input').attr('value', this.value);
For textareas use text() instead :
$("#example td textarea").on('change', function() {
var $td = $(this).closest('td');
This is also the case when dealing with <select>'s. You will need to update the selected attribute for the relevant <option>'s and then invalidate() the cell as well :
$("#example td select").on('change', function() {
var $td = $(this).closest('td');
var value = this.value;
$td.find('option').each(function(i, o) {
if ($(o).val() == value) $(o).attr('selected', true);
forked fiddle -> http://jsfiddle.net/s2gbafuz/ Try change content of the inputs and/or the dropdowns, and search for the new values ...
If the point here is to search through all the inputs within a table based on the live values (and "regular" cells), you might want to build your own custom search ($.fn.DataTable.ext.search.push()):
//custom search function
$.fn.DataTable.ext.search.push((_,__,i) => {
//get current row
const currentTr = dataTable.row(i).node();
//look for all <input>, <select> nodes within
//that row and check whether current value of
//any of those contains searched string
const inputMatch = $(currentTr)
.some(input => $(input).val().toLowerCase().includes($('#search').val().toLowerCase()));
//check whether "regular" cells contain the
//value being searched
const textMatch = $(currentTr)
.some(td => $(td).text().toLowerCase().includes($('#search').val().toLowerCase()))
//make final decision about match
return inputMatch || textMatch || $('#search').val() == ''
The complete DEMO of this approach you may find below:
const srcData = [{id:1,item:'apple',category:'fruit'},{id:2,item:'banana',category:'fruit'},{id:3,item:'goosberry',category:'berry'},{id:4,item:'eggplant',category:'vegie'},{id:5,item:'carrot',category:'vegie'}];
const dataTable = $('table').DataTable({dom:'t',data:srcData,columns:[{title:'Id',data:'id'},{title:'Item',data:'item',render:data=>`<input value="${data}"></input>`},{title:'Category',data:'category',render:data=>`<select>${['fruit', 'vegie', 'berry'].reduce((options, item) => options+='<option value="'+item+'" '+(item == data ? 'selected' : '')+'>'+item+'</option>', '<option value=""></option>')}</select>`}]});
$.fn.DataTable.ext.search.push((_,__,i) => {
const currentTr = dataTable.row(i).node();
const inputMatch = $(currentTr)
.some(input => $(input).val().toLowerCase().includes( $('#search').val().toLowerCase()));
const textMatch = $(currentTr)
.some(td => $(td).text().toLowerCase().includes($('#search').val().toLowerCase()))
return inputMatch || textMatch || $('#search').val() == ''
$('#search').on('keyup', () => dataTable.draw());
<!doctype html><html><head><script type="application/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script><script type="application/javascript" src="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css"></head><body><input id="search"></input><table></table></body></html>
This should search the entire table instead of specific column(s).
var table = $('#table').DataTable();
$('#input').on('keyup', function() {
Best thing to do here is just update the cell container to the new value from the input and keep the datatable data object sync with the UI input:
$("#pagesTable td input,#pagesTable td select").on('change', function () {
var td = $(this).closest("td");
Replace you input by Textarea, and add the css below. It will make your textarea looks like an input.
height: 30px !important;
padding: 2px;
overflow: hidden;
foreach row in my table i've a delete button , on click this button i've the following function :
function deleteBussDay(jQtable)
var row = jQtable.parentNode.parentNode;
// openHour is my array ,which i also want to delete from
the problem with this code it does delete the corret row from the table when clicking on delete but it removes the wrong row in the array . (one above of the selected row)
how can i fix it ?!
If, like you say, the correct row is removed, then you make the correct traversal to the table row here:
Meaning, to get the rowIndex property of our table row, we can use the same jQuery object together with .prop():
function deleteBussDay(jQtable) {
var $row = $(jQtable).closest('tr'), rowInd = $row.prop('rowIndex');
openHour.splice(rowInd ,1);
'rowIndex' counted for each table.
'rowIndex' changed when you sort table.
As alternative you can use some 'data' attribute as mark.
function deleteBussDay(jQtable)
var row = $(jQtable).closest('tr');
var id = row.data('rowIndex');
openHour.splice(id, 1);
// openHour is my array ,which i also want to delete from
function deleteBussDay(jQtable)
var row = jQtable.parentNode.parentNode;
var id = row.rowIndex;
openHour.splice(id, 1);
// openHour is my array ,which i also want to delete from