When would you use .concat() in javascript - javascript

Why/when would one use .concat() in place of assignment operators?
i.e. if I am trying to combine the following:
var p1 = "My name is ";
var p2 = "Joe";
var sen = p1+p2;
//Or you could use concat to do the same
var sen2 = p1.concat(p2);
//My question is, why would you ever use the latter?

Sometimes its best to consult the documentation: Array.concat, and String.concat.
Simply, Array.concat() is used to create a new array equivalent to the flat merging of all passed in objects (arrays or otherwise). String.concat() is used to create a new string, which is equivalent to the merging of all passed in strings.
However, as MDN hints at, String.concat() should not be used as the assignment +, += operators are much faster. Why then would you use String.concat()? You wouldn't. Why have it then? It's part of the spec: See Page 111 - 112 (Section:
So on to the question of Why is String.Concat so slow?. I did some digging through Chrome's V8 Engine. To start with, behind the scenes, this is what a call to String.prototype.concat is doing:
// ECMA-262, section
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/string.js#L64
function StringConcat(other /* and more */) { // length == 1
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "String.prototype.concat");
var len = %_ArgumentsLength();
var this_as_string = TO_STRING_INLINE(this);
if (len === 1) {
return this_as_string + other;
var parts = new InternalArray(len + 1);
parts[0] = this_as_string;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var part = %_Arguments(i);
parts[i + 1] = TO_STRING_INLINE(part);
return %StringBuilderConcat(parts, len + 1, "");
As you can see all of the real work happens in StringBuilderConcat, which then calls a StringBuilderConcatHelper which then finally calls String::WriteToFlat to build a string. These are each extremely long functions and I've cut most of it out for brevity. But if you'd like to look for your self have a look in github:
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/runtime.cc#L7163
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_StringBuilderConcat) {
// ...
// ...
template <typename sinkchar>
static inline void StringBuilderConcatHelper(String* special,
sinkchar* sink,
FixedArray* fixed_array,
int array_length) {
// ...
String::WriteToFlat(string, sink + position, 0, element_length);
// ...
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/objects.cc#L8373
template <typename sinkchar>
void String::WriteToFlat(String* src,
sinkchar* sink,
int f,
int t) {
String* source = src;
int from = f;
int to = t;
while (true) {
// ...
// Do a whole bunch of work to flatten the string
// ...
Now what's different about the assignment pathway? Lets start with the JavaScript addition function:
// ECMA-262, section 11.6.1, page 50.
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/runtime.js#L146
function ADD(x) {
// Fast case: Check for number operands and do the addition.
if (IS_NUMBER(this) && IS_NUMBER(x)) return %NumberAdd(this, x);
if (IS_STRING(this) && IS_STRING(x)) return %_StringAdd(this, x);
// Default implementation.
var a = %ToPrimitive(this, NO_HINT);
var b = %ToPrimitive(x, NO_HINT);
if (IS_STRING(a)) {
return %_StringAdd(a, %ToString(b));
} else if (IS_STRING(b)) {
return %_StringAdd(%NonStringToString(a), b);
} else {
return %NumberAdd(%ToNumber(a), %ToNumber(b));
First thing to note, there's no loops and its quite a bit shorter compared to StringConcat up above. But most of the work we're interested in happens in the %_StringAdd function:
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/runtime.cc#L7056
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_StringAdd) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
DCHECK(args.length() == 2);
Handle<String> result;
isolate, result, isolate->factory()->NewConsString(str1, str2));
return *result;
This is pretty simple actually, some counters and a call to something called NewConsString with the left and right operands. NewConsString is also pretty simple:
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/ast-value-factory.cc#L260
const AstConsString* AstValueFactory::NewConsString(
const AstString* left, const AstString* right) {
// This Vector will be valid as long as the Collector is alive (meaning that
// the AstRawString will not be moved).
AstConsString* new_string = new (zone_) AstConsString(left, right);
if (isolate_) {
return new_string;
So this just returns a new AstConsString, what's that:
// https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/master/src/ast-value-factory.h#L117
class AstConsString : public AstString {
AstConsString(const AstString* left, const AstString* right)
: left_(left),
right_(right) {}
virtual int length() const OVERRIDE {
return left_->length() + right_->length();
virtual void Internalize(Isolate* isolate) OVERRIDE;
friend class AstValueFactory;
const AstString* left_;
const AstString* right_;
Well this doesn't look like a string at all. Its actually an 'Abstract Syntax Tree', this structure forms a 'Rope' which is efficient for modifying strings. It turns out most of the other browsers now use this type or rope structure when doing string addition.
The take away from this, is that the addition pathway uses a more efficient data structure, where as StringConcat does significantly more work with a different data structure.

