Placing cursor in the center of a child div - mousemove event - javascript

I have div that can be placed anywhere inside another div. I am able to do this with jquery mousemove event. However it is not quite working. I am trying to get the mouse cursor to be in the center of the moving div. I set these css attributes inline with jquery 'top': relY + 30,'left': relX + 10 but no luck. As mention I am trying to get the cursor in the middle of the div. The user can only place the moving inside the parent div called middle-side empty. JSFIDDLE
I am trying to accomplish something similar to this:
$('#button').click(function (e) {
$('<div />', {
class: 'draggable ui-widget-content',
text: $('textarea').val(),
appendTo: '.middle-side',
draggable: {
containment: 'parent'
var offset = $(this).offset();
var relX = e.pageX - offset.left;
var relY = e.pageY -;
$('.placement').css({'top': relY + 30,'left': relX + 10, 'position': 'absolute'});
$('.middle-side').on('click', function(e){
var offset = $(this).offset();
var relX = e.pageX - offset.left;
var relY = e.pageY -;
$('.placement').css({'top': relY,'left': relX, 'position': 'absolute' });
<div class="middle-side empty"></div>

This was a fun question. I updated a lot of your Javascript, and set up my own JSFIDDLE.
With this setup you should be able to resize the boxes to any height/width combination and it will work as expected. You can check out the JSFIDDLE link, but here is the updated Javascript also:
$('#button').click(function (e) {
$('<div />', {
class: 'draggable ui-widget-content',
text: $('textarea').val(),
appendTo: '.middle-side',
draggable: {
containment: 'parent'
var offset = $(this).offset(),
relX = e.pageX,
relY = e.pageY,
$dvPlacement = $('.placement'),
pWidth = $dvPlacement.outerWidth(),
pHeight = $dvPlacement.outerHeight(),
$dvOutBox = $('.middle-side'),
oWidth = $dvOutBox.outerWidth(),
oHeight = $dvOutBox.outerHeight(),
centerY = relY - pHeight / 2,
centerX = relX - pWidth / 2,
topBorder = $dvOutBox.offset().top,
bottomBorder = $dvOutBox.offset().top + oHeight,
leftBorder = $dvOutBox.offset().left,
rightBorder = $dvOutBox.offset().left + oWidth;
$dvPlacement.css({'top': centerY + pHeight > bottomBorder ? bottomBorder - pHeight :
centerY < topBorder ? topBorder :
'left': centerX + pWidth > rightBorder ? rightBorder - pWidth :
centerX < leftBorder ? leftBorder :
'position': 'absolute'
$('.middle-side').on('click', function(e){

Change the placement offset to
$('.placement').css({'top': relY + 30,'left': relX - 75 , 'position': 'absolute'});


Positioning div left/right or top/bottom of a mouse click with CSS

I need a popup to open from a mouse click's position. From a usability view, when the click's happen near the edges of window, I'm adjusting the position[to the right/ left of click & top/bottom of the click] of popup in JS as below:
function myfunc(e) {
let ele = document.getElementById('my-dialog');["left"] =
(window.innerWidth - e.pageX) < ele.offsetWidth ? e.pageX - ele.offsetWidth : e.pageX;["top"] =
(window.innerHeight - e.pageY) < ele.offsetHeight ? e.pageY - ele.offsetHeight : e.pageY; }
Is there a way this can be achieved using just CSS(or is there a better JS solution to the problem.)
Minimal working code example here.
See a working demo:
To get this working, I changed the left and top style settings to add 'px'. According to the spec, a length setting requires a relative or absolute unit of measurement like 'px', '%' or 'em'.
function myfunc(e) {
let ele = document.getElementById('my-dialog');
var newLeft = (window.innerWidth - e.pageX) < ele.offsetWidth ? e.pageX - ele.offsetWidth : e.pageX; = newLeft + 'px';
var newTop = (window.innerHeight - e.pageY) < ele.offsetHeight ? e.pageY - ele.offsetHeight : e.pageY; = newTop + 'px';
document.onclick = myfunc;
Hope this helps.

Getting mouse coordinates relative to jQuery dialog window and not viewport?

