I've got a bunch of components that can't have the same parent component, but I'd like them to share their state.
For discussions sake, lets say the top level component is called Main and the children are all called Child1, Child2, etc.
Is there any way for me to have Child1 and Child2 be children of the Main component, only in the React sense - so I can pass Main's properties and state on to them from the Main component?
From a DOM perspective, the Child1 and Child2 are located in completely different areas of my page, and actually there are about 40 of them.
Rather than directly calling setState you can use an event emitter, and all of the instances can apply the payload to their state.
We can use a mixin to abstract this behavior.
var makeChangeEventMixin = function(emitter){
return {
componentDidMount: function(){
emitter.addListener('change', this.__makeChangeEventMixin_handler_);
componentWillUnmount: function(){
emitter.removeListener('change', this.__makeChangeEventMixin_handler_);
__makeChangeEventMixin_handler_: function(payload){
emitStateChange: function(payload){
emitter.emit('change', payload);
Then in our code we'll use EventEmitter (you can use EventEmitter2 if you're not using browserify/webpack)
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var fooEvents = new EventEmitter();
var Counter = React.createClass(){
mixins: [makeChangeEventMixin(fooEvents)],
getInitialState: function(){ return {count: 0} },
render: function(){return <div onClick={this.handleClick}>{this.state.count}</div>},
handleClick: function(){
this.emitStateChange({count: this.state.count + 1});
And if you have 100 counters, they'll all update when you click any of them.
One limitation of this is that the initial state will be wrong. You could work around this by keeping track of the state in makeChangeEventMixin, merging it your self, and using replaceState in stead of setState. This'll also be more performant. If you do that, the mixin can implement a proper getInitialState.
One component of mine called ItemRenderer calls renderComponent in three places in the DOM on mount and on each update (and renders just an empty div into its real container):
This tends to be a little bit hard to reason about because the components don't go where ItemRenderer's parent tells them to, but it can work if that's what you need.
I am watching Paul O Shannessy - Building React From Scratch
And I understand the mounting process very well but I have hard day trying to understand how React update a component and its children
The reconciler controls the update process by this method:
function receiveComponent(component, element) {
let prevElement = component._currentElement;
if (prevElement === element) {
receiveComponent(nextElement) {
this.updateComponent(this._currentElement, nextElement);
and this is the Component.updateComponent method:
updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
if (prevElement !== nextElement) {
// React would call componentWillReceiveProps here
// React would call componentWillUpdate here
// Update instance data
this._currentElement = nextElement;
this.props = nextElement.props;
this.state = this._pendingState;
this._pendingState = null;
let prevRenderedElement = this._renderedComponent._currentElement;
let nextRenderedElement = this.render();
if (shouldUpdateComponent(prevRenderedElement, nextRenderedElement)) {
Reconciler.receiveComponent(this._renderedComponent, nextRenderedElement);
This is the part of the code that updates the component after state change, and i assume that it should update the children too, but i can't understand how this code achieves that, in the mounting process React instantiate components to dive deeper in the tree but this doesn't happen here, we need to find the first HTML element then we can change our strategy and update that HTML element in another place in the code, and I can't find any way to find any HTML elements this way.
Finding the first HTML is the way to stop this endless recursion and logically this is what I expect from the code, to stop recursion the same way in the mounting process, but in mounting, this demanded component instantiation so we can delegate to the reconciler that will discover that we are dealing with a wrapper instance of an HTML element not a wrapper instance of a custom component then React can place that HTML element in the DOM.
I can't understand how the code works in the update process. this code as I see won't dive deeper in the tree and I think won't update the children and can't let React find the first HTML element so React can update the DOM element, isn't it?
This is the code repo on Github
I created a codesandbox to dig in
Here is the codesandbox I created
and here's a short recording of me opening the debugger and seeing the call stack.
How it works
Starting from where you left off, Component.updateComponent:
updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
if (shouldUpdateComponent(prevRenderedElement, nextRenderedElement)) {
Reconciler.receiveComponent(this._renderedComponent, nextRenderedElement);
in the Component.updateComponent method Reconciler.receiveComponent is called which calls component.receiveComponent(element);
Now, this component refers to this._renderedComponent and is not an instance of Component but of DOMComponentWrapper
and here's the receiveComponent method of DOMComponentWrapper:
receiveComponent(nextElement) {
this.updateComponent(this._currentElement, nextElement);
updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
// debugger;
this._currentElement = nextElement;
this._updateDOMProperties(prevElement.props, nextElement.props);
this._updateDOMChildren(prevElement.props, nextElement.props);
Then _updateDOMChildren ends up calling the children render method.
here's a call stack from the codesandbox I created to dig in.