According to Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford:
The concat method makes a new string by concatenating other strings
together. It is rarely used because the + operator is more convenient
Concat is not only less convenient, it is also slower: Benchmark
On the documentation page from MDN:
It is strongly recommended that assignment operators (+, +=) are used
instead of the concat method.
Javascript has some less than ideal parts. Every language has at least some bad parts. Don't think you have to use every part of any language.


Python __repr__ method: writing a JS equivalent?

I am working through a short beginner's course on Algorithms and Data Structures. The instructor's language is Python; I am converting the code examples to JavasScript. So far, so good.
I am dealing with Linked Lists. The instructor tests the code using Python's __repr__() method. After days of trial and error, I have a working JS solution, but it is not exactly the same as the Python code. I would like to know if there is a better way of implementing the JS code, which I provide, along with the Python code.
# class LinkedList and its methods are presumed to exist
def __repr__(self):
nodes = []
current = self.head
while current:
if current is self.head:
nodes.append("[Head: %s]" % current.data)
elif current.next_node is None:
nodes.append("[Tail: %s]" % current.data)
nodes.append("[%s]" % current.data)
current = current.next_node
return '-> '.join(nodes)
# running script
>>> l = LinkedList()
>>> l.add(1)
>>> l.add(2)
>>> l.add(3)
>>> l
[Head: 3]-> [2]-> [Tail: 1] # output
// class LinkedList and its methods are presumed to exist
repr () {
let nodes = "";
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (current === this.head) {
nodes = `Head: ${current.data}-> `;
} else if (current.nextNode === null) {
nodes += `Tail: ${current.data}`;
} else {
nodes += `${current.data}-> `;
current = current.nextNode;
return nodes;
// running the script
let l = LinkedList();
let result = l.repr();
console.log(result); // Head: 3-> 2-> Tail: 1
Again, the two fragments will only run in a full implementation of the Linked List algorithm, but they do work.
Attempts I have made: I tried to use JS toString(), append() and appendChild(), but they were too difficult for me to understand how best to use them, particularly as the last two modify the DOM. I'm sure there is a better way of implementing a JS equivalent of the Python __repr__(); I would like to know how it might be done.
A closer implementation would use a toString method. This method is called implicitly when a conversion to string is needed. Python has actually two methods for this, which have a slightly different purpose: __repr__ and __str__. There is no such distinction in JavaScript.
Furthermore, we should realise that Python's print will implicitly call __repr__, which is not how console.log works. So with console.log you'd have to enforce that conversion to string.
Here is how the given Python code would be translated most literally (I add the classes needed to run the script):
class Node {
constructor(data, next=null) {
this.data = data;
this.next_node = next;
class LinkedList {
constructor() {
this.head = null;
add(data) {
this.head = new Node(data, this.head);
toString() {
let nodes = [];
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
if (current === this.head) {
nodes.push(`[Head: ${current.data}]`);
} else if (current.next_node === null) {
nodes.push(`[Tail: ${current.data}]`);
} else {
current = current.next_node;
return nodes.join('-> ');
// running script
let l = new LinkedList();
// Force conversion to string
console.log(`${l}`); // [Head: 3]-> [2]-> [Tail: 1]
Personally, I would make the following changes (not reflected in the Python version):
Produce output without the words "Head" and "Tail" and other "decoration". This is too verbose to my liking. Just output the separated values.
Make list instances iterable, implementing the Symbol.iterator method (In Python: __iter__). Then use this for implementing the toString method.
Allow the list constructor to take any number of values with which the list should be populated.
This leads to the following version:
class Node {
constructor(data, next=null) {
this.data = data;
this.next = next;
class LinkedList {
constructor(...values) { // Accept any number of values
this.head = null;
// Populate in reverse order
for (let data of values.reverse()) this.add(data);
add(data) {
this.head = new Node(data, this.head);
// Make lists iterable
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
let current = this.head;
while (current) {
yield current.data;
current = current.next;
toString() {
// Array.from triggers the above method
return Array.from(this).join("→");
// Provide the desired values immediately:
let l = new LinkedList(3, 2, 1);
console.log(`${l}`); // 3→2→1

Is it possible to create an XOR doubly-linked list in JavaScript?