I have the following bit of code which is responsible for displaying a tooltip. I am unhappy with this code for two reasons:
I use pageXOffset and pageYOffset 'magic numbers' to correct the visual state per-browser.
The dialog window must remain stationary for the numbers to be correct.
I have tried binding to the dialog window's mousemove event instead of the document. The results were identical to my current implementation which binds to document's mousemove.
var shouldDisplay = false;
function DisplayTooltip(tooltip_text) {
shouldDisplay = (tooltip_text != "") ? true : false;
if (shouldDisplay) {
else {
//Sometimes the tooltip hasn't finished fading in before we ask to hide it. This causes it to hide, then fade back in.
function AdjustToolTipPosition(e) {
if (shouldDisplay) {
//msie event should be standardizes, but seems to go awry when working inside of a modal window.
var pageYOffset = $.browser.msie ? 260 : 572; //-314
var pageXOffset = $.browser.msie ? 474 : 160; //+314
$('#CustomTooltip').css('top', e.pageY - pageYOffset + 'px');
var offsetLeft = e.pageX - pageXOffset;
var isOutsideViewport = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width() - offsetLeft < 0;
//Prevent the tooltip from going off the screen by changing the offset when it would go off screen.
if (isOutsideViewport) {
offsetLeft = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width();
$('#CustomTooltip').css('left', offsetLeft + 'px');
// Initialize the Historical Chart dialog.
autoOpen: false,
buttons: {
'Close': function() {
hide: 'fold',
modal: true,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
position: 'center',
title: 'Historical Charts',
width: 700,
height: 475
I provide the jQuery dialog initializer just for the sake of it. The tooltip only displays inside of this dialog window -- but the coordinates are for the entire page. Is it possible to retrieve coordinates relative to the dialog window so that I can leverage the fact that jQuery's mousemove standardizes coordinates with the pageX and pageY properties?
EDIT solution:
//Seperate file because the offsets are different for the image under MVC.
var shouldDisplay = false;
function DisplayTooltip(tooltip_text) {
shouldDisplay = (tooltip_text != "") ? true : false;
if (shouldDisplay) {
else {
//Sometimes the tooltip hasn't finished fading in before we ask to hide it. This causes it to hide, then fade back in.
function AdjustToolTipPosition(e) {
if (shouldDisplay) {
var xPos = e.pageX - $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').offset().left + 15;
var widthDifference = $(this).width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width();
//Prevent the tooltip from going off the screen by changing the offset when it would go off screen.
xPos = (widthDifference - xPos < 0) ? widthDifference : xPos;
$('#CustomTooltip').css('left', xPos + 'px');
var yPos = e.pageY - $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').offset().top - 10;
$('#CustomTooltip').css('top', yPos + 'px');
To get the position of the mouse relative to a specific div, not the viewport, you take the eventX/Y and subtract the left/top position of the div:
$("#example").mousemove(function(e) {
var xPos = e.pageX - $(this).position().left;
var yPos = e.pageY - $(this).position().top;
$("#pos").text("x: " + xPos + " / y: " + yPos);
Example fiddle
Given your example, this should work. You may need to look at your isOutsideViewport logic though.
function AdjustToolTipPosition(e) {
if (shouldDisplay) {
var xPos = e.pageX - $(this).position().left;
var yPos = e.pageY - $(this).position().top;
var isOutsideViewport = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width() - xPos < 0;
if (isOutsideViewport) {
offsetLeft = $("#HistoricalChartDialog").width() - $("#CustomTooltip").width();
'top': yPos + 'px',
'left': xPos + 'px'

jQuery drag and draw

I'm trying to build a jQuery plugin that allows you to drag and draw a rectangle (or a div with a border) but I'm not sure how to do it. I don't know of any that currently have this ability so I don't know where to look for an example of how to do this.
How can I implement drag and draw in jQuery?
The basics for something like this are quite simple, when you think about it:
Listen for mousedown events on some container (possible the entire document);
Place an absolutely positioned element at the position of the mouse, using the mouse coordinates from the event object (e.pageX and e.pageY);
Start listening to mousemove events to change the width and height object (based on the mouse coordinates);
Listen for the mouseup event to detach the mousemove event listener.
The aforementioned absolute placed element is, e.g., a <div> with a border and background: transparent.
Update: here is an example:
$(function() {
var $container = $('#container');
var $selection = $('<div>').addClass('selection-box');
$container.on('mousedown', function(e) {
var click_y = e.pageY;
var click_x = e.pageX;
'top': click_y,
'left': click_x,
'width': 0,
'height': 0
$container.on('mousemove', function(e) {
var move_x = e.pageX,
move_y = e.pageY,
width = Math.abs(move_x - click_x),
height = Math.abs(move_y - click_y),
new_x, new_y;
new_x = (move_x < click_x) ? (click_x - width) : click_x;
new_y = (move_y < click_y) ? (click_y - height) : click_y;
'width': width,
'height': height,
'top': new_y,
'left': new_x
}).on('mouseup', function(e) {
$("#YOUR_ELEMENT_ID").on("mousedown", function (e) {
var click_x = e.pageX;
var click_y = e.pageY;
/* Posição do objeto */
var x = parseFloat($(this).css("left").replace("px", "")),
y = parseFloat($(this).css("top").replace("px", ""));
/* Calcula distância no eixo x */
var distanc_x = Math.abs(x - click_x);
var distanc_y = Math.abs(y - click_y);
.on("mousemove", function (e) {
var new_x = e.pageX - distanc_x;
var new_y = e.pageY - distanc_y;
top: new_y,
left: new_x,
}).on("mouseup", function (e) {