How do we end up in DOMComponentWrapper
in the Component's mountComponent method we have:
let renderedComponent = instantiateComponent(renderedElement);
this._renderedComponent = renderedComponent;
and in instantiateComponent we have:
let type = element.type;
let wrapperInstance;
if (typeof type === 'string') {
wrapperInstance = HostComponent.construct(element);
} else if (typeof type === 'function') {
wrapperInstance = new element.type(element.props);
} else if (typeof element === 'string' || typeof element === 'number') {
wrapperInstance = HostComponent.constructTextComponent(element);
return wrapperInstance;
HostComponent is being injected with DOMComponentWrapper in dilithium.js main file:
HostComponent is only a kind of proxy meant to invert control and allow different Hosts in React.
here's the inject method:
function inject(impl) {
implementation = impl;
and the construct method:
function construct(element) {
return new implementation(element);
When we have no DOMComponentWrapper
If we are updating a chain of Non Host Components like:
const Child = <div>Hello</div>
const Parent = () => <Child />
How does Child get rendered from an update to Parent?
the Parent Component has the following:
_renderedComponent which is an instance of Child(which is also a Component)
renderedComponent has an instance of Child because it gets the type of the "root" Element (the one returned by the render method)
so Reconciler.receiveComponent(this._renderedComponent, nextRenderedElement) will be calling component.receiveComponent(element) of the Child which in turn calls this.updateComponent(this._currentElement, nextElement); (of Child) which calls it's render method (let nextRenderedElement = this.render();)
React completely copy the actual DOM and create the virtual DOM in javascript. In our application whenever we update any of the data that ends up being rendered in our components, React does not rerender the entire DOM. It only affects the thing that matters. So react actually copies the virtual DOM again. This time it applies the changes to the data that got updated.
It will make the change in the red component and then it will compare this virtual DOM to the old DOM. It will see the different part. Then it will apply the DOM changes only to that different component.
The updating phase starts if props or the state changes. If the data at the top level changes:
If it is passing that data down to its children, all the children are going to be rerendered. If the state of the component at the mid-level gets changed:
This time only its children will get rerendered. React will rerender any part of the tree below that node. Because the data that generates the children components' view actually sits at the parent component(mid-level one). But anything above it, the parent or the siblings will not rerender. because data does not affect them. this concept is called Unidirectional Data Flow.
You can see in action in chrome browser. chose the rendering and then enable the painting flushing option
If you make any change on the page, you will see that updated components will be flashed.
componentWillReceiveProps method is invoked first in the component lifecycle's updating phase. It is called when a component receives new properties from its parent component. With this method we compare the current component's properties using the this.props object with the next component's properties
using the nextElement.props object. Based on this comparison, we can choose to update the component's state using the this.setState() function, which will NOT trigger
an additional render in this scenario.
Note that no matter how many times you call this.setState() in the componentWillReceiveProps() method, it won't trigger any additional renders of that component. React does an internal optimization where it batches the state updates together.
shouldComponentUpdated dictates if the components should rerender or not. By default, all class components will rerender whenever the props they receive or their state change. this method can prevent the default behavior by returning False. In this method, existing props and state values get compared with the next props and state values and return boolean to let React know whether the component should update or not. this method is for performance optimization. If it returns False componentWillUpdate(), render() and componentDidUpdate() wont get called.
The componentWillUpdate() method is called immediately before React updates the DOM. It gets two arguments: nextProps and nextState. You can use these arguments to prepare for the DOM update. However, you cannot use this.setState() in the componentWillUpdate() method.
After calling the componentWillUpdate() method, React invokes the render() method that performs the DOM update. Then, the componentDidUpdate() method is called.
The componentDidUpdate() method is called immediately after React updates the DOM. It gets these two arguments: prevProps and prevState. We use this method to interact with the updated DOM or perform any post-render operations. For example, in a counter example, counter number is increased in componentDidUpdate.