It appears that JavaScript objects aren't compatible with the ^ XOR operator. So is there any way to create an XOR doubly linked list?
I can do regular single/double linked lists fine. And I've searched on both SO and Google without success, so my guess is that it isn't possible. Or perhaps no one really cares about XOR lists...
var node = function(data, xor){
this.data = data;
this.xor = xor;
var myNode=new node('data', 0);
console.log(0 ^ myNode); // shows 0, should show myNode
console.log(null ^ myNode); // shows 0, too
console.log(5 ^ 0); // 5 as expected
You can't implement a proper XOR linked list in JavaScript, because you can't access an object's memory address.
There's not really a practical reason to do this in JavaScript, either. From what I understand, the only benefit of an XOR linked list is a slightly reduced memory footprint. The amount of memory you would save with such a structure in JavaScript is offset by the overhead of the objects themselves.
Someone asked the same question about Python once; the answer also applies to JavaScript.
Solely for the purpose of practice, I wrote a bit to simulate pointers using a map. Obviously, this is not for production code.
var node = function(data, xor){
this.data = data;
this.xor = xor;
var pointerFactory = function(){
var pointers = {};
var pointerCount = 0;
this.get_pointer = function(node){
if (pointers.hasOwnProperty(node)) return pointers[node];
return pointerCount;
this.dereference_pointer = function(pointer){
return (pointers.hasOwnProperty(pointer)) ? pointers[pointer] : null;
var myNode = new node('my data', 0);
var pf = new pointerFactory();
var p = pf.get_pointer(myNode);
console.log(pf.dereference_pointer(p).data); // my data
console.log(pf.dereference_pointer(2)); //null
console.log(0 ^ p); // 1
console.log(p ^ p); // 0

Javascript observer or proxy without all changes going through proxy

I'm writing a subclass of arrays in Javascript to have better support for matrix operations (I know others exist, this is partially for me to re-teach myself linear algebra), and what I want is to have some properties that are reset whenever any values in the matrix are adjusted. Some calculations like the determinant are computationally intensive, and I'd like to be able to store them to avoid re-calculation, but then they need to be reset to null whenever any matrix elements are changed.
Essentially, it seems like what i want is the deprecated Array.observe(). And the replacement, proxies, seem like a lot of overhead for this one thing. As alluded to in some of the comments on Detecting Changes in a Javascript Array using the proxy object that were not directly addressed, I don't want to have to access my matrices only ever through proxies. I use a lot of handy [i][j] indexing and [mat[i], mat[j]] = [mat[j], mat[i]] in the code I've written so far.
class Matrix extends Array {
constructor() {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (Array.isArray(arguments[i])) {
args.push(new Matrix(...arguments[i]));
} else {
this._determinant = null;
determ(forceRecalculate = false) {
if (this._determinant === null || forceRecalculate) {
return this._determinant;
upperEchelon(reduced = false) {
//There's a lot of code here but in the process of doing this other thing
//you get 99% of the way to calculating the determinant so it does this
this._determinant = factor;
Basically, I want anything like mat[0][0] = 10 or mat.push([2,4,5]) that updates the values in the matrix to set mat._determinant = null. Or any equivalent method of flagging that it needs to be re-calculated next time it's asked for. I'm not opposed to using proxies necessarily if someone can help me figure out the implementation, I would just rather have this set-to-null-on-update property be inherent to my class functionality.
What I really want is a way to overload base methods like [] a la C# so the functions that do the updating would trigger this without changing syntax, but I've resigned myself to not having that in JS.
While a Proxy would work, it would also be pretty slow. A different approach would be for every method that needs to use the value of _determinant go through a different function first to check to see if the _determinant needs to be updated (and if so, updates it). This way, the expensive recalculation is not done every time the array changes, but only just in time for the result to be used. For example:
class Matrix extends Array {
constructor() {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (Array.isArray(arguments[i])) {
args.push(new Matrix(...arguments[i]));
} else {
this._determinant = null;
// next method is effectively a recursive deep join
// could also use toString if it doesn't interfere with anything else
getString() {
const itemsStr = this.map((item) => (
item instanceof Matrix
? item.getString()
: item
const result = '[' + itemsStr + ']';
return result;
getDeterm() {
const newString = this.getString();
if (newString !== this._lastString) {
this._lastString = newString;
return this._determinant;
upperEchelon() {
console.log('running upperEchelon');
this._determinant = Math.random();
const m = new Matrix([2, 3, 4], 5);
// Not calculated again:
// Mutation, next call of getDeterm will run upperEchelon:
m[0][0] = 1;