how to animate following the mouse in jquery

OK, this works perfectly fine for following my mouse.
'top': e.pageY + 'px';
'left': e.pageX + 'px';
And this works great for animating the mouse to a clicked point
top: e.pageY + 'px';
left: e.pageX + 'px';
}, 800);
But I personally feel that logically this SHOULD work! Coming from my point of view as the webscripter. Amd then my question is, how can I make this work. I want the #follower to try and follow my mouse with a dynamic kind of lagging behind feel.
top: e.pageY + 'px';
left: e.pageX + 'px';
}, 800);
How about using setInterval and an equation called zeno's paradox:
That's the way I usually do it.
As requested, I've included the code in this answer. Given a div with absolute positioning:
position : absolute;
background-color : red;
color : white;
padding : 10px;
<div id="follower">Move your mouse</div>
JS w/jQuery:
var mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;
mouseX = e.pageX;
mouseY = e.pageY;
// cache the selector
var follower = $("#follower");
var xp = 0, yp = 0;
var loop = setInterval(function(){
// change 12 to alter damping, higher is slower
xp += (mouseX - xp) / 12;
yp += (mouseY - yp) / 12;
follower.css({left:xp, top:yp});
}, 30);

Using jQuery how to get click coordinates on the target element

I have the following event handler for my html element
var x = e.pageX -;
I need to find the position of the mouse on the #seek-bar at the time of clicking. I would have thought the above code should work, but it gives incorrect result
Are you trying to get the position of mouse pointer relative to element ( or ) simply the mouse pointer location
Try this Demo :
Edit :
1) event.pageX, event.pageY gives you the mouse position relative document !
Ref :
2) offset() : It gives the offset position of an element
Ref :
3) position() : It gives you the relative Position of an element i.e.,
consider an element is embedded inside another element
example :
<div id="imParent">
<div id="imchild" />
Ref :
<div id="A" style="left:100px;"> Default <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
<div id="B" style="left:300px;"> offset() <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
<div id="C" style="left:500px;"> position() <br /> mouse<br/>position </div>
$(document).ready(function (e) {
$('#A').click(function (e) { //Default mouse Position
alert(e.pageX + ' , ' + e.pageY);
$('#B').click(function (e) { //Offset mouse Position
var posX = $(this).offset().left,
posY = $(this).offset().top;
alert((e.pageX - posX) + ' , ' + (e.pageY - posY));
$('#C').click(function (e) { //Relative ( to its parent) mouse position
var posX = $(this).position().left,
posY = $(this).position().top;
alert((e.pageX - posX) + ' , ' + (e.pageY - posY));
$('#something').click(function (e){
var elm = $(this);
var xPos = e.pageX - elm.offset().left;
var yPos = e.pageY - elm.offset().top;
console.log(xPos, yPos);
Try this:
$('#status2').html(e.pageX +', '+ e.pageY);
Here you can find more info with DEMO
In percentage :
$('.your-class').click(function (e){
var $this = $(this); // or use $( in some cases;
var offset = $this.offset();
var width = $this.width();
var height = $this.height();
var posX = offset.left;
var posY =;
var x = e.pageX-posX;
x = parseInt(x/width*100,10);
x = x<0?0:x;
x = x>100?100:x;
var y = e.pageY-posY;
y = parseInt(y/height*100,10);
y = y<0?0:y;
y = y>100?100:y;
console.log(x+'% '+y+'%');
If MouseEvent.offsetX is supported by your browser (all major browsers actually support it), The jQuery Event object will contain this property.
The MouseEvent.offsetX read-only property provides the offset in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node.
$("#seek-bar").click(function(event) {
var x = event.offsetX
see here enter link description here
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<div id="myPosition">
var elm = $(this);
var xPos = e.pageX - elm.offset().left;
var yPos = e.pageY - elm.offset().top;
alert("X position: " + xPos + ", Y position: " + yPos);