After componentDidUpdate() is called, the updating cycle ends. A new cycle is started when a component's state is updated or a parent component passes new properties. Or when you call the forceUpdate() method, it triggers a new updating cycle, but skips the shouldComponentUpdate() method (this method is for optimization) on a component that
triggered the update. However, shouldComponentUpdate() is called on all the child components as per the usual updating phase. Try to avoid using the forceUpdate() method as much as possible; this will promote your application's maintainability
Another answer might be the structure of the Fiber tree. During execution, react renders a ReactComponent into an object made out of ReactNodes and props. These ReactNodes are assembled into a FiberNode tree (which might be the in memory representation of the virutal dom?).
In the FiberNode tree, depending on the traversal algorithm (children first, sibling first, etc), React always has a single "next" node to continue. So, React will dive deeper into the tree, and update FiberNodes, as it goes along.
If we take the same example,
function App() {
return <div>
function Parent({children}) {
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
return <div>
<button onClick={x => x+1)>click</button>
<Child02 />
Which React will transform into this FiberNode tree:
node01 = { type: App, return: null, child: node02, sibling: null }
node02 = { type: 'div', return: node01, child: node03, sibling: null }
node03 = { type: Parent, return: node02, child: node05(?), sibling: node04 }
node04 = { type: Child03, return: node02, child: null, sibling: null }
node05 = { type: Child01, return: node03, child: null, sibling: node06 }
node06 = { type: Child01, return: node03, child: null, sibling: null }
// Parent will spawn its own FiberTree,
node10 = { type: 'div', return: node02, child: node11, sibling: null }
node11 = { type: 'button', return: node10, child: null, sibling: node12 }
node12 = { type: Child02, return: node10, child: null, sibling: node05 }
I might have missed something (ie. node03's child might be node10), but the idea is this - React always have a single node (the 'next' node) to render when it traverses the fiber tree.
I think React not re-render parent component first instead of that, React re-render child component first.
Example: A (parent) -> B (child) -> C (child of B)
When A update state C (re-render) -> B -> A
Hey Consider using a Tree data structure for your need, ReactJs follows a unidirectional manner of Updating the state i.e. As soon as the there is a Change in the parent state then all the children which are passed on the props that are residing in the Parent Component are updated once and for all!
Consider using something known as Depth First Search as an algo option which will find you the Node that connects to the parent and once you reach that node , you check for the state and if there is a deviation from the state variables that are shared by the parent you can update them!
Note : This may all seem a bit theoretical but if you could do something remotely close to this thing you will have created a way to update components just how react does!
I found out experimentally that React will only re-render elements if it have to, which is always, except for {children} and React.memo().
Using children correctly, together with batched dom updates makes a very efficient and smooth user experience.
consider this case:
function App() {
return <div>
function Parent({children}) {
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
return <div>
<button onClick={x => x+1)>click</button>
<Child02 />
when clicking on the button, you will get the following:
- button click
- setState(...), add Parent to dirty list
- start re-rendering all dirty nodes
- Parent rerenders
- Child02 rerenders
Note that
Parent (app) and sibling (Child03) nodes will not get re-rendered, or you'll end up with a re-render recursion.
Parent is re-rendered because its state has changed, so its output has to be recalculated.
{children} have not been affected by this change, so it stays the same. (unless a context is involved, but that's a different mechanism).
finally, <Child02 /> has been marked dirty, because that part of the virtual dom has been touched. While it's trivial for us to see it was not effected, the only way React could verify it is by comparing props, which is not done by default!
the only way to prevent Child02 from rendering is wrapping it with React.memo, which might be slower than just re-rendring it.
We have a crazy DOM hierarchy, and we've been passing JSX in props rather than embedding children. We want the base class to manage which documents of children are shown, and which children are docked or affixed to the top of their associated document's window.
List (crazy physics writes inline styles to base class wrappers)
Custom Form (passes rows of JSX to Base class)
Base Class (connects to list)
Custom Form (passes rows of JSX to base class)
Base class (connects to list)
The problem is that we're passing deeply nested JSX, and state management / accessing refs in the form is a nightmare.
I don't want to re-declare every row each time, because those rows have additional state attached to them in the Base Class, and the Base Class needs to know which rows actually changed. This is pretty easy if I don't redeclare the rows.
I don't know how to actually deal with rows of JSX in Custom Form.
Refs can only be appended in a subroutine of render(). What if CustomForm wants to measure a JSX element or write inline CSS? How could that JSX element exist in CustomForm.state, but also have a ref? I could cloneElement and keep a virtual DOM (with refs) inside of CustomForm, or depend on the base class to feed the deeply-nested, mounted ref back.