recursion on returning vectors c++

Hey guys I am trying trying to right this javascript code into c++. I am doing quick sort and everything is straight forward minus the last step.
function quickSort(arr)
//base case if the arr is 1 or 0 then return the array
if(arr.length === 1 || arr.length === 0)
return arr;
var pivotIndex = Math.floor(arr.length/2);
var pivotValue = arr[pivotIndex];
var before = [];
var after = [];
for(var counter = 0; counter < arr.length; counter++)
if(counter === pivotIndex)
if(pivotValue <= arr[counter])
//this step I am having trouble rewriting in c++
return quickSort(after).concat(pivotValue).concat(quickSort(before));
I am having a hard time rewriting the recursive step in c++. I am not sure how concat 2 vector. I tried using the insert method but I keep getting an error about invalid use of void expression.
vector<int> quickSort(vector<int> arr)
if(arr.size() == 1 || arr.size() == 0)
return arr;
int pivotIndex = arr.size()/2;
int pivotValue = arr[pivotIndex];
vector<int> before;
vector<int> after;
//put values in before or after the piv
for(size_t counter = 0; counter < arr.size(); counter++)
if(counter == pivotIndex)
if(pivotValue <= arr[counter])
before.push_back( arr[counter]);
after.push_back( arr[counter]);
return //????? not sure how to do this
So, you realized that your core question was "how to concatenate two vectors", and you found a right answer: using insert. Now your question is about why you were getting "an error about invalid use of void expression." (That's the assumption my answer is for, at least.)
That's because you were likely trying to do something like the following:
return quickSort(after).insert( /* stuff */ );
which is wrong. In JavaScript, array.concat returns the concatenated array. It's return type is effectively Array, and so doing return arr.concat(arr2) returns an Array because arr.concat would return an Array. Further, in JavaScript, array.concat doesn't modify the array it was called on, but rather returns a new array.
In C++, however, vector.insert (#4 in the reference) returns void. That means it returns nothing. So when you try to return the result of insert, you get that error about invalid use of a void expression. Further, in C++, vector.insert does modify the vector it was called on.
So how do you use insert in this case?
vector<int> quickSort(vector<int> arr)
// ...
// Sort `before` and `after`
before = quickSort(before);
after = quickSort(after);
// Modify `after` and return it.
after.insert(after.end(), before.begin(), before.end());
return after;
Note: My code isn't optimal and the idea of rewriting JS in C++ is also oddly specific. My answer is to simply outline the problem asked in the question, not to give a good C++ implementation of quick sort.
To concat two vector , you can use std::merge
like:std::merge(v1.begin(), v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end(), std::back_inserter(dst));

What's a good JavaScript pattern for categorizing things into types?

I'm looking for a way (in JavaScript) to collect a set of objects into multiple arrays, where each array contains a certain type of object, and the arrays are stored as values in an associative array, with the keys being the types. For example:
[<apple>, <cat>, <pear>, <mercedes>, <dog>, <ford>, <orange>]
'fruit': [<apple>, <pear>, <orange>],
'animal': [<cat>, <dog>],
'car': [<mercedes>, <ford>]
In ruby, you could do the following:
things_by_type = {}
things.each do |thing|
(things_by_type[thing.type] ||= []) << thing
which is nice and concise.
What's a good pattern for doing the same thing in JavaScript that's concise and efficient? I could do something like this, but it's not as nice:
var thing, things_by_type = {};
for (var i = 0; i < things.length; i++) {
thing = things[i];
if(things_by_type[thing.type]) {
} else {
things_by_type[thing.type] = [thing];
I'm not sure if it's a good pattern, but it's similar to your ruby sample:
var things_by_type = {};
for (var i in things) {
var thing = things[i];
(things_by_type[thing.type] || (things_by_type[thing.type] = [])).push(thing);
And if you can assume Javascript 1.6:
var things_by_type = {};
things.forEach(function(thing) {
(things_by_type[thing.type] || (things_by_type[thing.type] = [])).push(thing);
In ruby, you could do the following:
things_by_type = {}
things.each do |thing|
(things_by_type[thing.type] ||= []) << thing
which is nice and concise.
Actually, you can make that even nicer.
First off, Hash.new takes a block argument which will be called every time a non-existing key is referenced. You can use that to create that key. That way you get rid of the conditional logic inside the block.
things_by_type = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
things.each do |thing|
things_by_type[thing.type] << thing
Secondly, what you have here is called a fold or reduce: you are "folding" or "reducing" a collection (the array of objects) into a single value (the hash, which confusingly also happens to be a collection, but is nonetheless a single value).
You can generally easily spot this pattern by looking for places where you initialize some variable, then loop over a collection and manipulate that variable at every iteration of the loop.
Ruby has folding built in, via the Enumerable#reduce method:
things.reduce(Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] }) do |h, thing|
h.tap { h[thing.type] << thing }
But what you are really doing, is grouping the array by the type attribute of its elements, which is also built into Ruby as Enumerable#group_by:
things.group_by {|thing| thing.type }
Which can be further simplified by using Symbol#to_proc to
Unfortunately, ECMAScript doesn't have groupBy, nor default values for non-existing properties, but it does have Array.prototype.reduce:
things.reduce(function (acc, thing) {
(acc[thing.type] || (acc[thing.type] = [thing])).push(thing);
return acc;
}, {});
almost the same code, but works a bit different, you can use the fancy set function easier and it separates logic:
var a = {set:function(type,thing){
if (this[type]) {
} else {
this[type] = [thing];