I believe it's bad practice to write component state from existing state. If CustomForm state changes, and I want to change which rows are passed to BaseClass, I have to throttle with shouldComponentUpdate, re-declare that stage document (maintaining row object references), then call setState on the overarching collection. this.state.stages.content[3].jsx is the only thing that changed, but I have to iterate through every row in every stage document in BaseClass when it sees that props.stages changed.
Is there some trick to dealing with collections of JSX? Am I doing something wrong? This all seems overly-complicated, and I would rather not worsen the problem by following some anti-pattern.
Custom Form:
render () {
return <BaseClass stages={this.stages()}/>
stages () {
if (!this._stages) this._stages = { title: this.title(), content: this.content() };
return this._stages;
title () {
return [{
canBeDocked: false,
jsx: (
<div>A title document row</div>
content () {
return [{
canBeDocked: false,
jsx: (
<div>Hello World</div>
}, {
canBeDocked: true,
jsx: (
What I usually do is just connect the lower level components via Redux. This helps with not passing the state in huge chunks from the top-most component.
A great video course by one of the React creators, Dan Abramov: Getting started with Redux
Absolutely agree with #t1gor. The answer for us was to use REDUX. It changed the entire game for us. Suddenly a button that is nested 10 levels deep (that is, inside a main view, header, header-container, left side grid, etc, etc, deeper and deeper) into purely custom components, has a chance to grab state whenever it needs.
Instead of...
Parent (pass down state) - owns state vars
Child (will pass down again) - parent has state vars
Grandchild (will pass down a third time) - grandparent has state vars
Great Grandchild (needs that state var) - great grandparent has state vars
You can do...
Parent (no passing) - reads global state vars
Great Grandchild - also reads same global level state vars without being passed...
Usually the code looks something like this...
'use strict'
//Importation of Connection Tools & View
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import AppView from './AppView';
//Mapping -----------------------------------
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
someStateVar: state.something.capturedInState,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
customFunctionsYouCreate: () => {
//do something!
//In your view component, access this by calling this.props.customFunctionsYouCreate
//Send Mappings to View...
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AppView);
Long story short, you can keep all global app state level items in something called a store and whenever even the tiniest component needs something from app state, it can get it as the view is being built instead of passing.
The issue is having content as follows, and for some reason not being able to effectively persist the child instances that haven't changed (without re-writing the entire templateForChild).
constructor (props) {
// --- can't include refs --->
// --- not subroutine of render --->
this.state = {
templateForChild: [
<SomeComponentInstance className='hello' />,
<AnotherComponentInstance className='world' />,
componentDidMount () {
templateForChild: [ <div className='sometimes' /> ],
}); // no refs for additional managing in this class
render () {
return ( <OtherManagerComponent content={this.state.templateForChild} /> );
I believe the answer could be to include a ref callback function, rather than a string, as mentioned by Dan Abramov, though I'm not yet sure if React does still throw a warning. This would ensure that both CustomForm and BaseClass are assigned the same ref instance (when props.ref callback is executed)
The answer is to probably use a key or createFragment. An unrelated article that addresses a re-mounting problem. Not sure if the fragment still includes the same instances, but the article does read that way. This is likely a purpose of key, as opposed to ref, which is for finding a DOM node (albeit findDOMNode(ref) if !(ref instanceof HTMLElement).
I created tabs in react and and now on click I have to change the class of the tabs the tabs classes may be as follows:
On click of a tab class become active and check whether it is selected before or not using alreadySelected class and active class from the last active tab is remove and if it is not alreadySelected then add alreadySelected.
Code of one tab in react:
var TabBody = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
class: 'tabBody tab activeTab'
render: function() {
a.tabBody = this;
return (React.createElement('div', {
className: this.state.class,
ref: 'body',
onClick: handleTabClick
React.createElement('span', {}, "Body"))
In order to change the class of the tabs I am doing in two ways and want to know which is effective. Code style one:
var bodyClass = (a.tabBody.state.class).split(' ');
var sleeveClass = (a.tabSleeve.state.class).split(' ');
var neckClass = (a.tabNeck.state.class).split(' ');
if (data === 'tabBody') {
var str1 = program.arrayToString(bodyClass);
class: str1
Code Style 2
Which style is good for doing this and why?
The point of react is that you do not need to/ should not update DOM directly. The idea behind react is that you render react components (virtual DOM), and that you let react figure out if and how to update DOM.
Changing classes using refs is a very risky strategy: Your component's state is then no longer in sync with actual DOM, which could bring you into debugging nightmares later on. So I would pose that Code Style 2 (even though it works) violates react principles.
One of the few exceptions for using refs, is to add a listener to a DOM component after it is mounted.
The react way is to put the classNames in state.
And do a setState() to update.
And let react do the DOM update,
which is very likely to be way faster, cleaner, and easier to maintain than getting refs, and changing classNames.
ref means you are using the actual DOM and setState means you are saying to react that please update the specific attribute of the component.
every thing is maintain by react.
On the other hand if you use refs it means you are doing every thing your own and react have no concern to your attributes and properties you are updating.
I am studying the principles of react.
According to some reviews, some people says is better to keep your component stateless, what does it mean?
But other people says, that if you need to update your component, then you should learn how to set your state to the proper state.
I saw this.props / this.setProps and this.state / this.setState and I am confuse with that.
Something I am trying to figure is, how can I update a component by itself and not from a parent component? should I use props or state in this case?
I already read some docs about props and state, what I don't have clear, is: when to use one or another ?
Props vs. state comes down to "who owns this data?"
If data is managed by one component, but another component needs access to that data, you'd pass the data from the one component to the other component via props.
If a component manages the data itself, it should use state and setState to manage it.
So the answer to
how can I update a component by itself and not from a parent component? should I use props or state in this case?
is to use state.
Props should be considered immutable and should never be changed via mutation. setProps is only useful on a top-level component and generally should not be used at all. If a component passes another component a property, and the first component wants the second to be able to change it, it should also pass it a function property that the second component can call to ask the first component to update its state. For example:
var ComponentA = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return { count: 0 };
render: function() {
return <Clicker count={this.state.count} incrementCount={this.increment} />;
increment: function() {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
// Notice that Clicker is stateless! It's only job is to
// (1) render its `count` prop, and (2) call its
// `incrementCount` prop when the button is clicked.
var Clicker = React.createClass({
render: function() {
// clicker knows nothing about *how* to update the count
// only that it got passed a function that will do it for it
return (
Count: {this.props.count}
<button onClick={this.props.incrementCount}>+1</button>
(Working example: https://jsbin.com/rakate/edit?html,js,output)
For and object-oriented programming analogy, think of a class/object: state would be the properties you put on the class; the class is free to update those as it sees fit. Props would be like arguments to methods; you should never mutate arguments passed to you.
Keeping a component "stateless" means that it doesn't have any state, and all its rendering is based on its props. Of course, there has to be state somewhere or else your app won't do anything! So this guideline is basically saying to keep as many components as possible stateless, and only manage the state in as few top-level components as possible.
Keeping components stateless makes them easier to understand, reuse, and test.
See A brief interlude: props vs state in the React docs for more information.
Use state when you know the variable value is going to affect the view. This is particularly critical in react, because whenever the state variable changes there is a rerender(though this is optimized with the virtual DOM, you should minimize it if you can), but not when a prop is changed (You can force this, but not really needed).
You can use props for holding all other variables, which you think can be passed into the component during the component creation.
If you have want to make a multi-select dropdown called MyDropdown for example
state = {
show: true,
return this.state.suggestions.indexOf(i)<0;
prefix : 'm_',
As you can see, the objects in the state variable are going to affect the view some way or the other.
The objects in the props are mostly objects which should remain the same throughout the component life cycle. So these objects can be callback functions, strings used to namespace events or other holders.
So if you do want to update the component by itself, you need to have to look into how componentWillRecieveProps ,componentWillUpdate, componentDidUpdate and componentShouldUpdate works. More or less, this depends on the requirement and you can use these lifecycle methods to ensure that the rendering is within the component and not in the parent.
I've been working with facebooks framework React.js together with Backbone for the last couple of weeks and I'm still not entirely sure what is the most appropriate way to re-render a React component when there are changes in a Backbone collection that has been passed in as a prop.
currently what I do is in componenentWillMount I set up change/add/remove listeners on the collection and set state when it triggers:
componentWillMount: function(){
var myCollection = this.props.myCollection;
var updateState = function(){
this.setState({myCollection: myCollection.models});
myCollections.on("add remove", updateState, this);
render: function(){
var listItems = this.state.myCollection.map(function(item){
return <li>{item.get("someAttr")}</li>;
return <ul>{listItems}</ul>;
I have seen examples where the models are cloned to the state:
var updateState = function () {
this.setState({ myCollection: _.clone(this.myCollection.models) });
I've also seen variants where model/collection in props is used directly in render instead of using state, and then forceUpdate is called when the collections/model changes, causing the component to re-render
componentWillMount: function(){
var myCollection = this.props.myCollection;
myCollections.on("add remove", this.forceUpdate, this);
render: function(){
var listItems = this.props.myCollection.map(function(item){
return <li>{item.get("someAttr")}</li>;
return <ul>{listItems}</ul>;
what benefits and drawbacks are there to the different approaches?
Is there a way of doing it that is The React way?
Instead of manually binding event listeners, you can use a mixin based on this BackboneMixin to help automatically bind and unbind the listeners:
Then you simply write
var List = React.createClass({
mixins: [BackboneMixin],
getBackboneModels: function() {
return [this.props.myCollection];
render: function(){
var listItems = this.props.myCollection.map(function(item){
return <li>{item.get("someAttr")}</li>;
return <ul>{listItems}</ul>;
and the component will be rerendered when anything changes in the collection. You only need to put BackboneMixin on the top-level component -- any descendants will be rerendered automatically at the same time.
IMO, React is still very new and there are very few established rules on how to work with data and reactive models like Backbone. This is also a strength, if you have an existing application - react can be integrated on some smaller parts of it without redefining the entire data flow.
I believe that since React can call render "smart" at any time – that is only re-rendering parts that have changed – you don’t really need to pass data as states. Just pass the data, add listeners on the top component and call forceUpdate when the model has changed and it will propagate down nicely.
It just seems more "right" to pass backbone models as props, not states.
One important thing that I learned the hard way is to use the model.cid as key (and not Math.random()) when rendering backbone model lists:
var listItems = this.props.myCollection.map(function(item){
return <li key={item.cid}>{item.get("someAttr")}</li>;
Because otherwise React won’t be able to recognize what model to re-render because all of them will have new keys on each render.
I had been playing around with the BackboneMixin mentioned here and a couple other react resources (of the limited info currently out there). I found that when I was listening to a collection that was being updated from the server, just as many n 'add' events are going to be triggered on the collection and listened to by the BackboneMixin, thus calling force update n number of times, which calls render and whatever is called from render n number of times.
Instead, I used underscore/lo-dash's throttle method to limit the number of times forceUpdate would be called. At the very least this has limited the render method from being called so much. I know react isn't actually doing any DOM manipulation there, and its just a virtual DOM, but still there is no reason it should be called 100 times for 100 immediate additions to a Collection.
So my solution looks like https://gist.github.com/ssorallen/7883081 but with the componentDidMount method like this instead:
componentDidMount: function() {
//forceUpdate will be called at most once every second
this._boundForceUpdate = _.throttle(this.forceUpdate.bind(this, null), 1000);
this.getBackboneObject().on("all", this._boundForceUpdate, this);
There's another BackboneMixin, courtesy of Eldar Djafarov, that re-renders your component when the model changes and also provides a very convenient way to get two-way databinding:
var BackboneMixin = {
/* Forces an update when the underlying Backbone model instance has
* changed. Users will have to implement getBackboneModels().
* Also requires that React is loaded with addons.
__syncedModels: [],
componentDidMount: function() {
// Whenever there may be a change in the Backbone data, trigger a reconcile.
this.getBackboneModels().forEach(this.injectModel, this);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
// Ensure that we clean up any dangling references when the component is
// destroyed.
this.__syncedModels.forEach(function(model) {
model.off(null, model.__updater, this);
}, this);
injectModel: function(model){
var updater = this.forceUpdate.bind(this, null);
model.__updater = updater;
model.on('add change remove', updater, this);
bindTo: function(model, key){
/* Allows for two-way databinding for Backbone models.
* Use by passing it as a 'valueLink' property, e.g.:
* valueLink={this.bindTo(model, attribute)} */
return {
value: model.get(key),
requestChange: function(value){
model.set(key, value);
Here's his jsFiddle that demonstrates the usage:
react.backbone seems to be the most recent solution for React-Backbone integration. Haven't tested it yet though.